Fid TT it iq24 $13,500,000 Woolworth Building ■ . Is Sold For Heirs for $11,000,000 N«w Yprk World. " ***** £ om .J h t. hwr \ C L/- W ‘ _woftb, o and 10 cent store merchant. _ yeatcrday when ‘the wortftT tallest ' Jfifce building wan sold for $11,000.- «« cash by the Broadway-Park Place Bealty Company to the Woolco Realty Oompapy. > The $11,000,000 ultimately will be distributed soon* the heirs. The transfer was The orfginfal cost tof the bitildina,- completod 4“ 1812, *warsl3,3oQ,ooo and its assessed value, is $11,250,000. s The $2,500,000 difference between cost and aale prices is due to the fact that not all the -original cost -represented reve “Silly,” said Jjbe* chic one, "it is»’t new— just dry cleaned. ‘Your clothes would look smarter, too, if you took your cue from the New Yorkers.” -2; ,;I; >i. i : “Would you believe tt—just-West of fash ionable Fjfth Ayearne there is j& dyeing and \ cleaning estabtehment to almost etretw block. Even New York women rely for smartness on cleanliness!” the cost ?" r sighed the envious <w»e. « Don’t worry—l -that you can have your Clothes cleaned, pressed, pleated or dyed in the New Y*rk style iorextremely low at s , ' ‘ BOB’S DRY CLEANING CO. Phone 787 SEND IT TO BOB” - \ Don’t Let ’em Die-w, LikeFfiesi^c 50 out ofJEvery 1 00 Ctiicks Die You should raise 95 out of every 100 Chicks if you use Purina Chick Staitena. This figure is based on the experi ence of thousands of poultry 1 raisers the country over. Purina Chide Startena contains (Hitter milk and the other ingredients that are suited to the i PURINA tender digestive organs | ■ p«7S£mi 1 1 of the baby chick. '! ?HIRSHP!! Don't Let Them Die! , ] JjjffTgL \; Order Chick Startena S i of us to-day. CASH FEED STORE Phone T 22 s>■ Church St^ I Does Your Groeer Treajt You Like a | '"■ Father# ' * ■ Feed You and Take AH You Get! If be dock you''should* join our of satisfied customers and start jl to lay up a tokd agayist n jrdivy day. • •» I There Its an adage that: Sooth bought right are buff sofcl.” a*d aa- ■ other: GotSbrweU displayed fife batfseW , , ‘ I :i. Tlagtog spent the la*t £2 y gpi-a In tlie grocery business wp think wo know how to buy right. * -f I A, visit to our -state wiU prove toyeu that opr goods are well dis played, so* dj.' is t<> take’ iWr order. aud deliver the goods. I IF ITS TO BAT TV®«*VK tT. ' E If You Trade WMI Ir Tad Get Vk tot. You Want and Wwri -What | c. H. PARrSer & CO. . •; f.j kv , J M TIES MMIIfWIM was -e~- - -».■ •••j * i nue-produeiug capital, Hubert T. Pgr ’ son,. president of the Woolco Compagff, •aid last night. ” (“The budding has been offeredjiou ■ the market for some time and Bllt* 800,000 m absolutely, the higheetTSali price it can command,” he Bbaid. “Till sale was due to the necessity of hgr mg the assets of the estate lit liquid, form.” axs z Mrs. Helena ifetTaun and jfrs. Jessie 'ponkhue, daughters, and H&Hbart JHiu-. ton, granddaughter. ** \ “The new control of t]je building la now .absolutely independent of the W6ol. worift heirs,” Mr. Parson said ', mui inuaaiMaiJß - A very pleasant day was spent last Jtoturday at the home of Mr. lewis A. Brarar. near Uwer fltoue. iu honor of air. THaarar, who celebrated his'Bßth birthday. A table was erected in the ’ sjfw«d W,,ef S*v dinner was , agled #o , aJ ithe Bnner very, saseb. About JOd relatives and Tpiends were -present. The day -was ajpeot fegy pleasantly and no oM seem ed to enjoy it n*hre Ilian Mp. Bearer. : May % lira to *ellb*tte many afore , birthday aneirersarias. Mr* IValter ftfiMaliu and "family, of j AtJaß*. Xjla., spent rtotorday and Sum s day at to homb of Mr*. Klbeqlia’s , todlter, Mr. Lewis Beaver, ; * Jh. 4W Mrs. Heuderaon Stirewalt, Mr. and Mrs. 6, H. Pleas and Mr. and Mrs. A. .7. Uosemati. all of near Mount Church, camt to power Stone last Sunday «t Jl d. m. to >hesr Rev. J. A. tooons preach, but thajw was no preach ing appointed tor Mr. Koons, hence a Mfe Report, Watch 'the Lower Stone ItClus and you will find out when there •dll ho preaching. Come to Lower Mtoge. nett Sunday, April 6th, and you will hear a missionary address at 10 a. in. SjtrMiss Gerhard, and a sermon at Jl n. m. by Rev. C. W. Warlick. J Mesars. Walter Isenhour and Tom rave each purchased nyw ttifm Katie Kluttz, of Charlotte, at tended -the foreign mission service at Lamer Stone last Sunday. t Lower Btode, but nowzST 8T 8T A9 A . Mrs. <Jliester Cruse Is confined with a towkaa tog. _- Sir. mid Mrs. David K Brown aud Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cauble, of Granite dduawry,, were in this community last Sunduy evening visiting Mrs. Brown’s old home. George J. Host and Miss Nora Fislier will go to Hickory this week to Attend the Women’s Missionary Society. She former will represent the Women’s Missionary Society and the latter the Mission Band of- lower Stone. Miss wary Gerhard, teturued missionary from Sendai, Japan, will speak at Lower : MUme n««tt April t6h, at 10 mm. Miss Gerhhrd went'to Japan in . 1005 and knows the work and every one should hear her. Mr. anil Mas. W. S. Wagofier visited * their daughter, Mrs. A. T>. Lentz, of wear Mill Bridge, last Sunday. The many friends of Miss Daisy Earn hardt, who was taken to a Baltimore 1 hospital last week for an operation, will ' be-glad to learn that she is getting along ' fine and will be home in a few days. 1 A number of our people attended the 1 community service and the last service to he held In tJhe Reformed Church at 1 JtoekwdH last Sunday. Rev. IV. H. MeNalry, superintendent of the orphan 1 home, was present and made a very in- ' teresting talk, having organized this con- 1 gregation twenty-four years ago when he 1 was pastor of Lower Stone aud Bear 1 Creek ehurehes. I Centuries ago the great teacher said: 1 “Whatsoever !b sown that shall they also reap.” It is still true everywhere. 1 Whoever sows discord will reap etrife; 1 hate brings forth wars. Suspicion will I fill tile soul with reptiles. Onlv one 1 thing can grow well in the soil at one time, either weeds or grain will prevail. ’ It is for ns to determine what the har- I vejjJ,will l)o. Let's plant and saw the ! gobd. HUSTLER. I ROBERTA. There was Sunday school at 1 o’clock 1 Buuday. There was no preaching ser- i vice on account of the district rallv. 1 There was prayer meeting Sunday, heid by Mrs. J. B. Hill. All enjoyed the ser- , vices. 1 Misses Rebecca Castor, Margaret Har- < sis spent the week-end with Misses Ger- . trade Furr and Ethel Blackweldar. | Miss Beulah Taylor tame home but did. not get to stay on account of the Illness of her mother. The convention .was enjoyed by a large crowd. The choirs did not sing -much. Hey gave the evening; over to Jones’ Quartet from Shelby, if. C. consisting of Mr. Jones and wife, Mr* Vpton and Mr. Bridget. AH enjoyed their singing. They are going to teach singing school for a month at the yWestford Baptist Church, of which Bev. R. G. Short is pastor. Mr. D. V. Lathe* spent Saturday wight with Mr. Worth Linker. Mrs. ■Carl WHKams spent one day last week with Mrs. N. Britton. The large girls of the Roberta School “April foetof i iir teachers Tuesday I ■when they run Off ami did not conpe back till after school. J»joT. • TODAY’S EVENTS. Friday. April 4 UK L Today Will be observed ns Arbor Day in Missouri. Ninety years ago today the first loco motive iu New England was -get in motion, on the Boston und Worcester road. ' V* T-he first national cuoaeutioii of Alpha Gama Phi honorary journalists fraternity will meet today at Akrim JO.) University- The annual convention pi tlie Texas Cotton TtTerebaiitii’ Associationfwl meet at Uapston -today and cagtinue in ses- ' sion over tomorrow, "" , Ucpiibricaus of ttic State of | I ton will .gutber at Wenatchee today to I select the State. <Jelegation to the uation- I ol convention at Cleveland- I The nineteenth annual meeting of the I Ney England Classical Association is to | be entertained- at Bowdoin College to day und tomorrow. M*y Remove Famous Picture- , BastoUr M«es-. April A-‘-“Web«ter's Reply to Sgym.” the painting by G. P. A. Hea'ey which haa. covered the wall behind the rostrum in historic Fancuil Hall tor wore than idtlf/a century, may I he removed if the sugriistion of Ralph I A. Crate, heed of the firm of archiecta I restoring-the famous old building to its I eolonigi Htte>)> eeci ptetL by the Boston 1 Art Commission, und public opposltiou Is lMt too loud- Mr, Crgin say- that the J I ptotwre to 100 large for the hall, aud i I hides the original architectural design, i 1 Hto paintiug.-was completed in 1850 at i I a imto "I MO.OW. m 4 to ito vast ex-i 5 panpo of canvas many famouji jctoiracr iteys are abown. . • I -' '•] .1 . William E. Hammond is the real J some ipf'Cgpt. Bob' Roner. the wrlL i known heavyweight pugilist. He Is ‘JO -tyßutu M ttt/r* vahoif Mterisrippi. THE CONCORD DAIUY TRIBUNE i ri 11 tj N€W v Anstocracy E SI i ; whR. 1 v k: ■ Mas. James Brown (above) is the -wife‘Of the Labor Member of Bar- Uament tor south Ayrshire who has been appointed Lord High Comurimiemr to the Churob of I Scotland. Sfaa will receive royattp I ; Jin . bar humble ho me. .. —. ~ n .~... j i Marked By a Brake. Union RepuWiean. A negi-o named Alberrv Wilkins of Gaffney. S. C.. has on one of his bunds' arms and chesty the complete outline', of a sunke. which seems to contradict 1 the physicians’ opinion that there is no suelt ,a tiling as a birth mark. Wil kins is a trusted employee of (he Vic tor Oil" Mill of Gaffney, and any state ment which he makes to those whir know him is accepted with confidence. l According to his statement, about three months before his birth, a man threw a JH snake which he thought was dead, upon the chest of his mother, hut the snake was still living, the woman being badly frightened thereby, and that she elapsed her hands alvoss her chest. When Al berry was born the murk of the serpent' was -plainly outlined in his arm and ( chest, and can 'now lie plainly seen. One strange thing about the case is that Wilkins seems to be immune to the postson from the reptiles and that lie handles them with impunity, going so far as to infuriate them into striking; him. but the poison tras no effect in his system. In the winter when it is cold, hard scales form on the pictured of the. snake, .mid. it .is. with .the, yeatent ease, that Wilkins siinke mutches) on h's. hand. but. in the summer it •becomes as soft as the rest of his luAd. Wilkins is about 27 years of age niullauyone who doubts the foregoing may - d him at thej Victor Cotton Mill in Gaffney. ( Too many bank cashiers arc escaping after a spring cleaning. FRESH FISH/1 . J. F. Dayvault & r Bro. Phone* 8§ and 534 mammsm DEMOCRATIC CONVEN TION CALLED SATUROAV, APRIL 12, COURT AT The Precinct meatiugs will he held ut every voting -Precinct in t’-aban-us coun ty, Saturday April stli, at 2 o’clock p. m. for the puEraOp of electing Apegatea to the County tkmvettion and also to eleet a new Pnteiußt Uounnittee. The Coindy Convention wifi be held in the .-Court House iu Concord, Satur day. April T2tft, at one o'clock p. ns.. for the purpose of ejecting de-hgutca to the State Convention which will bu held | in the City of Raleigh. Thursday, April j 17th, at Noon, and for trapsactiug any other busiuesa that may come before this 1 body. ;; . l i The Cljjaimwa.yf tbe variotw ITceiuet i tet!W» ) wit toe. ’ ’ T ' • ; -/] I It j toapoytobi that as *nny Demo-1 ergtio jmseible atteaid this i Primary und CduvoMtoti. Mm. . X I Ctenuiittee. q-tmiwrm j ‘ I'fcWßui , ... v ir , i, i, WI ■ ■ r■ > 1 -r ■'piiii,, .1111 m i|iijpni' rnw THI HOBT EULI. . BANKRUPT SALE SPECIAL/ j ' , _ t?- Men’s Pants x |lv • n s Dress Shirts > $1.75 to $5.48 | Q|r 89c to $3.48 H. T. McBRMJ Owners , Pop GetTwisoT: TAYLOR O *J GAWfcW • I'M KWMDA WORRIED 1 > ( VOU HAVEN'T TOuO J IcABOUT MOM - SHE DON'T EAT UNCLE JERRy WHAT yOU’Rfi o ° o list o°o <fr ** SHfc Wans in th* bedroom A 7 goin' to do when you . & MPI ■ £ J LOSjN’ WONT SAN 3 AWM AW 11 C f*6Jt - MOW m JUST tfßyiN O CI’LL DO THV\ B J ' A ' | PAGE NINE

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