PAGE SIX Place Your Order For Awnings Now / If you wait until hot weather the rush will be on, and the sum- I | j mer half gone before you get your awnings. This is going to be the big i > J awning year. People are beginning to realize the real pleasure and j [ / eomfort of a few awnings. Place your order now. (let your awnings , , when you need them, and pay when it's convenient. Phone 1147 for 11 samples and priees. ' J Concord Furniture Co. jj THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE ®aoooooocooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I FREE CONCERT FRIDAY NIGHT j Orpheus and St. Cecelia Violin Clubs J Gordon Music Academy, Inc. jlj CHARLOTTE ' ||[ Will Repeat at Central School Here j!| FRIDAY NIGHT AT 8:00 O’CLOCK Program They Gave Recently at X Chamber of Commerce, Charlotte Ji[ MISS NAN GORDON, Directing jj; THE PUBLIC IN INVITED ! | Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc Will Be Given A WHOLE YEAR FREE jj to every subscriber of either The Times or Tribune who i ! pays bis subscription a full year in advance. Pay up to I ! date and a year in advance and get the best farm paper ] ; published every week for a whole year without any cost to ] 1 This offer may be withdrawn at any time. Take ad- j j vantage of Jit now.. If your subscription is already paid up j to some future date, pay for another year and get The Pro- 1 grtssive Farmer FREE. >. v X SUNRISE DAIRY Pure Milk and Cream ■ WHOLESALE .AND RETAIL itnvi Milk Retail, per quart 16c i Wholesale, per quart 12 l-2c ■ f v Cream, per Pint 40c L. O. CLINE, Proprietor JoT" Largest and Most Complete Stock of BASEBALL GOODS Most Value For Your Money I D&M SPORTING GOODS I All Guaranteed 1 Ritchie Hardware Co WOMB m° UR HARDWARE STCjjgß, u7 • *«»/.•. ;.Y'xAlfele*'-. *»..'• . ’... •• , X'-ii* v -‘Yy i v ' iXi'r'^ t y THE CONCORD &A&.V TRIBUNE : The Concord Daily Tribune ' TIME OF CLOSING OF _ MAILS! ( The time of the closing'of mails at ' the Concord postoffice is as follows: I Northbound Train No. 41—11:00 p. m. Train No. 36 —10:00 a. m. Train No. 12 — 6:30 p. m. i Train No. 38— 7 :30 p. m. | Train No. 30—11:00 p. m. Southbound Train No. 37 0 :00 a. m. Train No. 45 3:00 p. ni. Train No. 135 0:00 p. in. Train No. 20 —11:00 p. m. LOCAL MENTION The regular weekly meeting of the Concord Kiwanis Club will be held at the Y. M. C. A. tonight at 7 o'clock. .T. T. Green, pity mail carrier, is enn ' fined to his home today by illness. His i condition is not. reported serious, i however. The condition of Miss Bessie Griffin. ! who recently underwent an operation in i the Concord Hospital for Appendicitis. 1 is reported today as very favorable. The condition of Mrs. H. A. Good man. w!k> is ill at her home on Frank lin Avenue, is reported today as slight ly improved. Mrs. Goodman has been resting more comfortably this week. , One case of smallpox and one Sase of l chicken pox were the only new cases re ported from the county Thursday to the . health department, according to a de [ pari meat report. I No session of the recorder's court I was held this afternoon, it being an nounced at police headquarters that no I cas»>s were on docket for trial today. 1 This is the first time iu several days j that no session of the court was held. J. P., ten-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Arnette, of the Hartsel! Mill neighborhood, died Thursday morn ing. Funeral services were held this morning at 10 o'clock at the home ami interment was made in Union cemetery. Have you a dog that you value! Then keep it shut up until it ean be vaccinated against rabies. New city ordinance makes it unlawful for dogs to run wild on the streets, and all must take the rabies vaccination. Sinclair Wil iams, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Williams, who recently underwent an operation for tho removal of his appendix at the Concord Hospi tal, is improving daily, according to a message from the hospital. Major W. A. Foil has been appointed chairman of the Woodrow Wilson Foun dation Fund committee in Cabarrus county and plane to solicit funds from all Democrats and others who are in terested, Persons who desire to do so, are asked to forward contributions to Major Foil at once. The next session of Cabarrus Su perior Court will convene here on Mon day. April 21st. Judge W. F. llarding, of Charlotte, is scheduled tin preside at the sessions of court, which will he in session two weeks. One week will be de voted to criminal cases and the other week to civil cases- .« About 70 students •' of the Jackson Training School are>suffering now with measles, according to reports to the county health department. Four new cases at the school were reported Thurs day, and more than 60 cases had been previously reported. None of the school have been seriously ill. it is also re ported from the school. “It seems to me that the city should purchase a machine to patch the holes in the streets of the city,” a citizen of Concord stated this morning in .(liscus sing various dangerous holes that have worn in the streets. "These holes are , getting larger all the time.” he con tinued, “and the city should have a machine to repair them the minute they are noticed.” Officers of the Dixie Real Estate Company announced this morning that the company has secured an opt ion on the property of Trinity Reformed Church corner of Mean* and Church streets. It is probably that the property will be sold at publie auction later, an announcement to be made in this paper at an early date. Members of the Church plan to erect a now house of worship in the near future on a lot on Church Street which they purchased recently. Mooresville Enterprise: John Blick Alexander is getting lumber on the ground for the building of a service station, garage and store building on his property in the forks of the road , which road which lead to Salisbury and to Landis. This is a very desirable location and will prove a benefit to a large number of travelers along the pub lic highway. The garage will be in Aarge of Walter Kestler, an expert ma chinist and a former instructor at Ciem b-on College. WILMINGTON AUTOIBT HELD FOR HOMICIDE Failed to Stop After Running Over and Killing Railroad Man. Wilmington, April 3.—E. A. Boyd, white, employed by the Great Atlantic and Pacific' Tea Co., was committed to I jail yesterday by Recorder Harris in 1 defualt of $5,000 bond, charged with the murder of D. A. Matthews, At i lantic Coast Line yard conductor. Cor ! oner’s jury filed a verdict charging tba't | Matthews’ death was caused by Boyd. The State contends that Matthews was riding a bicycle on WrightsvlUe turnpike in suburb and that he was srtuck from behind by the automobile recklessly driv en by Boyd. Matthews was throws 00 feet and was instantly killed. H. C. Spooner, white, was bith Boyd in the car and <is held in $2500. bond as a material witness. Spooner said- that Boyd was driving the . car and that Boyd would not accept his suggestion to stop and investigate. Matthews’ dead body was found by a passing atatoist,' who reported It to au thorities. Police and deputy sheriffs did good work in locating the death car. They investigated all cars on streets of the city and in several hours found Boyd’s badly damaged car. Boyd’s ar rest and Spooner’s confession followed. JBven H your life is an open book there are times when you abopldL turn I over a new leaf. 1- It seems to have been the Mad Hatter or the wild March Hare who . set the April spring hat prices. * • • • First thing you know now it will be sh hot underwear will feel like an overcoat. * * * Spring fever note: Wear rubber heels during spring fever; they don’t scratch the desk top so easily. j •• • | All this water in flooded rivora comes from tho spring. • • * Spring is when natur* aaya it with flowers. • • • Arizona is-called the cactus state, 1 but shouldn’t get stuck up over that. The state of matrimony is called tho J game. • • • i The men on these cigaret adver tisements look as pleased as if they , had suddenly decided to swear off smoking. •• • ( Courts are becoming so strict about j the only way a woman can shoot two men and go free is by being ft big-. ! nmist • • • Talking yourself hearse is a simple matter. All you havs to do is try to explain Teapot Dome to a friend. • * • Half of our lives are spent talking to people about other people. Earnest Reformers. "The President is forced to see too many people.” "Yes, they keep calling. He should be urged to stop it. We'U send a dele gation.” In 1807. th the published averages of the previous season's play, it was shown ihat the general average of the scores of the leading baesbatl teams of the period was 51 runs for each game. i K. QF P. NOTICE ] Regular meeting Concord Lodge No. , .71 K. of P. Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Work in first rank. R. W. BI.ACKWELDER. C. C. 1 CONCORD PRODUCT- MARKET . {Corrected Weekly by Cline ft Moose-) . Figures named represent priced paid > tor produce on the market: Eggs .20 Buttet .30 X ountry Ham .251 1 Country Shoulder .15 : Country Sides .15 j Young chiekena .20 j Hens .17 Turkeys .25 to .30 T-ard .12 t-2 Sweet Potatoes 1.40 Irish Potatoes' .90 Onions $1.50 Peas 51.50 j | Corn Sl.ilO j ] | MEL-BRO jj | IFOR YOUR IIAIR ! ij' “An Ideal’ Hair Dressing” j! j | Keeps Harsh dnd Stubborn !ji! Combed Any Style j ll Price 35 Ce.nts '. ] [ CBnes Pharmacy; TELEPHONE 333 A Sale of Bonita Gowns and Chemise in Muslin, Nainsook and Batists for Fast Selling Thursday, Fri day and Saturday A special underpricing event that permits you to select 1 , from new and fresh assortments of dainty lingerie at worth while savings. Trimmed in Lace, Beading an.d Em broidery—the varities are numerous and the price nearly covers the cost of materials were you to make them up i yourself; II 59c Garments 89c SI.OO Garments 79c 75c Garments 99c $1.25 Garments 89c ; 90c Garments 89c $1.50 Garments $1.19 $2.00 Garments $1.29 i , - i > Fruit of the Loom Nainsook—Flesh, Blue and Orchid t 10 Yard Bolts, $3.99 Bolt ROBINSON’S Concord'* Bettor Star*. I- : ~ {< WHAT’S THE GOOD WORD? | Say “Check-chack-Chackarbcny” i to tha grocer or the droggUt or i thenewe-staitd man. Get tbebrand new gum with the new flavor that’s i pressed in. Fleer'* Chockerfaerry i Chewing Gum. Don’t Envy Beauty Yes, you tod, can have a beau tiful complexion, free from pim ples, black heads, freckles and i other unsightly blemishes, by the j use of J Mel-Bro Lotion! Sold at all Drug Stores ‘Makes Your Skin Smooth as a ; Baby’s” j PIGGLY WIGGLY FOR BEST PRICES Extra Fancy Winesap Apples, Size 113, pejr OO dozen OAC Florida Oranges O O per dozen J Grapefruit, size 80 E-» ‘ each Fancy Celery 1 O/* 1 per biihch | Lcttuce . 15c i ,per pound < Tomatoes, per pound 1 2 for 25c. lOC V* R • a p| . I Elizabeth Arden's facial treat- | ’ ments will build up lasting beauty | on a basis of scientific knowledge g of the laws of health. Miss Arden M does not nim merely to HIDE | wrinkles, but to eradicate them— | firm up the skin to prevent sag- M ging muscles, which are the under- H lying cause of seamed cheeks aud | a stringy neck. ' I Gibson Drug Store [ The Rexall Store 1 CONCORD COTTON MARKET FRIDAY. APRIL. 4, 1024 Cotton : .28 1-2 Cotton seed 66 ’ NOTICE. Sheriff Caldwell wishes to remind tlit tai payers of the county that have not paid their tax that this is the list month in Which they have to pay them. 3-3 t-chg. qooocooooooot»ooooooooooooooo6U>DooooooooocopooaooQot/ I TAILORING OPENING Last Call ;r Mr. J. Harry Rosenbcrger, representing Schloss Bros.- ] ! & Co., will be here today with his usual large display of i ! 1 spring and summer woolens, for your approval. ! We will be pleased to show, you thte new spring wool- | j ] | ens without any obligation to you at all. HOOVER’S, Inc. j THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC oooooooooooooowtjcooooooooaaooooooooooonoooooooooooooo II SPRING HAS COME | Easter is two weeks off when everybody wants a new ! ! 1 Hat. See us for new ones are being received daily. ] | SPECIALTY HAT SHOP rn W !Hi ’ I 1" KKSKh U gfc.glfefateESil.CT.l!! Wirimajgwawafl 1 ICE i HOUSEWIVES— I Try These Savings For Thirty Days f Do you really know the savings to be effected by ice jj> " at this time of the year? Frankly, you do not unless you have given ice a 1 | fair chance to prove its worth. I thoroughly believe that if your family calls us TO | DAY—takes ic,e for a trial-proof period of thirty days—and I notes the difference in the TASTE of food and the econ | omies through SAVED food—you will thank us for calling | this to your attention. ) A. B. POUNDS I PHONE 244 Another Proof That Buicks Satisfy * 4 Buick owners are always reluctant to part with their cars. For Buick’s de pendability, its ability to master every road condition, its sturdiness, its safety , and comfort all firmly establish Buick in every owner’s regard. Buick has made good cars for over twenty years and the latest Buick achievement is its greatest. Let us prove this to you , by a demonstration in the Buick model you like the best. STANDARD BUKX COMPANY sT ;' ; f .„ / Friday, April 4, 1924

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