fue«ky, May 20, 1924 i^oooooooonnnoob^aauiJflSl^ FOR SALE A SPLENDID TWELVE-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE Has mocfern improvements* and ; is now filled with roomers and board ers. Located on Main Street in Kan napolis. Tim gOrages, Stable. Lfct 85k190 feet. | A Real Bargain Easy Terms Wanted—Some one to keep or rent the Misenheimer Springs property near the Eastern edge of Cabarrus Coun ty. Some good land for cultivation. An Ideal Poultry farm. Terms easy. , For Rent—five to»ohi house oti corner of Saint Charles and Houston streets. ' , Four room, 1 house on Sunderlin Avenue, large garden. Jno. R. Patterson & Co. i Real Estate Agents Phone 196 Concord, N. C. ' WbIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOICIOOOOOO^>OOQOOd | What Kefvinatxw Is and Does^*- O Eliminates forevermore the inconvenience and inefficiency of icc-oooled 9 reMgefatfon. O It maintains a dry, unvarying atmospheric condition within your rc -9 frigerator at all times— -8 II maintains a certain 'predetermined temperature and requires do at -9 tentiob whatsoever, after its installation. 9 It prodheeß a temperature considerably lower than that produced by i It freezes crystal clear cubes of ice for the table or the Sfek room. ] It is a model of cleanliness and sanitation. I i It saves labor, food, annoyance, and money. * ■' It costs less than ice to operate—-and even in its first cost is not a | burden to the most moderate bousehld budget. » It is a fitting companion to every other valuable household utility such | #* the washing machine, v*ctmin cleaher, electric Iron, etc: I It is operating successfully fa mure thaU 40,006 homes, and is bn pub | lie display in more than 00 cities in thirty-nine different states. mone 108 tm I*7. J. Y. PHARR & BRO. aoouMMWOQQMQMDUmnnnmnpiwenomimiuuuuuaud , ■ , is, aftnigi- •' v .. - - • ~ _ ___ 1 aag^iaiaiil. Quick Service | "If j | THE EAGLE COMPANY \ j . Dyers and Cleaners ! 41 E. Corbin St. Phone 648 jl[ 1 Concord, N. C. «9oooooo work at CblbU, after spending U week with his parents, Mr. and Mfa. J. W. • ‘Cline. Members of St. Stephens Church are \ putting electric light fixtures in the church and pareoriage. The new pastor, Rev, J, A. Yount, is expected to move in the parsonage some < time the fast of this month. Rev. 81. L. Kester, of Concord, will j preach at St. Stephens Church next . Sunday afternoon at 8 o’clock. Sunday school will be at 2 o’clock. Owing to the rain last Saturday eve ning the school entertainment at Fisher schoolhouse was postponed until Friday i night, the 16th. ■ Mr. and Mrs. TV. .T. Cline and VtcfOr , Cline visited at 'Barter Ridenhour’s,' in Stanly county, last Sunday evening. „- - , °’ ROBERTA. The farmers, who have tHeir cotton planted, are preparing to plant corn. Rev. N. Britton has purchased a car. Born to Mr. and Mrs, Cal Fisher, a daughter, May 12th. Miss Ruth Miller has returned home after spending some time in Charlotte with her grandmother. , Miss Deafffa Oren is spending awhile > with Miss Zeliah Biackweider, of Ro berta. The fourth Sunday in this month is tiriie to vote oh who shall go to the con ference. All' are urged to be present. PET. LOCUST. Everybody is busy and everything is quiet in and around our burgh. , Memorial services will be held next I Sunday afternoon at Smyrna. Each. 1 member is expected to be present, i Estelle, the, little daughter of Mr. and i Mrs. J. H. Hatley, cut the end of her | little finger off in a very peculiar way i a few days ago. She had put, her a finget through a hole fa the dipper I handle Which Was very sharp and When i tlie mother toOk .the dipper from the child thfe sharp edge seVefad the tender flesh Os the fiaghr. Mfa. ft. W. SfattaOh Wtfat to the MonWfc set examiim tiou and treatment ffdr calmer Os the stuinfafa. The llttlfe two*WfaOt «fa«ng is v«*y much hindered by the Vain. A good deal of cotton is yet to be planted, and very little.corn is yet in the ground, although some are about ready fa chop bottom I Mrs. B. F. Turner and little son left Friday for Anaonvnfa, where they will spend the eufailfer with Mrs. Tufaer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dunlap. faith ! Venus expects to have some more , weddings to report soon. Marvin Davte, Alexander Peeler. Har , ry Misenheimer aad Elmer Misenheimer have been awarded the contract fa clean . the basement of the new Reformed Church, t here. J. W. Beck, of Davie County, is vis , iting fa Fafth at the home of his daugh t ter. Mrs. Willie Ritchie , We have had more rain and the weath er is cool. I Mrs. J. A. Peeler had her first mess . of strawberries out of her garden this . year on Mny 10th, 1924. If you can beat . that for early strawberries, trot them , out. • 'J. A. Peeler planted a field of cotton i May 14th If you can beat it for early , planting, trot out. your farmer, i We met our old friend T. W. Ander l son in Salisbury. He says the higlu . school building ought to be built of Row . an county granite. We agree with him i on that. We met J. F. Ditaker, of near Mill: ■ Bridge, and little son. Leonard Deaton, , • in Salisbury. He reads the Faith items, i Whefi vfa were fit the oM soldiers’ 1 : dnner and remrton at Ellis school build , mg in Salisbury, Several of the pretty selool girls Wriote their names in oUr > book. j Banks Peeler A to. have just opened | i a quarry in Faith and have just put Up'jj a derrick. j J. T. iVyatt is bidding on mill sf—nesu to grint paint. VENUS. “I ROBERTA. Quite a number of our young people,B ' are attending the commencement at Mt.fl Pleasant. j Messrs. F. R. Love and Fred Furr jl have returned home from * Rutherford fl College. We are gtad to have them with H us. They are both young men working B ih the ministry. We wish them the best I of success in their work. j Mrs. M. E. Biackweider spent the | week-end in Charlotte with relatives., I Thfe children are nmking preparations ] tor Children's Day at Roberta, Method- I ! Ist Protestant Church. The exact date I will be published later. Mr. R. F. Coble is spending several II • days with his brdther, Mr. Frank Coble r I naar Albemarle. He also will spend I somte time with his fatli< i r in Anson. I .. hlrs. A. Cl Miller spent Sunday ‘oVe-11 nlng with Mrs. Robert Cochran. 1 Tlie Ijadies’ Aid met at Mrs. Z. I>. I Cochran’s fast Thursday night tto sug- I -gest some plans. After the meeting I Mrs. Coohrnn invited the ladies into the I dining room, where she served them with I ice cream. All enjoyed the affair very 1 much. We wish to ®Ugratulate the I>ad- I ies’ Aid on What t»y have done. They I have carpeted the CWrch. also got a nice I set of chairs for the pulpit. Wc want 1 to thank every one who contributed to I this caiiie, and We are sure they shall I gain mitmeh more tllfui four-fold. Their’ I quilt, having over 34r, names, brought I ohe hundred and thjlteen dollars. 1 Born to Mr. and*Mrs. Carol Fisher,’ I May 12, a (fa^gliter. Uncle Tlttm E'urr spent last week in J Stanley with his brother. Mr. Cyrus Mason is very sick at this* I writh% a I Mr. Cbas. Carter lain been sick, but is I able fa be pt her tvork again. Misses Ethel Itlackwelder. Cfcrtjrude I Fiirr and Mattie Itloom will be at home I after Wednesday. Ethel Blaekwelder and 1 I Furr are both graduating at I Mont Amoeba Seminary at Mt. I’lresant: I this year. Mr. Adam Blackwrldet and Mr. J. W. I Sutton and Bill Mason and Bud Dulin, 1 1 and 0. S. Cothran have gone to BeavVr I ■lfata on a big fishing trip. They plan to I spend a week if they don't get home- I sick. BROWN EYES. 1 Scottish RK« Masons at Arifaviße. 1 I Asheville. May in.—Scottish Bite Ma- I eonic organizations Will' open their an- I ntial reUiiloh here on Tuesday with be-i I tween seventy-five anil out hundred can- 1 didkte ready fa take various degress, it a lias 'been anUOnhoed. The reunion will I last through Thursday. The degrees to I ’be conferred ranged fifanl the fourth ? ’through the thirty-second. * “ J —‘ T -‘ ff 99BMSBSfiBS955SffS59Bi99 I Fatal Omission. I City Editor: “This story of yours is 1 no. good.’ - ’ ’•‘What’s the mutter with? a it ir I “You say the man was found niur-i a t the verdict Carteir collapsed. He been me unconscious, and had to have the attention of physicians. He was (aid upon a table In tile courts room, and tjfie pronouncement of sentence was de layed while he was being resuscitated. ' Carter is an insurance man of Dan vHle, Va. The slain Woman, by \vhom ■ —■ »-■"» *■ I I Kate beauties and distinctions in lines, finish and upholstery— | and the great mechanical luxury i of an engine that actually improve* with tise! The wonderful Knight sleeve-valve engine is ! the (same type of engine used in I. the finest cars of Europe. See .^w-m*** | the Wiilys-Knight— go for a good ride! Concord Motor Co. WILLYS KNIGHT ■ w..... - -ruW. -J :- • | BANKRUPT SALE | Men’s tants Men’s Dkss Shirts I -e-kf’. V 11 1 there ate several children, Was his third' wife. She was at the home of r?fo • lives fct Reidsville When the shooting occurred. Another woman relative was injured. . ~... • Roy and GW KiKcd by the Same Bußet. Harrisburg, Pa., May 17.—One bullet believed to have been fired from a high calibre automatic pistol. killed both Har ry Ganster, 21, president of the Marys ville high school sen iOr class, and Leah Ellenberger, 22, teacher of HoDidays burg. Pa., whose bodies Were found early today in the automobile in which they set out late yesterday on a flower pick ing trip in the mountains neat .here. The bullet was 'found late today‘in the girl’s body where it had lodged, appar ently after having passed through that of the young man. No weapon was found. State police joined with the eouuty officials to the search for the slayer but with few clues on which to proceed. The possibility was consld PAGE NINE ered that met deatti&i ■i moonshiner's feud or that Gansieft life was sought by bootleggers, whose ac tivities he had been investigating. y ; Mother ofGovaroir sh*fc Is Mto *f 4Smitli, mother of Governor Who has been ill for several weeks wftfc penk inonia. died at boarfe of her danghtertvlli Governor Smith was not With his mother when she died. He was readied at Abeseon, N. J., by telephone hnfl h?Tt there immediately for Brooklyn $ ——- -—it J The navy barber aboard a Uhifcd States worship that hecently vikifed Guam did a flourishing business the fib tire time the ship -was in port "WfiMiS” the hair of the native women afol fSTs. Land need, and Mortgage Trt* Deefo, 5 efints each, at ifeak and Tribune Office. '