Jjanuahr 8, 10j4 SOCIAL&PERSONAL King’s Daughters Meet. ] The Stonewall Jackson Circle of the] King’s Daughters held a most interest-' ing meeting Monday, evening at the hoine of Mt-S J. 4. Canndn. ; la addition to the report of | the work done by the Christmas oppjr-! tuuity Committee., a report of which • will be published later, much work was done. During the month of December warm ] clothing was distributed to forty-two! people and for three weeks a baby at j Buffalo Mill has been fed. Two cases of illness of children have been investi gated and aid wiU be given these. The visiting committee for the .month of January is composed of the following: Mesdames R. E. Ridenhour. Sr., W. M. tinker and L. A. Fisher. Study Club to Meet. The Study Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. C. W. Byrd, at her home on North Union street.' This will be a regular meeting of the club. Mrs. Ridenhour to Entertain Club. A regular meeting of the Virginia Dare Book Club will be held tomorrow (Wed nesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. R. E. Ridenhour, at ber borne on West Depot street. WALKS LEDGE AS PASTIME TO SHOW SKILL AND NERVE Secretarial Job Prosaic, Woman Wants an Exciting Job. Pittsburgh, Jan. 7. —"Young lady wants work of exciting nature requiring skill and nerve. Experienced diver and physical culture instructress." Investigation of this advertisement in a Pittsburgh newspaper disclosed that it had been inserted by Miss .Mary Craig, aged 22, of Crafton, employed os a sec retary. "Life as a secretary is too prosaic,” said Miss Craig: “there's nothing to quicken the blood. I want something with thrills.” Just to afford a hint of the kind of job she would like, she stepped front the window of lier sixth-story office .upon a narrow ledge and then, without steady ing herself .with her hand, walked 40 feet along the ledge. She indicated' that this was a sort of pastime. Guardian Angel Told Her to Display “K. K. K.” .Philadelphia, Jan. 7. —Katherine Mil ler. rooming house mistress, was sen tenced to from 10 to 20 years in the county prison today f6r the fatal shoot ing of Harry Kaboruaglo. a former boarder, on a West Philadelphia street corner, October 11th. The jury, which brought in a second degree murder verdict, with recommenda tion of mercy, was out for more than 48 hours. Judge Harry McDevitt, ig noring the merry recoimncndation, im posed a maximum sentence, remarking ' that “any verdict but guilty would have been equivalent to lynch law." The defendant startled the court in dramatic fashion after sentence was im posed. Hitherto calm, she suddenly rose and battled with court officers, dur ing the struggle tearing bnek iter heavy cape to_ display in white letters sewn fit her black dress: "K. K. K. Help K. K. K.” Two officers finally subdued her and carried her out bodily to the sheriff’s cell room. On the way she screamed: “Mrs. Hosier killed two and got away free: and I have to go to prison !” referring to a recent shooting case in which the defendant was acquitted. latter she told one of Iter counsel that "a guardian angel” had suggested to her to bcw the letter* on her dress. Hickory Pastor Quits His Place. Hickory, Jan. 7. —Rev. Rufus B. Pcery, Ph. D„ pastor of S. Andrews Lutheran, Church for the past three ami a half years and professor of philosophy at Ldnoir College, has resigned his work here to become pastor of Zion Lutheran Chujeh at Wooster, Ohio. CORETHROAT a, M tonsilitis or hoarseness, gargle with warm salt water. Rub Vicks over throat and cover with a hot flannel cloth. Swal low slowly small pieces. VICKS w Vapoßub Opt tT UUlimm Jan IW Fearfa u!ho J ek. 1 Jlv efforts thatr m matce for m m M Fk' simplicity Jk axcord us Ww F“ ttieiir . Wr K earnest f-approual • SI they saucoe .:4j§ are loortnu of - 1 altor# § m Colls Answered Day & Nighty 9jj PHOWES|BMfMfI. NIGHT36O-159Laf PERSONALS. 1 Mr. T. A. foreman has returned to Wilmington, after a visit to his family here. I* * * t Mrs. -B, E. -Harris, Jr., and little ! daughter are visiting friends in Gas tonia. i I Misses Beulah Praeihcr and Myrtle | Berry, Mte. Merle Litaker and Mr. j Frank Morrison are In Charlotte assist ! ing the Belk store in their big fire sale. * * * Mils Adelaide Harris has returned to S.syeetbrlar College to resume her Gtu diep. after-spending the holidays here with home folks. « m - Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Honeycutt, of Shelby, spent the week-end here with relatives. * * * Mr. and Mrs. P. E. King. Miss Ida May King and Mr. J. W. Clegg spent Monday in Statesville. * * * Miss Gertrude Shaw has returned from a holiday visit to home folks in Rockingham. • * * Miss Stella Misenheiraer has returned from Dalton. Ga., where she/has been visiting friends. 1* » * | Mr. Drayton Horton returned this morning to his home in Norfolk. Vo., after being called to Concord to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs,. D. B. Corzine. LUTHERANS ARE GIVING RELIEF North Carolina Lutherans Are Asked to Give 825,000 of Total for Country. I.iberty, Jan. 7.—The National Luth eran .Council, a body representing near ly two million American Lutherans, has issued a call for this denomination to raise the sum of $1,500,000 for Euro pean relief. This amount will be used in meeting the needs of destitute peo- 1 pies in Eurojiean countries especially in Germany where one-fifth of the popula tion is faced with actual starvation. The j church is reliably informed by Dr. J. j A. Moreliead, re|ef representative in j Europe, that suffering from lack of food and clothing is appalling. In a radio gram tent from Leipsig t jh-waiMs over her shoulder, for, v, / i, really.' the rear view of this "rot\e ./ soiree" la moat iruriguingly in- U'yj —‘ te resting, and —-following the in variable practice o: well brought ■'T) I up evening gowns of the current J Vt\ \( Le mon, entirely dltfe-ent from the IV, /' y-'-O fr .nt plan. To bc-g ! n with, the | 1 I j 4 '■ \ sYjJIow decolletage becomes a I I \f J \'? ..I S J deep "U”; the fluffy far which at ■ y j lA I*, tile front gives the effect of two / I V? \ll pom-poms, 13-*t:rprisir.gly-a com .* I\ 1 / V \\J plctc- girdle at the back, while the H V -/ m \i waterfall side panels come to- 1 't /“ ./ # , |] \ gather under the fur and almost V I*' (I \ cc-'iceaj the slip in their giaceful / / \\ 1 cascade. In fact this dress fol i I V l lows to the letter the recipe for a: / 44\ \ successful evening frock, as con / / ; \ ccoted by the French couturiers / flr/r ///. fm'?/ / ar.d relayed to us by Henri Cra * if v *Q.fe ango, the fashion authority; name sltgm [I, '■? ftel 0/ ly, a straightslim clip, trimmed i* I ‘ . Tj (V with v.ing3 or scarfs forming fcHEKty /i I v jl \\ trains: plain in the front and de / A !J /111 corative at the back. A modest Il\ U I 1 bateau decolletage in the front, II l jl ! \ with the neckline much accent- * Jj | l | \ uated In the back. When tha jIII ll Jill directions arc carri. d out —as in // II y f\|| I the present case—in faintly tinted //111 fi f. \ I lavender crepe de cheney, with //I II ij I \i K misty side panels of crepa ///ll 1/ I /. \U\ chcnette end’a Seating scarf of //Jl j / r \\ |\i \\ tulle of the same tone, the result ! /Mil I reminds us in its airy and cloud- j //J / / /4 jr/f J II U b V lilie inaccessibility, of the edcl- | yj/yp/- 1 ■JpS f I P \ Jd- Weiss, that romantic flower of the J \. tv a —. u- icy altitudes. Madame shows her | | Irreproachable taste in jewels as (LX in gowns, by wearing with this ex- i Nri ' quisite robe a looped string of j pearls whose delicate beauty suits | unerringly with the no less deli- : cate ensemble. Central Figures in Shooting Mabel Normand. filb star, whose chauffeur shot Courtlaml Dines, wealthy Deuver man. Others which Judge Stack said were guilty of a felony under the North Car olina law, after he had road the law lin the hearing of the very client court room, were Charlie Eddleinan and Kid Johnson, who were recently on for a bout at the auditorium, and Lukie Ten ner, who "aided and abetted" Kid Harri son and Young Mack, Tommie AValker, and others. » . He also said: "I want you gentle-. men to find out who rented the city au ditorium for these bouts, and who pro moted them,” said Judge Stack. "Who ever aided and abetted in the commit ting of these felonies is guilty along with the principals. The law of North Carolina is specific about the matter and it is your duty as sworn officers of the law to see that the law is enforced. Otherwise, you are yourself guilty of dereliction of duty. “I instruct you gentlemen to have Eddie Rrietz, sporting editor of the Charlotte News, and Hailey , Groome, sporting editor of the Charlotte Ob server. before you to tell all they know about these matters.” As to bueketshops, he charged that the law of North Carolina specifically forbade dealing in cot'to.'n futures, in futdre quotations on corn, wheat, oats and other commodities. He asked the grand jury to make investigation and to bring indictments if they found anybody violating the law. Prize mice, as carefully bred as any other livestock, bring large prices and are of many different colors. M. O. LOVE | Plumbing, Heating Repair Work a Specialty Quick and Efficient Service i3B E. Depot Street Phone 191 1 Edna Purviauce, Charlie Chaplin's leading woman, was present at. the shooting of Courtlaml Dines in Holly wood. For That Cold and Cough Take CREO-PINUS The Wonderful Rem edy for Bronchial Affections PEARL DRUG CO. Phones 22 and 722 I^— I MOLASSES l Real Sweetening For some time during the world war, molasses of good grade could not be ob tained. Now we have it of the very fin est grade at reasonable prices. Genuine open kettle New Orleans Mo lasses, pure and good. The kind we had fifty years ago. « Ponce Porto Rico Molasses. It’s im ported from Porto Rico, und is real sweetening. It's delicious. Cabarrus County Sorghum. Wc have it, and it needs no description or intro- 1 duetion. For your Buckwheat Cakes and Bat- 1 ter cake, take your choice of the above' three. Phone us. Send your vessel. It all comes in barrels. | Cline & Moose j Phone mb - Wo Deliver Quick | French Women Can I Take Beauty Lessons S Fr®m Us, Says Expert j Pierre Wertheimer, millionaire French sportsman, owner o t the famous horse Eplnard and the equally famous perfume house of Bourjois, says the American wo man has nothing' to learn from her French sisters in the art of beauty. On the contrary, avers M. Werth eimer, the French woman can go to school in the classroom of the American boudoir. On his recent visit to • America, the Frenchman discovered sixty-eight types of Am erican beauty. The final supre macy of the American woman, ho declared on sailing for France, is in her infinite variety. HIGH POINT MINISTER SI El) FOR SHOOTING . Father of Youth Says He Dhl Not Go Into Turnip Patch. Greensboro, Jan. 7. —An angle to the High Point turnip patch incident devel oped here when it became known that Bynum, Hobgood & Alderman, of Greensboro, ’and T. J. Gold, of High Point, arc instituting suit for J. D. Hoskins, father of Gilbert W. Hoskins, the little cripple lad who was one of the three boys sprinkled w‘ith bird shot on that occasion, against Rev. Thomas Garrick for a total of SB,OOO. Os this amount $3,000 is asked for compensa te fy damages and $5,000 as exemplary or punitive damages. Hoskins will claim, it is understood, that he was standing on a public street engaged in conversation with a boy friend, when Rev. Mr. Garrick, standing oil his.Spi'finises, tired at him with a shot gun. {fiuetefii of the shot, he bgy says, entered his body. The boy will also deny, it is stated, that he had been in tile runiip patch. Grandma or mother will enjoy every hour of the day if she has the proper Glasses to help hei see her work. The expert care which we use in testing the eyes and grinding the lenses makes Old Eves like New. Starnes-Miller-Par ker Company llllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllll Just arrived-a car load of the best Tim othy Hay ever re ceived in Concord. Also Baled Hay, Straw, Shucks and Feeds of All Kind. CASH FEED STORE | Phone 122 S. Church Street iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii r - r . .. . l . . , , ;i XIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfXXXXXXJOOOOOOOGOCOOOOOetOOC^ 1 • D£L£O*LIGHT 1 Farm Electric Service l Lights, Water Systems, Washing I j: Machines s Call the Delco Light Man | R. H. OWEN * !| | Phone 669 Concord, N. C. : I 30000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 if .1 ■njl VISIT THE SCIENTIFIC PALMIST Kv| MADAME ALLEN y°u nro unhappy, discouraged, unsuccessful in doubt, or jj rou^e > this wonderful palmisl can positively change your O condition, many who were on the brink of uncertainty, to- 1 l' Sy are . rest ’ n S easily in the lap of luxury by acting on j ~ TO THOSE UNHAPPY AND DISCONTENTED—If l you are separated from the one you loye or in trouble from, any cause jj consult her NOW. Would you like to marry quickly? Have you any [ trouble over any affair in life? i i Do you want more success? Ifso‘you need her advice, she not only tells 5 you of yonr troubles hut how to overcome them. No question asked, 1 she will teH you all. There is no home so dreary and sad, no life so S w>cked or blighted, no heart so sad and lonely, no condition or cirouiu- ii stance so complicated or incomprehensible that can’t be set right and jj kept right after a visit to her, common sense says go and partake of j these advantages and in after years yon will be spared the saddest of jj words “It might have been." Private room for colored people. Office Hours : 10 a. m. to 11:30 p. m. -- West Depot Street. D usenbery Concord. N, C, | ““*— l' | I sr9° Father starts—Mother nds M Enrolls she can add a little—even the You Kiddies will contribute their 1 , pennies and at a surprisingly ■ snort time the whole family is enjoying the pleasure g Df owning a Ford. I '* CABARRUS MOTOR CO. Ford Cars Fordson Tractors Ford Trucks rqooooooooococxxxxxaooooooooooQoooooocyyyv-^wyvTop^^ W eather report says in for cold spell. -Drive down and '!' [ let us flush out your radiator and put in the proper amount 'j! i of ALCOHOL to keep it from freezing. | WHY TAKE CHANCES. KING TUT SERVICE STATION j j , Come Down and Get Tanked Up ! j; National Highway Below Southern Station jjj >^,^*^> Qoooooooooo3C , OQOOOr > C>OCOOOOOOOOQOOQO(y \ I IVEY’S | The Home of Good Shoes ftaasiaSgrialnS~g^^ THE HOUSE THAT SERVES Will Be Ready to Offer the Public The Most Up-to-Date Car Laundry, Car Greasing Department To Be Found in the South. Our New Home Is Most Ready on Corbin Street Then for the Best Service Ever Offer ed in Our Citv LOOK FOR THE GREEN FRONT BUILDING Southern Motor Service Co. LET US SERVE YOU. PHONE 802 PHONE 802 Quint Smith Building Goodyear Tires Accessories Willard Battery ft-.'. 1 -• '.JiiiaL-MMtt ' The Penny AdiTGet Results—Try Them. 1 . . ' V*‘V • M VbW&felf ' PAGE THREE