. Saturday,. June 7, 1924 H. P. PARIS HEADS PROHIBITION TICKBT Mbs Mute C. Brehm, el CsHfornfek, Is Nominated to Make Race For Vie*- ■ mnMw. • Columbus, June 6.—H. P. Faris, , Mo., was nominated for t£e presidency today by tie prohibition national con vention, on the first ballot. He received 82 votes, 40 being cast for A. P. Gouthey, of Seattle, and two, for Wil liam F. Varney, New York. ' A- P. Gouthey, of Seattle, Wash., was nominated for vice president on the first ballot. The vote was Gouthey 78 1-2; Miss Marie C. Brehm, California 22 1-2; A. L. Moudy, Indiana 7. Dr. Gouthey threw the convention intp confusion by withdrawing after his nomination had been announced. Dr. D. L. Qolvin, of New York, moved a reconsideration of the ballot and a new ballot was ordered and Mias Marie C. Brehm, of California, whs nominated by acclamation. , MOBTN POP BY TAYLOR L\ t l (T1 [ y brand nek car andno 1 extravagance And here I \ ill I —l license tags weu. the VOO 60 AND BIN a N&U) ( BUT GOSH MOM \ 111 B'RDS THAT STDcJfe THtS CART I vmrrHOOV eieai\/1 ■ HAD GOOD JOOa«W*T-l J f SOFF6IWMOW-OMSS?® vw»r-s-rw ? ?oeu«*v i ’ jrt . I VW' Remarkable Cooking Tests To be made in our office beginning Tuesday June, 10th on the % SH Chambers rn 000148 wHh ** torned ° ff! * A New Era in Cooking Efficiency Cooking featil which were impossible before the invention of the Chambers Range will be performed in our office next week. They will show you how you can save mbre than half of your gas bill, end for all time the drudgery of pot-watching and basting, free youb hours fpr the dozens of things you want Among other things you will STRING BEANS \yith IQ to 2Q niinutes gas Uvv 5-lb, ROAST BEEF cooked with 20 tq 30 minutes gas A LAYER CAKE'baked with 10 to 20 minutes gas A 10-lb. HAM baked with 45 to 60 minutes-gas. 3 VEGETABLES cooked with 10 to 20 minutes gas. ■S < ■*. - - ’ < • i • . • . • •■ : : SPECIAL—Come in and let us explain these j#o4prfl ranges. Al so ssk us about a tra4e'ia of your old range, the special allow ances we will make on it next week toward a mw Chambers, and our easy time payments. Concord & Kannapolis Cm Company Vi-'.y* • -■ • * ,r‘ Will Not Present Name of johnwm. Cleveland, June g—lt wjm made known yesterday for the srrt time, with ..official sanction, that the name of Hiram Johnson will sot be presented to the convention 'and- that no votes are ex pected to be cart for him from the floor, aa will be done for Senator LaFollette. State Senator George H- Bender, John son's manager in Ohio, announced that there wil be nt> nomination of the Ctii forqoan and tSat be rtood by hie previous re'ease of his delegatee. Wil liam M- Butler, president Coolidge’e manager said he had been advised that the two Johnson delegates choten in Illinois would cart their votes for Cool idge. ‘For fifty years Mrs. Mary Tindell has worked fro meight to ten hours daily shelling peas for a firm in London's fam ous Covent Garden market. Tyvo young English yachtswomen re cently made a 1,000-mile cruise o$ the rivers and canals of France in a motor boat which'they bandied unaided. to dp, apt} cook fpod better with th,e rich juices and delicious flavors kept in. Every woman owes It to herself to see these astonshipg tests, wßelltpr she fleets a new range now or pot. pqr thjey mark the latest advance in culinary science, jecpporav and ef ficiency. * ! 1 . . -I. J—3MP——3 Services J>S?ith: Sunday school 2 o’clock. Preach if gat ! 3. Special song. Everybody inyited. ! BET. ft. 4- CHKISTENrtCB^ Central Methodist. Sunday school, J.. E. Davjs auperin teudent at 0:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. Evening worship at 8. Vis- , itors and strangers, welcome. <■ JENKJiJS, Porter. St. Amh-ews Lutheran. / Sunday school 945 A- m - Chief service at It a. m. Light Brigade at 2:20 p. m. Public cordially invited tp fill seryjces. Bev. Charles Rector. Services Whitsunday (t|ie birthday of the Church) Sunday, June 8, 1924. 10 a. m. Cbnrph Sunday school and rector’s Bible class. 11 a. m. Festival ip l TBS CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNB [PARKS-BELK CO. | If OUR BIG SALE OF SIOO,OOO STOCK OF 1 I Ready-to-Wear Millinery and [ I House Furnishings | | Began Wednesday and opened up with unusually Big Sales throughout f every department on the second floor. We have taken time and marked everything carefully to be sure that there is a Bargain in every pur- M S chase. We want you to realize that wq are not waiting until August to I close out all Summer Merchandise. For that reason we have put it on at the time that you want it and need it. Remember we have a stock of $5,000 worth of Dresses and $2,000 worth of Millinery just for this sale. m $2.48 Ladies’ Gingham Presses, one big counter _ _ $1.39 H One big lot Ladies’ Voile Dresses, extra value for $3.98, special . _ $1.98 One lot of Ladies’ Tricolette Dresses, $4.98 value, special $2.98 •: One big rack Ladies’ Silk Dresses, $9.95 value, special $5.95 gj $14.95 value, sale pripe _ _ _ _ $7.95 $18.50 value, sale price $9.95 AH the Better Dresses marked in proportion. Don’t Put off getting your Hat for they are going like hot cakp£# | PARKS-BELK CO. I | Sdl It For Less For Cash | • -AHi-WIX - 1 ' "l, fi 1 .'"l'.'M 1 11! 1 —L^'. Holy f'omnmpi.on and Ni-rmop. Subject ri I “The Hqly Spirit and The Chgrcii." 7:30 I p. m. Young Depples Fellowship. ] Whitsunday, is one of the three great festivals of the Christian ehurch and commemorates the giying of . the Holy Spirit to the Apostles in the upper room. It is called the birthday of the church. All are welcome to Whitsunday services. Calvary Lutheran. i Sunday school at 9:40 a. m. Light Brigade immediately after Sunday school. Luther League «t 6:30 p. m. Vespers at 7:30 p. to- Public cordially Invited to all services. W c»t Concord Baptlrt. Sunday school at 9:45' a. ui., J. A. Harrington superintendent. Preaching S.t 11 a. in. B. Y. P. r, at 6:45 p. m. Preaching again at 7:45 p. m. The revival meeting is still in ‘progress and Jthe repplt* are good. Forest Hifl Methodist. (J. Frank Armstrong, Pastor) Sunday school 0:45 a. m- A. G. Dde|l apd R. L. 1 Rurrage superintendents. Preaching 11 a. m. “In Place.and Qut of Place.’’ Epwortb League 7 o'clock. Preaching at 8 o’clock. “When God Dwelt in a Tent.” At the morning ser vice ip the Sunday school about 75 cra dle roll certificates .will be awarded to mothers who brin|; their little^oues. Following the iiigiit servieh a recital will be given on the Odell memorial or gan, including piano, cornet and violin. Kerr Street Methodist. Sunday school at 0 :30. by R. A. Hol lander superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 )». in. Dr. W. C. IJous ( ton will be with ub to speak on the sup erannuated Endowment fund at the 11 o'clock service. Everybody come. C. R. ALLISON, Pastor. St. James Lutheran. Sunday school !) :4-‘. G. H. Heudrix superintendent. Chief service at 11 a. m. Sermgn by the pastor, subject: “The Fourfold Symbol of the Holy Spirit.” Lumber League at 7 p. ui. Yesiiers at 8. Sermon by Hgv. fi- T. Troutman. This church welcomes you. Method Igt Protestant. Sunday school at T) :Jd.- Morning wor ship at 1J :oth Sermon: "War on War". Intermediate Chriftiau Epdeavor at 7 p. in. Evening Worship at 7:45 p. ui. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7:45 followed by Teacher Training Claes. Juniog Etidgayorerf, Friday at 4:30 p. m- McKinnon Presbyterian. Sunday schdol at 9:45 a. ui. Preaeh . m fl 8- »• Xo night service*- Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:45 p. in. Phtydr meeting Wednesday at 7:30 V- #• ' VriMtr Rrtormed. „ Ite f unday echopl and ww> class at 9.46 a. m., t. O. Moose is esuperinten dent. Service at 14 a. a. The com mittee has the plans a»J specifications for the new church and wifi' present tlie samf Q> tile congregation. Every uieni hw - is "‘frd to >o preheat. Cabarrus group of churches will have a meeting at 2:80 o'clock In the k»t«rert of the cam paign for buildings at Nazareth Orphans' ;. V, ~W « -if ri r—. s H Home. H. E. Foil, of Sit. Pleasant, I I will have charge. Service at Bp. m. j Tenth anniversary of the pastor. Keys. I : J. A. Koons, W. W. Rowe, and J. C. I i Rowan will apeak. Special musical I program. To these services the pub- I . Jlc is most cordially invited. j Jackson Training School. Preaching at. the Jackson Training -J School tomorrow at 3 p. m. by Rev. I W. C. Lyeriy.. Second Presbyterian. • Sunday school at 0:45 a. m., C. H. | I>oug superintendent. Morning worship 1 at R jo’clocjt, subject of sermon, “God’g Workmanship.” Evening worship ajt 7 :30 o’clock. Paryer meeting Wednes ; day at 7:3P p. ui. First Baptist. [ Preaching 11 a. ui. and Bp.m. by the pastor. Subject 11 a. m., ‘Life’s High fest Goal.” Eyetiing subject. “The' Re ward of Faith.” Sunday School 0:45 a. m.. B. V. P. U. 7 p. m. Prayer meeting it eduesdny 8 p. m. A cordial welcome t° #ll. • Rerr Street Baptist. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. D. M. Littles superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. up, and 7:45 p. m. by pastor. Morning sujjject: “Two Good Kings," Evening subject: “The People Fiddled While Sodom Burned.” or “The Present Day Evils.” The morning service will be an Old Folks Service with old time sing ing. If you are old or feeble and haVe no way to get to church, call Phone \ T74W, and we will send an automobile | for you. B. V. P. U. at 0:15 p. m. - Prayer service Wednesday 7:30 p. m. *1 Regular monthly church conference to- J i night at 7:80. You ure ad welcome to i ] these services. A. T. CAIN, Pustor. j Associate Reformed Presbjteriap. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. t E. Me- C Clintock superintendent. Preaching at 'i u. m. and (j p. m. Morning theme :‘‘Spir- i itual Radio” A'. R. C. ui at Y j>. m. Im- 1 portaut meeting. I'ruyer meeting Wed- \ , uesday 7 :30 j>. m. i McGill Street Baptist. j (Dr. J. R. Pentuff, Pastor) ] Sunday school 0:30, L. J 5. Poljc super- 1 intendent. Worship Jed by pastor recep- j Hon of new church members. A fellow ship and covenant meeting. A summary ! of what this church believes in. Cp- , I operative Evangelism. Wljy all church- ij ek near t|ic same faith should engage to- J gether in effort to bring unbelievers anu S the worldly minded tp Christ. 7:45 If Special music led by Prof. Jones. B. Y.j P. I . Geueral meeting of the church] Wednesday evening at 7:86. Everybody is welcome tt t our church: Strangers eor-' dutlly invited- Let Ms get acquainted with Rhem. i Rpwan, I’astqc.) jfi service a’^g.^ermon of lieroiftaliap.” will be no ves-l per service as the congregation wjdl wor-j jf'P “t Popjgr 'pent at f o'clock. The Order of the OcWea Fleece is the ggasy? > •• - ■■ . ~ ™ ' ' *7 jWVi ——— | I With Each Purchase of SI.OO and Over We Will Giv r e'One D 9 25c Ticket to Pastime Theatre 9 | Prices Greatly Reduced 1 All leathers to select from. Every pair is style-right and dependable in quality. H New summer styles just received, especially priced for this occasion. Economical, comfortable, fashionable Sandals for Street, ID Sport and Dress wear— D $3.45, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, and $6.95 up 8 Priced Considerably Under Value D S.S. Brown Shoe Store I FIRST PHONE 116 I ![ WE WILL GIVE YOU | FREE J j t Qf*e Complimentary Ticket to the I : Pastime Theatre for each purchase of 1 one dollar or more. We are anxious 1 to give you a number of tickets. -■ 1 v M . .- - PAGE SEVEN

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