W«4foesday, May. 14, 192*4 * .. . “C . —. SPLENDID FARMS FOR SALE I O 65 acres on publie road four miles north of Cejwt House, G room' j| X house, double barn, out buildings, timber, 25. acres dredged bottom. X 8 338 Acres near Georgeville, 7 room bouse, oiltbuildings, $5,000. SI,OOO O cash, balance on easy terms. V 5 | 138 acres on public roau 3 miles north of Court House, splendid bnild- X ings, 50 acres dredged bottom land, a splendid daiLy farm. SI,OOO v cash, balance oh easy terms. x i 175 acres, the Cotes place, in No. 7 township, on public road, good A i neighborhood, good buildings, timber, at a real bargain. J 108 acres at Glass, the Rogers farm, tery desirable, will sell as a whole or cut it to suit the purchaser. i i S 3 acres on public road 4 miles northeast of Concord, with good ' [ buildings. , [ 163 acres on Concord-Midland Highway with good buildings, $40.00 per < > acre. V | 80 acres two milea east of Kannapolis, $40.06 per acre, i 08 acres two miles east so Kannapolis With buildings and timber. i [ 200 acres on Highway two miles from Midland with splendid buildings. ' i of the best farms in the county. 320 Acres on public road near Georgeville at real bargain. Will cut to suit the purchaser. Terms easy, i 22 acres, the Ball Park at Cabarrus Mill. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE i[ 6 Room'House near Cabarrus M9l. j Modern 5-room cottage in good repair on Kerr Street near No. 2 i 1 school. The Novelty Building on Elm street near Brancosd Mitt at a real j i bargain. 1 t House and lot on Green street at Hartseil milt, lot 120x800 feet. ji 1 11 Fine fruit trees. i [ One beautiful vacant lot on corner of Meadow and Vance streets i 1 1 1 80x133 feet, on easy terms. ] i One vacant lot on Simpson street 00x150 feet. Modern 0-room cottage, ’lot 60 feet wide extending from Vance to | i' Simpson street. , 'i 7-roora house on East Corbin street with modem improvements. i | 1 Large lot. J 0-room house, au acre of land on St. George street, ji 3-room house on Houston street, SBSO. V ji Jno. K. Patterson & Co. ii Real Estate Agents N OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOGOOOOOGOOOOGOOOOOOGQOOOOQOOOG OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jj What Kelvinator Is and Does— i Eliminates forevermore the inconvenience and inefficiency of iec-cooled i i 1 refrigeration. , , i It maintains a dry, unvarying atmospheric condition within your rc- i 1 i 1 ftigerator at all times— ( j _Jt maintains a certain predetermined temperature and requires no at- i i tent ion whatsoever, after its installation. j j 1 It produces a temperature considerably lower than that produced by , , I ice. "> ■ it ji It freezes crystal clear cubes of ice for the table or the sick room. V l It is a model of cleanliness and sanitation. ( , [ It saves labor, food, annoyance, and money. _ ( i i It costs less than ice to operate—and even in its iirst cost is not a j ' | burden to the most moderate houschld budget. I , |! It is a fitting companion to every other valuable household utility such i i i as the washing machine, vacuum cleaner, electric inon. etc. ] i it is operating successfully in more titan 40.000 homes, and is on pub- ' I lie display in more than 00 cities in tUirty-niue different states. i , Phone 108 and 137. ! ' . :<L- V,-PHARR & BRO 1 jOOOPGfK>C I Or >f wwv->o#vion<xaQOg3g>QCKXyxiQOQCX^QoonQarvvvvtoooQc J OOOOQOOpOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOCXXXXXyXXXXy^ Quick Service | II THE EAGLE COMPANY jjj | Dyers and Cleaners <!| ; 41 E. Corbin St. Phone 648 ; Concord, N. C. | f wOOOOOOOOCOQCXIOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQP USE THE TIMES AND TRIBUNE PEil COttl MOM’N POP " “A Bit efTeSHTWork.” “ BY TAYLOK . — ,—! .■ ■■■■■■ ..... ( House CLEANING-BLAMU ) THE THOUGHTS OP HtIONT TAKeTT') 60INS HOME AND U “ffTSIJcAm H EATInS MH /HEAL on | THE BACK PORCH AND B THIS IREN STARTING INTO 1 TWgOP MEAC CLEANIN6ROOS ANoJ V- -> J aid or the I f HOUSEVNIFE- { ' 1 T PONT CARE IF HOP DO HAVE TO IbSET -TL-J qq to a dance tonight r -J|BajsiM £\ i IODISE &OIN6 TO help C4C UL /«. ( 9Vf CAftPH THESE OuTSIDEjf At f VioH =l3 First so pop can start <3 ■. - ..V . r : NOW THERE'S AN EXAMPLE OF A NOBLE t. V , INDUSTRIOUS HUSBAND 601N6 TEN ROUNDS vdITH AN ORIENTAL AN' SAVINS HIS GOOD A X HOW MUCH EHE'U- APPRECIATE HIS TTMELV J ■ —n.,; J ( ~,, w ,lu,u ' * 1 mmmmmn K f™—il ■h-"" T.;.r: , r:-'i ' rn '-“ - , vy - Jt . '"•■■■ - r - T ' IblSaucact ing I NEWS 1 (By Courtesy Radio Digest) / (By the Associated Press.) Program For Thursday. May 15th. WSB Atlanta Journal (429) 8-0 clas sic concert; 10:45 organ, WGR Buffalo (310) 4-4:30 music re cital : 5:30 news. WMAQ Chicago News (447).3) 6 talks; 7:4$ orcliestra; 8 V. of Chicago lecture. WGN Chicago Tribue (370) 7-10 pro gram, orchestra, organ; 9 band, orchestra. KYW Chicago (326 ) 5:80 concert;: 5:35 talk; 6 reading; 6:2© musical. IVDAP Chicago (360) 6 concert; 7:30 organ: 0 band; orchestra. WSAI Cincinnati (300) 6:30 com inanity chest; 7 chimes; 7:15 music. WhW Cincinnati (306) 3 music; 9 talks: 9:10 music. WJAX Cleveland (396) 8 concert. WOC Davenport (484) 6:30 bedtime; ; 1 9 orchestra. ! WFAA Dallas News (476) 12:30-1 aihlress; S :30-9:30 musical, dramatic; 11-12 orchestra. WCX Detroit (517) 5 concert; 7:30 musical. WTAS Elgin (286) 7:30-12 songs, or chestra. WRAP Fort Worlli Star Telegram (476 ) 7:30-8:30 concert; 9:30-10:45 or. cbestra. KFKX Hastings (341) 9:30 Hastings j college orchestra. AVOS Jefferson City (440.9) 8 talk. WDAF Kansas City Star (411) 3:3© musical matinee; 6 school of the air; 11:43 nighthawks. IVIIB Kansas City (411) 2 ladies; T solos; 8 orchestra, entertainers. AVHAS Louisville Journal (406) 7:36- 9 concert, t&lks. KHJ Los Angeles (395) 8 orchestra; 8:30 memory contest; 8:45 stories; 9 children; 10 veeal, instrumental; 12 dance. KFI X.as Angeles (409) 8:45 con cert; 10 concert; 11 concert; 12 concert. WGI Medford Hillside (300) 3 Big Brother Club ; 5 :30 talk, musical; song hits. WMO Memphis Commercial Appeal s I/e44er BY HARRY B. HUNT NEA Service Staff Writer. WASHINGTON, D. C. —AI Smith’s presidential boom is developing stronger than expected. Immediately after the death of Charles F. Murphy, the Tammany boss, it was ? thought Smith’s chances had‘been ruined. ;> 4But it ■ doesn’t IpelWao nr^y- Murphy built fences hatter than even Smith’s friends realized. < In 4»ed. some say Smith l« In a better poaitlon now than if Murphy Jhad lived because his candidacy is less Involved by Tammany. Supporters of William Gibbs Mc- Adoo who do not want Smith oven if they can't have McAdoo remain confident of their ability to hold more than one-third of the conven tion votes indefinitely, thus forcing a compromise. The suggestion is heard in some quarters that the fate of former Governor McCray of Indiana, who lias been sentenced to prison for ten years, injured the presidential Chances of Samuel M. ltalston. It is true they are of different parties, but the concensus of opin ion here is that McCray has given Indiana Republicanism such a black eye that Democrat* ago prac tically certain to carry tbe atate anyway, thus lhnking It unneces sary to nominate a Hoosier tor the purpose of transferring Ihe state from tho doubtful to the Demo eratic column. THE CONCORD DAJJLY TRIBUNE (500) 8:30 orchestra. WLAG Minneapolw-St. Paul (417) 7:3© lectures. CKAC Montreal (423) 7:30 entertaiu ment. WEAF New York City (492) 5-8 mid week services, talks, syneopators. W.TS? New York (455) 5-8:30 talks, music; 8:30 dance. WHN New York (360) 7 :30-9:15 en tertainers; 9:15-16 dance. WOR Newark (403) 4:30 concert;j 3:20| sport talk. WAAM Newark (255) 5-8:10 music al; 8:15-9:15 dance. WOAW Omaha (526) 6 children; 6:30 dinner, 9-11 recital. KGO Oakland (312) 10 address, mu sic. WFI Philadelphia '(395 ) 4 talk; 4:30 ovebetrn: 6 talk; 8:16 dance. WDAR Philadelphia (305) 5:30 talk. WIP Philadelphia (509 ) 4:05 orelies ‘tra; 5 talks; 6:15-9:05 concert, recital, dance. WCAE Pittsburgh (462) 5:30 com cert; 0:30 bedtime; 6:45 feature; 7:30 musical; 10 orchestra. KDKA East I’itlsburgli (320) 4:30 concert ; 0:15 farm; 7 Little Symphony orcltestru ; 7:30 concert. KjGW Portland (492) 10:15 studio; ,12 dance. KW> San Francisco (423) 9 orchetra,; 12 Itradticld band. WGY Schenectady (390) 6:45 mussic al. , WBZ Springfield (337 ) 4 concert; 5:30 bedtime; 5:40-8:35 entertainment; 9 summary conference of M. E. Church. KSD St Louis Post-Dispatch (546) l* concert. WRC Washington (469) 5 children; T dance; 7:45-8:55 eiitertainment. OKY Winnipeg (450) 8 railway’s program. WCBD Zion (345 ) 7 Zion orcliestra, mixed quartet, artists. Tbe substance which we cull coral is the home built for itself by a tiny sea creature called the polype. The smallest coral island is the work of a colony of these creatures outnumbering many times the population of the world. THE indications at present are that the navy’s present state is to be subject So much investiga tion for a long time to come/ Prob ably it te too late to, get afiythiug done with the present appropria tions bill. Recent reports by high naval officials disclosed that the ’fleet is in far worse a state than Anyone, except those on the inside, realized, Exiierts say that the claim made that America is on a ratio of one compared with Japan's three is ex aggernted, but it is believed here that the basis of three and a half.* to three is not far wrong. Secretary of Navy Wilbur doesn't take kindly to these revelations, probably on account of the admin istrntiori’s talk of further disarma ment. But recent leaks make - further exiiosure difficult to fore st all. v / INVESTIGATIONS by senatorial. committees have been progress-' fng so lortg that they are getting to lie a bit stale. But they continue never! lieless. Senate office building operators, now call their floors something like, this: v ’’Main floor—land fraud hearings! "Second floor—world court andr Wheeler indictment! i “Third floor—Oil hearings and! Muscle Shoals! "Fourth floor—Daugherty inves tigation!" A Scotchman wlio had been in this country about two months went to a movie .show with a frieml. lu tho news reel were views form flic wilds of -Maine, one of which was a closc-up of a momose. Turning to his friend, the Scotchman said: ’’l dimia ken what yon beastic is.” His. friend explained that it was an Amcricau moose. "A moose?” queried the Scott liman, snrprisedly. "Awcel, 1 dinna want to Bicct au American rat then!” Again Figures Mmshl ■ m , -, BLj 'HHHIi Prtnceaa Falmy Bey. ac<*u*ed aoine month* ago of the murder of, Wer husbaiid, tlta-Prince All Faimy, j B(*98 photographed In the French, Wtgh court where she again took the spotlight by charging Casabl t R»y with'de£f»udlag her. 1* . * ' , : ■ Wins $25,000 Handicap Jockey -Mark Garner riding Chacolet lo u winning at Pimlico track and taking the $23,000 Dixie Handicap purse. As the picture Ehuw? Chalcpiet woo by a neck , ; : Rare beauties and distinctions I in lines, finish and upholstery— and the great mechanical luxury I , of an engine that actually improves with use! The wonderful Willys- J Knight sleeve-valve, engine is the sanie type of engine used in the finest cars of Europe. See H I Concord Motor Co. WILLYS KNIGHT I BANKRUPT SALE I Men’s Pants //_ Men’s Dress Shirts I $1.75 to $5.48 ||r 89c t 0 53-48 I MPT. McfiMDE J§ • t * g~\ I Owners PAGE SEVEN I HeW t>n Kidnapping Charge. Asheville, May 14.—A negro woman giving her name as Nora Moore and her age as 27 and who admits that she hap used the name of Dorothy Marshall, Is being he'.d in jail here on charges of kidnapping Henry Peters from bia home in Cleveland, Ohio, made by the boy's mother. Mrs. Chris Peters. The De gress admits, it was said, that she took the boy away from his home but claims that it was to save him from the brutal treutinent of his mother, who was a white woman whose husband was a negro. The police say that the boy beams no sign of negro blood. The woman will be held pending further in formation. There was recently unearthed in the San Antouion Canyon in California a box containing 261 quart bottles of whiskey, wine and brandy, supposed to have been buried by a prospector in the days of '4O.

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