PAGE EIGHT rm -ruTtyiT-rrTT-ur.: hi:. .11 : i.t. i.i jaa^J^JJiTacrsn ; Advance Showing Go-Carts and j | - Combination, two-in-one. Carriage and Go-Cart all made in one. ?j ' Reversible Gear. . Loose cushions, can be taken out and cleaned. MOVED —We are now in our new Store nex( door to Cabarrus i ] Savings Bank new building where, we have more room, better arrange- i| l meats and can give better service than we bane in the past. New J > goods- arriving daily. Big Shipment Wilton Velvet Rugs just in. Come | look them over. They are real values. N Concord Furniture Co. j THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE I Eat at the CAROUNA CAFE ~xxxxiooooooooooooooooo3ooooqoooooooooooooooooooooooo ||j New Victor Records for February iji 10283—Mama's Gone—Good-bye Piron's Orchestra iji New Orleans Wiggle Piron's Orchestra ji 1 iji 11)234—Lovey Come Back Garber-Davis Orchestra (ji v When Mother Sings - Manhattan Merrymakers ji 1 (Ji 19235—That Lullaby Strain Benson Orchestra of Chicago iji Forgetful Blues Benson Orchestra of Chicago |i[ iji 19202—Mighty Lnk a Rose .Michel Guisikoff i l , i|( Carry Me Buck to Old Virginny Michel Gusikoff i|( ]l[ 19232—50ng of Songs John Steel $| iji 19231 —Promise Me Everything Billy Murray i'i You May Be Fast But Your Mama Will Slow Yon IJI 1 J 1 Jll Down Aileeu Stanly Ji! 4'374 —Since My Love Has Gone Away Lucy Marsh The Winds in the South Olive Kline 11 J| G432—ltigoletto (On Early Festal Moruin) Galli-Cnrci JiJ 1 5 G43o—Symphony No. 5, in E Minor ( Part I) Philadelphia Orchestra Symphony No. sin K Minor (Part 11) Philadelphia Orchestra J? . Coltrane on South Un-, ] | ion street. ] | Mr. F. C. Niblock. who has boon con- j I tim d to his home for several days on tic- 1 I j count of illness, is able to be on t ie | j streets again. I Mr. John Welsh's condition is improv j ; ing. after being confined to his home for j, J four weeks with blood poisoning. He is I 1 now able to sit up. Master James Cannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin 1., Cannon, of Charlotte, is, confined to his home on account of on, an attack of measles. Funeral services for the late James | A. Cox. who died in California were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from Center j Grove Methodist Church. In the basket ball game at the local | V. M. C. A. last night, the Concord j High .School girls defeated the Moores ville girls by a score of 9 to 7. Badin High School basketball players last night swamped the quintet from tin 1 local high school by a oc ire of 32 to 12. The game was played in Badin. Four new cases of smallpox, three of . whooping cough, one of German measles i and six of ehickonpox were reported yes -1 terday to the county health department. 1 The will of the late John M. Cook was [ tiled for probate yesterday with Clerk of. i the Court McAllister. Mrs. AlmaShirey 1 Cook wins named as executor of the [ will. i Street lights on North Church Street [ have been extended from a point in i freat of the old McDonald property to i the street in front of the Elmwood cein- J etery. J A meeting of the members of the Con i cord bar will soon have a meeting to ar -1 range the etdendnr for the term of civil [ court which will convene ou February 25th. and continue one week. i 1 Marriage licenses wore issued yester '! day to Mr. A. I!. Hawkins, of Mt Holly, 5 and Miss Delia Hinson, of ('ineord: and j fto Mr. Junvis A. Troutman and Missj 5 Zulu Burris, both of Route 4. Concord. 1 The Senior Class of Mont Amoena Sem- ■ 5 inary presents Friday evening at 8:00, j o'clock in the auditorium at Mt. Ploas- S ant the play. "The Rainbow Kimona," a I comedy in two acts. The piny depicts j boarding school ljfe in a fashionable > school on the Hudson. The Kiwanis Club on Friday evening of this week will hold its meeting which was postponed from last .Friday evening, ) when the club was invited to attend the ( Billy Sundav meeting in Charlotte. Ki ll wanian Boyd Grady will be in charge of I the program at this meeting. ? The condition of Mrs. \V. R. Earn- J | hardt. who has been ill at her home on 5 Eudy street for several weeks, does not < Improve and she was taken to the Pres j byterian Hospital in Charlotte today for ; treatment. She was accompanied by Mr. < Earnhardt and her daughter, Miss Ber j tlia Earnhardt. 5 Prof. A. I’. Underhill, of the Salisbury ( Business College, will come to Concord $ two nights a week and conduct a class sin the shorthand, typewriting and book < keeping. The class will open about Feb -5 ruary 12th. Mr. Underhill will be at the -office of The Ti-ibune Saturday afternoon, February 9th, from two to five o’clock. If interested please call at that time. Mr. Clyde Eudy. of Kannapolis, and Miss Ednh Honeycutt, of Concord, went to York. S. C.. Monday morning, where they were married. They returned to the city about noon of the same day and af ter spending the day here went to Kan napolis, where they will make their home for the present with the parents of the groom. Mrs. Eudy is a daughter of Mr. I and Mrs. Alex M. Honeycutt of Ann j I street. | German Economist to Speak at Trinity College. Trinity College, Feb. 7. —Trinity Col lege will be the scene of a regular in ternational parley on February 13th J when the student body of that institu tion is addressed by Dr. von Hohule Caeverultz. a distinguished German 1 economist, will speak on “the Peace of 1 Versailles and the reparation problem.” * Dr. von Schulze Gacveruitz will come to this country and deliver a series of lecture under the auspices of the Ameri can Association for International Con ciliation of New York City. The well Si known German has for the past twenty-1 M five years been head of the department j Sof economics at the University of Frei-' 1 berg in Radeg and was for twelve year?, n a member of the Reichstag, representing! the South German Democrats who werei a opposed to the militarism of Berlin. Be- 1 3 aides hia univeraity training he has been I a student in England and Russia and' 1 lias written a number of vritely known i 3 works on economics. fl. ' „j ODD FELLOWS’ NOTICE. Meeting every Thursday night at .7:30 All members nrged to attend and vlailing brothers welcome. - ! a N. ALSTON. N. «. S. R. PARNELL, Sec. .k'ir. i , k Jr The height of f.ishinn is alwnyr. found j in the price. An oil auth>riir c'aimi there is very | little cil in Tii pot Dome. But there swemo to have been some money in it. i Fifteen «tiontleooixioQg>ooooooooo g WOULD YOU LIKE TO j! I HAVE A CLEAR SKIN? ;jj Then try* this delightful, simple ' i way which thousands say is free- '| ing them 'from Pimples, Acne, | Blackheads, Oily Skin. Brown , S[?)ts and Unsightly Blemishes. J l WONDERFUL RESULTS IN ONE DAY | ; With a Bottle of Mel-Bro Lotion. I You can buy this at Cline’s Pharmacy CONCORD COTTON MARKET. ’ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, I*B4 Cotton 33 Cotton seed ’ 66 Concord’s Better Store AN ELECTRIC IRON OF DEPENDABILITY 1 No home is complete without an Iron you can depend on. We guarantee them to be absolutely dependable. A limited quantity , a and one only to a cus- $2.45 HI tomer at PHONE BSO ROBINSON’S .M-rs. UUIM' 11l Id I ■ I I ■■■«»*— | 100 Pounds Extra Fancy | ji Juicy California Peaches to j 1j be Sold at a Bargain. Ij; :i| Dove-Bost Co. .ij l sobooooooocoooooooooooooocM > HAIR DRESSING /Mel-Bro, Staeomb, Hair Groom, (j I v J Glossine, Madam Walker. Pluko, 5 > Nelson’s, Queen’s, Herolin, Exelen- I [ C ? i to, Palmer's, Black and White. 1 1 J TELEPHONE 533 I Clines Pharmacy j !f ■ « (2 Gold Fish and a Bowl 25c ■ ! | . Gibson Drug Store j CONCORD PRODUCK MARKET a (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose.) - Figures named represent priced paid , tor prbduce on the market: ,? Eggs : .40 4 Butter 35 onntry Ham . .25 i Country Shoulder .16 , ’onntry Sides .1C Young chiekens .20 s; Hens .17 J Tnrkeyß 25 to BO j. Lard .1114 jj Sweet Potatoes IIIUIIIIIH]IUHHHH1UII Bear in MsM That We Give the Pro gressive Farmer a whole year free to every one who pays a subscription to either The Tribune or The Times for a full year in advance. Pay up to date and get the best farm paper published every week a year for nothing, ts. v — ? i 11 zffm Spring Suits /sill ifn\ x r# iffijr? a We are featuring this Spring | «fIL ILM the new Oxford Model, which is j! liUv ll Wi -a loose fitting cutaway coat, blunt 1 !; i vest and large trousers, for young !j jS jf \1 ' men. 1 j I j|yj 1 W«J now have them on display, j j ! 1 —’ 1 II | and will be glad to show vou the ! SCHLOS* jf \ It 1 " ■ I ]i j \ W new ones for spring. ] HOOVER’S Inc. THE YOUNCy MAN’S STORE oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUOOOOC*XXX»oaOGOOqOOOOGAQOOOOOOOOQQOQ< I • ( New and Artistic Combinations of Fabrics and Stniw I I j SPECIALTY HAT SHOP j i 1 i SOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQQOGOQOQOOQCOOQOOOOtiQOQOQOOOCKx, | ~~ "coal MY COAL MAKES WARM FRIENDS There is no waste when you use HIGH GRADE COAL. You get the maximum heat at minin*im cost. My fleet of delivery trucks and wagons assure you of prompt delivery. ' PRICE. SB.OO S B * 7 L. ** ooo A. B. POUNDS COAL, ICE AND SERVICE *,Mg;aiiau Jff sgin n T i ::~nt;cirnT3 T t s^^^xni:zs r r^rTTr.s:~iS’T-i^i:--.. j 1 « < If you want that genuine feeling of a 1 \ . i j| satisfaction invite us to your next j blowout We live up to our guarantee ot ab | solute satisfaction in all our vulcaniz- ] I »ng. [. # • 1 Motor & fire Service Co. | aaHHB| p H p MaHMMBaaaIHaH^M J FLINT SIX 1‘ Sevenßearing Crankshaft Only car under $2,000 with this feature. Seven bear ings means, more power, less vibration, longer motor life. A costly feature in a reasonably priced car. Drilled to posi tively feed oil to each connecting rod bearing. Like a full jeweled watch. j / . BUILT BY DURANT J.C.BLUME’S GARAGE ♦Wafer- fftraary 7, 1?24