Monday, August 4, 1924 aOOOQdOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOObOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOQOOO I Special Sale All This Week I Includes all Oxfords ahd Strap Pumps in Satins, Suedes 8 ( and all Leathers, in the most desirable, styles for the season 81 Wces $1.98 TO $5.95 PARKER’S SHOE STORE j WHERE you save SPECIAL LOW PRICES On Seasonable Footwear Several novel patterns just received in white and patent kid. Specially priced at $4.95 ami $5.95 Extraordinary Valtfes in Patent Satin and Kid $3.95 to $7.95 I All Latest Designs and Wondervul Values at Prices Offered Odd Lots, Special SI.OO to $3.45 DON’T FAIL tO VISIT S. S. Brown Shoe Store QUALITY FIRST ; PHONE 116 ‘ ' » | SPLENDID FARMsIorImI i i 55 acres on public road four miles north of Court House, <5 room i i ; house, double barn, out buildings timber, 25 acres dredged bottom. j j i 1 238 Acres near. Georgeville, t room Bouse, outbuildings, $5,000. SI,OOO , cash, balance on easy terms. < • 138 acres on public roa« 3 miles north of Cqur# House, splendid build- j | i ings, 50 acres dredged bottom land, a splendid daily farm. SI,OOO 'j , 11 cash, balance on easy terms. 1 J | 175 acres, the Cotes place, in No. 7 toyrnship, on public road, good ] \ i i neighborhood, good buildings, timber, at a real bargain. i ; 1 108 acres at Glass, the Itogers farm, very 'desirable, will seH as a whole j ! 11 or to suit the purchaser. . . , i 103 acres on Concord-Midland Highway with good buildings, $40.00 per i ! •*o«" , 'S<»es two miles east of Kannapolis, s4o.oo.peracre, ,-.j • '' 08 acres two miles cast so Kannapolis with buildings aud timber. i ] | '2OO acres on Highway two miles from Midland with splendid buildings. j i i of the best farms iu the county. . i l[i '520 Acres on public road near Goorgeville at real bargain. Will cut i J | to suit the purchaser. Terms easy. j i 103 acres 3 miles east of Kannapolis, $3,000; a real bargain, half cash, , , V balance on easy terms, fine meadow, some timber. 11 JOHN t PATTERSON & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQCgKaodOto 1 Fresh Country Vegetables Every v •' Day i i x Green Corn, Tomatoes, Green Beans, Potatoes, Etc. Off Try our choice Cuts of Fresh Meats with your order, j [ PHONE 686 J Sanitary Grocery Co. 8 “A REAL GOOD PLACE TO TRADE” oodoboOooooaiodtooooobb6ooooooooooooaooG OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | I What KELVINATOR Is and Does §! • KEIA’INATOR is the name of an electrical refrigerating unit that 5 fits right into the ice box you now have, and eliminates forevermore the Jl| !..• inconvenience and inefficiency of ice-cooled refrigeration. iji It maintains a dry, unvarying atmosphere in your refrigerator at jij all times. , , It uTaintaius u certain predetermined temperature aud requires no iji attention whatsoever, after its installation. It produces a temperature considerably lower than that produced iji by ice. It freezes crystal clear cubes of ice for the table or the slfk room. jij It is a model of cleanliness and sanitation. It saves labor, food, an noyance and money. It costs less than ice to operate, aud its first cost is not a burden. It js operating successfully ju more than 40/JtHi homes, nine of these in Concord. Ask for the gpmes of those using them. j. ir PI ?HAHB TVkoTilkk oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo&ooooooooooooqS | Car Washing, Polishing, Alemite I 1 jQferifcine and Crank Gkfefc Service. I § Texaco Oils attfi Creases. 1 Tubes and Accessories are our | specialtte. Let us get yotir ear in good Condi- % i ! tion to take your vacation. 1 CENTRAL FILLING STATION . f PHONE j BiLrftoosifrpt , W\O'tVAVKIG T* OPS THE V eoSiHESft ttTCJEETft UKE NICE WHMOOM9\ VIE I SOT eowve MtRCHKWXt VJWO6R \WIWOOM6 AUftfNS UOOK eooo* does xomi show VJIMOCMI OftAVJ BOSiUfcSS « euasa. L_ I On Your j VACATION ! -Take a Good j Book I We have }ust Received !j! ■of the Best to Be Had in ]![ Popular Copyright Fiction I it tile Right Price — l|! | | 75c Per Copy ] I Musette,^ _>^xxjbt»tio6oao6oooooooooocx. - x 'Tv o) ,* lira! -' ' I I Choice Roasts Native Spring Lamb Veal J. F. Day vault & Bro. Phones 85 and 584 mmmmmrnmmm ■'- —1 ■ . ;-v. t Guaranteed i Armature { Rewinding \ Reasonable Prices < \ ; Repairs f All Kinds of Generator 8 r-i sff , r ferny THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNI • * ' -•«* v i | (•y the Associated Prr»».) (By Courtesy of ftitlio Digest) Program for August 4th. WGR Buffalo (310) 4:30-5:30 mu sic: 5:30 news; 7-0 concert; 9:30 dance. WLW Cincinnati (428) 7 gl-and op era. WBAI Cincinnati (300) 9 music. WHK Cleveland (283) 4:30 music, baseball, news, WTAM Cleveland (390 ) 5 concert, baseball; 7 concert. WFAA Dallas News (470) 8:30-0:30 old fiddlers. ... WOC Davenport (484) 8 musical; 10 musical. . WWJ Detroit News (517) 0 band: 8 :30 News orchestra, WCX Detroit Free Dress (517) 5 concert; 7:30 opera “Rigoletto,” WHO Des Moines (52tQ 7:30-9 mu sical. WTAS Elgin (280 ) 7:15 organ; 7:20- 11 entertainment. KFKX Hastings (341) 0:30 dance. WOS Jefferson City (440.0 ) 8 band, pianist. , WDAF Kansas City Star (411) 3:30- 4:30 trio; 5 Boy Scouts; C-7 School of the Air. WHB Kansas City (411) 7-8 address, music. '■■■ 1 ■■■' ■■■■ ■ ■>'»»»'' i ■ II wmt ■ I water COMMERCE CATECHISM Greensboro News. The Daily News will be glad to receive and will undertake to find answers to any questions touching on the matter of the report of the North Carolina transportation commission and Its rec ommendations looking to the develop ment of ports and waters transportation in the state in connection with th,e ts : tablishmcnt of an east and west line of railway across the state. Herewith is presented reply to one of the questions previously appearing on this page; Question: Gitmted that the State acquires a rail road across the state from east to west and develops water tritnhfioitatiou. wltaf are we going to transport by water? The trucking products of the east are probably too perishable for water trans portation. The bulk of the cotton and tobacco is produced inland and to a very large extent consumed in our own in land towns. Is it certain that the por tion that is shipped out can be shipped materially cheaper by shipping on rail road to the coast and then on the water tot destination than by shipping ridect by rail to northern arid western mar kets? Answer, by C. G. Yates, chairman of the traffic bureau of the Chamber of Commerce of Greensboro. Let's divide this into four general leadiugs. namely: First—Coastwise tonnage. ... Second —Tonnage between Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Third—lnland rail movement. Fourth —Exports aud imports. i Coastwise —The query first denis with tlie trucking products of the east as to being probably too perishable for water transportation. The writer is informed by one who has given this phase a good deal of study that boat deliveries could be made in Baltimore and Philadelphia frohi eastern Carolina more quickly than by rail. I find that Greensboro consumes and distributes approximately 60 cars of New England potatoes per season which move ment is almost entirely by boat from Boston to Norfolk. The amount pur chased for planting in th'e state and the constitution in the state at large, wliieh moves by boat, must be enormous. The amounts to a very large tonnage. Greens-; boro annually consumes and distributes approximately 150 carloads. The sugar refineries are located along our seaboard and sugar is attractive tonnage for boat lines and should he brought into North Carolina port both from the northeast, and southeast by boats. Our manufactured products consist principally of cotton piece goods, tobuc co and furniture. A recognized author ity speaking of cotton mill indust us Re cently stated that we are making vir tually all the articles of cotton manu facture for which there is a market throughout the world. Nearly all of this that is exported leaves this country through New York and why should not this vast tonnage move through the clos est port the point manufactured, which would be a North Carolina port? Merchandise and miscellaneous com modities that tire consumed and manu factured in North Carolina today are attractive to the coastwise steamers and this tonnage has much to do with the present prosperity of i lie port of Nor folk and the steamer lines serving it. Busiuetss Between Atlantic aud Pa cific Coasts—North Curdnhn receives a large amount per annum of shingles and doors from the northwest Pacific coastfl Areeusbcro alone receives approximately 100 eors. Virtually all ol this is hauled by us to other ports and is returned, the same being true of tobitcho which moves to (Tie Pacific coast and is transshipped there for export; A large quantity of canned goods, dried beans, dried fruit and other articles originating on the Pa cific coast are moved via boats to At lantic ports and from there re-shipped tot North Carolina territpry. Inland Kail Movement—The east aud west lines as mentioned would partici pate in all business to and rrom the port" for Interior points, creating tonnage which now moves over unnatural routes. Export am| Import—)Ve have in Nortli Carolina more furniture factories titan any other southern state and a state port should attract cargoes of mahogany iogs for use in this industry as well as other raw materials for Consumption by our various industries. "For export our state port should be attractive for the exporting of tobacco, cotton piece goods and furniture which is now either uibv ing to the north or south of us. How }sorth Carolina is looked upon by one of the coastwise steamer Uties now Immllihg much of our business through a foreign port was described re cently in their publication, which, in part, h? as follows: “Bich in mineral ami agricultural wealth and iudjjstpial Carolina occupies * unique and‘most en KFI Los Angelos (469) 10 dance; 11 concert; 12 dance. WEAK New York (492) 2-8 solos, music, Marine band. WBBR New ork (273) 6 tenor; 6:15 news: 6:45 tenor. WHS New York (366) 1-9 p. m. tallT music, orchestras, solos; 10-12 Bo hemian show. IVOR Newark (405 ) 6:30-9 p. m. talks', Monday nighters. KGO Oakland (312) 10 educational. WOO Philadelphia (509) 5:80 orches tra; 6 talk; 7:10 orchestra: 8:30 dance. WDAR Philadelphia (395 ) 5:30 talk: 6 orchestra ; 7:30 cocert; 8 dance. WFI Philadelphia (395 ) 4 talk; 4:30 orchestra. \ AVIP Philadelphia (509) 4:05 dance; 5 talk. KGW Portland (492) 10 musical. AVCAE Pittsburgh (462 ) 4:30 con cert ; 6 ukulele lesson ; 7 :30 orchestra : 9 entertainment, KPO San Francisco (423 ) 9-1 a. m. musical, orchstra, band. WGY Schenectady (380) 6:45 mu sical. KFOA Seattle (455) 10:30 dance. WIIAZ Troy (380) 8 orchestra, solo viable position amoiig her sister states. “Extending from the gently sloping shores of the Atlanta to the lofty ranges of the ‘Blue Ridge' and 'Great Smoky mountains,' tlie state of North Carolina presents, possibly, more marked contrasts in topogrhphy, soil and climat ic conditions than any other in the Union. Traveling front 1 east, to west, one would successively pass through a low-lying sandy bjelt extending some 410 ’ to lOft miles inland from the coast, a i gently rolling and extremely fertile mid dle-coitijtry, and finally into tjie' rugged mountainous region of tile western por tion —the ‘Land of the Sky’ and ‘Sap phire’ country, famed the world over for its unsurpassed scenery and containing the highest peaks east of the ‘Rockies.' “As varied as the surface of the laud is the character of soil, Its resources hnd the climate. Along the Atlantic sea board the climate is mild, the air being tempered by the waters of innumerable sounds and inlets indenting the shores. Here the soil Is of a light’ sandy loam ad mirably adapted to the raising of truck, peanuts, rice, tobacco and cotton. Here too, is the great timber section of spruce and pine, producing immense quantities of lumber and naval stores. In these pine forests and the hardwood forests of ! of the western section of the state are I tot be found the largest supplies of lum , ber in the eastern half of the United I States. “The central portion of North Caro i linn, extending from the sandy belt which I skirts the coast westward to the qinun- I tains, possesses a most equable climate i and fertile soil readily responding to cul tivation and yielding the great crops of tobacco, cotton, sweet potatoes and ce reals of various kinds which go to make up the agricultural wealth of the state. The mineral deposits are located both in this section and among the mountain ranges of the west. Here, too, are lo cated the large industrial centers, the great textile mills, tobacco manufactur ing plants, furniture, factories, etc.. which have placed the state of North Carolina among the leaders as manufac turing state. That her claims to in dustrial importance are not without sub stantial founditibn in fact, one need oniy be reminded of the following: “Korth Carolina leads the world in the I manufacture of tobacco and cigarettes. It has more cotton milk# than any other state in the Union, consuming annually over 1.100,000 bales of raw cotton. It has the largest aluminum plant in the world, the largest pulp mill in the United States and leads the South in the num ber of furniture factories as well as in the value of their output. 11l the value of its agriculture North Carolina, ranks fifth among the states. It stands sec ond in the production of tobioco, third in production of peanuts and sweet po tatoes and, as evidence of the fertility of its soil, the records show that North Carolina has grown more corn to the acre than any other state in the Union.” As successful transportation either rail ] or water depends upon a prosperous i community, how can there be any doubt 1 but what North Carolina can support ] and build up a real port if other states < not huving its advantages have done i so? j It is said that women now comprise the majority of all Workers in the vast textile industry off Euglaud. ( Fniit Jars* All Sizes i Fruit Cans* Pints ahd Quarts Col-Pak Cannets For Sale The New Hardware Store | Ritchie Caldwell Company, Inc. j^ooooooooooopoooooooouoowoooooooooooooonooopoooooo**** Always buy poultry feeds in Checkerboard Bags. The checkerboard represents twenty-seven years’ experience in the science of balancing a ration. That’s why you are guaranteed more eggs or money | back when you feed Purina Chicken Chowder with B Purina Hen Chow. | CASH FEED STORE I Phone 122 . , S. Church St. I I Constantly Improved But No jij Yeary Changes Dodge Brothers Motor Car retains its basic design year after year, t ' Improvements are made constantly but there are no radical cliang- 11 es. This policy protects owners from the rapid depreciation loss which ! ! invariably attends the periodic announcements of new styles. It also 11 enables Dodge Brothers to effect an appreciable saving in manufacture \ j and this saving is faithfully returned to the buyer in the form of sur- i i plus value. i i Corl Motor Co. West Depot Street Phone 630 j STORAGE v REPAIRS 8 I Rug Preparedness for the Coming i j Winter Should Have Your At tention Now! jjj If the home is to be made cozy aud inviting for the long indoor jlj mouths, the rugs should be among the first furnishings to have thorough l|i cleansing. I j I Let us do this for you. Our cleansing removes every atom of dirt I l ' aud destroys every lurking germ, every trace of insect larvae. It raises i|> the pile, brings out the colors and enriches the fabric generally. We call for and return them promptly. Phone us. X Bobs Dry Cleaning Co. jjj PHONE 737 Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaot 4' - ■ ■— —HU'-i-IL 1 ; -!=■!-" s —Li 00000000000000000009000000000000000000000000000000000 jjj Phdhel9 * Phbtte 19 ijj What the Mutual Oil Company Means to Cabarrus County | j j First: It is another corporation which helps the ! ! : growth of the county. jlj , Sfecdttth It IS a cbrpol-atidrt which will retain ih I ; the county ail of its share bf the §150,6(10 profit ! j that i§ ledvihg the fcotihtt etefy year. |jj Third: As an independent oil company, buying j j ]ji carefully and continuously, this county is assured ; j that the Mutual Oil Company will buy only from the ! I ;j| companies who sell the Best kerosene, gasoline and j j ijl motor oils. j Fourth: The county has a corporation whose offi- I ! ;; cers and stockholders are all citizens of the county j j and hvery bite, individually and collectively, is I i j j back of every public improvement. Remember our Opaline Oils are guaranteed to x j meet or exceed the maximum specifications set by g : the Automotive Engineers of America. Tribune Mttftbtr of Associated Press ... - ArgSgiLg All nghti of republic* tW of speclil dispatch&i herein us also reserved, j PAGE SEVEN