PAGE EIGHT t A THE MEALTIME SMILE jf J | ji| MM »•» outward evidence of internal gat*. I 1 «t*r to smitars, for all our regular pu- TS* 1 \ f L ' Hk. trOUB ® re pl ** se satisfactory as the meals. • Why Do People Buy Star Automo- I f biles? Not Because They Shine! But because they take the hills ou high. And use very lit tle gasoline. Ask the man that owns one. Call around and let one of my salesmen prove their merits. They are { the bqst by test. We have the Durant, Flint and Star Cars in stock. Boy Jiaw. J. C. BLUME’S GARAGE Springtime is Out Jjlßipf y of Doors Time! / Make Use of It While It Is Here M and don't forget little Brother or Sister, for it is for her best interest S that they be allowed all of the fresh air possibly. Jluke it easier for ■ ydu aud them also by buying a new Baby Carriage, our that will roll m eaapbr, and last for years. Our stock at this tim<* is most complete aud 1 5 it gill be little trouble for you to make u selection. I H. B. Wilkinson a Concord Phone 164 Mooresville Kannapolis Phone 2 H. B. WILKINSON UND. C., Phone 9. TWO NEW ONES * . . Jack Rabbit Grey and Airedale Ooze. These are most /flattering to the foot and are a fitting complement of the new spring costume. An unusual variety of new spring footwear is now availably. Don't fail to see our bargain tables of Odd Lots Priced to suit the most modest purse. SI.OO, $1.95, $?.45 to $4.95 S. S. BROWN SHOE STORE PHONE 116 •QUALITY FIRST \ “QUALITY STORE” | 1 W- ' f I Fresh Country Sausage Friday ' | I and Saturday I - 1 » Orchard Produce Company S |hn m. / Successor to I* E. Roger ■ »„ ■ . . -n, ■kt ft |- DELCO-LIGHT Farm Electric Service I ■ y • | |f« p ... | t V] I • _ ■ mauimes I I;; xL. i • i . 11 xi m usui me L/eico i>ignt ivian w ic ■ H#go|Hloaß ' ■ 1 -x ■ , v Jk WV* 1 wawo Mi NT the bMebM Ibunj (By Courtesy Radio Digest) (CENTRAL TIME) Ar Saturday, April Mb.' WSB. Atlanta J*nmal(42ft). 8 mimic, 10:80 quartet. 1 WGR. Buffalo (810) 3 p. m.. recital; t Chicago Daily News (417.3) : f8 band; ft theatre revue. WDAP, Chicago (300) 7 concert; JO mu»ic. .. ■ . • KYW, Chicago (560) 0:30 bedtime; 7 dinner; S musical; 9:05 talk; 10 late show. WF.AA. Dallas News (470 8:30 pi : auo: 11 orchestral. WOC?, TJavenpoit (484) 0:30 bedtime; 7 lecture: 9 orchestral. x WCX. Itctroit (517) 5 dinner. WWJ, Detroit News (517) 6 orches tral. WTAS. Elgin (280 8:30 orchestral, j IV BA I*, Fort Worth Star Telegram. [ (476 '7 Huntley school lesson. WDAF. Kansas City Htur (411) 3:.3t) dance, 6 address. 7 children's story, en semble : 11 :45 Nighthnwks. I IVHB, Kansas City (-411) 12:40 dance 2 ladies hour. | WCX). Kansas City (300) 11:25 ser vices, sacred music. ! WHAK. Imumville Journal (400) 7:30 Trio, reading. j KFT, law Angeles (469 ) 8:45 instru mental : 10 vocal, 12 concert. j KJJJ. Los Angeles (3U5) 8:30 ctil ! , , r ■ - ii ~ " 1 '' ' ™ ll ' '' i Robert E. Lee Immortal Even in Defeat. ■ i Mr. Editor: I Just fifty-nine years ago tbe Civil War came to a close at Api*»mailnx. A friend re,-wit)y sent me an extract from l»r. XV ilium) E. liliteher's interesting baok entitled "Along the Trail of tbe Friendly Years." fu a chapter of this book entitled "Hitting in tile Ashes." there is an account of the fall of Rich mond in the last days of the Confederacy, and a vivid picture of Geuernl Lee's en trauce into the city on his return from the war. I “But I saw another sight in connec tion with Richmond's fall which I eon- I fess thrilled me a thousand times more I than all the glory of the victorious arm [ ies of the Republic. It was a spectacle I that broke upon me most unexpectedly: j it came while the heavens were black [ with .storm and the streets were wild . with flooding rains. 1 What I saw was a .horseman. His steed ! was bespattered with mud, and his bead hung down as if worn by long travel -1 iug. The horseman himself sat his horse, , like a master: liis face was rigid with I' self-respecting griefs; his garments were worn in tbe service and stained with travel: his hat was slouched and spat • tered with mud ami only another un wnlgy m. —■ ■», Le44er BY HABRY B. HUNT NEA Service Staff Writer. 'WASHINGTON. D.' C-—CaivitT !»* Coolidge is feeling better. He has a load off his ■shoulders—and , off his mind. i Just to study the physical and mental reaction on the president of the retirement of Attorney Genera! Daugherty from the cabinet. I » dropped around to the White House a couple of hours after Daugherty had handed in his resig nation and taken a train for At- Jantic City. ■ A* Coolidge arose from his chair fcehind his desk he pushed the chair from him with a backward . | of one leg. He slipped his norn-nmmed glasses from over his ears and dangled them in one hand. He stood slightly stooped, tired looking eyes sunken deep in his head and squinting through nar rowed lids, as though driven too long •fa concentrated study or Without sufficient sleep. Then as if consciously squaring himself for a new contest, he threw hack his shoulders, Jifted his head •pd smiled—a little grimly, per-, naps, but still a smile. One sensed, as he talked, an air ®f relief in his votoe and attitude. The atmosphere of preoccupation, mental aloofness, that has en shrouded him in recent weeks, was gone. A blind corner hartt been turned, and the road ahead seemed • bit safer if not easier. ON the jtray to the executive offices, as I passed under the big north portico of the White House, I glimpsed a stocky, broad shouldered, swarthy man leaning nonchalantly against the low will | flanking the entrance. He was ; 'talking with a second man, nod ding his head with deliberate em j phasis as he spoke. There was I about him the assurance, the air | as proprietorship, of the boss of the } ranch thoroughly at tjome in his PbUadelpWa Record. . Sunday last The New York j HeraM-Tribtiuf interviewed Senator iWalsh, of Montana, regarding the rclcc ■pj*P *» Democratic President eandi iM*w- The Senator bad already gone on j” ,* jo yeMern ad |j»rfr», as refusing to aßow bie name to *aed aa a caaikloto- Tbe importer |iß*ed kin: "W-vaM you say that you iwomu not aeceiH Wie nfmittation under jccivublc cOKuawtances. j labeled "Invites Nomination" with a] j legend bcccqtjitj “Senator .Thomas J.i •*' ’ * *■&&&&' ■ - v / :p- THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBONB dren, eontral(o and violiuist; 10 contral to adit violiniatA/ WBAH. Minneapolis. (417) 7 coun cil .of churches. WAC, Minncdpdis-Ht. Patti («T) 7:30 business message; 9:15 Glee Club: dance. )} v. |FMC. .Memphis (500) 8:50 Hardman CdQege. '/SPf'' CKAC. Montreal (425) «r bedtime: 6:3D orcliestrajSO entertainment: 9:30 dance. p • AYOR. Nc«a*ls _(405 5:45 Susie; 6:15 talks, musical. : I WJZ. Nc wYori( (455) 6 beiltimc: 6:30 piauist; 7 talk, j chorus: 8:15 "Mark Twain;” 9:30 Hiinish Orchestra. KGO. OakhtWdf (812) .10 tadio play. YVOAVV, Omaha (526) 6:30 dinner; 9 musical. , \ WAAW. Oumha (360 ) 7:30 orchestra. KDKA. Pittsburgh (326) 5:15 i-on eert; 6:20 talk, < :45 talk: 7:15 history talk: 7:30 concept. ThUadehihia (sf») 6 :30 talk. WFI, Phialdeliiiia (3954 5 talk; 5:30 orchestra : 7. concert; 9:10 dance. \VTP, PliilatleljJtva (509 ; 5:05 orclics tra 6-7 talks; “7 SRi recital: 9:15 ihtttee. KGIV. Portland, (402) 12 dance. KBC, Hail Peajjcisco (423) 10 orches tra. ' ';i WJX, Schenectady (380) 8:3I) dance. WBZ. Springfield (:J37) 6 dinner; 6:30 bedkiing; 6:40 concert. KHD. Ht. Ldttia I’ostJJiefwtch (546) S:3O theatre conoert. known horseman ro*lc with him. as if for company aud for , love. Even in the fleeting moment of his passing by my gate. I was awed by his mcomparabir : dignity. His piajcstic rempomire. Jits 1 rectitude and his sorrow, were so ! wroughr and blended into his visage anil so beautiful and impressive to my eyes that I fell into violent weeping. TV) me there was only one where this one was: there could be only oue that day. and that one was v still my own revered and cherished leader, stainless in honor, re splendent and immortal even in defeat, my own, my peerless chieftain, Robert E. Lee. I In that lone way, in the midst of rain 1 and more, with no crowds to hail him. with no resounding shouts to welcome him, with no banners flapping about him, did he come hack from disastrous war. Bui ah! we did not know. Con quered and solitary, he was, hut yet he wore. invisible badges of victory ; he car ried spoils of honor aud conquest which . could never full, and in every step of his sad moving he was marchitig forward to take his place in the balance courts of universal fame." 11. U. SMITH, Blacks tone, Va. myn establishment. One felt that he felt all the importance of being president without, personally, hav- * ins to shoulder the responsibility*. This man is t!ve “closest friond and advisor” of- the president— Frank IV. Stoama. of Boston. What Colonel House was to Wil son, what Harry Daugherty was to Harding. Stearns'i% and more, to 1 Coolidse. House never maintained the close and continued intimacy with Wilson that Steams enjoy* with Coolidge. The relationship i* • a broader and deeper one than that between Harding and Daugherty. j It extends far beneath matters of politics and policy, with its roots hi a personal regarfl and confidence that is more Hke that of father and son than candidate and .political manner. The White House t* vir tual home to the Stearnses in Washington—and they’re in Wash ington now most of the tint*. , T TP to March 89. after Raxing V/ been In session four full months, the Congress had enacted just ONE law. Just OB* hill had - : passed both houses and h*en signed by the president. _ Taxation, bonus, appropriation measures, immigration and other important question* stjll are in half-baked stage*. Those that have passed the house, taxation and bonus for example, will be largely revamped in the Senate. With th* date of th> national convention* now but two months away, there is little likelihood of adjournment Js y that time. Instead. Congress prob ably will -recess over the conven tion weeks, and put In the remain der of the summer to Washington sweating pver legislation *>M mak ing political thunder. The fex-er of investigation rags* unabated, despite hoiieful bulletins that the worst of (be epidemic has passed. They will last through at leat another two months—prob ably longef. * .IS"" I I'Jtndidate for the Democratic . Preaidentlal nomination^” This matter is important only as an example of the methods of a certain achool of modern jwcmaUsin. Can jou beat it? - r —-*—s——t . v ;:i ; W# Pv t—mo m Yaw Ear Fruit it ii nd riMMim New Tork. April 3.—Wvty thousand dollars a year for Ac privilege of dis pending ffiik. eno% f a* jfiivk.s aud * '/P*E»'" * ' V/ r '-' •- -■* ■■ - ;■ x • ' ' • .•» .. sa;A;-' tmkjf ■ I Guaranteed M Reasonable Prides ' ■-, All Kinds of Generator Repairs. fl PAINT /Yuy color you wish you will £ml here. Thf place to buy Satisfac tory Pafnts is at this store. We can sell you large or small quan tities. Paints we carry are of the better kind only. You may have to pay a trifle more than some where else but you get full value for your money here J Ritchie Caldwell Company, Inc. Persistent Coughing— wastes your strength, makes the delicate thspat tissues taw and sore, exposes yoa to more serious trouble. You can check coughing with Dr. King's JCew t Discovery. Natn rally and harmless ly it stimulates the mycous membranes lLSjf to throw off clog-, ions. Has C J.-jA ['( h pheasant taste. AH Mr drugsists. /jffAJ*''"* On. KING’S NEW DISCOVERY : ;■/ ' ' ' ■ % I ® a Npdine Nadine Face Powdefr beings so evefy woman the fresh, smooth texture and clear, fair color tones of youth. Tty this truly Southern beauty aid. .--g*. You'll HEe It. Tnllesh. pink, white and brunette. /j^KNA;.. At toilet counters, soc. National Toilet Co.. Ita*, Tew. ' < D/k£uik ef£mtkem£t*tJmcsi » '"'"V . "■ I . I —— ■' i ui.ii ii. i. '*• w * ■■ wmmmwmmsrm m —A—a Wb Sr ’*•*&* N Vq!v' * . .yW*~ .. I _| Hiiittt icAfiifl to fionrasttHHi m Miy 11 B PW' ' i»T3irß , . Iffimr <)ma rnnatinitimi ftwMil nthfiT “ ay w»mw diWM«> 'Becaoae it floods your ays te» with Amgerous poisons. And tl^e should be relieved at erne. Doctors recommend Kellogg’» Bran, cooked mad krumbled. They know it brings results because it » ALL bran. And only ALL bran can b? 100 per cent effective in relieving constipation. ALL bran Kellogg’s sweeps, ''' ' cleans and purifies the intestine. It nets as nature acts. It makes the in testine function naturally and regu larly. If eatep regular lyjit will bring ' i permanent relief in the moat ehronle eases of sonetApatluro—is guaranteed ■ 1 '" i " « >' Softens the Wa<»«sw— .... j . s y- I-, > / —Lightens the Labor ; ro Jr, A UTTLERcd Seal Lye A dissolved in the water before the clothes, are put •n relieves you of the necessity for rubbing and scrubbing. The Red Seal ’. ye lodge as the dirt, and head nibbing -f the sands clothes is a thing of the /a«t. Start this week to wash clothes . s^g BWOTtQOWpamMMQOmNMMMtWO ymkal. Transportation -.- * a I i \ ;■< ! / us your order for that < | 7 ire prices advance. Ten | nufacturers have al- | mJ prices. Fire Seines Ce. - ' «||«..C.wfainSt. | I Star Brand j Shoes 1 1 Poll Parrot Shoes for the Young I 1 RkAw»d-Fkwe Co. I CTpjPPf J: P*'I|(PPPIP. ppp^pi/yWfcig'Wpp™'HP VRU * v X v V TXjr Fri Hay April ? 19 24 to do so gMhr returns yo«r vu/mr- / ■ / ' -met is Jfgfff-two Üblespoonfula daffy—in -ehronle 'eases, with tmv meal. You will like the wonderful flavor—so crisp and nat-Übs —we diffment from ordinary brans, whieh -aye asset unpalatable. ( Eat Kellogg’s Brag, cooked awl krumbled, whh milk or ernam. SpTmklo it over other oereals. Cook it with Hot wrcsls. ffwd by ass *nmtn in the recipes given on every package. Kellogg's Bran, cooked and krum bled, nmdofn I&ttle Creek, is served In individual packages by the leading hotels aad restaurants. Sold by Iff grocers. ;-U>-s - I.’.UHTV""* j■ * t A «», > " ' 1 »l ! .-'-'I. 1 'I- ■ i U vvflHHp t " ' w-g-' ■ ® f HOUSEHOLD HINTS “ Things Our Reeders Want to Know 1 Around the bouse Bed Seal Lye ' has ahnoet uaHuited nses. It | cleans closets, cuspidors,' floors, . ghrbago earn, dishes aad clothes in a fmctioa of the time and labor of . other cleansers. i Many housewives are not aware of the fact.fhat Bed Seal Lys is a wonderful thing to clean cook stoves. It is fewoxkable how easily dogged stoves age cleared at ob , struotions by the use of this power | ful compound. Sweet and immaculate bathrooms may be made so, and kept that way without everlasting gpsbbbing, if Red Seal Lye is used as n cleanser. * * *