PAGE FOUR Tte Cawarf ftrfrtrthme. fey^afc?”aa,r"iißss _ THB A9BOCU ITED PRBB3 Tbt Aaaoctatad Praia i> exeluitvely •ntltlsd to tke uia for republication ol W new* credited to It or not otherwise eredited In thtf paper and also the lo e*ilf*t?fh&U if %pVibl?e|tton of special dispatches herein are also reserved. , Btficlal Representative FROST, LANDIS & KOHN _BBS Fifth Avenue. New York Peoples’ (Jas Building. Chicago Candler Building, Atlanta ifafetbred ai second class mail matter at the postofice at Concord. N. C.. un jar the Act pf Maroh 3, 1878. RATES. In the Cltjr of fioncord by Carrier One Year ” SB.OO Six Months ——B.Bo ■Three Months 1.50 One Month , .50 Outside of the State, the Subscription Is the Same as In thh City Out of the City and by mall In North Carolina the following prices wll pre- ShAYear 15.00 fix .Months 8.50 Three Months 1.25 Loss Than Three Months, 50 Cents a ■ „ Month AU Subscriptions Must Be Paid In Advance RAILROAD BCHEDDLJB la Elect April lh IMS. MOtond. „ No. 188 To Washington 6:00 A. M. No. 86 To Washington 18:25 A. M. No. 48 To Danville 8:15 P. M. No. 12 To Rfromond T:10 P. M. No. 82 To Washington 8:28 P. M. No. 88 To Washington 8:80 P. M. Southbound. No. 45 Tn Charlotte 1.4:83 P. M. No. 85 To-Atlanta 10.08 P. M. No. 29 oT Atlanta :2:45 A. M. NS. 81 To Augusta v 8:07 A. M. No. S 3 To New Orleans 1 8:27 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8:05 A M. No. 1M To Atlanta 8:16 P. M. f i BIBLE~THOIXJHtJ 1 tea* - TWoozhti ■■■■Chet, wffl prove m l |l pneejemm hmrltmee in mfter remrm. jjl GREETING 1024:—The Lord bless thee and keep thee. Tile Jjpgd make his face to shine upon thee, and be gra cious unto thee. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.—Numbers 0:24-20. , EYE-OPENERS. BOTH. If yah 'will talk to almost any New Yorker, or let ■‘ifipi talk to you. you will be impressed with the fact that lie is distinctly under*.tlje- dfthisib,u that New York is the only city on tl>6 globe, Re* of the citizens of the metropo lis had the wind taken out of his sails while he was showing a respected citi zen of Sauk Centre. Minnesota, (who is said to be the original one of Sinclair Lewis’ stories) some of the city's won ders. fje was taken for a drive along on one of Gotham's finest boulevards, but he simply observed: Minnesota is spending $26,000,000 a year on a seven thousand mile system of State highways, and when it is finished it will be one of the finest road systems in the country.” Then he was taken down to Rockaway Beach and given his first glimpse of the Atlantic Ocean. And this is What he said: ,“We have ten thousand lakes in Min nesota. and, believe me. they are beauti ful bodies of water.” He admitted that New York was all right, but he added, “you ought to come out and see our country." And Vve opine that what lie said open ed the eyes of the New Yorker quite as much as his owu were opened when he saw th# sights of the great city. He no doubt appreciated its many good things, but he did not forget the many advant ages back home. John Burroughs, the great naturalist, said in his book. “Under the Maples.” which bras published after his death: “We live in an age of iron, and have all We can do to keep the iron from en tering bur souls.” AM then he added: “Otaf vast industries have their root in the geologic history of the globe as' in no other past age. We delve for our powdr, and it is all barbarous and un handsome. When the coal and Oil are all gone and we come to the surface and above the surface for the White coal, for the embkeless oil. for the winds and the sunshine, how much more attractive life will be! Our very minds ought to be cleaner-. We may never hitch our wag ons Iq the stars, but we can hitch I hem to the mountain streams, nod make the NiimthcW breezes lift our burdens. Then the silver age will displace the iron ftge." A great thought, worthy of the *rent muu who uttered it. The Philadelphia Record is led to in fer that leading men of the Republican party do not believe that their partv is likely to win -in the election next No vember by the fact that no more Os them are seeking the nomination for Presi dent. ‘The Record observes: ”K Is foolish to pretend that in the five uAnths he bus been President Mr. Coolldge has particularly endeared him self To the American people, so that it is idle for other men to seek the nomina tion. There was never a time When there were 4b few candidates in the field, and yet the President is not a magnetic man, and tie is not identified with any achieve ment br policy that strongly appenls to the Country mid awakens enthusiasm for him. #f eminent Republicans do not eftre to abd* the nomination it must be oe* s-uusc they have little confidence that any RepUtmcau can be elected." Staling, as applied to English money, is dbHved from the Hanseatic League, Enjfiadd. As their land lay “to the east of England,,’. Englishmen called them “Eubtferlitikiy' apd jthe'igold they paid in (Ae course of |ttjpde became known as' “EdkMdling Tnwjef.”; Stlbeequeutly the expftHSiOD became Merlin. Mary Lyon, the 75tb anniversary of 1 wtytta dtqUU is to bs .Observed gt ML i Holyoke College m Mnvlt tievt, was f Born in New York, He Never Has Seen Broadway Bright Lights , mrmsHßßJ&aNMalMEtiMSsijW', ■■ - ‘tfrak'sVi’v-A */ 'SSaEMBr Wfi ia | >‘- Es A--1? § iy | m Hit - /..y-gßww>.dgHi . JOHN REILLY SHOWING A GUEST TO HIS ROOM BY STEVE BANK \G.\N ' NEA Service Writer New York. Jan. 3.—"R.'soivrd : That for the first time in my life I will trip •up, t > Times Square and lamp the bright lights that have made Broadway tin luosf-talked-of street in tit? world.” , This is,the strange Sew Year resolu tion of John Reilly, 3. "til? most popular maii' On the POWcry, ’ who never has been beyond 23rd street ia uptiveu New York. i Although John, “key olcrs” in a Bow ery hotel, Was born in Now Y’l rit and r«ut has best out of the city, lie nau never really “seen” the big town afeord itig to the standards if i li- “lypical Gi tl.i.mites," whose spaere centers ■in tin glaring activities of the exotic roar ing Forties. "J on <3e/MtLCM4 N! AS AMV- V A u-Zj tJ* BODY er' •- ' / I -~Cigy” : - ~ - ~ ~ Hsar Right by Placing § y Orders With Us! | ban seventy thousand dollurs worth of h sd customers. , ** a great deal more, and as volume re- C e able to save you money on your gro- £j t satisfied tell us. * ur belabors. S For Good Eats, R.RIER & CO. * I ■tnoosamMwpnooaßOTOMMoipc i cups—of coffee and each of us three doughnuts. Two “takas" of this five eent order are considered a “till." It was a rare collection of individuals in this case where a portion of hash means a real cleanup of the kitchen. “Twoglinks of Atlantic cable." shouted the .hardened counter man when a Bow ery plutocrat ordered fried sausage. "Stew for a bum!" was another or der. "Throw him out!" echoed from a din gy kitchen in the rear. "Two boiled eggs—;me must be good,” ordered a customer. It was explained he imd a temperamental stomach. John's hobby is the movies, but his rtal joy iso taking a Sunday afternoon walk with kis "sister's kids" as he de scribes two fatherless nieces, 10 nud H years old. j For 20 years John has held the same ! position and his constant companion is a cur dog named "Bum," a o-ycar-old possession he has fostered since pup hood. "The Bowery is a lot tougher than it used to be," said Reilly, who doesn't drink or smoke. "Since the good old days when beer was a nickel and. best hooch o dime have passed, tidy rob and kill 6>r fifteen rents. They didn't do that in the old days.” “I don't think I'll get a kick out of Broadway, but I've resolved to see it— well, because it's custom to maim a New Year resolution, and I can't think of anything I'm doiijg I want to stop,” were his parting words. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Secretary of Agriculture Wallace more than qualified for hlB Job when he won a milking conteet from Magnus Johnson, senator from Min nesota. famed as a farmer. Note Secretary Wallace s smile Os trh unapfe. It Pays to Advertise. William Jr., explains the big expansion -of his chewing gum fac tory due to advertising. On a trip west recently in company with a friend, the latter said: “You have built up a remarkable busi ness. Why not save some of tiiis ad vertising and run along on mo mentum for a while?" "Well." Mr. Wriglcy said, “we have had a tine, fast trip west from Chicago so far. How much progress do you think we would make if they took off the locomotive?" King Waits to Get His Hair tut tn Koumania. Bucharest, Jan. 3.—One of the first things King George of Greece did upon his arrival herb was to get his lmir cu't. It is said lie was so distrustful of the Greek barbers that he avoided emp’oying one during the last few weeks preceding liis departure from the country. In Bath. England, a policeman stat ed that h(* heard a torrent of expletives coming from a house, lasting for half an hour. The occupant, brought before the police courtr declared that he had been swearing in his sleep. Ten cities of t|ie United States have •TK0.000.000 deposited in PoEtal Saving accounts. ' ". ' •'»’ Vs. J’ . Oranges, Tangerines and Grapefruit We have a few oranges, tan gerines and grapefruit left from our car load of Monday. Oranges and only (10c a peck while they last. S Sanitary Grocery Co. PHONE 636 ooooooooooooooooooooooooiiF • ! I Start the New j j | Year Right S| Everything you need in !j! Ci Blank Books, Ledgers, our- ]i[ lj nals, Cash Books, Day ‘ I* Books, Time) Books, Rec ords, Trial Balance and Col- I umnar Books. \ ? Our stock is large and j ; complete. Musette,fa OOOOOOOQOOOOOOQQQOCOOOOOOO | Saving* |J Bank !r— — — l)< ! DINNER STORIES i Hash is a staple dish is the Ameri can home, but not in- the arm;. There fore, when a mess sergeant repeated • the hash uisli several days, one of the ; private made several remarks about the food to his pals. An ebony-hued lad who had been second cook on a Mississippi packet looked at the’questioner and smiled. “They don’t make hash; it jus’ ac cumulates.” Or IjOoJi at the Family Album Mother—Did that young man kiss you last night? ; W, W. Girl—Why, mother, you don’t think he came all the way from the Fort just to listen to our vietrola? “Boy,” he said, “do you know what they do with boys who tell lies?’’ “Yes, sir,” was the reply. “When J they are old enough the firm sends them out as travelers.” Heard in- a Garage. Owuer—What will it cost me to have my, car fixed? Garageman—What's the matter with it? Owner—l don’t know. Garageman—Forty-eight dollars and. fifty cents. A man ordered two poached eggs on 1 toast. “Adam and Eva on a raft 1” jargoned the waiter. “No, change that to scrambled eggs,” said the customer. “Shipwreck ’em 1” yelled the waiter. Bad'for Dad. A village girl eloped in a suit of her father's clothes. The next day the “Daily News" came out with this sen sational headline: “Flees in Father's Pants.” Adele; “Oh,, my dear, I had the most thrilling moment in my life last night at a restaurant. The electric lights went out unexpectedly and he kissed me—sucli a long delirious kiss of bliss.” Marian: “Who kissed you?” Adele: “Who? I don’t know, dear. That is just why it was so thrilling." “I think a man should be prepared for a rainy day.” said Jones as he took Smith's umbrella. Sam: “I hear they're going to hiodel women’s dresses by afternoon speeches.” Ham: “How come?” Sam: “Why, long enough to cover the subject, yet short enough to be in teresting.” “Name all the Presidents in order,” said the teacher. No one in the class could do it. The teacher said. “I am very much surprised. When I was a tittle girl I could name all the Presi- j debts.” "Course you could,” replied l n little girl, “they hadn't many Presi dents then.” .Tiggs: “My hair is beginning to come j out. what shall I get to keep it in." Biggs : “A paper bag." ■Tones was not a fisherman, but his 1 friend Brown persuaded liitV to go, and ] Green loaned him an outfit. After they < ■had been fishing a few minutes Jones turbed to Brown and said: "What do you call that little do-dad that floats on the water?” “That’s the bob,” said Brown. "Well. I’ll have to get Green another 1 one, the one he loaned me has sunk.” A proviso in the will of the late Lord I Mjorley reads as follows: “As it is pos- | sible that some person may desire to ! write a memoir of my life, which I re- 1 gard as wholly I enjoin upon j my executors to refuse to aid or eu- i courage such design and not to allow any such person to have access to any of my papers, Whether personal or ac quired in the course of official duties.” Lord Morley himself was the leading ' biographer of the past century, having written lives of Cobden, Gladstone, Burke and Cromwell. At intervals ft steamer haves London, on route to u port on the cast coast of Africa, with a cargo of old theatrical costumes. The costumes arc imported by traders, who art> found all over Africa, and are so’d 1# them to tribes in the interior, the medium of exchange being cattle, curios, And animal skins. Mrs. Lillian Gilbreth, mother of eleven children, is the possessor of three i college degrees and a country-wide repu -1 tation as an industrial engineering ex | pert. Mrs. Gilbreth has tier offices in 1 i New York and resides at Montcliar, N. i J. r— —■■■-■Stossr \ fTHE BEST WINTERTIME*! TREAT-IS AEVNDANCE ( OF HEAT^^--— --- 1 » Winter time is the time of year When a pan and his family appreciate the bountiful blessings of per fect plumbing. •If jour home isn’t properly heated you ought to call us up on the phone and let us figure out with you just what’s needed. Our prices are cor rect. * * E.B. GRADY PLUMBING ANt> HEAT* I'NG DEALER tt CMtti B*. MM Pham HOT ■- I .—**J'nSpj.MdM ■ i a—. -, ■ , '—■ »r, * liiiiiiii lira rntatm, ' i p- * mi | ] - 125% Reduction ob all Suits and Overcoats I** i * $50.00 Suits and Overcoats now $87.50 $45.00 Suits and Overcoats, now L_ -_u_ $83.75 $40.00 Suits and Overcoats, now ' SBO.OO * $35.00 Suits and Overcoats, now !X-/- $48.25 $32.50 Suits and Overcoats - T __,.l- $25.00 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats $18.75 Join the Crowd Who Are Buying Every Day. M , W. A. Overcash gOQCXWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCIOpoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtXIOtjOffiOOOOOff j: We Wish to Thank You, One ajnd all I j; For the Splendid Trade Given Us • «» Hi-* •; a6oocoooooc^{.s>c<>ooooocoooBC)0o