PAGE FOUR CelebratiTn^of of Cu ban independence. Ninety years ago today died Lafayette, friend of America in the Revolution. Historic Mecklenburg County, N. where the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence was signed in 1775. will celebrate the anniversary cf that event today. The Rt Rev. Paul J. Nussbaum, Catholic bishop of Marquette. Mich., to. day celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of his ordination in the pii»stho"d. An International Women's Congress will assemble W Copenhagen today for the boards and «landing eommitrees of the International Council of Women, Alabama Republicans are to meet iu State convention at Birmingham today to elect their delegate to the Cleveland convention. The South Carolina Demo cratic convention will meet at Columbia to elect delegates to the New Work con vention. At a special election in Colorado Springs today the voters will pass ou a proposed bond issue of $1,250,000- for a municipal light and power plant. At the same time a vote will be taken on a proposal to repeal the compulsory* vaccination ordinance. The Southern ftjethodist College of Bishops is to hold a special meeting at Nashville today to decide the question of calling a special session of the Gen eral Conference to consider unification with the Northern branch of the denomi nation. 1 , " APE MEN FLOUTED BY PRESBYTERIANS Cumberland Moderator Says He Hopes Any in Church Will Go Back to Woods. San Antonio, Texas, May 18.—An ov erture tis to establishment of certain tkwths "concerning paramount Christian doctrines" was introduced at the Geu eijiii As ft—fefat of the Cumberland Pres- I byti-rian Church today and referred to a committee. it included these points: Acceptance* of’ the of Jesns Christ, wi'tlr especial reference to His virgin birth. His suffering and blood atonement, the bedily Resurrection of Christ, the inspiration pf the Scriptures and the account of creation. %s fouifd in the first chapters of the Book ot Gcneftis. The resolution criticises "the light. vfTi)l< us qr dodging manner" iu which tlre’lmst General Assembly acted on this quest?=’ I JSe, and declares that the "ape man" idgjfc- is opposed by every member of the church "from President to jani- . tor." The miracles dfitjic Bible are ac cepted by thi*''dgncrs s %f’RiMiiv,resolutions as literally true aud a demand is made that the Cumberland Presbyterian Church show the world that "there is no mixture or. taint of evolution in our entire de nomination." Tlic sentiment .of the assembly was indicated by Moderator D. M. McAnulty. who declared that "if there are any de scendants of the monkey present, we can't help it. But I hope they go back to Hie woods from where they came.” Jones is M—skalTing the Trinity Foot knit Outfit. Durham. Stay El. —That Coach Ho’vaid. .tones, new football mentor at ' Trifiil* college; fe marshalling his , forces preparatory to a campaign for general recognition among major fcol ball outfits of this state was ccidtneed at a private meeting of the Trinity foot ball squad here last Friday night. An- ■ nouncement was made that the Meth odist training camp will open on Sep tember 10. About 50 football candidates were present at the meeting. In addition to Coach Jones and Captain "Frias" Crutc. of Winston-Salem, there was no one elese at the s. •%, * \ / costs less to travel and to sell goods at home. Above all, ; manu- . h ■" 1 a-rffacturers ought to intensify in the territory* near-by. It is often _ f ' Ipfe ; .7 v ’ found that they do not work their own territory as intensively J | > | I One of the states where business is good and where trade-'" \ V' marked articles can be advertised and sold readily, is Florida. l % p Easy to Sell Goods in Florida \ Florida is one of our f astest-growing Southern States. Thousands a \ iof people are moving there every year, and so many wealthy ./ i■ " 4kJSM Y 1 \ |people go to Florida in winter that probably the richest group of \ , i with its hundreds of big hotels and miles of beach : J . v [along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, jnany other How Many of These Bk \ il s [things add to the wealth and prosperity of Florida. Florida Dealers Do §■ ii J , M)f course it is famous for its oranges, You Sell? : tropicaf fruits! A £rge amount of pecans are General Stores - ; v • raised in Florida. Garden vegetables and melons roce ” \ are produced there in large quantities for the Drugstores morthem market. Large numbers of cattle are 1210 / i raised in Florida, as they require little care. n *kMdStationerv ’ Jf StltlStlCS • f There are immense deposits of phosphate rock Dealers 306 £ n B . A . aca A . n yL J -which furnish material for large fertilizer Indus- cirthfa*Sto«. • m • PD g^S'L ( “?“ioo ) * . tries. Sponges are found on the coast.. The naval Confectioners 442 ** *** V stores market of the world is made in Jackson- Department Stores 37 I Area in aq. mi. 64 > t 8» I f where the yards contain the greatest amount Dry Goods Stores 624 fmM 54.005 Los naval stores at any point in the world. Pine Electrical Supplies Wfc t u.s.cmm»iarn i plumber, ship timber, tar, cotton-seed oil and cake, Furniture Stores 573 offices sc? important Florida products. Fresh and salt- Jewelers 221 w- s. Po*d nm ' fish fomi the basis of a laijge commercial .«* MU« of mrJ ro«J. 17,995 ff industry of this State. Jacksonville ® one of the [' (os** »f ptm* Road* wm • l ; greatest distributing centers of the South. Mib.of 7, a# | I x * (S,SQO additu>nal under improvement) > t> X:,Tbe»t Newspaper. WUI Help You Build . ?' mum of R. R. Bne. 5.299 -i' Your Business Bigger hi Florida / . / TllßtiW. (Intemtate Commerce Commismdn 19tt) t| - ; Automobiles If], Deland News Orlando Reporter Star and trucks U Fort Myers Press Palm Beach News . L\]i Telephones 106,060 II GainesviFe Sun St. Augustine Record (iuportFta.MqT.Ko.BellT.l3ti) I \ Jacksonville Times Union St. Petersburg Independent Jacksonville Journal St. Petersburg Times w *|MlP ■ V L.keUnd Star-Telegram Tamp, T.mes S|Mia J#, Miami Herald Tampa Tribune . 275- * h,, Miami News-Metropolis West Palm Beach Post ‘ Orlando Morning Sentinel — .... ".r: ' ' r—"—_—■■■■ ■ ■■■■ ■ - 1 ' i ...i- Yo Reßvr M*>Rh C3 mM*m in Durian. 'Diikhamv May The Iwilth depart ment of thi« city haa entered upon a ntwada fee the betterment of the health «oa4>tMMt of the city enA is insisting «P»* J*«*tgry preeutttioßs J being taken iu evfry instance. Since tile catop«%u 5 waa stafe«« all houses to AfwM wotting connection with the ;ejty ***** Mi , sewerage,* thirty warrants have been> leaned against persons failing the »ex, however, were held up, upon, *7 co **sL* lrt the order- Fifteen! ofi _ : ' l i . M THE CONCORD DAILV TOBUNE -S-T = made. The other fifteen were partly tried in court here and wfß be in the next few days. Most of those cases already trie* were carried over' to a later' session. , Metlsidbts Vote Down Prbposal -to I De crease . Muatier ass > Bisbsiw. Springfield, Mass., May 16.-—A mo tion to decrease the number of Metho dist binliopi was defeated at the Metbo , diet Episeofeji Conferofeje today by a i vote of fell ;to a*i. a fe , repoet of the Committee on Episcopacy-, redbeiag the | i episccpal ; areas by one,\was adopted by) p-=-: . r--r.' .ffid. a:-—- a large majorityTße St. Louis and Wii hita, Kans.,' ttees will be combined into one at Katisite 'City- Dr. Dnvitl O. DkMrntf. of New York. | appealing for confitfeMfe- in the chugqh’s leadens, swept the \ house from ita*fiwt as it . was about to treqoounlt the repart. Be faced a lioaij» iouserf to eatbn siasu by declaratfeagi fenm apeaker af ter speaker that • the j church was suffer ing from too inauy Hsbops and tM* whale laity was. tlenhaudipg a reduction to -ISS!syfwfefw-.». I Downey said. the aUeftt, ".n i.m .:■=---?== contented majority who l&fe’ve in their episcopal lender*. We-aft* facfnt a (Treat • serriee program. ' I»- tbte a time ■ to' retreat? la Gad’s name I • say no.” r\ „ i Hi* ■ 4 " Wy K. D»}U : tree tonight after 17 years of inly mil tent confinement in jails and asyjßinn After withdrawn- of fa ntetion for re trihf hr hfc • ditoW. wife. Sfretfa Nemtjt. common ideas Judy "Monaghan tonight entsrsd «we the ver diet of the jury which declared him ' -'M - ■ -1-- . ■ - ... *» sane, directed that liebe given fits liberty unconditionally,, that tys motbeti % Mary Copley Tfmw,. fto discharge# committee 'of his , person and that his property be restored to b|m by ttys KOrinev Mhefjntyl M.\>'Wt#l| TbewVi couseh said tonight thgt ! Tfcttw would voluntarily appear is'flaw Tort to.anawer abargw< petalin* agaiaat hityt wtericbGSmp/ #r.. of Kooaa* City i*; l IM|. A unit for damages, brought b* . Gump’s, father, has bees settled out of i jeourt. v\- 7. ; ; ; ,'. _ t yal l.i • • r 1 UCSQjyi may :ZU> lW*cw €adife> ; li«rt Jofc*ap»h» rtrtasls Ore- Port land. Wre., ifiiy B*.-—©regttn; Rc dV|N rita*£>riday c «‘~ for ' Mb. ax shoOii by - steaiiffv mounting to- W.-e* r< ' '? i V- -