Saturday, August 30, A tt a <®s ■ m] ■ , /jcv~- 1) fl |HH 1 - .... - -.-^^T* iHF^ 18 co *‘ «*Mi<*d Mwolpteiy u ; 1 h® ordinary Ovfcrffack silk surface is embroidered an elab (grate design in black and white silk 1 and th* lapels reveal the white satin !"W which the whole garment is .i 'W II .«> wrapped lightly about ;thf hips to give* the narrow *li Mi : ! —Li.T I . ■« .<i' «y,jHP; marriage of their daughter, Florence NoVella, to Mr. Walter Marvin Peace Artist 28, 1924, Copeqrd, p. 5Jt. and Mrs. Pence will be at home fl&jff*®/* te«r rcsf,; A Surprise Birthday Dinner. Mrs. Ed Oyercash surprised her daugh. tor, Kuth, by giving her, a surprise birth d«r dinner Thursday, assisted ’by 'Mrs. •John Strafford. The table was placed in tl® yard and beautifully decorated with flowers. (those present so enjoy tire .dinner with her were: Mr. and Mrs. EtfT Overcush, add Ray aud Grace; Mr. and Mrs. John Sttafford and chilijreu, Edna Mae and CfJM*. Mae and Maggie Measmcre, Blev in, Thelma and Missouri Maalden and Ethel Robinson. Everyone enjoyed the dinner and wished Ruth many more flippy birthdays. B. J. M. SUMMER COIPS that make you so uncom fortable in are better treated exter nally—Rub over chest and throat and apply fre* ' quently up nostros— vaaa .. v * “1 •• ■ —————— To Protect The Dead Everybody can not afford to arect elaborate and coatly ' mausoleum! of marble, but all who have the desire . tiOQ far thoir beloved dead through |if gauon Metallic Grave VauU body in e'ny^ay.hqd' the cast of the protoctidn u slight • Tbt Gallon Vault mag Be hu iptttej In our duplts room as r , r | *1 * PERSONALS J. B. Sherrill left • this ■" morning for Asheville, where he will spend several days with his family. Mrs. W. D. Pemberton, Mrs. J. L. Mc- Kay sag Miss Adele and Mary Phifer Pemberton jyient Friday afternoon |p 1 Monroe. ?; ' Mrs. C. 8. Smart and children, who have bejm spending the summer at their home in Black Mountain, have returned i to their home here. s • • Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Barubardt, Jr., pad' children returned ftiday from Bre ■ vard, where they spent several weeks. s s • Mr. and Mrs. J.- Bynum . Long, and three sons, of Gastonia, spent Friday af ternoon here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Obas. B. Long. r r ■* Mrs. Charlotte Johnson will leave Sun day for Washington, p. C., where she wiH spend a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. A* H. Baker aud little Johnnie Ruth, spent Thursday afternoon in Charlotte. • • * C: A. Furr has returned to his home after having been in summer school at Chjipel Hill for the past several months. •• » • Ernest •Robinson has returned from New York where he has been doing tie Fall .buying for his store. Yapcie Earnhardt*lids returned to her home after visiting Misses Beulah and Mary Ridenhour at St. • • a Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hampton hgve re-’ turned to their home in Wilraingtqn,; Del., after haviqg visited relatives here' for sopie time. Mrs. G. V. Harper and Mrs. S. V.j Sturat have returned to Miami, Fla.,; after a visit of several weeks duratipiC in Concoird.-; c Miss Marie Furr'has returned-to her home here after completing a business course at Greensboro. Mrs. Paul Copeland, of Birmingham, Ala., will arrive here today to’ visit her aunt, Mis» Jessie Heaton. sfiss FiUian Mill* sss returned from a riait ip Greensboro. Her sister, Miss Annie Mge Mills who was with her has gone on so Winston-Salem and will re turn to Concord early next week. * • • Mrs. Lewis CamtOP has returned to her home in Rosemary after spending tfyo weeks with her mother, Mrs. E. A. ■Forrest. • • » Mrs. L. L. Se|L of Cherryville, will spend the week-end with Mrs. Bruce Mc- Bride at her home on North Church Street. a a a Mrs. A. B. Davis and children have; returned from Asheboro and Greens-; ,bofo. .. .*' ’’' ’ ' ' ’ " ’ ( aa * " Mrs. J. A. PattCrson, qf this city, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A .Patterson, of Salt. Lake City, are spending today in High Point. Mrs. L. T. White, of Dustin, Okla., who has been visiting relatives in the: county for the past six weeks, returned to her home yesterday. Mrs. J. L.Vjennings, of Columbia, S. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jesse Mc- Clellan, on East Depot street. * a • Miss Annis Smoot is leaving today for Goldsboro where she will visit Miss Mil-; dred Sammons, who was her guest some time ago. f <• a • Miss Helen Patterson will leave tomor-: row for a short trip through the moun-: tains of Western North Carolina. Attend Reunion in Chester. Chester News-Reporter. Mr. C. H. Culp has as his guests this week at his home on York Street Prof.. P. E: Wright, professor of Latin and Grgek at Lenojr-Uhyue College- Hickory, N. C., and Jlr. Ge°. Barnbardt and daughter, "Miss Dorris, of Concord, N.; C.; and the reunion takes an added in terest from the fact that Messrk. Culp and Bardhurdt were pupils of Professor Wright thirty-six . years ago, and the. I|»tee had not met aipce that time. Prof. Wright, Mr. Clup says, is a remarkable man in a great many ways, and on ac count of Iris unusual ability a# a teach er would grace any of the large univer sities of the laud. Mr. Barnhardt is iu : the postal service aft Concord. Guests in Albemarle. Albemarle Press. Mrs. Morris and daughter, Miss Isabel Morris, of Concord, were guests Monday |of Mrs. Ode Parker. Mrs. W. T. Hucka bee was a luncheon guest with them. Birthday"" Party. Little Miss Sarah Margaret ’ Bangle, daughter of Dr. and Mi’s. J. A. Bangle,; was hostess at u charming birthday party, Friday afternoon at " the boiqe of hen grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs/J. sl. Cline, OP Spiftli I’nion street. S» Bpngle invited 70 guests to (he , which was giveu in celebration of her sixth birthday. 1 During the sfteruoou various games of interest and pleasure to children wer# en joyed, and after play refreshments con. : sisting of ice ergatp, cake and candy were; served. The guests also were the recipi ents of attractive favors. Charlotte Lady Honored at Dinner "Mon a*y. Mrs- Abbip Misenbeihter was hpnoree birthday. There were about 80 rela | “w iss^iMa'sw I cake, after which ull left,Fishing Mary } VlldiiKaVn mantr nmro tiunnv VitntlwlavTa ‘i E ' m y PP? * Boot -m >.' -vi .• .•» -— 1 ■.• Friday nightat the Mercians and Manu facturers Club in honor of her house guests, Misses Elisabeth Henderson, of Chapel HHI, Edith Parker, of Gastonia, Margaret: Holt, of Burlington, Betsy MqQorkle and Josephine Kluttz, of Sal isbury. ’ , )• i music for the occasion was fur r nished by a Charlotte orchestra. 1 At one side of the spacious ball-room floor, space wag set aside for the puneh bowls which were beautifully reeorated ' with pink and red rosea Presiding gt, r the punch bowls were Mrs. J. Leonard * Brown and Mrs. B. P-NJibeon. | A very beautiful figure was led by » Miss Catharine Goodman and Joe Boat. t The chaperones for the danee were » Mrs. J. A. Cannon, Mrs. Frank Rogers and Mrs. W.-W. Morris. Miss Cannon's guests are among the ~ most popular that have visited in the - city is recent months, having been the houorces at successive dances beginning Wednesday and laßting throughout the 1 entire week. Tonight, Miss Rosa Cald * well will entertain for her house-guest, . Mi^r Adelaide Armfield, of Asheboro, and for Miss Cannon’s house party. Ml B - d.'A. Kennett Entertains. t Mrs. J. A. Keunett entertained at a most delightful bridge party at her home yesterday afternoon in honor of Mrs. "Er : nest White, of Greensboro. ' After the game delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. White and Miss Fran ces Ridenhour. bride-elect, were present ■ ed with beautiful gifts. Those playing were: Mesdames S. J. Ervin, L. A. Fisher, M. R. Pounds, J. Jolitz, A. C. Cline, J. B. Wornble, Ed. , Moss, R. E. Ridenhour, Jr., Grady Gib spn, Ernest White, M. L. Marsh. T. N. Spencer, Gales Pickard, P. R. Mac Fa d. yen, T. D. Maness, Jones Pharr, P. M- I Lafferty, J. Shinn, Jack Wadsworth and Miss Frances Ridenhoilr. Those who came in for refreshments ■ were: Mesdames Fred Shepherd, W. I). Pemberton, W. M. Linker, Ernest Hicks, i F. C. Niblock, J. E. Smoot, W. W. Mor ris and J. C. Rowan. ■ A House Patty at Harrisburg. On last week-end, August 14th, Miss : Beulah Taylor, of Harrisburg, very hospitably entertained a number of her . classmates of ANtat Amoena Seminary, ’24. at a house party ut her pretty home. On Saturday night -Miss" Tuylor in vited a number of friends to join with the girls |n their pleasures. Vocal music and piano solos >vere a feature of the evening. After stKmuch fun und many good "chats'’ the hostess favored the guests with grapes, ice cream and cake. Those who enjoyed the fun were: Fred Love, Fred Furr, Eugene Morrison, Ed Davis, Thomas Carriker, William Harris, James Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Car riker. Mrs. Tom Rome Query. Misses Lucille Overcash. Rebecca Castor, Ger trude Furr, Ethel Black Welder, Margaret Harris, Mary Query, and Beulah Taylor. The young nicn left Saturday night ex pressing their good time and apprecia tion. Miss Castor, Miss Furr and Miss Blnckwelder left Sunday evening express ing. their lovely time. Miss Overcash re mained until Mofida.v evening when Miss 'Harris and Miss Taylor accompanied hen. so her home near Gilwood to spend a , few days. ‘ These girls, Masses Beulah Taylor. Margaret Harris. Ethel Btackwelder, Gertrude Furr, Lucille Overcash and Re- Hh-'ca finished school at the Seminary at Mt. Pleasant Jast/Spring. Good friends, amTalways tpgether; We might say this was a one-third class reunion as one-thiwl of the girls helped to enjoy the time. However, we wish we might all have been together. Z. Lutheran Groups Meet Monday. The various groups of the Woman’s Missionary Society of St. James Lutheran Church will meet Monday ufternoon at 8;BO o’clock at the following places: Group A at Mrs. T. N. Spencer’s. Group B at Mrs. John A. Blackwel : tier's. Group C at Mrs. Gilbert Hendrix's. Group b at Mrs., John A. Cline’s. The evening groui) will meet at eight O'clock with Mrs} George Fisher, on South Union street.’ Visiting Miss Lcqtz. Miss Ada Heath Montgomery, of Char lotte, arrived In the city this morning to spend several days with Miss Nancy Lnetz. * MpeHng pjf dwi“ r Mlofs DtHightos. The Stonewall Jackson Chapter of the Junior Clog's Daughters will meet on Monday afternoon at five o'clock at the liqme of Mrs. ff- M. 00 Sputh Un ion street. Every member is urged to at tend since this is the first meeting a$ the new year un4 the election of officers will fie held. WECARRY Wstcbfs HI a)1 the goc>4 watch. W* <4»e h^at -1 ‘ lewekrfi and Optoiuetrists '' ■ v* y ■ ••• . ~t- * \ ■ • THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE H flr ; y BO YOU “TAKE CARE” CARELESSLY? Q You may know where your valuable papers |j H we, but are they really safe? Can not they M In an emergency could you produce your in- K i surance policies, wiH, contracts and other vat- U uable pagers at once? R Bepofd| all of these for safekeeping in one B 2 of our loss-proof Safe DepouA Boxes. ! fk Rental $1.50 and upwards a year. Ife CITIZENS 1 SI BANK JBt TRUST 9 m COMPANY' I ». U - . ■■ - »—■ -■■■- Return From Atlantic City. Mrs. A. R. Howard and her daugh ters, Miss Alice Yorke and Miss Lucy Howard-, have returned after a two week’s visit in Atlantic City. Circle Meetings. The Circles of the Central Methodist • Church will meet as follows: Leila Tut- Me'Cirde will meet at Mrs. W. J. Glass’ at four o'clock Monday afternoon. , The Marian Coltrane circle meets with 1 Mrs. ,T. C. Bodenheimer on Franklin avenue, at four o’clock Monday afternoon. The central circle will meet with Mrs. G. A. Batte at her home on Academy street at the same hour. Visited in Greenville. Misses Lucy Hartsell and Annie Grace Sappenfield and Robert l Riggers returned Friday from Greenville, 8. C.. where they have been visiting Miss 1 Sarah McCon. nell. Silver Cross Circle to Meet. The Silver Crpss Circle will meet Mon day afternoon at 4:3o'o’clock with Miss Claudia Moore at her home on North Union street. For many years the history of lawn tennis ill the United States was practically identical with the history of teyiis -at the Newport 1 Casino. It was here that the first American court was built in 1875. and when, iu 1881, the United States National! Lawn Tennis York city.’ Newport was unanirqoussly chosen asthe legical pWte«f*r holding the ail-comers’ championship each year. Coin divers in the I’Mlippmc Islands have gone on strike because ot the hunger of the sharks. Schools of sqiull fish have been dynamited to provide meals for the sharks which have, be come ferocious, surrounding boats on all sides and popping several feet in the air. Ziia - Domino Fine Granu lated Sugar and Fin est North Carolina Comb Honey The two sweets of First Quality and Absolute Purity We buy both these direct from the producer iu large lots for ypo* cash. 8o we always have the price us well as quality. We deliver quick everywuere. Cline & Msose I Twelfth Annual ! HAHN REUNION „ ■ Thursday, September 4th, at 10:00 I, i A. M., 1924 On the Hahn Reunion Grounds 2 1-2 Miles East of Mount j ] Pleasant, near the National Highway ' 1 ! LOOK FOR THE SIGN Mu«i& fey tite Kannapolis Orchestra. Refreshments of all I ! Kinds Will Be Served.on the Ground \ J PROGRAM s J Morning Music by Orchestra. j j ’ Song by Quartette —I Live For Those Who LoVe w Welcome Address-—Murray Peuuinger. ! Music by Orchestt». B i Song by Quartette —A Very Present Help in Trouble. Address—Re \ . C. L. T. Fisher. Music by Orchestri. • t Song by Quartette —Walking by-Faith. Address —Rev. Mi L. Kester. Music by Orchestra, gong by Quartette— The Old Ho.nie on the Hill. Dimmer. „ , 'T. & ■ AFTERNOON ' " THE SECRET of a soft, velvety skin for any body; no longer any excuse for blemishes. You can be beautiful, attract ive, charming, free from pimples, acne, large pores, and other fa cial blemishes. Why not try Mel- Bro Lotion that has worked abso lute wonders in the appearance of thousands of men and women. You can have a beautiful com plexion. Use MEL-BRO LOTION “Jieep That Baby Complextion” Sold at all Drug Stures. “ t ~ PJGGLY WIGGLY For Best Prices * ■ Z < . ... t ; ? ■■ .■■ —— ■■ - ! iJUXCHii Money back, without quaSifon 3S \lif HUNT'S GUARANTEED tIsKIN DISEASE REMEDIES '/flff lyj (Hunt's and Soap), (all In Isj r/ the treatment of Itch, Kcrema, lK**2Hn“‘i£M««a rO TrV JEj» treatment at out tick. ■SSSSStI CSunt’a Salve / j PEARL DRUG COMPANY 1 “On the Sau*w” " ■■■■■' ' ' Cn' l^~-M , | THE KIND OF A j It this institution were in bysi-. 1 ness only to make money—the men in it would promptly get pu- I We are here to ihake a memory to the name Browns. We have an ideal that is than the ~ Ijgsss; We want the sign over our door to mean X something more than a place to buy things 1 and we insist that every purchaser of Q a suit here this Fall is as well satisfied X in September 1925 as he is the day of his f 11 purchase. o ‘ * yr; . The new Fall Suits were o chosen to Father and further our creed a I which doesn’t know the meaning of the x word "selfishness.” ... o Beautiful models here—being unpacked a every day. Every one will make this message ring true in some Concord home. • >■■■'* m New Fall Suits $25.00 to $50.0Q Browns - Cannon Co. YOU’LL LOOK BEST—IF WE SUIT YOU 3«Qooooo»KXMo<xi<}oooobooooooooa<»Gaooooooopp9»»oo«oo I You Can Get Hot Rolls New at the I CAROLINA CAFE . From 4to 7 O’clock We have taken oyer the Retail Line of the Concord | Bakery. Cakes, Bread, Rolls. I TAKE DINNER WITH US TOMORROW CAROLINA CAFE This is NEW model that you will i surely like, its. made up with Beaded \ Mui Core Front Strap (no buttons), cov tied military Ju-1 like cut. This uew one is on sale now in pat j IVEY’S •The Home of Good Shoes” I "In a boy’s pocket you will find a jack knife.” ii “In a man’s pocket you will find keys.” i “In a woman’s pocket you will find paint.” “At 210-212 West Depot Street you will find-the Big-* | gest, Busiest, Best Grocery Store in Concord.” p 1 “SEEING IS BELIEVING”—COME AND SEE. I ' v Ch! BARRIER & CO. v I * " , 210-213 \V. Depot street 1 \ v CONCORD, N. C. ' r oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocxxxioooooooooooeooooooo H LADIES 7 ]\ } i i See Buckley Brothers’ Dress Samples, Curtains, Dra | peries, Children’s Garments, Linens, Handkerchiefs, etc., at : I PEARL DRUG CO. ■ -inr II M-mn nni innnimnrtrti uuuu-uiru-u-m-lj' n nri'.inr j- a , DELCO LIGHT 8 Light Plants, Water Systems and Washing Machines 8 x Twenty-five different sizes of light plants. ' 1 x No. 866, the popular size delivered installed and house a 5 wired for ten lights for $671.50. 1 Five per cent discount for cash on installed contracts. X g Three dollars extra for each light over the ten lights a 9 above specified. I R. H. OWEN, Agent i O Phone 888 Concord, N. C. PAGE FIVE

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