Tues3ay, July 22, 1024 Socail PERSONAL - •••*•'? ‘New ‘Fall ISuiti ||lk 1 ||||H i r * :Z mM BHHK "gißMgsH ." IK 5 pS - ‘;*£. ■|h :mj »^jj|gSp SI s Jg| Ilf IgLmi __ - ~ A T TERE Is one of the new suits for 'XI tall. Notice the cut of the r skirt—circular in front and 1 plain In the back and sides. In stead of the regulation revers the 1 coat is finished with a scarf of the MOleiA . pel. tvhTte buttons trim the coat *on noth aides, and the lining is of .white. In Charlotte For Dance. In the list of dancers present for the Myers Park Club dance Saturday night in Charlotte are the names of Miss Ade laide Harris and Joe Host, of this city. SUMMER COLDS that make you so uncom fortable in hot weather, are better treated exter nally—Rub over chest and throat and apply fre quently up nostrils— A/ICKS " ¥ VAPoRua CW I7 Million Jan tw r—!» I A Thought that Comforts After a Beloved One Has Been Laid to Rest . In the days i-UowiM lb* pass- I ins away of a daar nWne when the mind it troubled by memories of the past, it it a source of meat comfort to re fect that the remains are pro tected hy the staunch rust rcaUting, wider, air, vermin MM BkOln*pfDQ> GALION Metallic Grave Vault Safa from aarth-contamina tion and the horrors of mold ering decay—protected from everything save TIME itself. fbm Vaults, hated in an ordi nary earth grrne, gtae ’s£?.. fijYpre glad for you to call and look it over. STANDARD BUICK COMPANY Opposite City Fire Dejfc pm “LEMONADE WHAT IS” You really cannot imagine what a delicious drink Lemonade can be until you try one of our spe cials. Os course it is the pure fruit juice, but it’s the way we mix it. . Cabarrus Drug Co. PHONE 95 -USE— MEL-BRO LOTION FOR \f v >’-? ’ - Eczema, Eruptions, Blackheads, Heads, Pimples, Barbers Itch, Tetter, and other forms of itching and parasitic skin diseases. Sold at all drug stores. THE CONCORD DAILY, TRIBUNE i DOYOIfWANTUS to Prove It IF YOU want proof of the advantages of a check ing account, we direct you to any progressive business man, any efficient housekeeper—any per • i. son who appreciates real conveniences. The benefits of the checking account are indeed so manifold—and so manifest—that we scarcely know where to begin to list them. They can be fully appreciated only by those who use them. '^CITIZENS I?ANK <2/26/TRUST Company CONCOIIp, NORTH CAROLINA?-'' ■ j£9fv*# We Are Offering WONDERFUL VALUES In Watches, Jewelry, and Silver ware. See Our Display Be fore You Buy. It Will Pay You ST ARN ES-MILBER-P ARKER COL Jewelers and Optometrists ■ A ITCH! I Alfif HUNT'S GUARANTEED 1 SON DISEASE REMEDIES /fnf (Hunt’s Salve end Soap), fail In I * I Jjf the treatment pi Itch, Ecrema, J/j RingwornvTetter or other itch * ing akin diaeases. Try thia treatment at our risk. ECZENAP Money back without queetion % A^/ ; \ If HUNT’S GUARANTEED SKIM) DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt’aßalva and Soap),fail in I Ijfryi}] the treatment ofltch, Edema, TfO/ w It Rlngworm,Tetterorotherltch- f V If / I ins akin diecaeea. Try Uua * * XI • * treatments* our riek. ’'““pearl" drug company "Ob tbs Square” ; /imiß LOOK For 10 Days a Big Special Window Display Watches, Jewelry and Silver Every article a Bar gain. You Save the Difference The Old Reliable W. C. Correll Jewelry Company SWEETS! Big lot finest N. C. Comb Hon ey, fresh, bright and tender comb. Phone us your order. SUGAR. ' We have big con tract at best price, on Domino Fine granulated sugar, any size package^. 100, lbs, 25 lbs, 10 lbs. It’ niay \l?e a good time to buy. Pure Porto Rico Molasses. We have it always fresh. Your account is good with us. We deliver quick, everywhere. Cline & Moose _ NUX IRON TONIC Just what is needed for that tired feeling. Improves the appe tite. It Gives you Strength, Vim and Vigor. A large bot tle for 75 cents. PEARL DRUG CO. Phone 22 “On the Square” - ■ v iiiiiiiiiHiniiiinfHniiTfiUHinii COAL Government reports show coal production now is the lowest it has been in eight }ears. Contin ued low production means higher prices later on. Better buy some of CRAV EN’S double-screened high qual ity coal now while prices are low est. Everthing in coals. Phone us your order today and you will not regret it. K.L. Craven & Sons Phone 74 iHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiuiiuuiniiiiiiiiim FEED! FEED! For the benefit of those who want the best for the money we are still handling the famous Spartan Feeds in Spartan Dairy Spartan Horse Spartan Scratch and Spartan Laying and Growing Mash. These are real High Grade feeds at reasonable prices. . CABARRUS CASH GROCERY COMPANY . Phone 571 W BIGGLY WIGGLY Libby’s Deviled Ham, 2 3-4 oz. 03c Rex Cooled Brains, t s oz./—lli ; 27c Rex Corn Beef, 12 of. __-J24c Catalina Tuna Fish, 7 oz. :-'t- 30c Purity Cross Lunch Tongue, 6 1-3 oz. 24c County Cantaloupes and All V _ Fresh Vegetables >OOOOOOOOOOOqOOOO>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOOPOO In our traveling bags there is \«jljßi a place for everything you will C? j f want to take on your vacation. * ] I j i / In these suit cases you Can packf Ji ff (j|\ a two week’s change and stilUajl u ml. have lots of room for a bottle — Fibre-—for carrying on the auto. I Dust and rain cannot hurt. V, ;> v Wt’’ | , We have the baggage for your trip Sf ■ ‘ » i and we have the proper capers to I carry in it. ' > t ,, ? v '•*■-**' Silk Hose—Powdre Blue—Tie to Match. * x , Collar attached Shirts 11 i Thin Suits , 1 j' Flannel Trousers ! | Cool Underwear ] | Tropical Weight Suits 1 i Wash Neckwear I Browns - Cannon Co. j i | “Where You Get Your Money’s Worth” OgOOOOOOCOOt)OOOe>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQinoOOOOOOOOOO