fcri4ay, A*ril 4, IM4 -Mrt(SHAi.omr walker ON «« HANC>ofti« ctosepoßswror-mc BOAUS CHECK PASSER CAIVSKT UP WITH AT WEED CENTCH BOT OTTV nM*>S «OJNS so HAST HE COOL&NT S7t>P< - THE SW/AttN-BR. , ;. gSCApgC. ll* oteys oust- J H? * —' ~ ~ MOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | ANNOUNCfeMENT/' A >rai)sli. of the Gordon Music Academy, Incorporated, of Char lotte to*,bow opened in the Smith Building adjoining City Library. ] Special Courses iu Violin. Voice and Piano and Saxophone. NAN GOB HON. director of the Academy, teacher of Violin and ] Saxophone. ' i ANNE STAUFFER. Teacher vi Plano. CHESTER McILVAIN. Teacher of Voice. Miss Stauffer will be at the Studiq to receive visitors and anyone wishing to make arrangements lessons please call a( Studio in Con- ] cord on Wednesday for, information concerning tuftiop, or anyone in- J terested please come *o see Miss Stauffer or write, GORDON MUSIC ACADRMY, Incorporated. 22* 1-2 N. Tryw» St. Omrtotte, N. a X Hand Decorated Lovers of beautiful China, K\ j and what housewife is not, / VV ’H en j°y seeing our very painted Pickard < China. W. C. Correll Jewelry Co. Exclusive Agents. , : Nice Fresh Fish | jjffjr 1 Have Been Hard to Get But We Have i Some Nice Ones This Work Fancy Roe and Buck When Good Fbih Ar* Available We lltvT ' Will Have Them Each Week m ' Try One With Vour Next Order I SANITARY GROCERY CO. V ( PHONE 686 fr||fl»sr»c«c>«s«soiwtrvsorExnnricxnpnf>nannnrEV*ytrvsrEx^^ K ; O 1 4 Concords New Dyeing and Dry 1 Cleaning Plant ~TtP I QUICK SERVICE I R, To everybody we guarantee to please of we do not 8 K want your money. ■ s R Yonr Clothes will be free from the odor of gasoline. 8 Bf ■ 9 m * Repairs and Alterations of dll kinds. |v THE EAGLE COMPANY • . . ...... S ' Exclusive Dyers and Cleaners 8 J 41 E. Corbin St. Phone 648 Concord, N. C. | Hjb- t. , Motto: “Quality Counts Most, After All” , 1 I § WB'f*? h * T * lmiU * “ od * rß 4M** «WBW rack and atr fuHy equip- 9 I ped to give yon the ftwy boat soTVleq possible in the way of gtemaing, 9 fc lubricating, draining yonr crank c*at o* washing and polishing your 8 ■ «sr- jj C' in ease roor “ r s,w>uid waaiaB «' * wtoh “«- «*»*■ i «ank case should mad draining mid refilled wRJh new oil, Just drive 8 m , k' . . , t I : arouaa uul pn trt » tmi, we will appreciate your patronage. I ■y'- *lj A X XpX'X fe■’GTP A T*XX"\M 8 I• §h V ■; I Btrt M 8 j, • : • ;, THlj> CQNyQRD DAI%Y TRIBUNE " ■? T ’f- -’■wr-Ty—'.qfMs ► . ’(|»I|1»I I I 111 I» 11 I . • 1 t COItNTRY 1 ■ f* }N|)r|Vi I* .j UTAKER SCHOOL. t?e arc* having real spring weather these days, and the farmed) are getting busy. Mrs. Marvin Faggart is able to be out j again, after bring coofined to her bed for the past week. My. and Mrs. F. O. Ridenhour and sister, Miss Callie Ridenhour, of St. John’s, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. G. L. Brown. Mr. nud Mrs., Floyd Barringer are all smiles. It’s a girl. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Miller, n daughter, Marefc 27tb. Mr. I* C. I.itaker has moved to the Hartsell Mill. We are sorry to lose these good people from the community. Mr. Lester Moose was a recent Visit or at Mr. G. L- Brown’s. Mrs.' Barrier's’ finger is improving nicety. . My. Jack Iknfd, of Newton, spent the weekend in this community. , Mias Mary Brown spent last week in Copdord visiting her SUnt, Mrs. Buford Boat; ,f r ■ ‘ , Mr. D. V. Krimminger is on the sick list-. / i ■ The spelling match Monday night was | a great success. Mr. and Mrs. Helms Faggert. of near ] llimertown, spent Tuesddy.at the borne . of Mr. Geo. Faggart. Miss Mary Brown and Mr. Roy Lita > ker attended serviee at Fairview Sunday I night. Miss Gladys Blackwelder spent one day last week in Coneord, visiting her sister, Mrs. W. W. Black. Miss Inez Shinn spent the week-end at 'her home iu Goorgeville. Mr. Guy I)ry. of Badin, was a recent visitor at Mr. Ed. Barringer's. Litaker is busy with a play which will be presented in the near future. Miss CHenna Brown spent Sunday in Concord with her grand-mother. Mr. Roy Litaker has purchased a new Ford' roadster. Miss Annie Pless and Mr. Holmes | Blackwelder motored to Mt. Pleasant | Sunday afternoon. 1 There was a visitor on the Hill Sat- I urday afternoon. We are listening for I the weddiDg bells. Melvin and Jack Krimminger and 1 John Brown spent Sunday with Eugene Litaker, at th Hartsel Mill. Mrsi H. V. Krimminger has her chick ens trained so that when she says "Get to bed,” they go. Venus, if you can beat that, trot, out your chickens. There will be preaching at Mt. Her mon Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock by the pastor, Rev. L. t>. Miller. CHUMS. CONCORD ROUTE ONE. The farmers of our community are b<js.v preparing their farms for planting time. J,' The peach orchards are iu full bloom. Spring is appearing each day. Mrs. James W. Stowe has returned : home after spending several days at Gold 1 Hill with her sister, whose family has been real sick, but is now improving. Miss Eula Dees las not returned to ; . sehool at the Sunderland Hall on ac- ; count of her brother being ill. ! Mr. J. F. Smith and Mr. Watt Smith made a business trip to Statesville last Thursday. Mr. Ralph Osborne, Mr. Bub Stowe, , Mr. Ernest Sechler. Misses Elsie Love, Annie Osborne, Minnie Stowe, Master , Joe Love took some interesting pietures ' Sunday. Hurrah for Venus and the little dog named “Stranger.” Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Love spent Satur day night at the home of Mrs. J. W. Stowe. Little Miss Kate Stowe is very ill at ', this writing of pneumonia. ■ The little son of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. ■ Dees is very sick. Master Marshall and DeWitt Starnes spent the week-end with their grand-par- Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne. Miss Rosie Lee Measmer was the guest of Misses Elsie and Betty Love Sunday ; evening. Mrs. Frapk Smith Sb expecting to at ; tend the birthday dinner which is going i to be given at the home of her brother, I Mr. Ernest Seaford on next Saturday, ] April sth. ip honor of her father, who I will be 76 years of age. | Miss Minnie Stowe has been absent [ from school for a few days on account I of a Very sore arm, caused by being j vaccinated for smallpox. FORGET-ME-NOT. KLUTTZ ACADEMY. | The farmers of our community are [ taking advantage of the. pretty weather j preparing to plant. [ : Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carter spent Son day .• in Stanly county visiting Mrs. Car-1 5 ter’s sisters | ' Mr. and Mrs. Banks Bost, of Kannap | Mis, spent Saturday night with his par | ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bost. [ Mrs. C. E. Bost spent Thursday night [ In Kannapolis witb her son, Mr. Banks | Bost. I Mr. Chester Cruse is having plenty of I company along now, hearing his new I radio. ' | Several people from our neighborhood I went to the fire Sunday evening at Mr. I Lather Safrit’s. I Fishir and Klnttz school boys crossed I bats on the letter’s diamond Friday. The I score was in favor of Kluttc. 'V ' ■ | - We-notice on our rounds tbat Mr. G. I I. Carter bas been building some old b time rail fences. If yotf'ean beat that 1 Venus, trot out yonr mao. I We hesrd a splendid talk at the Snn i ds> Sehool Institute at Boger Church on I Sunday By Mr. R. P. Benson add think ■ it was very much enjoyed by all pres- I eat. \ - The Kluttz community meeting will be * held Friday night, April llth. Every -1 Body is invited. > ] Health in this dommunity is very good I at present. BLUE EYES. I CONCORD ROUTE SIX. | We are having some cold and rainy I weather now. I Mr. and Mrs. Jake Tucker and soar Sr Paul, and Miss Vapsie Love spent Sun il day in Badin. If -a*>P. and Mrs. Charlie Rbinehardt spent 1 1 awhile with Mr. and Mrs. Pink Dry IlkViJd’Si. MSSS ?S' , Aafcatd*gl»«. and cblldr m - .. ~ a while Sunday OMning with t«r fatlflk and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jaek McDon *M. 8 . ' ■ Mrs. Vamlry Harris spent .Saturday frith Mrs. Charlie Rhinehsrdr. ' Miss Pearl Rbinehardt visitdd Miss , Holie McDonald Sunday. .Come on Route 9 krith your news. We UJtc to read your items, , , N,.|TTRUE BI.FE. ' - , Mr. M. A. Jackson Bost. who livra a few miles south of Organ Church, passed through Faith today on his way from I Salisbury and stoppMLto give ns an item. He said that he and his wife will be married fifty, yeahs on April 2nd, and they never had a marriage or death in the family during that time. If any other family can beat that trot, out your family. He is one of North Carolina’s wealthy farmers. / Work is progressing hoe on the new Reformed Church in Faith. Vebus met in Faith a large, fine car full of pretty girl* gad two Joung men. bui the girls were the ptettWt. They Were out on a Measure trip. Tb*lr namra are Jane Price, Margaret Craw 'ford, Elizabeth Grimes, Mary Nicholson, jAnnie Busby. Pat >!i»ore. Rrid Sloan, and .Toe Goodson, wirii Mr. Sloan at the Wheel. Miss Roxana Can Me. who is teaching at Wadegboro, is spending the j week-end at home, bete in Faith. Mr. Lee Caable, from Lenoir College, was home oyer Sunday. Mrs. H. A. Wklker. of Burlington, is visiting home folk* for n few days. The Lutheran iOhurch here was filled to overflowing with people who came to hear Rev. C. P. fasher, of China Grove., He was the preached here for about 15 years. He prenehrit a fine sermon .here. Sunday night. Several people were fcere from a distance. Mr. and Mrs. 0, J. Walker and two pretty school teachers from Spencer were here. In the Coneord Times of March 25, on page 3, and third column, we notice a mighty nice letter from Professor David S. LLppard, »o( Wjflingport. That’s the way to do. If you know something good that ought to be done wfite and tell about it. Mr. LippaTd is one of the best and cleverest men we have ever met . He made the arrange ments and had us to place a large collec tion of our relics in two rooms at the Mlllingport fair a few years ago, and everybody was pleased with them. Leo and Haydau Stiller, of Salisbury, are out on the granite belt, hauling to the railroad with a motor truck and making money to beat the band. One of the pretty school teachers here at the Faith high school bought a Ford coupe a few days ago. Guess who? Mary Chambers, and Blanche Stewart were visitor? in Salisbury over the week-end. Hoy Holshouser, of Rockwell, has're turned from Chapel Bill, completed his studies. Will graduate at 21. He is spending two months'ip Winston-Salem. We met an old friend. Mr. H. C. Kirk, one of the aid Time veterans, who always goes with ns,to aHThe old sol- . tilers’ reunions every year, and we al ways have a fine time. John L. peeler has moved back to his farm, and Mrs. 6. A. Brown and fam ily will move back to Faith iu her home. Mrs. Pinkney Lntorick has gone to near Landis to spend a few weeks with her son, Lawson Ludwick. Miss Ruth Castiir and Mary Hess will spend the week-end iu Mooresvllle Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown and two daughters passed through Faith in their ear on their way home from Salisbury. Gladys Trexler ami Hubert Parks, of Faith, are only 12 years old and in the eighth grade. If any qna can beat that, trot out your little cues. Miss Ruth Castor and Kile Maye Ward spent Sunday with Miss Mary Hess. John Fink, of' Salisbury, was at the Lutheran Church Snpdly night. VENUS. LOCUST. Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sports, a eon, on Saturday, March 29th. Mr. Boy Easley is out again after a week’s illness from a severe case of ton silitis. Mrs. Maud Furr Dunlap, of Spencer, has been visiting relatives here a few days. Mr. Clyde Moore has moved his case into the store room In which he resides. Mr. L. H. Sports is suffering intense ly from a felon on one of his fingers of his right hand, which renders him unable to do any work. A convict’s suit was found near Hiil’6 camp <i few days ago, which is supposed to have belonged to one who ran away from the other camp. Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Furr have gone into the chicken raising business, but from the way their burinem started off last week there is some apprehension aa to results, for the oil stove in their newly built biddy house caught am fire and not only burned n targe place in the floor, but also roasted several of the little birds. A most Interesting and appropriate talk, lecture or sermon (whichever) was given Sunday morning mt the Baptist Church on “Church Discipline” by Rev. A. A., Hathcock. Everything be said wa* to the point and there were many complimentary remarks mode about his splendid advice to the churches apd their management of member*. Mt. Hath cock was followed by Mm. J. M. Mauney, of New London, on women’s work. Only those who b*« heard her know tbs impression of h«r spirit-filled message and bow souriiftin* are her words of inapiration and cheer. Many were encouraged to begin anew with' greater zeal to do the Master’s work. Arfter a bountiful dinner tike women as sembled and organised a Missionary So i e,Hy - . afternoon was token up in general talks. Mrs. T. M. Hartsell boa returned from a Charlotte, hospital. wh»*e she ntrier went an operation and treatment. P. MrilW Inquiry May Not Re Carried On. Washington. April 3.—Furthet cation* wa* fiven fodity of tlie bi-par - gjagtyijl.jgs; mripMwS kith ineligible to re rrrim"aST, ' sum agm ——.£.£sl—nu •>„) % ‘\J.. -'ji’MgiW. LiK. J 1 From time immemorial, leavening . gas has made the “touch” which \ made the paste of flour and water a digestible food—the-staff of life. A flat and soggy loaf or biscuit is an unleavened food. So it is that leaven ing agents such as yeast or baking powder are employed. To insure to the American housewife • complete leavening of her cakes, muffins, etc., which is so impor , tant to perfect digestion, the pure food authorities found it wise to require a cor- ’ 1 ‘: tain standard of leavening strength in' baking powder. To maintain this guaranty of digestibility— / ' > to insure minimum deterioration of leaven ing strength, baking powder is packed in tin. This prevents absorption of atmospheric mois ture. Dampness produces premature reaction / in the can—results in loss bf- leavening gas. The food official, would properly -condemn bak ing powder if packed in cheap sacks.'. , But what about self rising flour? It comes to the; southern housewife from remote northem'muls;. < packed in porous bags. What happens to this ■ „ ; mixture of raking materials and flour? f) : - Chemical analysis shows that much of it has lost" ■ j j its leavenipg strength before it reachesthe consumer. Breadstuffs made with such self-rising flours cannot rise properly—they come to the table heavy, flat, and | : , soggy. 1 * Why don’tfchepurc food officials demand that self-rising flours contain 0.5% leavening gas, the equivalent to the 12% required of baking powder? Calumet Baking Powder is scientifically and legally cor rect—the last spoonful is as pure and sure as the first * Packed in tin—keeps the strength in I :' ; j HUD S O N ' • '■ | Offers a Finer Coach on a New Super-Six Chassis. rft At almost open car cocttht'new Hudson Coach givM all the utility you can get in tally closed car, enhanced by ' \ e * en n,O, * l attractive and Coach body. $ I CClj You will note sconce its greater beauty, more spacious AvvV seating, wider doois and longer body. The lines are new, , too. With this finer b6d)rypu also get the advancements NEW MODELS of a new Super-Six chassis. It has the reliability and econ- Speedster . _ - $1425 omy of,- maintenance and operation 1 for which everyone i P^**tß *~ E5£R knows Huds6n. To these it adds a new degree of stnooth s£tan ’ - - - - "-".*18*5 ness in perftgrtynce that will sutfcrise and dtlight even , • Freight and Taa'Bgtra those who best'know the past Hudson*. ' Co yd M (CjJo. PAGE TEN

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