PAGE EIGHT Last Week of Big Half Price Sale : j | Concord Furniture Co. j ]j, THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE 8 0000000000000000000000000090000000000000000000000000 C HF I MASON JAR CAPS JARS, RUBBERS J At the best, Canning Time brings many hours of hard j work, and if ou can get utencils to lighten your labors it is |j well worth while. Here are some handy items-you will f find here: > Fruit Jars —Pints, Quarts, Half Gallons. 3 Jar Caps. Jar Rubbers. i j Ritchie Hardware Co \ YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 , PHONE 117 RmmmmmmmmammamaaEmammtaaßummßmmmmmJ I COAL pi A splendid lump coal at $7.75 | Best Doubled Screened Jellico $8.75 j- Steam Coal from $5.00 to $6.50 I sell for less because I sell for cash. Coal buckets free to customers. I will thank you for your order. 1 A. B. POUNDS I oooooooooooooooeooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooo I Try Our New Club Plan— i i Wo will inspect your oar once per week, keep it greased with ] ALE MITE lubricant, wash it twice per month, and keep necessary I i amount of water iu your batteries at these special low club prices: For open ears—-Only $4.00 per month. ] | For Closed Cars —Only $4.50 per month. I i Transmission lubricant will be charged for extra. j 1 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ! HOWARD’S FILLING STATION i “SERVICE WITH A SMILE” , j 1 NEW | : Hair Line Stripe i:, Wash Silks l; ■ In Fine Colored Stripes and Guaranteed i > 1 i Washable;, Durable* 3nd Fak , j| ! $1.65 Yard j | Hand Drawn j , Filet Handkerchiefs Attractive Designs in Fine Hand Work and 9 ' Specially priced at 19c each | White Belts All Sizes and Widths and many kinds, white, 8 j black, and all the sport colors. Plain, perfor- X ated and fancy 25c to $1.25 O NEW HAND MADE LACES—FILET § AND IRISH 9 , x • O 1 A THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE I The Concord Daily Tribune | TIME OF CLOSING OFMAILS. [ 1 The time of the closing of malls at the Concord postoffice is as follows: I I Northbound | Train No. 34 —3:45 p. ui. i Traiu No, 44—11:00 p. m. i Train No. 30—10:00 a. m. ! Train No. 38—9 p. m. i Train No. SO—11:00 p. m. Southbound I Train No. 37 — 9:00 a. m. I Train No. 40—3:45 p. m. Train No. 135 9:00 p. m. Train No. 29—11:00 p. m. LOCAL MENTION | Miss Blonda Shaw is confined to her , home on account of illness. There were no new eases of disease re-1 ported to the county health department j today. Crnige Douglas, well known colored j man. who had been ill for several months, i died at his hornq, here Sunday, i The Rocky River Communwy Club 1 will meet Thursday uight at 8 o'clock in | the sclioolhouse. An interesting pro i gram ha* been arranged for the meeting. i The Stono Real Estate Co. has sold to | O. It. Gardner a lot in Brookwood, for i SIOO, according to a deed filed Monday 1 with Register of Deeds Elliott. Brook -1 wood is the sub-division just north of the lax'ke Cotton Mills. A field of corn at the Jackson Train ing School has aroused a great deal of interest. The corn is said to be unusual ly tine and many persons have paid a visit to the school to see it. All of the crops of the school are said to be in fine condition. The No. 10 Township Sunday School Convention will begin ou Thursday morn ing. July 31st, at 10 o'clock, at Bethel Church. Rev. Jesse C. Rowan, of the First Presbyterian Church, of this city, will make a talk at 11 o'clock ou the opening morning. Fourteen defendants were tried in re-1 corder's court Monday afternoon and they | paid fiues and costs totalling $111.30. As sault on a female and having liquor were the most serious charges lodged against i any of the defendants, nine of them hav ing been charged with speeding. Mt. Pleasant and other points in No. 8 township were visited by a heavy rain Monday afternoon. The rain also visited Townships !> and 11. A heavy cloud hung over Concord most of Monday afternoon but only a light shower fell here. The rain in Mt. Pleasant was very severe, ac cording to reports reaching Concord to day. Interest in the race in the American League is increasing daily now. Two weeks ago the Washington Senators were on top and now they are in third place with New York leading and Detroit in ' second place. The, Tigers defeated the Yankees yesterduy and are now but half a game from the lead. In the National League the Giants are leading by more than six panics. Salisbury Post: The Paul Rubber Co. has been adjudicated a bankrupt. The petition signed by W. C. Mnupin. W. E. MeWhirter and W. J. McDaniels was signed by Judge H. H. Watkins in Greensboro Saturday and returned to John Busby, referee in bankrutpey, here. Mr. Busby has called a meeting of the creditors to be held in his office in Sal isbury, Suturday, August 2nd. The funeral of S. C. Fisher, well known citizen of this city, who died Sunday, was held this morning at 10 o'clock at Calvary Lutheran Church, of which he had been an active member for some time. The services were conducted by the pastor of the church. Rev. XI. L. Kes ter, and interment was made in Oakwood cemetery. The services were attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. Concord is represented on the commit tees appointed by J. Paul Leonard, exec utive secretary of the North Carolina Merchants Association, to serve for the i coming year. W. A. Overt-ash, prexi- j dent of the Concord association, is a , member of the State finance committee, and W. A. Wilkinson is a member of the State insurance committee. Both men have been active in the affairs of the as sociation in Concord. All children who will eall in person at the Elks Home between 3 and 4 o’ejock Wednesday afternoon will be given free tickets to the Pastime Theatre at its show from 9 to 12 o'clock Friday morning. These pictures eacli week will be censored by Mr. Blanks, secre tary of the Y. XI. C. A. The kiddies 1 are being given this treat by members [ of the Concord Lodge 'of Elks, aud will i give away free tickets each Wednesday 1 afternoon. The tickets are good only ! at the morning shows given at the the- i atres. I j Pool at Y Has Banner Day. !| Two hundred and sixty-five men aud 2 women, boys and girls enjoyed the cool 1 clean water at the Y. This sets a rec- 2 ord for the local pool. Friday night at C 7:30 there will be an exhibition of swim- I and diving open to all visitors. This will 2 precede the local concert and movie show j on the lawn. A record crAwfi is expected ] to be present. il Carolina Peach Show July 30-31. |j (By the Associated Press.) 1 Hamlet, N. C., July 22. —The Carol!- C na-Bandbill Peach Show will be held S here on July 30 and 31 and final prepa- 2 rations are well underway for the exhib it* which the managers say will be the greatest that have been shown in the four years existence of the association. The show is a non-money making insti- j tntion, the directors state, and the show has been financed by the citizens of Ham- 1 let. Everything at the show will be i free. , ,i Besides the regular display of crops, the ] visitors will be treated to rides through i the peach orchards and band concerts by 1 the Fifth Artillery Band of Fort Bragg. I ( W. o. W. NOTICE. Regular meeting of Elm Camp No. j 16 W. O. W. Tuesday evening at 8:00 2 o’clock in the Moose Lodge Room. Every J member is urged to be present. W. R, FIBBER. O. C. !| R. C. LITAKER, Clerk. A “Bicycle Nest" Located. Wilmington. X. C.. July 21.—What is believed by the police to be a "bicycle nest" was located early yesterday morn ing by Officers Tom Hall and B. W. Jac obs. In (he rear of the house where the "nest" was located the police say that they found about a dozen bicycles and more than a cart load of tires ami equip ment. When the officers approached the house a young boy ran away and the police state that the woman who occupies the house told them that the boy had been bringing blc.vdes and equipment there for some time. The isilice expressed the boy had been changing the wheels from one frame to another in an effort to dis guise them. A cheek up on the serial number of the wheels was attempted by Lieutenant J. J. Moore hut he stated that most of the figures were too dim to read and that , the name plates had been removed thus j making it a difficult matted to find the owners. JN BACK Arkansas Lady Says Mother * Gave Her Cardui and She Had. No More Trouble of This Kind. Lamar, Ark. —Mrs. Edith Seem an, here, recently made the following ■tatfiment describing her experience in the use at Cardui: "I had pain in my back and sldea; nad sick headaohes and my noae would bleed. I couldn’t sit up at all. “My mother gave me Cardui. I took about a half bottle and at this ... I was able to get up and help with the work. Next time I took it again, and now, after taking two bottles, I do not have any trouble at all at this time. I gained, my skin cleared up, I am healthy and strong. “My mother took Cardui for a weak, ! run-down condition. It did her more 1 good for weakness and nervousness than any medicine she has ever taken. She took six bottles in aIL We recom mend it and certainly know its worth." The foregoing is one out of thou sands of statements which have been received from users of Cardui, the woman’s tonic. If you are a sufferer from womanly ailments, try Cardui. It' may be just what you need. At your dealer's. NC-156 Summer Hints For Young Mothers Acute Indigestion Is A Food Problem It ix hard on.a child to suffer indi gestion in summer. Usually there is fever and vomitting, apt to he very prostrating. One way to prevent such attacks is to gee to it .that the child does not eat heavily when over-tired. Often the trouble may be traced to improper foQjl, which should bo stopped immediately. As for treatment do not forget that in indigestion, the organs have quit op erating, and" the bowel is full of undi gested food. Don't wofry about the stomach—it will empty itself. But give a good clear ing out treatment. I.iv-oa-lax will do the work thoroughly. Then put the child on a very light diet for a few days. You can get a good-sized bottle.of Liv o-lax at the drug store for 30c. di ju ~~ ■ s \Ve have installed a complete Pleating Machine, and j< also machine with which we can cover buttons in any col- O or or style desired. Can take care of all work of this kind 5 on Short notice. g ALL WORK GUARANTEED \ “QUALITY COUNTS MOST, AFTER ALL” EAGLE COMPANY ' Lorn - U LLtU-l-Lfm. j 1 Visit * FISHER’S ' i | JULY CLEARANCE SALE | The Prices Are Moving the Merchan dise ■ ON SALE SATURDAY AND MONDAY 5,000 Pieces China Table Ware, Tea Cups, Saucers, Plates, 8 Bowls, Dishes of Every Kind that go on the table. Sale 9 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c, 25c and on • \ Step Lively—Get Your Share of the Good Things | hOCPBOOOWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOnOOffiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* SJS'KSmr M &IS Popular song* are even more tea- M tmg when you try to remember •rbere the tunea were stolen Always carry a pump or a stump speaker along on an auto trip in case you have to tlx a puncture Stiff collars are going out of stylo Men wear soft collar* now to pro tect the women’s neck*. No matter how old an old maid • the like* to aay “We girls.“ A blind man la the only one whc • han't aee any use for silk stocking*. Nearly everybody knows who will he our next president, but they don't all agree. A president has a tough Job The | people are his landlord* and he h#P to argue with them every day V’/ ■ Can t have much fan any more. Man In Texas was fined lust for bit ting a baseball umpire: You see auto* parked all alone the eountry roads these nights, perhaps to save gas. Thinking twice before you speak to tetter speaking twice before you think. Some women won't be happy in heaven unless they get new wings every pay day. Procrastination a one thief never stopped _____ A There ten t much about a loafer to make fortune smile Many men who pass for optimists are Just too lazy to kick A dream to a nightmare when she has her hair rolled up We have so much trouble because we make it for everybody else The straight and narrow path Is wide er >«i*rh for Its traffic. You cen t get ahead by spending your time get.. even. Keeping a friend lr, hot water wll> eventually cook your goose. NOTE - OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere appre ciation for the many favors and the sym pathy extended us during the death anh burial of our dear wife and mother. 0. R. BLACKWEI.DER AND 22-lt-p. CHILDREN. You Know a Tonic is Good when it makes you eat like a hungry boy and brings back the color to your cheeks. You c»n goon feel the Strengthening. Invigorating Effect of GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC 60c. CONCORD COTTON MARKET TUESDAY. JULY 22, 1924 ipotton .28 1-2 jCotton seed .35 KEEP COOL IN HOOVER’S SUMMER WEARABLES ; Suits, Mohairs, Tropical Worsteds, Seersuckers, Lin ens, Flannels, everything for your comfort. Featuring ft 19-inch bottom gray imported English Flannel trouser for July and August. HOOVER’S Inc. ononnnnnonnoontoDginnnoonQOoooooooooofaoooooooooooononrvs UtSAWUWUUtSWttoUUWUWUIAXXXAXXIUWXWUUUOWUWUUOUOOOO I SILK HOSE - | Special price of $2.00 on all Hose for ten days. SPECIALTY HAT SHOP aottooooQvpooooooooooeooonnoooooooooonnnooenoonooonanS I S' .. JBSsa » Spend a happy day with the world’s j | Lowest Priced High Grade Touring jj Car —$599.00 Delivered. MOTOR & TIRE SERVICE CO. CHEVROLET DEALERS, CONCORD i Sales and Service Phone 298 19-25 E. Corbin St. i j North Carolina Popular Excursion 11 WASHINGTON, D. C. | July 26th, 1924 j|j | southern Railway system jj i i Tickets good three whole days and two nights in Washington. | | Round trip fare from Concord $10.50. i i i i Pullman deeping cars and high class day coaches. Special train leaves Concord 7:40 P. M., July 26th. Arrives at i i | | Washington 7:00 A. M., July 27th. 1 i Round trip tickets on sale from all stations on Southern Railway | \ ]l l in North Carolina, for this excursion. See circular. iji t i Tickets from branch line points sold for regular trains connecting 11 i i with special train at junction points main line Charlotte to Danville. j | ' ' Tickets sold from stations on main line Charlotte to Danville for ape- ii i i cial train only, July 26th. j ’ Tickets good to return on all regular trains (except train 37) up ]ll |l| to and including train S 3 leaving Washington 9:35 P. M., July 29th. A rare opportunity to visit the Nation’s Capital, tj. S. Mint, Con- J ! i i gresional Library, The White House, Washington Monument, Bureau i ! J | of Engraving, Mount Vernon, and various other Government buildings 11 i and points of interest. i j i [ Make your Pnllman sleeping car reservations early. For further ill | ' information call on any South am Railway agent. M. E. WOODY, R. H. GRAHAM, ! Ticket Agent, Division Passenger Agent, i Concord, N, G Charlott,* N. G ]! | CONOORD PRODUCT MARKET (Corrected Weekly hy Qtoe * Moo#*.) Figures named represent priced paid lor ptodnee aa the market: Bgga .25 Batter .25 oantry Bam .25 Conn toy Shoulder .16 Country Sides .15 Young chickens .25 Bat .16 Tvrkv to Ml Lard ■ .12 1-3 Sweet Pototoea 1.4$ Irish Potatoes ,H Onions SI.OO Peas ... --I"”- 2.0* ram rn'r^'cMSS-wplTi m Tuesday, Jufy 22, 1924 * ■ - •- ■— OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Famous ELK CLUB j GINGER ALE i; 8 On Ice all the I . Time I Clines Pharmacy j 300000000000000000000UUUU

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