Friday, April 4, 1924 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Organdie jLjHHjjfl j. 9 I iflllillislililP«r ’■' jttl Ip !. Parisian designers are never [ \ more happy than when working out costumes in their favorite black and white combination. This frock of black crepe and white or gandie Introduces an entirely new neckline and collar treatment. MBS. CANNON TO ENTERTAIN i AT DINNER THIS EVENING Mf.' and Mrs. Clark Ilowell. Jr., of At lanta, to Be Honor Guests—Wedding Guests to Attend. .Mrs. James W. Cannon will entertain this evening at 0:30 o'clock at her home on North Union Street at an elaborate dinner in honor of Mr. ami Mrs, Clark Howell, Jr., of Atlanta, the latter her granddaughter. In addition .to: Mr. and ■Mrs. Howell guests at the dinner will be relavtics of Mrs. Julian S. Carr and Hon. Clark Howell, Sr., who will be married at the home of Mrs. Cannon tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. will be Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Sirs. Carr. ■JUr. and Mrs. J. f\ Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. W. Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cannon, of Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Cannon, of York, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Hill, of Winston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Lambeth, of Charlotte; Mrs. David Blair, of Washington; Miss Nancy Oarr. Julia Carr, ,Tr., Miss Mary Ann Carr, of Durham, and Coma Hotveli, of Atlanta. Other guests in addition to those tvho will be present for the dinner this eve ning are expected to arrive in Concord for the wedding of Mrs. Carr and Mr. Howell. Mr. Howell will reach Con cord tomorrow morning, as will Hon. David H. Blair, commissioner of in ternal revenue. Due to the prominence of Mrs. Carr and Mr. Howell their wedding Ms a so cial event that commands the interest of North CarrOina and other \ Southern states. Mrs. Carr, one of North Caro lina’s most prominent women, has been active in social circles in the State for a number of years. Mr. Howell, owner and publisher of the Atlanta Constitu tion, is one of the best known men of ASTHMA MJk There is no “cure,” bpt 9 » the wheezy breathing that prevents sleep may oftentimes be relieved by inhaling the soothing medicated vapors of — X/ICKS ¥ Vapoßub Ow*rlT MUiiunJmn tf—<f Yurt? Ktl §k professional 1 m;> conduct is i§ m abouc all m trairUng^. sL in a commend- ?|§ r able manner ' ; J Jg 3ftmeral .parlors | ; m CaJlsAnswered Day & NightfiS < PERSONALS. John K- Patterson left Thursday for Boeky Mount, whore he will visit his dnlighter, Mrs. George Edwards. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Correll, of Greensboro, arrived Thursdny to at tend the funeral of the former’s father, E. F. Correll, who died suddenly Thurs day morning. • * • Mrs. J. F. Cannon, Miss May White, Miss Maggie Barhardt and Mrs. G. L. Patterson have returned from where they attended the sessons of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Coneord Presbyterial. John M- Oglesby is spending the day in Asheville on professional business. * * * Miss Jessie Combs arrived in Concord Thursday from Greensboro where she visited relatives, and is now with Mr. and Mrs. A) E. Harris. L.V. Elliott, register of deeds ' for Cabarrus county, was a business visi tor in Albemarle Thursday afternoon. * * * Mrs. If*. J. Sflrauss. of Cincinnati, who has been visiting relatives in Con- 1 cord and Charlotte, will return home to- , night. • • • Hon. Edgar W. Pharr, of Charlotte, spent Tuesday in the city. Mr. Pharr is a candidate for Speaker of the next House of Representatives of North Car ol inn. M ss Alary E. Champan is in Wash-j ten. D. C.. for a few days and is stay ing at the Grace Dodge Hotel. 1 the South. He has been prominent in newspaper and political circles for many years l , having held a number of promi nent, positions in both. The wedding will be quietly observed at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening, with only members cf the families in attendance. Miss Gordon’s Pupils Here This Eve ning. Pupils of the Gordon Music Academy, of Charlotte, will repeat at the Central Graded School auditorium here this ev ening at 8 o'clock, the program they gave several weeks ago at the Chamber of Commerce in their first public ap pearance in Charlotte. The list of pu pils comprises the members of the Or pheus nnd St. Cecelia violin clubs, Iho senior pupils being members of the Or pheus club and the junior pupils being members of the St. Cecelia elub. The recital is preliminary to the open ing of a branch studio of the Gordon Music Academy in Coneord. The open ing will fake place next, week, with Miss Anne Stauffer, teaching piano, and Mrs.. J. F. Whyte, teaching flute, banjo and mandolin, and Chester Mcllvain, teaching voice: The members of the Orpheus violin elub are Misses Lila Devlin, Mae Pe j gram, Lena Harwood, Jeanne McMillan, Jewell .Echols, Lee Redden, Ruth Alar tin. Verna Herman. Benetta Lomax, Elizabeth Syttton, Lillian Shortridge, Virginia Abernethy, Airs. E. S. Ale- Lean, AValter Lee Gray, Robert Smith, Robert Frazier. Preston Edwards. The members of the St. Cecelia club ure Johnny Long. Franklin Brown, Wesley Emery, Lorentz Ramneur, Clinton Win gate, Latimer Warren, Adeline Rea, lisa Barwig, Annie Lee Hemby, Carol Barnes, Joe Whitfield. Glen Albert Kimm’iek. Thomas McLean, and Chas. Js>ui» McNeill. The following program will he ren dered : Opening: “Song Without AVords"— Greenwnld—St. Cecelia Violin Club (jun ior members). A'iolin Solo: Fnutasie “Annie Laurie" —Ruth Alartin. Violin Solo: “To a Wild Rope"—Mnc- Dowell—Walter Leo Gray. Violin Solo: “O Sole Alio”—Di Capua —Robert Smith. Piano Solo : “To Spring"—Grieg— Ruth Eva. Violin solo: “Aloha Oe”—nrr. M. L. Lake—Lee 1 Redden. Saxophone Solo: “Largo”—Handel— Alnx Wilson. _ , A’iolin Solo —“Valse Triesf?”—Sibelius —Lena Harwood. A'iolin solo: “Gipsy Melody"—Oscar Kohler—Johnny Long (Junior member). A'iolin Solo: "Traumerei" —Schumann —A'erna Herman. A’iolin Solo—"La Paloma”—Chas. de Yradier—Benetta Lomax. A’iolin Solo: “My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" from (Samson nnd Delilah)— Jeanne AlcAlillnn. Vocal solo: (a) “Lovely Flowers 1 Pray” (from Fa use); (b) "The Star"— Rogers—Hilda Turner. Violin Duet—“Salut D'Amur"—Ed. Elgar—Lila Devlien nnd Mae 'Pegram. Violin Solo : "Cncntina"—Raff—Mae Pegrnm. , A'iolin Solo: “Meditation Thais"—Alns senet—Lila Devlin. Closing Chorus: “The Hallelujah from the Messiah”—Handel—Orpheus A’iolin Club (Senior Members). Miss Stauffeur—Accompanists. Birthday Party. The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Snpp was the scene of ttitich merriment and pleasure AA’ednesday afternoon when twenty-six little friends gathered there I to help celebrate the sixth birthday of their little daughter Phyllis Anna. Mrs. Sapp entertained the youngsters very pleasantly during the afternoon, after which candy, cake and erenm were )<erv eded and all left for their homes, Wishing little Miss Phyllis many more such hap py birthdays. TOWN TAPS FURNITURE VAN AND HAS HILARIOUS TIME Finds False Bottom in Vehicle That Is Upsrt by s Train. | Washington, Pa., April 1. —Most of the village of Eighty-Four, a hamlet I along the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad! eight miles east of here, went on a spree 1 ! today when a big “furniture" van was wrecked by an eastbound passenger train and 55 gallons of choice moon shine were tossed into a ditch. Resi dents of the vicinity of the accident, i bi/specrink that furailmwrwWh with* the track was-apjfsrentl j loaded was'j not the only merchandise, bored boles | • r-- MISS NAN GORDON ii&Lu.v. i HI i I If |"i"'. i Head o fGordon Music Academy, Stu dents of which will give concert at. Cen tral Graded School this evening at eight o'clock. 'into the bottom of the vehicle and struck a false bottom which contained the booze containers. A crowd of thirsty villagers appeared as it by magic and soon large quantities of the contraband liquor were siphoned to every sort of vessel. When Chief of County Detectives Dinsmore arrived on the scene lie discovered a hilarious throng of villagers, and rescued the re mainder of the liquor. The driver of the truck, badly in jured, was placed on the train to be taken to a Pittsburgh hospital, but despite his injuries he slipped from the train cn route aud disappeared. HOME SEEKERS RATES TO SOUTIIEST RESTORED Large .-Area Agricultural Lands Now Awaking Development WUI Be Mode Available. AA’fishington. April 3. —Representa- tive Abernethy received a letter today from H. H. Riclinrdson, chairman of the National Association of Real Es tate Boards, aouncing that they had succeeded in securing the restoration of home seekers’ rates' to the southeastern section. The rates were withdrawn by the railroads bortly, before the war. Mr. Richardson states that nonfransferable home seekers rate tickets will be | sold to parties of five or more who decide to visit the southeastern section with a view of purchasing homes in that sec tion. and that these tickets will be on sale on the first, and third Tuesdays in each month, beginning April. The restoration of the home seek ers' rates means to the squth that these reduced rates 1 will fi‘rtm now on be nbailable to a large area of territory of unimproved agricultural lands awaiting development by settlors, and should mean the bringing in of a large num ber of settlers to North Carolina. Sugar, Coffee, Rice, ’ Domino Fine Granulated Sugar 100 pound bags $9.50 25 pound bag : _i $2.50 Small lots, per pound 110 c High grade Rio Loose Roast Coffee. It’s better than Arbuckle —to go at 25c 2,500 pounds Good Loose Head Rice. The regular 7 l-2c grade. our price today 7 1-2 We deliver quick everywhere. Your charge account is good with us if you have good rating. Cline & Moose We have the follow ing cars for sale or exchange: i One Essex Touring One Buick Touring One Oakland Tour ing. One Ford Touring. STANDARD BUICKi COMPANY Opposite City Fire Dept j< Ttifi CON<?OfcD DAILY tfcl&UNB 1 1 i-"" '■’*+ • I ’ r ' THE COMMUNITY BANK ' iy : . ' Working with m the industrial, agricultural \ | i i and other interests of Concord and Cabarrus { i [ 1 County is the primary purpose of the CITI- N ; ZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. , Fn fact, this is distinctly a bank of the com- I munity, safeguarding funds and handling \ • financial transactions of large or small volume. i YOU will appreciate opr personal attention \ t rto your requirements. We invite Bank ' Ing by Mail Accounts. \ i :ljf|R CITIZENS II ilfll | BANK & TRUST | Jiggi t COMPANY \ || j EgffljlgP| CONCORD | fgffOUß * MEL-BRO LOTION “Makes Your Skin Kinvoth as a Baby’s” boit Dimples, Freckles, Blackheads, and Other Unsightly Blemishes For Snlo bv CLINE’S PHARMACY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiiii Buy Garden Seeds in Bulk and observe ’ ■*' i i the Difference i ! We Have Them Pearl Drug Co. . • On the Square Phone 22 iinimimnminiimiiimniniiininiinnti Come One! Come Many! Come All Who Can! To See the plays to be given by the school children in the audi torium. at Mt. Pleasant. Two Chiarming operettas, namely: “Let’s God Traveling” and “The Golden Whistle” See the many gorgeous costumes' and “spend an evening with us” is their plea. On Saturday April sth, 1924, at 8:00 P. M. ADMISSION 25c Est Milk Made Bread for Lunch You will enjoy your mid-day meal if you eat Milk-Made bread. Pure and wholesome, it is de- 1 licious sandwiich bread, and is fine nourishment. CONCORD STEAM BAKERY C«rtlflc«tCß of Stock anil goals For Cor- 1 porations furnished by The Times-Trib- i une Office. ts 1 WHAT DOES IT TASTE LIKE? Just like Checker berry. Good? Bully! And the flavor lasts. It Is triple-strength and pressed In. Have you tried the latest? It's Fleer's Checker berry Chewing Gum. 3 Chats With Your ;; t Gas Man I Gas Service is sold direct from . us‘to our customers. There is nc middleman ns in most businesses, i i The housewife herself regulates 1 her own bills. , When she wishes to “purchase” some gas for the > cooking of a meal or for heating ! water, for example, she turns a i lever, applies a light and has her 1 order filled immediately. When she wishes to stop “buy ing” she merely reverses the lever 1 and the flow of gas stops and her ! “purchase" is ended. In this way i she has complete supervision over 1 her gas. j We get so accustomed to gas 11 service that we take it for grant- ] | ed and often ignore its many con- i i veniences and economies. Occasion- 1 al appreciation of good service is | rendered is justly due every gas company. CONCORD & KANNAPO- ! 1 ,LIS GAS CO. lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOC gOOOOOOOCXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jjj Striking designs that will ! ' ;i]i appeal to women with mod- K ;!| ern dress ideas. Come in '!' ;!; f: ij| many handsome styles, one !|! |ij! of which is illustrated. |l[ j! STARNES-MILLER- ij PARKER CO. » ]! Jewelers and Optometrists We Will Give the Progressive Fanner a whole year free to every subscriber to The Tribune who pays a year in ad vance—that ia, yon get both papers a whole year for only $5, or $6 If you get your paper in the city of Concord e? outside the State of North Carolina. Address The Tribune, Concord, N. C. at Times-Tribune Office. We Have the Most Beautiful Ui» of wedding invitations and announce ments to be found anywhere, aa we represent one of the best engraven in Trespass Notices, 6 For to Cents. In ! quantities of C 9 or more one cent each 1 at Times-Tribune Office. 13-ts-p. ’ ' I' \ | —That nose of yours g I neet k a New Hat | II Harmonize a man’s hat with his nose and the rest of his , * profile takes care of itself. Your nose is further advanced than the j \ rest of your face—and once‘it is ' shaded under the brim of a new * shape—your nose knows and 2 else knows that here is a man f I take “No” to being becomingly hatted^ If you have never held a Browns 1 1 hat on your brow you have never placed fQgH* J the highest value on your own head. « ' v 4pE5M; Blocks here for Easter for men who think more of their appearance than to ruin it with the wrong headgear. Brown’s New Spring Hats Jk $5.00 to SB.OO . Spring Caps Silk Hose with Clocks New Neckwear. ' Browns - Cannon Co. Where You Get Your Money’s Worth ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc """ f r "’ :c " M •, /% E. Means St. 227 N. College St. ; ScdUrlnGr Tel^,2#, to wear, priced all sizes and widths. pm A mm $7.45 IVEY’S , „*?!_.? i Horrre TTTTnBOTMi VISIT FISHER’S Take Care of Your FIGURE Have your Corset Fitted Today, , We. Make Stout Figures Look • Slender $2.95 Upward I LOVERS FORM BRASSIERE The Brassiere that is pleasing everyone. It will not slip up— See FISHER’S fc Pay# W<XX»OOfrOOOOOOOOOOO*«>PC>OOOCOOt»0^^ I EASTER: April 20th, and official dress up time. Let me serve I you early to avoid the Easter rush by making your Spring 1 Why wait longer? 'lB M. R. Pounds CUSTOM TAILORING %j||l HAT BLOCKING J Cleaning and Altering Also Done. NS*' - | —nrirnmini iiiiiiinnuuuuuuiM PAGE THREE

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