Thursday, May 8,1924 THE OLD ' K-TRAVKUL'Ni PAtNTBR HADJUST Pi ni smed . “ " '® _ §A BEyCUTIFISL- SION ON AUGUST HERMANNS NNIMDOW A TWO BASE Hrr— 1 ~~rfjg||p 1 v "" ■ 1 -" r 1 ~ SPLENDID FARMS FOR SALE S ]> C 5 acres on public road four miles north of Court House 6 room 3 I *,o *1 < ’ US0 ’ doUble barn - out buil^s - timber, 25 acres dredged bottom. X |i' “*8 Acres near Georgeville, 7 room bouse, outbuildings $5,000. SI,OOO O I I cash, balance on easy terms. r W i< 138 acres on public roa<. 3 miles north of Court House, splendid build- S j> ings, 50 acres dredged bottom land, a splendid daily farm. SI,OOO 9 i cash, balance on easy terms. ® I I 175 acres, tbe Cotes place, in No. 7 township, on public road, good ft jij neighborhood, good buildings, timber, at a rial bargain. S i l® B acres ®t Glass, the Rogers farm, very desirable, will selFas a whole X i[ i or cut it to suit the purchaser. X 9 33 acres on public road 4 miles northeast of Concord, with good g I buildings. j i 1 1 1 163 acres on Concord-Midland Highway witji good buildings, $40.00 per i! 1 1 1 acre. ( i|i 80 acres two miles east of Kannnpolis, $40.00 per acre. |i| J l l 08 acres two miles east so Kannapolis with buildings and timber. 1 [ i l , 200 acres on Highway two miles from Midland with splendid buildings. ji[ iji of the best farms in the county. * J ! ji! "20 Acres on public road near Georgeville at real bargain. Will cut > i 1 1 to suit the purchaser. Terms easy. iji 22 acres, the Ball Park at Cabarrus Mill. i 1 CRY PROPERTY FDR SALE X 0 Room House neat’ Cabarrus Mill. Modern 5-room cottage in good repair on Kerr Street near No. 2 i! 1 1 j school. 6 The Novelty Building on Elm street neitr Brancord Mill at a real j'| iji bargain. y «£“»E S T IN THE LONS RUSf" > Ak Silvfcrtown? are &uih up to the finest standard 6f tire quality— > ftW down to a #rit6. And yet cm m rnott than drdinary cord& . . . . . . Goodrich ©ILVfc&TOWN CORD impair Ge Ritchie Hardware Co* 1 > “«"* N.*. f - - J USE JMR in niilNE PENNY AD&.-IT PAYS i a KANNAPOLIS #; © DEPARTMENT© M ", • ft»###! Kannapolis. May 7. —Mra: Sarah! Robertson, of Asheville, is visiting her soil. H. B. Robertson. Mesdaines M. Y.. Troutman, W. I/' Yost, D. A. JcT'ey aud W. J. CHne are in Ra’eigh attending the convention of the State Federation of Women’s Clubs. Mrs. Frank Watt and son, of Steele Creek, and Mrs. L, T. Lindsay and two children, of Charlotte, spent Tuesday as the guests of Mrs. H. B. Robertson. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. H. B. Robertson delightfully entertained' tffi Social Hour Club at hyr home on Ridge Avenue. Mesdomes H. A. Allred, Cash. Chris. Ferguson, G. G. Allen and Ira Montgomery were welcome visitors at the party. Mesdamm S. L. Robertson, of Asheville, and Albprt Brown, of Greensboro, were charming out-of-town guests. Adelicious salad course was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. E. C-. Carter, cf Raleigh, arrived Tuesday to visit Mrs. fra Mont gomery and family. Mrs. Bob Frieze and daughter, of Bel mont. are guests of Mr. and MnT. C. A.' Fisher. The picnic to be given by the Parent- Teacher Association ifi honof Os the forty-six teachers of the Kannaiiolis i schools is postponed from today to l Thursday afternoon. Miss Flora McQueen has returned at t ter visiting in Albemarle a feW days. A. .T. Holshmisef iwd family, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Taylor and two little daugh ter* and Mrs. Carl Sherrill spent Sun- I day in the Charlotte Sanatorium with j Will Holshouser. who underwent an op ! eratiftn about two weeks ago for appen ’’dieftfs. Mr. Holshousrir is expected i home this week. [ • A cal Lefler, who sometime ago con- I meted pneumonia, was conveyed a few ! days ngo to a Charlotte hospital. Mr. Lefler was not feeling so well, according to latest reports, having suffered a re lapse a day or two ago. Mrs. Herbert Davenport left this af ternoon for Charlotte where she will visit home folks. Mrs Lillie Aycock and Misses Hattie i aud Elva Ford are attending the great council meeting of Red Men and Poca hontas this week at Marion. Paul Short, cf the Kannapolis Drug Company, is confined to his room at the Kannapolis Inn on account of an attack of tonsilitis. Claude Zimmerman and Miss Mabel Wilhelm were married Monday evening n( the manse. Rev. TV. C. Jamison offi ciating. Following the ceremony the couple left for Atlanta on their bridal tour. Miss Lula Hc.rnbuckle. of Lexington, stopped at the Kannapolis Inn Sunday afternoon to visit her niece, Miss Lula Sides. Churlek Farrell and sister. Mrs. L. E Funderburk, spent Thursday in Char lotte. Frank Frye and little daughter, Vir ginia'. Mr. Frye's mother; Miss Anme Frye, and Nash Fi*ye spent tii week-end in the country near Newton with Misses Mary- and Zura UinChardt. Miss Blanch Funderburk is at Win gate attending commencement exercises at tbe Wingate school. Miss Neonii Tillman has returned home from Wingate school where she graduated from High School. Ralph Harris and Miss Odess BTack limn were married Saturday afternoon, leaving after the ceremony for Rock Hill where they will spend their honeymssn r - T ' r ■_ j Ui!l9€ei4^Wmck/ Guaranteed Bdiefio 5 Howra , Why hang onto a Head Cdld for a week when Dr. Platt’s Rlnex Pre scription Is tfuarantecd to knock It in B hours—or it costs you nothing. “Rlnex gets at the intcrrtai caifse 7ii the blond and remove* it. So every trace goejst-r-quiCk. You can have a trial tredtmant, free, by writing to the Clinical Lahoratorlr-Cleveland. Ohio, and sftndlpg 10 cents to cover packing arid poenur'e. Rut you take no risk in getting the sl, pagkago direct froijh the dealer. Oil sale in this city at:' © 19-4py The Chnical Tabiifirorie, Co-.Clerelacrt, 0., Gibson Drug Store litiwir nWMHUIIM Stop drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil right into - - -■» your sore, stiff, ach l /7a ing joints, and re- I' 6 * I 0 ' nstant -' Bflfr ** a harmless rheu ■ matism liniment IC| A Which never disap- Vp'Uß points and cannot burn the skin. 1 Cent h ol * I store ’ an d in a mo ■ A M and stiffness. In use for 65 years for rheumatism, sciat ica, neuralgia, ium hago, backache, sfrttiM. Moof*y buck without ciucutlon /fmf KR (Hunt's Salve and Soap), failtn ( II ft the treatment of Itch, Bciema, f/J Ringworm,Tetter or other tich uhunV^ou^ran u tred (Hunt'eSelve and Soap), falling the treatment of Itch, Bcreme, Tgoy / JI Rlnaworm,Tetterorotherltch- flf / / I Ing skin dlaeeeee. Try thic 1 * '• « I treatment at our risk. PEARL DRUG COMPANY “On UR*' BPMF' | THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE i 1 fa. ) Rev. E. Q. Carson, of Charlotte, will ocetlpy the pulpit at the A. R. P. Ctanfeh Sunday at the 11 o'clock service. A happy occasion for Knunapcli* and the Presbyterians was the laying of the i corner store of the new Presbyterian. Church at five o’clock Sunday evening, j May 3rd. Mr. Jamison, the pastor, jin his pleasing manner, officiated, ably [assisted by the pastors of the other churches in prayer and addresses. John (Goodnight, one of the few remaining .[charter members of tbe church, read a history of the ei.urch Which was placed .in the stone, together with the other articles usually placed therein. Hymns appropriate to the occasion were sung hi the choir. The stone was the gfff of Miss P!ora McQueen who has served the church as pastors,’ assistant for nearly two years- Ref gift is doubly nporeciated as she is soon to go to Korea as a teacher in ou" mission schools. Miss Helen 'turner visited recently in Winston-Salem. Miss Bertha Moser, a, graduate from Cherryville higfi school, has come to make her home ift Kannapolis with her paretns. Rev. and Mrs. .F, H: Moser. Mrs. W, C. Graham entertained at her home on North Main Street Sunday at dinner the following: Misses Hattie Kincaid, .Pearl Benson, Ruby Furr, Fannie Bele Benson; Henry Townsend, and Mr. and Mrs.. F. E. Smith, Sirs. flrttliriiVt’s elegant dinner and hospitality were very much enjd>ed by the guests. Miss Ruby Furr, of Albemarle, spent the week-end with Miss Fannie Belle Benson. The regular monthly meeting of the Home Economies department of.the Womanis Club was held Tuesday eve ning at tbe home of Mrs. J. W, Flowe. Sirs. Christy, of New Jersey, is visit ing her sister-in-law, Sirs. Ewan, of South Slain Street. Sir. and Sirs. G. A. Bryant, Sir. and Sirs. John H. Rutledge, Sirs. Ewan and I giiest. Sirs. Christy, MeSdames Walton, Harvey Rodgers, Misses Hullie Kin caid. Julia Willett and Kae Seaman at tended a meeting of the Eastern Star at Sjiencer Tuesday evening. Rev. C. K. Turner delivered the bnccaulflreate sermon to the graduating class of the Kannapolis high school Sun day, Slay 4th, at the 11 o’clock service at the First Baptist Church. The audi torium was packed. Decorations consist ed of dogwood blossoms and ferns. * At the conclusion of the discourse Super intendent J. W. Sloan arose and ex pressed his thanks to Mr, Turner in his own behaif aud that of the class. Mr. Sloan suggested that the, manuscript be published aud tlftit each member secure a copy. The excellent showing made by the Boston Red Sox ou the spring training trip has aroused high hopes in the breSses of baseball fans in the Hub. FORD SUBSTITUTE OUT TO “SMASH WALL ST. RING* j i i Khbert HL Pointer. Hit On pzeek Rm, UR, h« smoko « We ajre to have a representa tive from the factory to demon strate the NESCO PERFECT OIL COOK STOVES May 12, 13 and 14. We want to show you this stove and all it’s good points. COME IN. The New Hardware Ritchie Caldwell Company, lac. ■II ■ill*,. U|H “RIBS’” FRIEND STCHWTWIIH ; , ■ V—, Capt T. Dins more Upton HAT Great Lecture. Magnetic Speaker With t Menage for Old and Young Alike. ’ ; ; Capt T. pipsfliofe Upton, "Big Bother to' a' 'rtmitfr&r Thonsaed Kids,” ■will b£ u feature lecturer fit the com ing Redpirth Qhautauqutf herb. Hl* lecture, “The Four-Square Builder,” ia a plea for clean, wholeßftme recreation ; CAPT. T. DIN SMOKE UPTON for children as a foundation for better citizenship. Captain Upton speaks from a unique ly successful experience as dlrcj?tor of athletics in prominent high schools and is physical training director In the army during the Great War. As a speaker he is magnetic and ole*, quent. He has the faculty of reaching everyone—children through thotr par ents, and parents through their chil dren. Improved SscrvUe - for Markcfing. " Italeigh. May 7.—Uommissibner c£ Agriculture W. A. Graham has announc ed that beginning immediately a market wire will go from tee division of mar kets to every strawberry shipping point. In return arrangements have been made by Mr. Ross, chief of the markets divi sion, for telegrams to come to the bu reau from each shipping point. This •improved service, Mr. Graham announc ed, will be followed up through the other marketing sections in;- seasons of their respective crops'. The two other occupants of the auto mobile whose names coujd not he learn ed died' in a load hospital from injuries. The locomotive did not leave the rails. Work Wearing Yon Out? Concord Folks Find a Bad Back a Heavy Handicap. Ia your work wearing, you out? Afi you tortured with throbbing backache —feel tired, weak and discouraged? Then look to your kidneys! Many occupations tend to weaken the ki*- neys. Constant backache, headaches, dizziness and rheumatic pains are the' result. You suffer annoying bladdet irregularities; feel nervous, irritablf and worn out. Don’t wait! Use Doan’a Pills—a stimulant diuretic to the kid* neys. Workers everywhere recom mend Doan’s. Here’s a Concord case: 'Kannie Benton, blacksmith, 115 St. Charles St., says: “My work is * heavy strain on ray back and kidneys snd I had an aching in my back just over my kidneys. My kidneys didn’t act right at all. Doan’s Pills strength ened my back and put my kidneys in good condition-” Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply risk fob a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Pills the same that Mr. Ben ton had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrsi, Buffalo, N. Y. FOUR GENERATIONS rests Lady Says Her Family Has Been Taking Thedford’s Black-Draught, When Needed, for Many Years. Alto, Texas.—“We inherited the use >f Blade-Draught in our family,” says tfrs. Maty Slmptrine, who lives near here on R. F/D. 2. “My grandmother was an old woman when she died ibout ten years ago, and she had been using it literally'ever since I can re member. She gave it, to her children ind grandchildren for biliousness and itomach' complaints, sb when I, went » housekeeping we just naturally used t, too. , “I give ft to niy children for a >urgaflve whenever they need one, md we are never without it. Made ftto tea; it surely ia ftw It's the best iome remedy for headache and consti pation I know of.” During over 80 years of its con anued popularity, Blank-Draught has leporine the standard liver medlcinr ln neny thousands of homes, wpei* it life beta found of great benefit in the treatment of constipation, biliousness, ndigthtion and other coratpbn liver, itomheh and bowel complaints. Ten niluon packages of Black-DraUjght afe aow sold/a year, as more and more people are learning of the value of this well-known remedy. Insist on Thedford’s, the only genu ine Black-Draught powdered liver mOeimtt At all dealers’. NO-154 ———■— .....t.--: Other PeeQee Products Pee Gee Bam Paint Pee Gee Shingle Stain Pee Gee Invincible Spar Varnish Pee Gee Silo Paint Pee Gee Screen Enamel , Pee Gee Porch Paint Peaslee - iSaulbert Co. Incorporated Atlanta Louisville Dallas E||§|l Ritchie Hardware, Varnish** - Stains—Enamels .jjakasut ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoooooooo 8 fi Southern Railway System ji| Announces 1 SPECIAL REDUCED FARES h SPARTANBURG, S. CL ; f ACCOUNT § Spartanburg Music Festival i May 7-8-9, 1924 v j i Special reduced fares on basis one and one-half fares ] | 1 J for the round trip, open to the public. Tickets on sale May 5, C and 7, final return limit May I] | 10, 1924. y | i 2 The Philadelphia Festival Orchestra of PhHadefphfa ] | « lias been secured. Also the world’s most famous Artists ' i 5 for the entire occasion. The Converse College choraf so- !jl | ciety consisting of 400 voices, the famous children’s chords Ji| f ? cortsiSting of 500 voices from the public schools. For detailed information as to fares, schedules, etc., ![' 8 call on nearest Southern Railway System Ticket Agent, or jl l g addidss: j|j | R. H. GRAHAM, -ijl X Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. ooooooooooooooooooooocyy>x)ooodbooociti6o6titsockiiabtkhoo^ V Um .. Tl- -- -•—— ,i.. it 'jtn tiummefs | I Frofti knfce tosol£;f3utn j, £y mirtg Bflftf Hbkfc aife