PAGE EIGHT Hurit's Washington Letter ry taAfefeY r Hunt * NBA Service Staff Writer. ” nfMBfHWow, -». e«MNn VV chickens aren’t hatched yet, but they’re already counted. The tally-sheet of the advance count up St Democratic national headVCMWA «W» toMl discotffefcflft ftn- the Repuhl(calls! Out 48 state*, the Democratic dope-sheet for the comine election concedes the party of Lincoln and Garfleld and Roosevelt just 10. That many, with a total of just 98 doctoral votes, is conceded the O. O. P. Os the remaining 38 states and 435. electoral votes, 23 states with 249 votes jre confidently set down ps sately DemoOrrUfe. Fifteen states having 185 votes fire put into the "dtSWrtfw” dSlrffnn. These are the states where the pftttle royal will be wased to insure the additional 17 votes needed—on the face Cf this -advance computa tion—and to pile up a safely sub stantial majority. AS evidence of Democratic "cock saredness," one notes that in ettdfttoh to ‘the "Solid south” thft pope sheet—made when the Demo cratic candidate Is *tm anybody’s bet—places in that party’s "cer tain" column Arizona, Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mon tana, New Jersey, New Mexico. (L>liio and West Virginia. Those states, with their even 100 electoral votes, will, however, be as confidently claimed by Repub licans. J Similarly, rtefnrtdlcftnS WnWe at <2 Democrat® "WY-Uk” in pfesuming Hlo as “doubtful" the results in Connecticut, Wlinpis, fCOnsah, Nelirnsha end WAsturigtort. Democrats, how ever, mCfcc smHe with >mife nnd maintain they hnve n'ft excellent nghllng dilutee not only in thoso rim arm Hy RepnlAtehn ctih'Psholds, hot a 106 ih Colorado, Minnesota, Nevada, North Dakota, lthodo I-Safid -JfiW dfotfth faalmta. * iiwfcMfciWWßMottoooßowiwoooßodeoßttbOßbiiftoeuiPoooiWP Car Washing? Polish? Alemite Greasing and Crank Case Service Gas, Oil, Accessories and Tire Changing I Free Air and Water CENTRAL FILLING STATION Phone 700 wMOOooßooooeooooooeoooocoocx>oooocxiooooooooeoooooo<Bbc ['SMiwuwwooww BDoooeeooßooococcooogooooeoodOo Now Is the Time to Buy That Refrig erator That You Promised Your self Last Summer ' ‘ Don't you remember when you told *** te=a6:t====:=i ==A»- i yourself that the old oue was getting • *" * r l —< —r a little too open and it used too much ' ice to keep the foods cold? That was ■ p ( a good ideea you had at that time. ■-] —L * but are you living up to your word? I I ] Make it easier Upon yourself to buy F —« I I iee for t lie refrigerator t also easier ■ B~j 1 upOh yoiii- Wife, because all of our 1»( ~ B-*—i boxes are so easily kept rlean and sail- I f ■ —i_ i itary and they use so little iee and II | I 1 | j save all foods so well. Our boxes Bii I I | j I have a perfect circulation arrange- f I | 181 ~~ I ment that assures you of proper re- I Drop in and take a look at them I ■ ___ ( We have smaller boxes for the small , j j^BEZSZT er families and larger ones for tin ( /'' J ei *L^T lr \ H. B. Wilkinson CortcGrd 1M Kannapolis 2 Mooresville 186 H. B. WILKINSON UNDERTAKING CO. Phone 9 OPENING We,wish to announce the opening of our Grocery Store , at the Orchard Produce Co.’s old stand. Your drdfers for anything in our line will be highly ■ appreciated. Strawberries, Green Beans, Sugar Peas, Squash, Cukes, Young ;Chix, and every thing good to eat. SEAVER GROCERY CO. Phone 130. “Service” Is Our Watchword njaaaim*uius jUff«nfljraEDra»n« »■*’"KBanmi DELCO LIGHT Light Plants, Water Systems and Washing Machiries Twenty-five different sixes of light plants. Id* f 6 m 6 ht° P f Ul3r installed add house JEftitt pit tfchl ’discOftrtt for Cash bfl Irt staffed cbntracts. ' \ Three dollars extra for each light oer the ten lights ’ above specified. _ a-I >£t. R- H- OWEN, Agent ] 8 PM* Qwnssrd, N. C. „, „.. ;, „ ... >. ... . ..>■ I . 15 Hi I 31.8 m' K’«w ToM». rt*y »4ttlt. Is m temperamental to risk placing in any but the doubtful column, ol- ( though they ar« hopeful. Audit, Republicans get any satisfac- i tion out of Wisconsin’s probable | vote, the O. O. P. Is welcome to it! : no small extent, states set S. over Into the ’doubtful’ column have been so placed because of the expectation of a schism in Repub lican ranks, led by Senator La Foi lette and aided apd abetted by such “ra4ios)s" as BrOOkhart, Norris, Ladd, Frailer, and Congressmen Frear and Nelson. In event an independent or third party campaign is waged in mid west agricultural states. Demo ■crStt'A Count on it merely splitting the normal Republican vote and allowing them to walk away with the electors. That, however, is not the view taken by either the regular or in dependent groups in the G. O. P. As they see it, the seeds of IHsur-i gency are sufiiciently ripe in half S dozen northwestern states t 6 Su able a militant independent ticket to pile up an actual majority, against both old parties. In which case, the totM of 24* now claimed by Democrats ns rea sonably secure, rhiglit be the maxi mum they could win. Which would be 17 short of election. And the Republicans could carry, in addition to the 10 states con ceded by the Democrats, Cal! torn:*, Colorado. Connecticut, Ulinos, Massachusetts and New Yorlc, W’fh Kansas, Nevada and Rhode d thrown in, and still lie 3G shy of ehongh Votes to eftet. EvCh throwing Tn Ohio’* 2| votes, as a generous concess o:;, tho election might, still t<e bhr.kol by the ballots of Mlnficfcotß, Ne braska, pfdi’tii end Slootii Dakota, Washington iihii V/fMortHli- , An iiKlefn..:\dkc.t vkttccy In eten ono or two of these states n'ljir:! bo suflicioiit to t'ffect Hie -ies jF-.-k and throw the cleclttui Inir. Con gress. To such extreme extremes arc the imposters now i!op.i"2i.. STsspSniJ C4S SEES QdP&IA R cMECfthV Witer Veil GHafds Connected to powerful putnps, * Hht- Wflfk m 2&1 sprinklers on the outside of the new Unidh Central Life Insurance Company's building in Cincinnati, Ohio, pas beto installed to bathe the structure’s Upper stories in a protecting curtain of water !n cnee of a severe fire in the neigh borhood. The sprinklers are similar to those used in interiors, but operate only when the pumps are started. This installation, Said to be the first of its kind on a btliMteg Os this type, was adopted largely becafub of the lesson taught by a disastrous fire in Chicago, in ,1922, when flames leaped an eighty-foot street, melted windows of heavy wire glass and devoured the contents of sev eral upper floors of a steel skyscraper. The blaze proved that- a modem "fire proof” structure, though amply guarded afcainst flames by interior sprinklers, may not be imttmfte from an outside attack. ** The conflagration further showed that.. even if the :’h not actuail.v break 8 through, the *&*•£*<** *vn v«i, dapaWc I if • the handle I oforyour protection Jlffl A is a convenient handle by winch the public teaches for jy9UtfLL and gets the product it wants. ; ? J All good motor oils have names* The handle is there fat your con? You can select a good venience and protection—-use oil two ways. Bymak- • j* ing elaborate tests for piSaSe. X yourself or by asking • by name for a brand _ that has been tested and LOU OeVCT Bay GIV« fte « pidkagi ol SZd«oiL cigarettes*’ or“« nd»e of tooth pwtfc” You' and engineers, ttiink kIIOW What yOU like YOU aßk sos it— of the time, expense . r . / >• and uncertainty tkat by name. It is to your advantage to bliy oil only by name. It prevents substitu tion. k guarantees u&doru quality* '• e ■ . | There are several good oifmt | any better than “Standard” Tolailoe. It is the attlidard among fabricating oils and has been so for many years. It is •till growing in favor. It is an hottest «*L STANDAKJD oil qqmbant the te4 *2** t*y tt ' fmi tkt naikt h *Bmit*r4 t *fot*ri*f ■ * I' am w bk - in B bilmmt' r‘«Mhl , .V."-gunk n S g m. mr oils jfoU / »o 4i»Uwi!«SSsaSBWHHBWwWBWBKBBi^^ • . '' Walls of Skyscraper (trees Fahrenheit, radiate ScfffidSwft Hbat to eadanmr- books and papers and other , inflammable Inaterials. . The system is divided into six doits, each placed where it will best protect the . exposed sides Os the building. Water is supplied directly from the city mainsand from storage tanks in the upp6r floors. Approximately 5,000 IfneaV fdet 6f grfvan ized pipe, temjjffdng 14.600 pormds, were required to bdhneot the VpriWrtSk. The “feeders” are attached to the] AiHflk 30 m FLO6S tawk.toco sal. istsmoaß a^gg,|L /sSsf, building by fasteners in holes drifted into the exterior Ictra cotta. SpWnklers are turned downward so they will drain, and are pointed directly at the windofcs. In ease of danger from an outside fire, pumps ate started, control valves on the top floor where the entire system is man aged. are opened, and. in a short time, the upper stories are bathed in a protecting film of Water, pouring at the rSto of 2,550 gallons ft miniite at fifty pouMfs prefltate, j —. . . - -. ■ ' Uumi lllji BWN WBP# worn wn ww «w Dm WSXapiM* 4* * #teldj<»qdlilt* T*dfte fhuTft It the hands of YdHc &*s#(•' Aftei life *n»l»»ta*i ithMMqM and i» tore of. ft IfiiA she #e*gbn, t- i rays Wo then directed against The slew* i The originator of this method claims that it is benefWW attdff tiled wfll wfcftVe *m '«M sfradiT- of log* i fe bfcd Ml tWW tMJ *iclg ' ttSfSt «** ttdt TOovfe m « effed# j oh tend# Aft*. t t it BWAfcJOuWMfr C**|) Jbte 1 « Wtfftff* Lto**ft tSfifcs 1 Afthutf HeM fM* ife tlft *m®ty-4Bi i largest cities of theTßfitt W% fB/IJ aboot i three-fifths of me birth rate, according to figures compiled by a fftthch static cam. Bil report show tbit for eve* a» average of Baobirtla ahd m tWaths occurred in the large ittctYopofcwh 'emm for TKfe s**fr endfcd | July 1, 1023. AtefcftfcHib eta& Caifo., Egypt, Stood hfgh oh the bffth aid mortality lists wfth Jsß and 530 births, respOftively, and 36$ and 282 deaths r*» 16,000 inhabitants. Bortbiy had Um , highest death rate. aa * - Hfrt-Wenthw GoMon for Auto* An automobile top, exposed to the sut’a rays, absorbs an amount of heat that renders it rather Uncomfortable for the occupants, especially during the summer time. Experience MtS shown that the ap plication of h cOat of afttttfhum paint t 6 the under info reduces'the absolution of heat to h great extent, and pSlffting the outside with the same kind of paint helpg , Still more. Practically one-half of th* heat absorption Can be prevented by apt plying aluminum paint lo either inside dt, outside. * » » f[A worthless clock can be used in the isick room to indicate the treW time mefb ritm IS to be RivSh by setting the hand a* the fbaper poeitiott. 1 A. 'ua w, fl| Us fR JUI BBn * staff" R 9 |c| aßwaa BWMBMPpSWr Program FVir Tuesday. May 20th. Wfiß Atlanta Journal (420) 8-9 wotBPHs chords; 0:30 boxing bout. Wt}R Buffalo (filO) 4:30-5:30 music; 5 fylrSMcago ftitmne <VT6) 7-t0 ar tists, orchestra. WMAQ ChWago News X447:5) 5 or #»n; Orchestra;) 7 Htfcratry; 7:20 Errtich; 7mo boys; 7:55 U. Os Chicago »»»*»• Somble, string quintet; 7 organ; 9popu a»TWofetca*i> (536) s*o concert; 6-7:90 mtisical, rafts. WEE Chicago (845) 6*B-7 musical, studio tod orchestra. \VLW t'inctnrtstl (8011) 9 Music; 10 dapfC; J1 concert. W.TAX Cleveland News (890) 6:80 bedtime; 7 concert. WFAA Dallas Nfws (476) 12:30-1 address; 8:S0-0 *0 concert; 11-12 re vi til.' KFAE Denver (8b0) 0 gloom busters; 9:80 address. . WWJ Detroit News (517) 7:80 News orchestra. WCX Detroit (517) 5 concert; 9 Red Apple Club. WTAS Elgin (280) 7:30-12 musical. W&AP Port Worth Star Telegram (476) 7:30-8:30 bahd; 9:30-10:45 chneri-t. KpkX Hastings (341) Miroadcgets KDKA. WDAE Kansas City Star T 411) 6-7 duo-art address; 11:30 Night hawks. WHB Kansas City (411) 2. ladies;, 7 talk, musical; 8 classical recital, or chestra. KHJ Los Angeles (805) 8 concert; j 8:S0 music contest; 9 children; 10-12 orchestra. KKI I/os Angeles (40(1) 8:45 con cert; 10-12 ort-hestra. WHAfI Louisville Journal (400)7:30- 9 concert, readings, talk. WLAG Miiineapolis-Bt. Paul (417) 6 : sports; 6:15 concert; 7:30 farm lec- I ttires. -■WO*"""** 'll' ..lai! i.. j. u.-A*aa J| |jj -1 - J -1 EAT A lilsAL j I SUNDAY DINNER—7.3c. j 1 «brtng CMdkeh, fomury Style Uortl on Cob StHlttted Rice iB Strawberry Short Calrt IBKrTt CAROUNA CAPE lusmtmtog- ■ m l.,ii.L.ii LUjjgAn • Dependable Cleaning Plus Service j Folks have learned to place wholehearted confidence iti j < our ability to xieliver the goods. They call us the Dependa- jj ble Cleaners. Many of our customers have memorized- our S I telephone ndm'ber. It’s a good habit, friend, because~when cleaning services are needed they’re Usually needed in a [ | *• Do You Know— ‘ j That there are stains which so called spot rtemovers posi- jj | tively cannot remedy. Pure Water in many cases is much j | better. Consult us first—Don’t rub. | Warding!! | I High Class Cleansing is a complicated process. It | can be done properly only by highly skilled people And 5 U costly machinery and equipment. • ! ?! Be careful in the selection of your eleatiser. I Bob's Dry Ckuriog Co. J Phone W it to Bob* r* Smart Footw,ar ' Tuesday, MsyfiO, 4£24 MVdTorrt HttteWe (*»)’s Big Brother dub; 5:30 Gift, rtHWrtt. WMO Memphis Commercial Appeal (090) 8:30 program; 11 frolic. CKAC Montreal (426) « bedtime; 6:30-0:30 orchestra. TVJY New York (405) 5:80-0:80 en tertaibmetat. WJZ New York (455) 5-5:20 ttilk; 5:80 brcHWtnt; 5:15 talk; 6:30 tenor, soprano; 6:15 pianist; 7:15 talk; 7:30 pianist: 7:40 talk; 8-8 :S0 orcheetrn. tVEAP New York (402) 5:20-8 mu sical, talka, WHN New York (860) 7:80-8:80 en tertainment ; 8:80 orchestra. ‘ ' ’ WCR Newark (405) 4:45 music; 4:80 bedtime: 5 music. WAAM Newark (255) 5-9:80 (MMlcal. NYOAW Omaha (525) 68 *0 fak ers; 6:30 dinner; 9-11 trio. WlO Oakland (812) 10 ranidplay; 12-8 a. in. dance. KGW Portland (492) D:45 farmers talk. WbAR Phiiadeiphra (895) 5:30-5:55 talks. \YIP Philadelphia (509) 4:05 orches tra; 5 talk: 6-8 concert, recital, dance. WEI Philadelphia (395) 4 talk; B:30 orchestra; 0 operetta ; ’ 7:15-8:15 cou- KDKA Pfttaburhg (326) 5:30 bed (l6l4*; 5:15 talk, “Contemporary novel”; 7 concert; 9:80 concert. WCAE Pittsburgh (492) 4:30 con certs 5:30 bedtime; 5:45 feature; 6:30 musical; 9 Aldino theater. KPO San FYanclnpo (421) 9 orches . tra; 12 Bradfield'fi band. WGY Schecnectady (380) 0:45 ad dress: 5d85 music, address. WBZ Springfield (887) 4:30 5 wtfttltt; U pfo^rtlin; t) summary <if M, K. Church. KSD Bt. Louis Boat-DfSpatch (546) 8 concert; 9 Western Military Academy 9an<J- 11 dance. CKY Winnipeg (480) 8:80 concert. I WHO Washington (480) 5 children; ■ 7 songs; 7:15 piano; 7:80 glee club, - dance; 8;15 trio; 8:40 Donas.

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