Fri3ay, April 11, 1924 ■ ll■ m !■■■■ 1 « M. SOCIAL PERSONAL --' '■,, bports - Can George Slsier come bach, has been a much-discussed ques tlon. Conclusive proof seems to lh 1 nthe batting average of .281 ht ran up in seven exhibition game* .showing steady improvements. May Day Pageant. Miss Meme Hamilton will assume charge of the Queens' Dancers at the court Monday afternoon for the first re hearsal at 4:15. All those who have been assigned this part of the pageant will meet at the Y. Many characters iye yet needed to fill the vacancies and ts general meeting of all those interested will meet at the Y Saturday evening at it o'clock for practice and assignments. This will be the last opportunity to get iu pn this beautiful spectacle and ail cjiiiflreh are urged to be on ! hind iwomtply at 3 o'clock. Spring frolic to the country, set for Saturday morning at lO o'clock forVhe Juniors, on account of weather condi tions, will again be postponed until fur ther notice. The “Alders" Hold Good Meeting. The Ladies Aid (Circle H) 5f Forest Hill Method,i>t Church, helfi thejr inoiitlo ly meeting in the church' parlor Thurs da® night. ’ There were about twenty members present, and several visitors. The attendance was considered remark able in view of the heavy rain. Mrs. Ed. Misenheimer and Mrs. IV. G. Coch rane Were hostesses. 1. P. A. Banquet Tonight. D. C. Crutchfield, state secretary for the T. P. A. and J. .1. Norman are in Concord today for the annual meeting to he held tonight at 7 o'clock at the 1 St. Cloud Hotel. Mr. Crutchfield and Mr. Xorman will address the meeting at the banquet. l*ost 8, Concord, has forty members. Mr. C. F. liitehie is president, Mr. 8. A. Wedding ton secretary and treasurer of the local post. At the meeting tonight delegates will be elected to attend the state iitiniial meeting In Ralelgli April 24, 25 and 20. There are over 6,000 T. P. A.’s in North Carolina. - ■ I The price of cotton on the local mar ket today is quoted at 30 cents pel pound. INFLUENZA I As a preventive melt and ™ inhale Vie-:s night and morning. Apply up fios trils before minting with crowds. If feverish, call .8 doctor at once. VICKS theji- < performance f oj our duties m m toebritui, 1 i about Att j§ wm- impression. Pi of aianiiu Mi pro per JFF .* harmonu ff „ that m occasion as'MM ® a gracious f testimonial. rxrt PERSONALS. . Mr. M H. Caldwell and son. Harry, spent Thursday at Shelter Mountain Farm,' in Montgomery county, visiting Mr. Caldwell’s sister, Mrs. Lizzie Earnes and family. Mr. Richard M. Earnes and wife, of Chicago, ate spending the week with Airs. Earnes. Mrs. Luther Yost *and son, Luther, Jr., of Raleigh, are guests of Mrs. Yost's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lip pard, on Blast Corbin Street. • * *■ Mrs. C. W. Cox and- eon, Earl, of Honea Path. S. C„ arrived, here yester day to spend several weeks with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Litaker in. No. 11 township. ~i • 8 Mr. T. D.< Msnese is in Charlotte to day in attendance at the session of Federal Court. 1 ** * * Air. and Airs. William Yost, of Ra leigh, are week-end guests at the home of Air. Yost’s father in Kannapolis. Mrs. Columbus Lentz, of No. 7 town ship, is visiting relatives in Concord for severnl days. REPORT OF ROYS’ WORK And Activities at the Y For .March, 1924 Meetings; held in the building: Business meetings. 18, total attend ance 340. Civic meetings, 15, total attendance 587. Religious '.meetings. 10: total attend ance 273. Total attendance at ail meet ings 1200. Lobby games (checkers, cura cue, ping poug, dominoes, and ikiol) —Attendance 2,000. Reading tables, attendance 1,500. Outside games: Large numbers of boys and girls play at the front and side of the building every day that the weather permits. Attendance 750. These are actual figures of tiie number of boys and girls who participated in ac tivities in and around the building dur ing March. Aloving pictures shown at: Thursday nights. McKihnon Church, 4 times, average attendance 400. Friday itiglits. at No. 2 School 4 times, average attendance 500. Saturday nights at Y. M. C. A. 4 times, average attendance 300. Hi Y Work, number of meetings ami attendance: Senior Hi Y Boys—l meetings, total attendance 80. Junior Hi Y Boys— 4 meetings, totul attendance 50. Senior Girls Club—4 meetings, total attendance 56. Junior Girls Club—4 meetings, total attendance 56. The Hi Y’ Clubs have had a very busy 'month during March— Party at the Country Club for all the clubs. Giris from the Senior Girls Club are leading younger girls clubs In the indus trial sections. Junior Girls Club organized this month-. Leader. Miss Elizabeth Woodhouse. Members of edeli of the Hi Y clubs ushered at the Final Bible Story Telling Contests. The Hi Y Clubs had their pictures made. . Mr. Lotspelch of Southern College Y. Al. C. A., spoke to boys of Senior (Hull. Mr. Smith. State Y. Al. C. A. Secre tftry, spoke to the Junior Girls Club. Some of the things ahead of/the clubs: Inter tii Y Meet. 7 Circus. May bay Fete. Catnp. Club Industrial Work. Seven clubs for boys and girls arc now organized and working under a regular schedule. These clubs are all made tip of school children ranging iu age from 10 to 14 years. Each of these meet twice each week—once at their re spective schools and once at the Y. Al. C. A., where they are given physical exer cise. All sorts of activities are given the members of these clubs —hikes, out door study, contests, physical training and all group and mass games. At the schools i*rt of the time is given to book work, practical talk, etc., then out door games are taught. At the Y. SI. C. A. the entire time is given to calis thenics ami physical training. Three of the boys clubs have the (!. C. T. P. and are being put through ail the tests and activities that are required. The clubs are Very Fortunate indeed iu hav ing at their service the outdoor play ground of M. L. Cannon, which is just ii short distance from the Y. Wildfires —8 meetings, evehtge attend ance 18; total 144. Orangoutangs—B meetings, average attendance 18: total 144. Eagles—B meetings, average attend ance 27: total 210. Black Hawks—2 meetings, average at tendance 30; total 60. Bluebirds —8 meetings, average attend ance 27: total 210. White Eagles—B meetings, average at tendance 20; totul 100. Kedbirds—3 meetiugs, average attend ance 25; total 75. Grand total attend ance 1015. G^q^riyota Whiten* skin to creamy purity no matter how deep freckles, tan or other discolorations may be. Nadinola never fails. If you’ve tried other bleaches urtsuccess | fully, ydU’ll be amazed to see Its effectiveness. Clears the skin'of impurities and eruptions, too. Begth at ontt <* use Nadlhola. Baaed of Directors of Y. M. C. A. Hold Entbusiaatic Mealing. A large attendance and much enthu siasm over the program el both the phyaicai department and boys’ work de partment were the outstanding features of the board meeting Thursday night at the Y. These departments, under the able leadership of J. W. Denny, phys ical director, and Harry L. Johnson, boys’ work secretary, have moved for ward with such .progress that from the figures available in the year book, it is clearly shown that Concord has .one of the bCst four-fold programs of any asso ciation in the Southeast, although our facilities nre much more limited than some of the larger cities.- Important matters were discussed relative toi the financial campaign for funds for current expanses for the next fiscal year Which begins May Ist. One of the import ant 4 committees appointed was the bud get (committee which will meet at once for the purpose of reviewing the budget and ( operating expense of the Y. ■ A campaign committee was apponited by President Niblock to make arrange ments to immediately formulate plans for raising the money necCesary to carry on h» enlarged program. ’ Secretary Bialiks, in his monthly report, asked that no provision be made to raise funds for any new additions or buildings, but that ample fdnds be raised to carry on the extension work in the industrial sections of the city, for a filter for the swimming-' pool, so that the water can be made as’pure as -that we drink, for a bowling alley for the business men of the city and current needs in the way of equipment, etc. ‘ No new building operations will be undertaken, but the present facilities Will be used to the utmost to accom modate the hundreds of boys and girls who daily come and go to the building. A general report was made of the so cial and religious activities, many let ters were read commending the Bible story telling contest, the Y paper, and the general activities of the association, and it was tile unanimous opinion of those that heard the report that the city-of Concord is getting a lot of very fine advertising from the activities of the Y. I’airsies. double daisies and forget me-nots should have their winter cover removed at. the earliest moment to give them a start into bloom with the first warm, days. The sume for prim roses. _ PIGGLY WIGGLY FOR BEST PRICES Extra Fancy Winesap Apples, per dozen *■*'*'* Extra Fancy Winesap Apples, per dozen Florida Oranges Ofi j* per dozen Lettuce, 16c pet- pound Tomatoes 1 C _ per pound NO DOUBT You can win her with a smooth clear complexion. —USE— MEL-BRO LOTION for Pimples, Freckles, Eczema and Blackheads. Sold by all Drug Stores —USE— Mel-Bro Lotion "WOULDN’T EXCHANGE WITH .MILLIONAIRE “After five years of suffering with stomach trouble I think I know all about it. But thanks to Mayr's Won derful Remedy, I am enjoying good health again. I kmiw of a millionaire who is very bad with stomach trouble, but lie won't take any patent medicine. In his present condition I wouidu’t ex change with him.” It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendi citis. One dose will convince or money refunded. SAFE FAT REDUCTION Reduce, reduce, reduce, is the slogan of all fat people. get thiu, be slim, is the cry of fashion and society. And the cverfat wring their hands In mor tification and helplessness: revolting at nauseating drugs, afraid of violent exer cise, dreading the unwelcome and un satisfying diet, until they bit upon the harmless Alarmola • Prescription and learn through it that they may safely reduce steadily and easily without one change 'in their mode of life, but harm lessly, secretly, and quickly reaching their ideal figure, with a smoother skin, better appetite nnd health than they have ever known. And now comes Marmola Prescription Tablets from, .the sotiie famously harmless form u la!,as Aho Alarmola Preseti|jtion. It bsioove4you to lefirn the satisfactory, benetiblal' ef fects of this great, safe, fat reducer by giving to your druggist one dollar for a box, or sending a like amount to the Alarmola Company 4612 Woodward Ave nue, Detroit, Alich.. with a request that they mall to you a box of Marmola Pre scription Tablets. THE CONCORD DAIJ,Y TRIBUNE WE AIM to render service which holds old friends and makes new ones. Service of this kind is certain to please you. H , " • '••:*-!> ,v_ j l m i; -1 , 'U. 4 ; ; v- * } ! riTI7C\IC BANK AND CIIILLIIO TRUST CO. AIRPLANES MIST DO AS ASHEVILLE SAYS I Law Passed Making It I’nlawftil For iUrdmen to Fly Closer Than 150 Feet of Any Building. Asheville, April 10.—The swooping of an airplane, used for advertising pur poses, over. McCormick field, in proxi mity to tiie heads of ball players, yes terday afternoon brought prompt re action from the city commissiouoers this morning who passed on first reading an ordinance prohibiting the flying of air plaues closer than 150 feet to any building in the city. The plane is said by officials to have endangered lives of players niid spectators. Had the plane become suddenly disabled a loss of life would have resulted, it was pointed out. Asheville is believed to lx- the first city in North Carolina to pass legisla tion governing airplanes. Wake FcCatf Student Receives S2O Tip. Wake Forest, April 10.—The days of Alladin lamp happenings are uqt done vet.-If you don’t believe this ask John Thomas Warren Davis, Jr., of Mount Airy—a member of the freshmen class at Wake Forest College nnd singer, vio linist, and reader with I)r. H. M. Po tent's glee club and orchestra. A Penn sylvania tourist tipped Davis to the snug sum of S2O at the Wake Forest hotel the other day. And mirabile dictu. it was the very day that the glee dub was to leave for Rich Square and Chowan Col lege mid Davis was sadly in need of pin money wifti Which fiepihy file lord to some of Dr. Weaver's.-fair co-eds at Chowan. Davis, like many .another freshman at tA Health Food | for ■ 1 Frail Ch'ldrenß fftps scorn I Pg^E.MULSjOH| It is the food-tonic well adapted to help over come imperfect nutrition. ' Try SCOTTS! » Scott Sc Bowne, Bloomfield. N. J. 23-54 iiiitiiiflititiistiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiii Buy Garden Seeds in Bulk and observe the Difference . We Have Them Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone 22 gHimnwßHßiniiHßniiiiTOiiHimHM PIGGLY WIGGLY FOR BEST PRICES * P S S - 5c Gold Dust 25 c 1 Cake soap Free, for 5 Cakes Fairy Soap for 1 Cake Soap Free i fit. o Cakes Glycerine Tar Soap and pkg- Gold Dust Free. many other bargains in Jfoaps. Get yours now for the •firing cleaning. ! Vj/akc. 1 forest, irf paying * good part of I his college expenses by waiting on the | table. The rich tourist from Pennsyl vania wafc taken by the smiling faced, courteous, efficient youth who served his dinner. The two grew chummy before the half-hour was over. The tourist had confided in Davis that once upon a time he waited on table to pay college expenses. “Here's a little remembrance,” said the Pennsylvanian, thrusting a wadded, clothy feeling bill into Davis ’hand. -Mile. Mudejda Stancioff, known as the first woman diplomat, lias been mar ried in London to Sir Alexander Kay Muir, member of a prominent Scottish family- About two years ago it was an nounced that Mile. Stancioff had been appointed secretary to the Bulgarian legation in Washington, but official at tendance at the Lausanne Conference prevented her from taking up the duties of her post. Recently site has been at tached to the Bulgarian legation in 1 Ismdpn. COLORED PEOPLE ] Make Money SELLING Mad Makes Hair Straight COLORED men and women, you can make bia money during aparo time in your own neighborhood seUJni Sta-Strate, wonderful new liquid discovery: absolutely straighten* stubborn hair WITHOUT HOT COMBS; *ll who use if. praise It: try it and convlnc* yourself: aend $1 for bottle or pay postman when he brings it: order your bottle now. Bta-Strate Corporation. 21 Stewart Ave.. Atlanta, Ga. At Mnt Drug Start, art Beatral Stem |WO MOT COMBS 1 Coughs that wear you out making you feel weak and ill, rasping your throat and lungs until they are sore —break them up now before they cause you more serious trouble. Dr. King's New Dis covery breaks up coughs quick ly by Stimulating the mucous mem branes to throw I off clogging secre- Kjl [■/ 4/1 tions. It has a / Imml pleasant taste. /"/jljl All druggists. /V* Dr. KING’S NEW DISCOVERY 3000000000u000000000000000i | Summer Time is Sports 1 | Time I X and that is the time whert a 8 Bracelet Watches are in the 8 O greatest demand. II * STARNES-MILLER- 8 8 PARKER CO. | * X Jewelers and Optometrists 8 l '8 A : I sqooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQIBO 1 VIS' T«» WWNIf vODWH^n ' PATS [oooooooooooooootxyoononogooooooocxxwooooa [ELLQ! SPRINGTIME! I Say It With Flowers— l DRESS UP AND SUCCEED ike to show you how well prepared we are to :w season. a special invitation for youto call and Idokover ] tries and the latest fashions. ■ J ‘ ~ ays—Friday and Saturday, April 11 and 12 ! ! ) Special Representative \ \ J | Please come early and wfe’ll have your suit ready in : ; i time for EasPer. || Browns-Cannon Co. 1 [ t .Where You Get Your Money’s Worth Eat Milk Made Bread for Lunch * * \ou will enjoy your mid-day meal if you eat Milk-Made bread. Pure and wholesome, it is de licious sandwich bread, and is fine nourishment. CONCORD STEAM BAKERY nHßiiniiiiinininiiiiiiaiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi WhenYooPf) Think of ■ - hmJm or Decorating Let Us Furnish You an Estimate Expert, Dependable Painting Thos F. Rogers E. Means St. 327 N. College St. Concord Charlotte Telephone 1307 Telephone 3800 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim LMd Deeds, 5 Cents Each, at Times- Tribune OSes. g BRANCH OF GORDON MUSIC ACADEMY, Inc. x Charlotte, N. C. q NAN GORDON, Director STUDIO NOW OPEN * In the Smith Building Adjoining City Library [ 1 _ MISS GORDON will he in the Studio This Saturday '] \ ' g April 12th, at 3 o’clock ’ . S Anyone wishing to arraugc for lemons will be welcome to