PAGE SIX MOIVFN POP BY TAYLOR ' /— 1 1 WA9 NCfT MISTAKEN -MM V ( VCNT tolO me there wa* J L Cajnn ? Entep the house Bor i r ir? L r C jniimI lU 1 NO.Thanks-1 wish L <-* 1 THE BOM 'S JOIN ME _| __ vjERm CIEUER ! , ' - '■■ —— 'N HOPING HE WILL j ( r. ’ B'g , f xx?-?iS‘o™- f r " r ) f w “r v Jf f ztsggzss 1 J ] r*4 jgggttzss&'jzs&zs* r J i FELI'K IS SICK in BED The rest of The I L-, 0 p THE COLPR'T'S FOOTSTEPS* , > rj i ( , WITH A BAD COLO - ) Gang AND have 'EM l || cr 1 CJ pH ’ CHIP IN AND BUM 1 IMM eople”s Union held in Wilmington the first #>f the week. The body came in last night on train No. 35 but the funeral arrangements have not been made. WEAK AND_NERVOUS Georgia Lady Says She Has Grown Stronger by Taking Cardoi Thoroughly Con* vinced of Its Merits. Clyattville, Ga.—ln a statement which she gave at her home on R. F. D. 1, here, Mrs. T. A. Copeland said: "I have, I believe, avoided a good deal of suffering by the use of Cardui, and am thoroughly convinced that it has been of great benefit to me. “Before the birth of two of my children, I grew so weak and nervous I could hardly go, and suffered . . . I had a friend who told me of Cardui, so the next time when I grew sc weak and run-down I began to use it. 1 used it three months. I grew stronger and less nervous. The baby was stronger and a better baby, and I really believe it was because I built up my strength with this splendid tonic.” Cardui has been in successful use for more than forty years. Thousands of women have written to tell of the beneficial results obtained by taking Cardui, and to recommend it to others. It is a mild, harmless, purely vege table medicinal preparation—a prod uct of practical experience, scientific investigation and pharmaceutical skilL Sold everywhere. NC-159 WAAMAAAPWAAAM The Utmost in Bak ed Goods Whatever Baked Goods you buy j here, you will find it the best 1 that can be produced. Carefully made from the purest ] ingredients, they have a flavor i and a quality that cannot be ex- ! celled. 1 For Sale by All Grocer* | ! i CONCORD STEAM I BAKERY Guaranteed I Armature ! | Rewinding I § Reasonable Prices m Repairs I , IH All Kinds of Generator H I^l Why Do People Buy Star Automo biles? Not Because they Shine! But because they take the hills on high. And use very lit tle gasoline. Ask the man that owns one. Call around and let one of my salesmen prove their merits. They are the best by test. We have the Durant, Flint and Star Cars in stock. Buy now. g J; C. BLUME’S garage BOUGHT YOl'R PORCH SHADES YETf Getting warmer every day nnd the sooner you get yours the more Ralid com fort you'll get from your porch this aunjmer. Aerolux Ventilating Shades of wood slat construction will keep it cool and cozy. Easily hung, can't flap. Rhone 164 for estimates and sizes. H. B. Wilkinson Concord 164 Kannapolis 2 Mooresville 186 I Free-THEATRETICKETS-FREE ■ With Each Purchase of SI.OO and Over We Will Give One ■ 25c Ticket to Pastime Theatre 1 Prices Greatly Reduced ** All leathers to select from. Every pair is style-right and dependable in quality. New summer styles just received, especially priced for this occasion. Economical, comfortable, fashionable Sandals for Street, Sport and Dress wear— s3.4s, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, and $6.95 up Priced Considerably Under Value S. S. Brown Shoe Store QUALITY FIRST PHONE 116 ——■ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ■ PIANOS | We have some real values in a few slightly used, re- • ! ! ! built pianos, of standard makes. They have-been put in ! ! I such good shape at the factory, that it is difficult to tell ] | 1 them from new pianos. COM*E IN TO SEE US i KIDD-FRIX Music and Stationery Company OCMOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXICXIOCMMMIOnfMWMy^qooooopofI^ Trade With Merchants Who Advertise They Can Sell Cheaper gooooooooaoopoßooonnoooooQßßDoooooaoooooooooooouuoooa Saturday, June 21, 1924