Saturday, June 7, 1924 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL I **r“ ~'•—^ksp Effective An effective way to use the popular maribou banding is shown on this straightline froek of petal pink crepe. It e k gdhietsdsee etnoin iiu etaoin nuau It edges the side panels that are fitted so smoothly about tlje waist. The use of long tight sleeves od dinner and evening frocks is increasing and the absence of elaborate trimming is noticeable. Entertaining For Miss Beil. Miss Margaret Hell, who will be mar ried this month to S. J. Ervin, Jr., of Mcrgantou, is honoree at a party being given this afternoon by Miss Elizabeth Woodbouse at her home on Georgia Ai*nue. i dl l imu ITra ir n r n"irKs«*»y»- 5i1?.. War Mothers will meet next Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o’eloek with Mrs. R. J. Phillips, on East Corbin Street, with Mesdames Phillips. C. H. Peck, Chas. M. Sappenfield and Jno. W. Propst as hostesses. A full attendance is desired as reports from the recent State convention will be given by the delegates. Bites-stings For all insect bites, red bug, chigger, bee, wasp, mosquito, etc., apply wet baking soda or household ammonia, followed by cooling applications of— WICKS w Vapoßub OogriT MUUoaJara Uead Yearly A Thought that k Contorts After a Beloved One Has Been Laid to Rest In the days f-llovving the pass ing away of a dear relative when the mind ia troubled by memories of the past, it is a source of neat comfort to re flect that the remains are pro tected by the staunch rust resisting, water, air, vermin and ghoul-proof GALION Metallic Grave Vault Safa from earth-contamina tion and the horror* of mold •ting decay—protected from everything save TIME itself, fins vaults, burled In an ordi nary earth grove, give ae perfect protection as the huge cosily elone mausoleums pel Ibetr cost Is cosn paraUtely small. > BELL & HARRIS funeral parlors . Day Phowt 640. iNight Phones Saj-IWL, J PERSONALS Miss Virginia Dayvault left Friday for Statesville, where she will spend a week or ten days with relatives and friends. Miss Muriel Bulwinkle, who taught in the Concord schools this year, has re turned to her home in Gastonia. Robert Bell, who has been in Owens boro, Ky., for several weeks, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bell. • a * Miss Mary Donnell Smoot is spending several days in Gastonia at the home of her brother, IVatson M. Smoot. * • • Mrs. C. E. Tucker is spending sever al days in Shelby with relatives and friends. Mi'S. /Robert E. Jones and Miss Jenu Oltrane Spent Friday in Charlotte. * • • J. L. Hartsell returned Friday from a business trip to Philadelphia. Guy H. Talbirt, of Lourinburg, is Vis iting his parents near the Jackson Train ing School. • • • Mrs. A. N. Lentz spent Friday with her grandmother, Mrs. Jane White, at White Hail. * * • Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Culcleasare will leave tonight for Columbia, S. C. MS . m Robert Peck, sou of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Peek, left Friday for Laurinburg, where he lias accepted a position with the Stute Highway Commission. T. T. Smith, Jr., is spending the week in New York. a a a Mrs. L. P. Davis returned today from Gastonia, where she was called by the illness of her mother, Mrs. H. A. 'Turner, whose condition today is re ported as slightly improved. Miss Ruth Dry will leave Monday for Hickory, where she will be one of the instructors in the State Summer School for teachers ■conducted at Lenoir-Rbyue College. A Delightful Dance. One of the most delightful dances of the season was given by Mr. and Mrs. Win. MeNiven Thursday evenidg at their iiome on East Depot street. The spa cious porch was beautiful with cut flow ers and ferns, where dancing was enjoy eed and delicious refreshments were serv ed during the evening. Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. McXiv en's hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. Kel ly Hunter, of Salisbury. Misses Virginia Wilkinson. Marjorie Troutman. Ruth Terry, Martha Bost, Lela Brafford, Vir ginia Moser; Messrs. Jiin Brown. Hu bert Fink, Robert Cline, Kenneth Good man. John Kemble, and Thomas Goode, of Charlotte. Mrs. MeNiven will leave this evening fSiOfh-aoktyli: N. T.f W-Mre she fHll visit her mother and other relatives for several weeks. Silver Tea. The Smoot Missionary Society of Cen tral Methodist Church gave a Silver Tea at the home of Mi's. J. Lee Crowell. Jr., Thursday, June the oth. Miss Ruth Dayvault took the offering on the porch, while Mrs. J. W. B. Ixmg received at the door. The receiving line was com posed of Miss Mary Dayvault, Mrs. Er nest Hicks, Mrs. W. A. Jenkins, Mrs. J. E. Smoot and Mrs. W. I). Pemberton. The guests were served tea, sandwiches nnd candy in the oining room by the oth erraembers of the Society. Furr-Sec hler. On Wednesday evening at 7 :30 o'clock at the home of Rev. Mr. Ridenhour, at Kannapolis, on Ridge Avenue. Miss Me ta techier and Mr. Brevard Furr were quietly married. Mr. Ridenhour offi ciated. The ring ceremony wps used. A few friends were present.. The bride is very popular and has many friends who wish her a long and happy life. She was a member of the North School fac ulty last year. The groom is the son of J. M. Furr and is a promising young man. The bride and groom left for Charlotte immediately after the cere mony. They left Thursday morning for Asheville, Mt. Mitchell and other parts of Western North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Furr will be at home home at Shadyvillc Farm after June 10. G. New Traffic Law For City. Mayor J. B. Womble and Chief of Police Talbirt have under advisement now several tarffic signs and in the near future they will purchase a new “go" ami “stop" sign for the square here. Mr. Womble and Mr. Talbirt have been authorized by die ulderment to pur chase the sign, which will be operated by a traffic officer and will take the place of the rather antiquated and cumber some sign that now decorates 'h«- square. The aldermen have also defiled that pool rooms can not be operated by the American Legion in Concord. Some time ago a law was passed making pool rooms unlawful here, but the Legion asked special permission to operate a club and pool room. The aldermen in deciding against the Legionnaires de clared they would do anything within reason to help tlie former service men but felt they would be setting a bad example if they made a special dispen sation in this case. The Stamp Club. The Stamp Club will meet Monday at 3:30 o'clock in. the reading room of the- Y. Interest continues to grow in this great world-wide hobby and as the mem bership is open to ail boys and girls of Concord who are interested in collecting postage stamps it is expected that many more will avail themselves of the oppor tunity to learn something of the lieor jgraphy and history of the world through the stamps of the nations.. A great.ex bibition of stamps and accessories ie‘be lug planted for next winter at which the public will have an opportunity to view some of the better collections of i the boys and giris. The interest in hobbies of every description is growing in this country and every boy and girl should have a hobby, one that will in struct and teach and occupy ilde time. | [THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNB KIWANIS MEETING “v “All Kiwanis Nigh*" June 16th—Excel lent Music Program. The meeting on Friday evening of the Kiwanis Club of Concord was featured by the special music and moving picture “The Way to Success,’’ the program be ing in charge of Dr. MacFayden. A letter for Kiwanis International in regard to “All Kiwanis Night” was read . by the secretary. The club voted to observe “All Kiwanis Night” on Mon j day night, June 16th, from 9 to 10 o’clock. Zero hour will be observed from 9:4T> to 10 o’clock, the local club synchronizing its meetiug with the meet ing to be held at the opening of the In ternational convention in Denver at the same. time. Ail the elqbs in thev'Chited ; States and Canada with their more thijn , 88,000 members, are expected to observe this “zero hour” at exactly the : time and the same program will be reh -1 dered by each club during the 15-minufe period simultaneously. j Two solos by Miss Mary Hiller, pf Jacksonville, Fla., with accompaniments by Miss Dorohty Wolff were heartily enjoyed by the members of the club. The attendance prize, given by Dr. MacFayden, was drawn by Albert B. Palmer. The program for “All Kiwanis Night” On June 10th, will be in charge of T<i!a f). Manes*. , ; i■j ■ - 5 Special Movie Program at the “Y” To night. Weather permitting, the Saturday night movies will be shown on the lawn. The program will have several new fea tures, a Pit the news film portraying events all pyer the world, and a trip into the Canadian ’ Rockies, A two reel comedy that will make you laugh long and loud. These entertainments are free and the public is asked to come and enjoy the hospitality of the Y, It is Imped to add some nice musical num bers to the Saturday night programs, beginning next week. The largest perfect bell is in a temple at Osaka, Japan. It is 24 feet high and weighs 200 tons. H The fastidious woman seeks the j 111 attributes of comfort, fragrant j M coolness, and protection in her j if] summer toilet goods. i SUMMERTIME MERCHAN- I DISE 1 Such as We Are Offering j 9 Lip Stick, Rouge—Waterproof. | M Lotions—Tan. Freckle, Antisep- j || Face Creams—Cleansing, Van- I | isliing, Tissue Builder, Cold I ■ Cream. Bj Face Powders —Adherent, Spe [□ cial shades. .iii Tales —Fragrant Scented. I Bath Salts —Delivately Per- g I A Visit Will Convince You 8 fGjbHn Drag Sure | > > * SILVERPLATE £ What would be more appro priate than a Chest of Silver for the June Bride? We carry a Complete Stock. The Old Reliable W. C. Correll Jewelry Company Hower- Scedstf Pearl Drug Co. Qn the Square 1 Phone 22 |r DO IT NOW U Everybody knows that it is a good thing to ! save, that only by thrift lean success come. But it is not what you KNOW that saves , you. It is what you DO. ' | ■ Start a Savings Account today. D °itnow. lijfe CITIZENS ; 1 fUHII bank_& jRUsf :■ i B Bilapl. "COMPANY JrlPinHSsiSp concord i. ' N.C/ I i , NEW BUIUHNq * j 1 ' Beaver Grocery Co. “Staple and Fancy Groceries” Fresh Strawberries, Cherries, Sugar Peas, String Beans, New Cabbage .Irish Potatoes, Cukes, | Squash, Grapefruit. Picnic and Sugar Cured Hams. I Kingan’s Breakfast Bacon. j Quality Service Satisfaction | Phone 130 75 S. Union St. FISH, J. F. Dayvault & Bro. Phones 85 and 524 Old Cars Made to Look Like New PRICES REASONABLE Shop Open From 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. CONCORD AUTO PAINTING AND TOPPING CO. Phone 847, Waddfell Building North Church Bt. MEL BRO Lotion J*or Pimples, Blackheads, Acne, Eczemic Eruptions, and other skin diseases. i< q.,1: Mel-Bro Lotion "Makes Tour Skin Smooth as a Baby’s” BOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES KifllllHHIiiniKllllllffiliiiHlillHHIIIillll! Fresh Supplies LIME CEMENT PLASTER K. L. Craven & Son PHONE 74 iiuiiiiiiuiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Wanted Our Friends and Customers to know that we are better prepared than ever to give you SERVICE Still Serving Good Home- Cooking (prepared by an expert) at very Reasonable Prices. Open Early and Late > Ideal Lunch Room BARBRICK STREET Canned Goods on Bargain Counter All kinds of Canned Goods | Priced way below our usual low I prices. Don t forget our special offer j| on Granulated Sugar. PIGGLY WIGGLY We have the follow ing used cars for sale or exchange: One Buick 5 passen ger touring 4 cylin der. One Oakland Tour ing, 6 cylinder. One Overland Tour ing, 4 cylindeer. One Wiilys Six Club Roadster. ■ ' 1 */, V Mit STANDARD BUICR l COMPANY i ; Opposite City Fire DcpL 1 • Standards High tyj *■s | ft-. X is why his Big Evont may be sumratfd Up in twp words-** 8 “Better Values.” Every article in the store has been pric- V- •' ■ ,* t r ■ ' ■ * ' * ed at a. figure that interests every buyer big or small. CAT <l7 Ami MmJ X ' ■ » ' * 1 4 ,1 Ends Tonight—So Be Here For the Finish. I | ‘ Courteous, efficient sendee awaits you here. Always ] | i a genuine desire to anticipate your wants and meet them ! | ! I fully—.the desire that goes with a smile. ! ! Browns - Cannon Co. | <M»ooocxx>c«oooo<v>oooooooooooooooooonoc)ooooc)OoocK>oo«ooo I IIIN .. , | EAT A REAL RESTAURANT MEAL FOR SUNDAY DINNER—7Sc. i Spring chicken, Country Style | Corn on Cob Bteamed Rice Strawberry Short Cake fIKKr-rt CAROLINA CAFE Every Express j BRINGS US NEW ONES J j s Drop in, try on this new pat- //\3 \ /} | tern in Airdale, it’s a good look- /ANt- u er and the price is only _*7.45 /ij \ We also have several new ~H l ones in patent and black JJ | surely we have just the style / you want an<f *,hev are so reas- / onably priced this season. y IVEY’S 'The Home of Good Shoes” .... — / " Mr. Farmer! We Want Your Produce! We buy all kinds of farm products, but we specialize in Poultry, I Butter and Eggs. We seldom get overstocked on these items. The 1 Butter Market is very dull now, so we advi j that you sell your cream. I We are the only cream dealers in the city ami we would be pleased to jj have jou come iii and talk it over. We can save you money. I C. H. BARRIER & CO. 210-213 W. Depot Street v CONCORD, N. C. ~ i SUGAR! / SUGAR! SUGAR! | We have plenty of Sugar. Buy now, while the price is I low. One hundred pounds Sugar $7.75 ] Twenty-five pounds Sugar sg.oo I 1 Ten Pounds Sugar gs c ! We deliver anywhere in the City. CASH FEED STORE * Phone 122 S. Church St. | | i DELGO LIGHT * | Light Plants, Water Systems and Washing Machines Twentyrfive different sizes of light plants, i No. 866, the popular size delivered installed and house | wired for ten lights for $671.50. Five per cent discount for cash on installed contracts. Three dollars extra for each light over the! ten lights above.-specified. .• i . t ■ 1 / R. H. OWEN, Agent ,’V T " Phone 689 f Concord, N. C. I : .. . ?, ' * 1 ‘ The Penny Ads. Gst Result*—Try Them. ... 1 i PAGE FIVE

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