Friday, Ajjrfl 4, 1934 JTlffi FIOWERS THAT BLOOM IN TOE sraiNG TRA-LA ' “ ” ' ; ' "®‘ (P -, / musTbea \ ri 'V, CEnTuRY ) The Vanishing Vocabulary! The Greensboro Record. There was a time when a student took great pride in the extent of his vocabu lary and be always exhibited 3 rent care in the proper choice of words. That time seems to have disappeared. ' Pass any group of young people now and we hear such expressions an: “-You tell ’em.” ‘‘Aain't it the truth,” "I'll tell the world," “I say Rhe does,” ‘‘Not on your life,” “Thrilled to a peanut!” and hundreds of others of equal sense and dignity. The catchy slang expressions have lieeu substituted for the English lan guage and the day of the vocabulary is done. It seems that something should be done, but just what, nobody seems to know. Psychologists have patiently awaited a reaction from this kind of ex pressions but so far no reaction is in evidence. - Our language is being compressed into fepvoetd piHs thai- are n»wA.jsts service under all conditions nncT regard- . less of circumstances. It is up to tbe schools to £siallengc themselves every time any of this creeps up. Slang is effective at times but is liable to bevojpe —1 !"■— H ' ■ Two Jungle Babes A baby orang-outang takes a ride astride a baby rhino In Central Baat Africa. , The two were caught by the Hungarian explorer, & mttseberger. -7 1 .. . . Forbes and Attorneys f ‘v - ’ • -^>>l I I i sih KL | m I V — z —— Colonel Charles R.Forbea In shown bare with hi* lawyer*. Forbe* is seated at th* iert. Beside him f U L*nj. J *?UL ** ® M * W ' Bmlth ’ •*“** eoun ** l- "* **•"» »»» Elwood O. Oodman and Franklin i. Strantky 1 || ——*••• . . , i ":' * ' ' «L a lazy man’s expedient, rather, than a clever man's repartee. &lang offers the path of least resistance for thought in the brain and therefore causes strange apathy in thinking. Minds follow expression and when slang is used then the intellect slides around in a well-oiled groove and sleeps. Don't limit your vocabulary to a few stock phrases and then use them until they are dog-eared from handling! Another Newspaper Coming to Albe marle. Albemarle News-Herald. The Stanly County Republican will be the third newspaper to be established in our city. Mr. A. Seiders, who es tablished the Albemarle Press three years ago. Uter selling out to Mr. .T, D. Bivens and who iR the present editor and publisher, of Seiders Weekly at Rockingham, was in the city last week and announced that he had leased his oevtSfW Albemarle., -gentlemen ■Mtd that it will be moved to Albemarle aonttt the l.ltli of this month. Col. Seldersi it is said, will be in charge of the new paper- which will possibly be named “The Stanly County Republican." V i It is reported that the room recently va ' catcd by Bland’s Music Store, in the i Central Hofei building, Will be leased * for the paper’s home. Col. : Seiders has many friends in this county who will be i delighted to see him return anil again I engage in newspaper work here. ’ 1 Painters and Paperhangers of Asheville Union Return- Asheville. April 3.—Ail union puint rs and paperhangers of Asheville who ’ went on a strike Tuesday for higher wages, returned to work this morning following acceptance by the representa tives of the terms suggested by the cm -1 ploying contractors. At the conference between em ! ployers and union representatives it was ' agreed that the men would return to their labors at all the shops affected ■ this morning -at the wage of 87 1-2 - cents per hour for painters and 00 cents l an hour for paperhangers. This was the new“scale the efnpliOyeflr'bffeßfd tajepay when the controversy arose but the . painters wanted 02 1-2 cents and the paporhnugens 07 1-2 cents. Consequent-1 ly when the firms refused to pay these I rales a strike was called effective April 1. The painters previous to the strike were getting 82 1-2 cents an hour aud the pa|>orhnugors 87 1-2 cents and when the controversy arose the contractors offered to increase the wage to the amount fixed in the new scale as agreed Jo. last night. Keeping 4 stove from smoking is easier’than keeping n by from' smok- 1 mg. IS CHAMPION HOUSE CLEANER “Your medicine is certainly the great est cleaner I ever saw. I never thought such stuff could be in a human being. 1 am feeling ten years younger since taking the course of Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy, and am telling everybody it is the champion house cleaner. My bloat ing in stomach and pains are, ail gone and I can eat anything.” It is a Mintfe, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal mucus from the in- • testirial tract and allays the inflamma-1 tion which causes practically all stom- 1 nch. liver and intestinal ailments, in cluding appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. Gibson Drug Store and druggists everywhere. mi CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE y •*O9 «0O ft »* O » • § « KANNAPOLIS «! « DEPARTMENT » a a a #«««««a aa a Kannapolis, April 3—Mrs. Mc- Kinley recently had shipped from South Carolina a brood of twenty-five chicks, fine thoroughbred Rhode Island Redo,, Mrs. McKinley, however, lias met with poor success in her experience with these once chubby chicks. - Although ov erything'was done to promote their phys ical welfare and happiness, they appar ently were not pleased with their new 1 home, since, according to latest reports, practically nil had left to joi nthe ranks of others that had “gone west,” and there are grave apprehensions that the one or two remaining are preparing to mtfke the journey at an early date. Mrs. .1. W. Sloan., who has been very ill. is now convalescing. Tuesday .night the Parent-Teacher As sociation organized a colored schrol Bet terment League. The league was plan ned to teach the children gardening, sew -1 ins, and the care of babies. This or i ganizntion is not in any way affiliated 1 with the white organization. Thursday. Friday and Saturday are clean-up days in Kannapolis. Rubbish is to be collected and placed in heaps in the back lots or in front near the streets. The Boy Scours will clean tip vacant lots. Kannapolis is putting forth an effort to perfect nil organization of Girl Scopts. Fathers’ night will be observed at the South School building on Wednesday ■night, April flth. The Woman’s f Club of Kannapolis fs taking a census of tubercular patients and will furnish each with a sanitary expectoration cup. An interesting event of the past week was a tnekey party given by the young indies of the Mary Ella Hall. Headed by the matron the merry crowdi called at the Palace of Sweets, where they were treated by “George” to ice ergaiii and drinks. From there they proceeded, to the garage, band house, Y, M, C. A., returning from there to the . Mary Ella members of the party had a great time. MR. MeINTYRE PROTESTS lie Says That Robeson County Will Vote for McLean for Governor. Editor cf Monroe Enquirer. I'note your article in last week’s is sue of The Enquirer with reference toi the candidacy of Hon. Angus W. .Mc- Lean for governor. From your edi torial I observe that you are not well acquainted with Mr. McLean. I have been associated • with him in a business and professional way for more than 2.1 years, and I feel sure that, if your ideas with regard to him would be consider ably changed. Mr. McLean hns been one of the most constructive forces of his town and county. His genius for initiating business plans and carrying them through to completion has been of untold benefits to the town and com munity where he lives, and you arq very far afield, indeed, when jxVu state, upon information, that, were it not for county > pride, he would not. gel a'majority of the, AWtew in the commuiritr where tts lives. The peotple of RobCson county are [ very proud of the record of A. W. Me-1 Lean, and they take great pride not] | only as a county, but individually, in the fact they have the opportunity to present to the State, at this particular time, in Its period of expansion, a man who, by experience and training, is so well equipped to steer helf of state. As. a native of Union county, and knowing flip people of in.v native county as I do, I feel that It would not be amiss, but, on the other hand, entirely! proper and right for me to acquaint, in some manner, the people of Union conn-1 Ity with the qualifications of Mr. Mc- Lean for Governor of North Carolina.- In my poinion there is no man in the' State better qualified, as this particular! time to be its Governor. He is a con- J servative, I beard-minded, high-visioned and possessed of high ideals, without be-1 'ng an idealist. He is practical in ail j of his undertakings and has been emi-' nently successful in every endeavor! .which has claimed his attention. No, Mr. Editor, if you knew Mr. Me-! I,ean like I do. you would not have J made the statement yop did in your edi- i torial, for you may rest assured that Robeson county will not only stand by I its favorite son for Governor of North | Carolina, because of county pride, but 1 because of the fact we feel that the State would be greatly benefited by < drafting him for services as Governor of 1 the State at. this tinxe. STEPHEN MeINTYRE. Lumherton, N. 0., March 21, 1924. VANDERLIP WILL QUIT ALL BOARDS Criticizes Wall Street For Attitude Toward His Clean-up Efforts. Washington, April S.—Frank* A. Vnn derlip, retired New York banker, an-' nounced, last night his intention “of re- I signing I from every business beard on which I occupy a seat,” because of the attitude of many of bis New York busi ness associates towards the work I am doing ’in Washington." This decision was made known when Mr. Vanderiip made public an exchange 1 of letters with E. P. Swensou, preai-, ■ dent of the Freeport Texas Company, of j New York, in which his resignation as. < a member of that company’s board was; requested and given. Recently he re -1 signed upon bequest, as a director of the Continental Can Company, of Syra- ■ cuse, N. Y., because of exceptions which I a fellow director had "taken to his state-i meat concerning the sale of President 1 Harding’s newspaper. '--IB*;LUIL-U" !SU-~ -- ■"■■ ■' -■ Getting Tpo Pat? Try This—Reduce People who don’t, grow too fat are the fortunate exception . But if you find the fas accumulating or already cumbersome you Will be wise to follow this suggestion, which Is endorsed by thousands of people who know. Ask your druggist for Maraola Prescription Tablets and follow / directions. One dollar is the price tbe world over. Get | them from your own druggist or' send price direct to Marmola Co., 4612 Wood ward Ave., Detroit, Mich. By doitag thia you will be safe from harmful drugs and be able to reduce stfadily and easily, without starvation diet or tiresome ex ercise. ' — . “ “ 5 *' jßßßfcwfc'WfclHi*- fffli. '&r. * <*~ ./'••■ *•' ' *> -T ■•<"’ ."- ®*m gj pips^^Bik., Buy the Newest - Wearjthejbest \ p“r M idpik You'll find trading here a real 'ij r fsHjlf pleasure. Convenient terms ar . ''H*' I Jr\f ‘ ranged your personal vs. 'I" |®T MjfcN convenience: Welcome I ■ / «SA 'Men’s Swell Hats in all SeaS ° nS newest sty i es - anc M /|jl VjfflHw 2 BOYS’SUITS '^UliiM' l lUtW'lnltl Boy* Ail Wool auits-Beautiful BKM3HM auits for boys, nicely t&ilored Iml [Hi fMlfflfHH end atrong’y sewed. Two pairs’ il'lft H/i - ffiPffl lp| | v IflmglMM Beautiful blouses Daintily isl I tr ' beautiful colors / »■£ Women's anrf Misses Merisi Young Men's I .In a splendid assortment of f w n 'l The tailoring of these suits as m. the season’s new styles. Finely Vdf f in d the quality of the materials If made h» aU the wanted materi- put them in “Double-tfae-Price” ■ - t als* a long time bava. .LU ! .. vwn niiit inim Y.,.f -S we ‘offered such remarkable pclas*. Youth find the west r|jHr values, and you should not lose SQ99 * tyles to °’ 110 con6ervatlve “<* ■ a minute m. getting one of *QI?P snappy sport models. Plenty of' H those lovdy f rocks. L I Slaes an* to select ■ mm Women's and Misses’ Suits $a A q « , ,1 Special Purchases from the leading style shops, extraordinary values in |w , I newest and most popular styles r ~ JJUP / ® Why wait? Why hesitate? Ready cash main* . necessary when you buy here. Pay only a *in»H $ anaoimt down — Have what yon, want-—I >w 16 SOUTH UNION STREET I Ripped By Tornado i 11-. ■, A - “ ' 11 - '"'■llk Thoto shows the Shawnee School. Shawnee, Okla., after a tornado ban nass ed through the city. Eight were IdllM in the tornado, hut no noTloofctshMdreii died as the building had been emptied. PAGE SEVEN | TRY SULPHUR ON 1 AN ECZEMA SKIN ) Cotta Little and Overcome* f ( Trouble Almoat Over I Night * I Any breaking out 61 the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying Mentho-Sulphur, declares a noted skm specialist Bel cause of its germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings heals tip and leaves the skip'V SkHund smooth. it f to relieve the torment Wlt '\ .i.-r ela >'- Sufferers from skin troubHrshould obtain a small jar oft T' Rowles Mentho-Sulphur from any , good druggist and use it like cold CSK TIIK PKNNY COfclMW— !T PATS |

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