PAGE SIX r-TTTJSgPT:- ■ ' - 111 111 nil'll lliill 111 II I M IWiWMMHßgHSmilJAiantgira Boys and Girls I BUY A BICYCLE NOW I I New Shipment of IVER JOHNSON Bicycles Come in -and let us show you why they ate the Best. | We have a complete stock—all sizes for boys and girls. § Iver Johnson Bicycles Are Fully Guaranteed Ritchie Hardware Co I YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 PHONE 117 .. I Un Unusual Offering of A fffr. Wash Silk Dresses Mm $12.95 I !RWaltU This is one of the most interesting IMlullla” Wash Dress Events of the season com \'§lMlKv ing as does r '^ at at le start of Sum frjjlt *mer when you can enjoy a full season EsmUIEsI of ff no< l service and convenience from §1 gj]fl\ them. 'l'hey are made from genuine fill • !w\ s\ I.oomcraft. Mellowspun and Sclnvart -1 H llPfiii zenhachs Washable Broadcloth Silks ■ I Lmm iIU l\\ * n a num^er °* pretty styles and will n I oJJIS J|ij|y •/ wash like a piece of Linen. Un un -1 l lii " sua l offering at $12.95. s’\i ‘ OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I MOTOR & TIRE SERVICE CO. j j Vulcanizing Shop Where You Can Get Any Kind of Tire Repairing Done at ! Reasonable Prices ] I WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK jjj Do not throw your tires away. Bring them to a de pendable tire hospital. We make old tires new. We keep | the upkeep down. CHEVROLET DEALERS Concord, N. C. ] i [ Motor & Tire Service Co. j Phone 298 19-25 E. Corbin St. |! Phoenix Hosiery j Week More Hosiery Values than ever before— In Black, White and All High Shades Sale 59c, 95c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 and $3.50 j Shades to “Match all Shoes and Dresses s~ FISHER’S i* <>». THE CONCORD 6AILV TRIBUNE _ ' J ■ —■ ■ — -\ ' 'The Concord Daily Tribune j TIME OF CLOSING OF MAILS' j| The time of the closing of mails at the Concord as follows: Northbound : Train No. 44—11:00 p. m. I Train No. 8fi—10:00 a. m. ' Train No. 12— C :30 p. m. ; Train No. 38— 7:30 p. ni. j Train No. 30—11:00 p. m. Southbound Train No. 37 9:00 a. m. Train No. 43 3 :00 p. m. Train No. 135 9:00 p. m. Train No. 29—11:00 p. m. LOCAL MENTION ] Cotton cn the local market today is i quoted at 29 cents per pQund. One ease of scarlet fever and three cases of smallpox were reported Tuesday to the eounty health department, ac cording to a department report. The Ladies' Aid Society of Forest Hill Church, Circle B. will meet at the Church Thursday evening at 7:30. Mrs. J. W. B. Miller and Mrs. »Tohn Hopkins will be hostesses. ' J. A. Cannon and Rev. .T. C. Rowan spent several hours in Charlotte Tues day. They went to Charlotte to see sev eral men of that city relative to raising some money for Davidson College. 1.. T. Hartsell, senior member of the law firm of Hartsell & Hartsell. enter ed a Charlotte hospital Tuesday for an operation. His condition today is report ed as favorable. The Music Department of the Wom an's Club will meet tomorrow —Thurs- day—night at the home of Mrs. ('. F. Ritchie. The meeting will be the lasi of the year for the department members. Confederate Veterans of the eounty are asked to be at the new high school build ing Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock to at tend the Memorial Day exercises. J. F. Hurley, of Salisbury, wilt deliver the ad dress. - b Farm people are getting much work done now. a trip through (he county will show. The weather has been very dry during the past several days and this dry weather has offered the farm people an excellent opportunity to get much of their Spring work completed. Among the students who graduate this year from the Richmond Theological Seminary and who will be commissioned to preach is Stafford Query, of this City. Mr. Query is a graduate also of the Concord public schools and Davidson College. Efird's is closed today and will be closed again tomorrow while final plans are being made for the company's big re moval sale which will be starred Friday morning. The clerks of the company are busy today arranging tie large stock of the company so it can be easily reached Curing the big sale. A special meeting of* the Fred Y. Mc- Connell Post of the American Legion wll be held tomorrow —Thursday—night at S o'clock. The call for the meeting has been issue 1 by the Pos' Commander, who declares that important business will be taken up at the meeting a..d all mem bers are asked t. attend. R. D. Mabery, deputy sheriff, has gone to Raleigh to lodge Alonzo White in the State penitentiary. White was sen tenced to serve one year in the State prison at the last term of Cabarrus Su perior eourt, it being alleged that he killed another negro at Kannapolis sev eral weeks ago. Eleven eases were on docket for trial in recorder’s court this n'teruoon. As sault with a deadly weapoh. abandon ment. larceny and speeding were among the various charges lodged against the defendants. Several of the cases had developed since Monday but most of them had been continued from former sessions of the eourt. Every Cabarrus eounty member of the N. C. Cotton Growers Co-operative As sociation is urged to attend the county meeting to be held Saturday at two o'clock in the court house. -Matters of importance will be discussed and plans will be made for a county-wide canvass Every member is asked to carry a neigh \ bor to the meeting with him. i The tubereul ‘is clinic, which will he i continued in (be eounty through May | 17. got off to a fine start Tuesday. Dr. i D. R. Perry, who is making the cx.imi l nations, examined a large number of per j sous Tuesday and engagements already i scheduled assure many busy days for i him. Persons who desire to be examined | should notify Dr. S. E. Buchniiao at i once. i Rev. T. W. Smith has a very interest ing copy of The Richmond Christian Ad vocate, of the date of .Tune 22. 1922. The cover on the publication is a picture of Gen. Julian S. Carr, commander-in-chief of Confederate Veterans, shaking hands j with Lewis S. Pilcher, M. I)., comma nd- I er-in-ebief of the Grand Army of the j Republic, and the caption reads. "Good | Americans Both.” | Police officers of the city are keeping a sharp lookout now to catch persons un- I der 16 years of age driving autos There is tu State law making it unlawful tor any person not 16 years old to drive a j e|| night. No burglaries have been re ported to tb epolice during the past sev eral days. W. N. Defier, dealer In general mer chandise at New London, N. C., writes 'Senator Simmons protesting ait pay of, $3 a day and mileage 10 cents one way j as Federal court juror, that this is un just to such jurors, that it cost at least -43.78-a- day hotel bill, that the govern ment should at least pay a man's' ex penses, and asks Senator Simmons’-aid in securing a change. |pP Tom iSIT Soya Heaven "is a place where a mn nis fired for getting his work done on time. The difference between a bow tie and a regular kind of lie is' about’ 15 min utes. I'asri? of twins neeur once in every 69 births and never use good judgment as to when or where. In the long run. it is best to walk. Ignoring troubles makes them f. el small. Farming is a great life, but a bad oc cupation. Collecting a crowd is easier tliiin col lecting 'from a crowd. Thousands of men today owe their lives io the fact that most women shoot with both eyes shut. If kisses are the language of love some people talk it too much. . Absence of winter makes the heart grow fender of it Mother .. > She’s your "Best Girl.” Re nfember her with a Mother’s Day Box of Norris Candy. “Worth Smacking Your Lips Over” Cabarrus Drug Co. PHONE 95 POTATO PLANTS Our potato plants are ready now. We will be able to furnish about 2OO;QOjJ plants weekly from now on. Why wait on long de layed shipments when you can get them daily at our place. We still have a good lot of tomato plants. a visit or call us over the phone. •We deliver plants in theicity or mill villages. Crowell’s Plant Farm 159 E. Corbin St. Phone 498 J Falling Hajr Stopped j As if by Magic WonderfajS new treatment Guaran tees resulftn 10 days or money back. You do A rjsk a penny. '.The Guarantraßin every , package pmtects you full y. Leaves no f~- odor. No grease; Ask I for STIM SCALP TREATMENT. 1 Gibson Drug Store I That Is Another Feature Which Makes Automatic Popular | j In choosing the refrigerator for your home be sure to get one that as- | 1 fords you ample room and yet does not require a special room to keep J [ The Automatic Refrigerator is so constructed as to eliminate all waste j j The special construction of the water cooling tank within the ease does i away with having to take up valuable space in food chambers in J order t» have ice water. Consider the Automatic and compare it with any other refrigerator on the market. After you have done that we are sure you will decide as | we did that it is the “perfect refrigerator.” i Come in for demonatration. Concord Furniture Company The RdWUe Furniture. Store. ~ * x ‘ Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobooooooooooooooooooo^ Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION INDK&gOw| Bcll-ans ; XliS® Hot water BHr Sure Relief DELL-ANS 25* and 75* Packages Everywhere : • Correct English MONTHLY MAGAZINE » . Authoritative Exponent of English for ' 22 Years , Edited and Founded by Josephine Turck Baker Famous World Authority on English Send 10 Cents for Sample Copy Correct English Publishing Co. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE j i AUCTION SALE OF REFUSED AND I UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. < To satisfy transportation and other . legal charges, the Southern Railway < Company will offer for sale at auction to the highest bidder at the door of the Freight Depot at Concord, N. C., at 11 :30 A. SI.. Tuesday, Slay 27th, 1024, the following described property, ti-wit: 1 Car load—72o Sacks Medicated Stock Salt, on hand refused. Shipped by Fanners Medicated Stock Salt Co.. Slifflinsburg, Peunn., on March, 10, 1024, to W. I>. Robbins & Son, Con cord, N. Co loaded in New York Central car 204574 and transferred for carriers convenience to Southern car 302867. SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO.. By G. C. IXEDMONT, ( Freight Claim Adjuster. ] By H. J. HITT. i Freight Agent. i Apr. 30-May 7. 1 I Guaranteed I Armature I Rewinding 1 Reasonable Prices i Repairs 1 All Kinds of Generator NOTICE. [ Warning is hereby given that children under 16 years of age will not be allow ed to drive autos in Concord. This is a State law and parents must not allow their children who are not 16 years of age to drive autos. L. A. TALBIRT, 6-3 t-c. Chief of Concord Police. USE THE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS ~. ■; ■ ; v-rj *ny ’ ■ ■ : OOOOC«OOOOCOOOfaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC>CtY