PAGE EIGHT ■ * • •• ■ - __ _ __ _ T Wm W£§&. #f? JIMS fferg-jaf ; I $l5O- —Removal Sale Price —$98.50 §j 'i 1 Settle, Two Rocker* and and Table Spring Scats, loose cushions, O , ,i| upholstered in good grade tapestry. Genuine fibre, with steel wire in- X iji ade each piece. These suits are large and roomy, wry comfortable and n | will last foe years to come. lr will be many days before you \yill be J i l l able tc buy these suites at this price again. ’ 3 i [ t Do your Christmas shopping here and save 20 to r>o per cent. Ev- ft jlj erything reduced during this Rig Removal Sale. i 5 I 1 t !i Concord Furniture Co. 1 ! | THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE 8 , I ' " ] I l! ! YOU WILL BOTH ENJOY IT I I „ r_® S' I AT THE CAROLINA CAFE '£ MtjK Here" you may have all the privacy II you wish, at your own table in a quiet | JmaLfSjrl, A part of the door. Here will find i tlie choicest viands and victuals of the 1 'o« f I C dav, cooked and served as you prefer. I CAROUNA CAFE £»- — Special Sunday Dinner OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOQOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I New Victor Records for Christmas jj 19088—Rright Moon Ferera Francheni J Hawaiian Nights Ferera Franchini j 19195—Mama Goes Where Rapa Goes Silverman and Orchestra i Mean Blues Overman and Orchestra j 19190—Wonder If She’s l.onely Too Dornberger and Orchestra i l , 1 Never Had a Mammy Manhattan Merrymakers i . 19198—Lonesome and Blue Bensou Orchestra of Chicago ji j When Lights Are Low Benson Orchestra of Chicago ij 19197 Benson Orchestra of Chicago Do You, Don’t You Will You. AA’on’f You Love Me Too i Benson Orchestra of Chicago I 1919-4 —Dear lid Lady \ Sterling Trio j Lindy Lady Reeyless Quartet ( 45371—Friend O’ Mine Royal Dadmen I Trade Winds . Royal Dadmen ] 64625—Quartet in 1). Major Flonzaley Quartet ( 64625—Quartet in A Major Flonzaley Quartet 96S—Somewhere in the World John McCormack ] i Where file Rainbow Ends John McCormack i 1 907—D’Amico Fritz (Here Are Some Flowers) Lucrezia Bori ij L’Amieo Fritz (Must I Ever Be Sadly Crying) Lucrezia Bori j i BELL & HARRIS Music Department ywv>w««Mwnnft^nnnnrvwnfMM«RXMooorvMooooooQOQnft<vvvv»ffftf. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC New Low Prices on Studebaker j Closed Cars j i Nothing Could Be Appreciated More by Anyone Than a j Studebaker Coupe or Sedan for a Christmas Gift i 1 ] We carry at all times a Full Line of Accessories for all I cars. Call around and select something for the car for Christmas ! Denatured Alcohol and Refined Glycerine For Radiators f AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. | PHONE 228 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQuOC I HEY FELLERS-GOT YOURS YET? | A Pope Bicycle For Christmas (They Are Guaranteed) DAD —you could never find a present that will please I your boy or girl more than a Bicycle. Or that will do them jj Imore good physically. WE SELL THE “POPE” BICYCLE j Other Useful Gifts—Velocipedes, Wagons, Skates, Foot- j balls, Rifles, Gloves, Mitts, Balls, Knives, Guns Flashlights, etc. Ritchie Hardware Co j YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 PHONE 117 Buy Now and We Will Send Out Christmas Eve. j; THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE » The Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING OF~MAILS I The time of the closing of mails at the Concord poetsffice is as follows: Northbound. Train No. 136—11 p. m. Train No. 34—4:00 p. m. Train No. 36—10:00 a. m. Train No. MB —6:30 p. m. Train No. 3S—8:00 p. m. Train No. 30 —11 p. m. Southbound. Train No. 37—9‘:30 a. m. Train No. 45—4:00 p. m. Train No. 135—8:50 p. m. Train No. 29—11.00 p. m. , j. LOCAL MENTION I ' The choir of Central Methodist Church : will have practice tonight at 7:30 o'clock. There will be- the regular services at Trinity Lutheran Church in No. 4 town ship Sunday, December 23rd. | The condition of Mrs. C. O. Earnhardt, who has been critically ill for the past four weeks with rheumatism, is reported today as unchanged. The condition of Mrs. B. F. Rogers, who lias been ill for several days, is re ported today as improved. Mrs. Rogers is now able to sit up for a short period , of time each day. Mrs. J. T. Howell and Mrs. Shelley Howell are spending the day in Char- ' lotte with Miss Lela Howell. This eve ning they wll attend the anunal Christ mas concert given by Efird’s Choral Cluh. •Marriage licenses have been' issued by Register of Deeds Elliott to the following couples: Delmar AA\ Paggart and Miss Nina Ivrimminger, both of Concord Route 5; and John P. Black, of Greens-1 boro, and Miss Ethel Griffin, of this city. I One ease of smallpox was reported to ' the county health department yesterday. ' The patient lives at Cabarrus, anil Dr. S. E, Buchanan, county health officer, I left this morning for that town to ex amine the patient and members of his family. City Tax Collector Fields carries a no-' tice in this paper warning city inhabi tants to pay their taxes before January first, wheu another penalty will be add ed to the original taxes. One' penalty was added on December first and the ( second will become .effective January Hr-t. Some one last night stole the Ford touring car of Mr. A". A. Means. The car was taken while Mr. and Mrs. Means were visiting friends at the home of Mrs. J, C. Gibson, the car having been left in front of Airs. Gibson's home. So far Mr. Means and police officers have heard nothing of the car. Silas AA’hite, one of the best known colored farmers in the county, has just killed his large Poland China bog. The hog weighed 850 pounds when dressed and was one of the largest in the county. Silas declares the hog is the first he has ever raised and will be the last. The hog was four years old. Three defendants paid .$l2O in fines in recorder's cotirt yesterday. One man was fined SSO for carrying a concealed weapon and also SSO for assault with a deadly weapon. Two other men wove fined $lO each for an affray and in the case charging removing crops judgment was suspended upon payment of the costs. The electric light system of the eity was interrupted last night about two o’clock. A short-circuit on one of the lines in the city made it necessary to cut off power iu practically all of the residential sections of the city, and cer tain parts of the business section were also affected. The line was repaired before !) o'clock tills morning. The public schools of the couuty will close tomorrow and at practically all of them appropriate exercises will be con ducted by the students, either in the af ternoon or at night. At some of the schools exercises appropriate of the gen eral Christmas' season will be carried out. while at others tile exercises will be arranged around Christmas trees for the younger students. Officers of the Choral Club of the city announced this morning that the meet ing of the club scheduled for tonight would not be held. The next meeting will be hid on the first Thursday night in January, at which time a program for the year will be mapped out. The meet ing for tonight was cancelled because of the many Christmas activities that are claiming the attention of the cinb mem bers. The Concord Y basketball team offered no comp-tit ion to the Kanimpilis Y team 1 last night, the visitors winning the one sided game by the score of 51 to 17. Roberts, for years a star on the Kaunap- ; olis team, was the high scorer of the 1 game, securing 10 field goals for 20 points. The local team still shows lack of team work. The Kannapolis team plays the Charlotte A’ team at Charlotte tomorrow night. Practically all of the cotton mills of the county will close on Saturday of this week for the annual Christmas holidays. Some of the mills will resume work on Monday following Christmas, while oth ers will not begin untH thd Monday fol lowing New Year's Day. All of the mills of the county cease work for one week at least each Christmas, and sev eral of them have always made a prac tice of standing longer than a week. A number of “Opportunities” are still left and )>ersons who wish to adopt one in order to bring sunshine into a home | that otherwise will be dreary Christmas. , are asked to call Mrs. G. B. Lewis, the .chairman of the King's Daughters oora ! mttree which is arranging for the care of the “Opportunities." If you are in terested call Mrs. I-ewis or John 8. Pal mer, chairman of the Elks' committee that is co-operating with the King's Daughters committee. The fire department was called cut twice this morning to extinguish small fires. The first was at the home of Mrs. Dan McCurdy, where some oil caught afire, and the second was in the office of Engineer Dunlap, of the State ; Highway Commission. Little damage was done in each instance, and the blaze at the home of Mrs, McCurdy wtas extinguished without the aid of firemen. | The blaze in Mr. Dunlap’s office was I I controlled with chemicals. jjgp&j Tom. iNjf Says | Average auto uses 425 gallons of gas a year, barring accidents. ! AA’o may change our money, but Eu rope still has designs on it. C •ngress shows 68 bald bends in the HoAra of Representatives and there may bo many more soon. I AA’itti a' million other things he could ‘ worry about one Congressman has a till on canary birds, i Mellon announces paper money de signs' will bo changed. Let's hope the new bills last longer. AYell. Coolidge announces he is rann-1 ing for President, but it doesn’t quite come ns a bombshell. 1 Cleveland gas is so low it needs n political convention now more than it will next spying. j • So many next kinds of money are be- 1 ing put into'cireulation you can’t tell , (nidi from coupons. Anything can happen now. French ] football team played a German team in Germany without any damage. R‘Miniink gs an ichthyosaurus were found in Nova Scotia. Remember the name in case you meet one. Y’our wife may keep you in hot water. Could be worse. A Spanish one boiled her hubby in oil. Your lot could be much worse. A man in a Seattle jail has eighteen wives and Christmas is coming. AA’isclmsin phonograph denlw is in jail. But not, ns some readers may think, for selling phonographs. Lcs Angelos movie star’s auto hit a train. She was driving. Can’t al , ways get by one your looks. There are iqore autos than houses in New Hampshire. Many people have I ; more autos than money. Also, more autos than sense. TUCKERS NOT IN HURRY TO LEAVE SOUTHERN PINES Will Remain There Until “Good and Ready” tp Go. They Say. I Southern Pines. Deo, 19. —Mr. and Mrs. Burton S. Tucker are still in Southern Pines, and they intend to re main here “until they get good and ready to leave." they declared here to day. Beth freely discussed their marriage and the publicity that has been centered on them as a result of their indictment in New Jersey courts on charges of conspiracy to violate the marriage law and perjury.’*Tfieker is said to be 17 years old and Mrs. Tucker 51. Air. and Mrs. Tucker earlier in the day had been reported to have checked out at a hotel at which they had been stopping since their arrival here several days ago. Mr. Tucker, discussing the connection of John Melnnis. jointly indicted with him and his wife, declared that Me lnnis merely was a friend who was casually invited to,act as a witness to the marriage. Melnnis, he said, had nothing to do with his marriage to the wealthy Now York widow other than this. The Tuckers declared that they were not worrying about the New Jersey in dictment, adding that their attorney was looking after that end of the nffair. Mr. Tucker admitted that in obtaining l ~ ~ — _____ I NOTICE Pay your city .taxes this month and save the additional penalty effective January Ist. CHARLES N. FIELDS. City Tax Collector. 19-. Tan. 1. . Tankage, ITay, Straw, Ship Stuff, Red Dog Flour, Meal, Pu rina Hen ChoAv and Chicken ChoAvder In the Checkerboard Bags., Best Grade of Christmas Ap* pies and Oranges. By the Box \ or dozen. i . | j Cash Feed Store • PHONE 122 . i ! • behhhhhb ODD FELLOWS’ NOTICE. Meeting every Thursday night at 7:30. All members urged to attend and visiting brothers welcome. Nomination of officers. J. H. SMITH. Rec. Sec. ; ooooooooqooooocxaooooooooibo .| | LAST SHIPMENT ' | j |!! of 500 Pounds of Fruit Cake Mix- j ( | [, lures— -1 Cryalalized Cherries. Pineapple, 1 Lemon nr.d ortnge peeling, citron, j I | white' raisins, currants, walnuts, J • X almonds and pecans See us first. I jr \ Dove - Bost Co. 1 ; 1 Where Quality Reigns ] 8 Supreme 8 11 X X .. /.•<, > ; :'T the marriage license he gave his age as I 31, which at that time was five years j ever his real age. He asserted' that 1 charges made by his mother regarding j Ibis wife were untrue. The Tuckers appeared thoroughly j I contented nnd happy when seen here to- j day. Mrs. Tucker, although Haid to be j 51 years old looks to be about 35. |j Clemency For Tucker But None Far j Bride. | Jersey City, Dee. 10.—Assistant ,j •Prosecutor Aloysius McMahon announc- I! ed tonight that, while clemency might be j extended to. Button S. Tucker, aged 17. ij indicted yesterday on charges of con-M ►’piracy to violate the state marriage || ■aws. of perjury and of subornation of ij perjury iu connection with his mar- j j | riage October 2 to Mrs. Susan Simpson, j i many years his senior no leniency would j be shown to his wife, who was indicted j . for conspiracy and perjury. I Tlte prosecutor indicted that if Tucker j I would come into court Voluntarily, plead j j guilty, and present proof that he has j i taken steps to have the marriage to Mrs. J Tucker annulled, the state might recom- j mend a suspended sentence, i It was stated that no leniency would j be shown Mrs.vTucker. Rev. Dr. Jowett Dead. i Ijondon, Dec.i 10.—The. Rev.. John I : Henry Jowett. noted British clergyman. J I formerly of the Fifth Avenue Presby- | tcrinn church in New York city, died iu ( Surrey today. ] _________________________ < — . - I 30000000000000000000000000 I I CHRISTMAS GIFTS J; Toilet Sets Manicure ‘ Sets Cutex Sets ]ll J Military Brushes Cigars Cigarettes ] 11 Fountain Pens Pencils ' Clines Pharmacy PHONE SS3 »OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose.) Figures named represent priced paid tor produce on the market: Eggs 50 Butter 35 Country Ham .26 to .30 Country Shoulder 15 Country Sides 15 Young chickens 25 tlens 18 Turkeys .25 to .30 tmrd 12 1-2 Sweet Potatoes SI.OO Irish Potatoes .90 Onions _ $1.50 Peas $1.50 Corn SI.OO CONCORD COTTON MARKET. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1023 Cotton ........ 34 Cotton seed 72 aooooooooooooooooooooooc-. Kodaks Priced From 11 SI.OO up I | Gibson Drag Store: ! ! Buy Health Seals * | JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFOOOOOOOOOC We Have the follow ing Used Cars For Sale or Exchange: ■ One Chevrolet Sedan I One Chevrolet Tour ing Two Ford Touring i One Buick Touring One Baby Overland ; Touring One Oakland Tour ing. r-* STANDARD BUICK COMPANY Opposite City Fire Dept Wide-Awake Boy to Sell Th« Tribune on the streets every as -1 terooon. Apply at Tribune Office. i ■ . . i.'M j —« — « —. ——-—-— I For His Christmas If It Comes From FOR It Will Be Useful ? HOOVER’S HIM and Practicable |j[ Neck Ties Bathrobes Suits j u Handkerchiefs Lounging Robes * Overcoats '|' Socks House Coats Top Coats !'!• , Collars Sweaters Rain Coats Jewelry Pajamas Hunting Suits j [ Luggage Underwear Trousers Knit Vest Shirts \ Knit Sport Coats Gloves | | HOOVER’S Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE -»000000C<>00000CX>0000000otX300O00QecSOPQOQOOfto<VX>P00000c OOQpOOOOOOOOOO’«tX)OOOCMXIOOcaooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Why not let us solve your Christ* i ;|i mas Wants? From Hats to Hose.. Ij Specialty Hat Shop j 30000000000000000000000000000090000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000^7 ;! Visit |!| 8 FISHER’S \ ! jjj The Real Christmas Store I CHRISTMAS SALE | In All Departments jjj jjj TOYLAND IS JOYLAND ]! | It’s Real, Surfc Enough Toyland—Everything to Make the ]' | |!| Christmas Big for the Little Ones It’s Easy Shopping at | FISHER’S | s Open Day and Night |i A BARGAIN IN COAL ij j| 1 . Best West Virginia All Lump Coal at $8.75 in Ton Lots U Best Jellico, the Year Round Famous Cooking and Grate ICoal at SIO.OO Order Today Your Christmas Coal From A. B. POUNDS Ilf you want that genuine feeling of | satisfaction invite us to your next 8 blowout. 1 We live up to our guarantee ot ab- jj solute satisfaction in all our vulcaniz- | mg. j *- • ' * V T ' ■ Motor & Tire Service Co. nOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOfIOOOOOObBOOQOBOBPOBBBBIWIOnnOQj Thursday, December'2Q; l&f

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