Friday, December 21, 1923 Borah and Johnson Part Company. Philadelphia Record. Senators Borah and Johnson, who fought so fraternclly against the peace treaty and the League of Nations, hove parted company on the question of the Presidency, and the Idaho statesman is said to look coldly on the aspirations of the Californian. Mr. Borah has eonsid erible facility in attaching himself to the waning side. Previous to the Re publican nominating convention of 1912 he was an enthusiastic Rooseveltian, but after Taft had been named he became entirely regular, and continued so in 1916, when the Colonel again tried for a third cup of coffee. In 1020 he gave a perfunctory support to “Hi's" candidacy, but bad no difficulty in becoming a Hnrd ■ i .. i .. i ! - ■ 1 ■ - ■- <4 ** Is v I Mr * 4 I made it myself ” You acknowledge, modestly, a compliment on your cooking, but of course you feel proud. And who wouldn’t? It’s a real accomplishment $o be a good cook. And cooks are not born —they’re made. When you entertain, you pay ydur guests the highest honor by serving something you’ve made yourself. And f now at Christmas, the entertaining season, plan to Make Christmas Goodies at Home Get our the “sugar and spice and afll things nice.” Home cooked dainties are more wholesome and nourishing. s Make your own mince pies, gingerbread men and cookie stars for the tree, candy for the stockings. And don't forget the little neigh borly gifts—a jar of hermits, a fine loaf of nut bread, or some of this rich, delicious Christmas cake. They are all cheaper made at home and gas for cook ing will help you suc ceed with every recipe. Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. j - „ !■■■- NOW OPEN AND DOING BUSINESS I; SUNRISE DAIRY ! ! For Good Wholesome Milk From Tubercular-Tested Cows -] j i | (Every One) ] Phone 4211 ] [ And Our Truck Will Stop at Your Door Every j! Day Between the Hours of Five and Seven, or ! Eight and Nine-thirty A. M. SUNRISE DAIRY j LEE O. CLINE, Proprietor. woooooooooooooooooeooooooocooooooooeoooooooooooooooo ummuiw. i*j< i, fe WIMW- u wi.l, i- -■ -P t-1, *■ labEi! JS3BE S “Quality Store” Give us your order foi Fresh Country Butter and U Eggs and Farm Vegetables. , Orchard Produce Company I Phone 18®. Successor to L. E. Eager HOTEL ST. JAMES TIMES SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY Jwt off Broodway at 1 OS-113 Wool 4Sth St. f Modi favored by women traveling withotff escort. “Sunihiw in emy-ream." An Hotel of quiet dignity, ►, having the atmosphere and appointments of a well con ditioned home. TJ 40 Theatres, all principal shops and churches, 3 to 5 minutes' walk, % 2 minutes of all subways, IsjKijlSllfe •*L” roads, surface cam, bus feBtMBHPSmRr ** ■ II Wllldn 3 minutes Grand || Central, S minutes Pcnnsyt- Sand yootol far rotae and tnlbt W. '* sSiflEiV ..«• • v*. ' ' id..,: .. . ? .’t ' < ing enthusiast Now he is sad to' be for Coolidge. and Johnson looks upon him with suspicion. At one time Senator Boiah was regarded as being of Presi dential calibre, but he is no longer con sidered seriously in that connection. A medical scientist ni Veinna says that he can diagnose a man’s character as we 1 as. his physical condition by, the way he sneezes. Most people sneeze to the left. Sneezing to the right, says the scientist, is a good sign. A hearty sneeze is an indication of physical fit ness, and sneezes should never be sup pressed. A beekeeper in Ontario has had one ton of honey from 31 hives this year. CHRISTMAS CAKE % cup shortening uuu 1 cup sugar „ ; % cup strong coffee i % cups sifted flour . 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 egg whites % cup chopped walnut meats % teaspoon each cloves, mace, cinnamon and allspice. Cream shortening, add sugar, and cream again. Add coffee, sifted dry ingredients and nuts; mix well. Beat egg whites stiff and fold into mixture. Bake in moderate oven (325’) in loaf or round pan one hour. ’ DOINGS OF THE DUFFS i ipf daddy! oh \ ''W/pifiM SiL daddy! J 'f Mil Pfin) 1— 1 .1 f|M . fl THE TAIL THAT WAGS THE DOG I Man, 81, Heir to Small Fortune “Pestered to Death” by Women Bloomsburg. Pa., Dec. 20.—James Hendershott. who recently got a small sized fortune through the settlement out of court of the content of the will of Mrs. A. A. Oeisinger. Danville’s weol ! thy philanthropic woman, declares he is being “pestered to death” by women. “I’m just pestered to death with let ters from these women since I’ve been so well advertised. t The women seem to know a lot more about me than I know about myself—my finances I mean. “I guess that story of my money has traveled from one end of the country to the other, at leaot you’d think so by all the States in the Union. “From Oklahoma to South Carolina they have been coming, and the end fc 1 not yet in sight! One woman wrote ,that she had written me three times, and she thought it was about time I an swered her. Another suggested I send Cl TV JUDGE WARNS 1 ASHEVILLE POLICE Searching Persons Without Warrant or Unless They Have Good Reason Must Be Stopped. Asheville, Dec. 20.—A decision of vitni, importance, far-reaching in its ef fects and revolutionary in its bearing on I the conduct of certain officers on duty , during the early morning hours was • that rendered today by Judge Cameron MaCrae iu police court, when he put the police department on notice that the indiKcriminatte search of pedestrians on suspicion must be stopped. Ordering the discharge of WX lie Smith, negro, about 30, arrested earlh Thursday with a couple of hdt water bagt under a ‘raincoa, containing a gal lon or more of moonshine, the court said that- the American citiien has some right left and that they must be re THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE her SIOO. I declare I never knew there were so many women who were after the men quite so strong as they seem to be after me. But it’s a fat chance any of them have of getting anything out of me. • “Then I’ve been discovering I had some relations I never knew before that I had, and that makes Jt nice. Some of my ‘relations’ from out West sug gested that I come and make them a visit. I did answer that letter and told that the walkin’ wasn’t very good now.” Hendershott, who is SI years old, was an inmate of the Bloomsburg almhouse when he got word that he had received a share of the Geisinger estate through the contest of the will which he and other heirs brought. Although the terms of the settlement have never been learned, it is understood Hendershott received several thousand dollars as his share. spected. Despite the fact tlmr the people have adopted the principle of prohibition they have not reached the point where a citizen, regardless of his standing in life, forfeits the protection accorded him under the constitution for his per son, papers and effects. Stripped of its legal verbiage and the accompanying comments, the decision means that an officer must have a war-1 rant or positive knowledge of the pos session of whisky by a ipan before he can search him. It means that arrests-on Suspicion, re gardless of their results in the form of j seized contrabrand will not be tolerated j in the municipal tribunal. Bridge Over Yadkin River at Spencer is About 65 Per Cent. Finished. j Spencer, Dec. 20. —Christmas finds the mammoth sew ateel and concrete I BY ALLMAN j daddy, i heard " SANTA CLAUS AROUND K 'Mt-.. HERE LISTENING JUST as plain as i "/have TO WORRY i J ARE A Ili.Ll j Is 1111 highway bride spanning the Yadkin river at Spencer, now under construc tion, about 65 per cent., complete. The foundation work is said to be 08 per cent, complete, while the superstructure •which is to be a permanent part of the nera bridge is said to be about 45 per cent, finished., Splendid progress has been made by the contractors on the vridge which is 1,300 feet long 65 feet high, and with a double with driveway, 23 feet wide iat the top. It is stated that the State Highway Association is now taking Steps to have the approaches to the new bridge built so they may settle and be ready for the hard surface by the time the bridge is finished. Some delay in this part -of the work resulted by a failure of the road contractors land It is said the mat ter is being handled by the bonding com pany as surety for the road builders. Blow Your Horn. “Never Imagine,” said Uncle Eben, “dot you kin git so good you don’t need a little boostin’. Even Barnum’s cir cus had to use billboards.”—Washing ton Star. LITTLE MOTHER HAPPY AGAIN “For the past nine year I have been very much distressed with bloating and stomach trouble due to constipation since I was a child. No mediciue gave me more than temporary relief. I got so bad I .was afraid I would have to | leave m.v three little children. But since taking a course of Mayr’s Won , derful Remedy two years ago I have been entirely well; no constipation or other trouble.” It ia a simple, harm i less preparation that removes the ca | tarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation whioh I causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendi- Icitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Gibson Drug Store and drug gists everywhere. CAN SUCH THINGS BE? ■ls It Possible That There Are People | Who WUI Do Such a Food Thing? • Monroe Enquirer. A business man living in another town told me one day last week that peddlers had sold in Union county with in the past few weeks many cook stoves or ranges, the prevailing prices being 8133—one-third cash down and the balance oni the extortion plan. "Are the ranges better or cheaper in price than our merchants carry in stock?” I asked the man. “No better, and more expensive,” said he. “Can’t you do or say some thing about our folks patronizing for eigners or strangers to the exclusion of home merchants?” “I'll think about it and see what I can do.” 1 said, "but dp you know The Enquirer goes into a ' majority of the homes of Union county, and we haven’t had a stove or range advertisement in over a year.” Merchants, why not instead of fussing about peddlers and mail order houses getting so much business, invite folks to I CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tens How To Get Quick Relief j from Head-Colds. It’s Splendid! j In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. ’ Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, heal ing cream in your nostrils. It pene trates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in stantly. It’s just fine. Don’t stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh—Relief comes so quickly. Right in the Midst of Winter You can purchase good High Grade Shoes at a Great Sav ing. At less thdn half the cost price. % t . £ $2.50, $11.50, $8.50 and $7.50 Good High Grade Selby Shoes In these are included all sizes, hut not all sizes in any spe cial lot. $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 and $6.95 \Ye have just received many New Oxfords .and Strap Pumps in Buck and Suede Priced For Quick Selling. Come Now S. S. Brown Shoe Store QUALITY FIRST visit the scientific palmist ■MI MADAME ALLEN you are unhappy, discouraged, unsuccessful in doubt, or I k trouble, this wonderful palmist can positively change your A iqL jBW condition, many who were on the brink of uncertainty, to- ij day are resting easily in the lap of luxury by acting on TO THOSE UNHAPPY AND DISCONTENTED—If jj you are separated from the one you love or in trouble from any cause : consult her NOW. Would you like to marry quickly? Have you any jj trouble over any affair in life? I Do you want more success? Ifso you need her advice, she not only tells you of your troubles but how to overcome them. No question asked, | she will tell you all. There is no home so dreary and sad, no life so jj wicked or blighted, no heart so sad and lonely, no condition or circurn- | stance so complicated or incomprehensible that can’t be set right and | kept right after a visit to her, common sense says go and partake of these advantages and in after years you will be spared the saddest of jj words “It might have been.” Private room for colored people. Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. I Headquarters for Boys ! Christmas ! We Have a Big Stock of Gifts That f I Will Please the Boys ( || Guns, Rifles,-Skates, Pocket Knives, Flash Lights, Boys’ II Axes, Velocipedes and Coasters (11 £ Ask Mr. Deaton About Our Rubber Tp re Roller Bearing II \ Coaster Wagons i jl Also Many Useful Gifts For Men and Women <1 ' Largest Dealers-in Hardware !■ Yorke & Wadsworth Company II Phone 30 Phone 30 H PAGE THREE your store. Let ’em know you have the goods and can and do sel’ as cheap or cheaper than strangers. That’s busi- < ness. • Wears Dress Only Once. New York Dispatch. Miss t'arnlyne Numler. 24 yeans old, of New York, changes her clothes per haps oftener than any other woman in the United States. And by doing •*> she has worked up a $50,000a-year busi ness. She’s a dress designer and she wears more than 1.000 dresses a year. Alter a gown has been worn once she hangs in away—she will never put it. on again. She designs all her own dresses and wears them in the most fashionable places—dances, theatres, smart hotels— herF and in Europe—and looks so beau tiful in them that many Newport, New York and other society women seek her out to buy her self-exploited dresses. The former society girl obtained this novel commercial idea when she jvas foried to go to work three years ago due to the business failure of her fath er. Spain supplies 80 per cent of the world's cork. < ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP BY THIS SULPHUR Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Mentho- Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist Because of its germ destroying proper ties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. It se'dom fails to relieve the torment and disfigurement. Sufferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Rowfes Mentho-Sulphur from, any good drug gist and use it like a cold cream.

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