1‘ WedncsHay, Sept. 17, 1024 I . 1 m i j nnnrwirwin n n ~uuy.ai..iM| If SMOOTH PERFORMANCE . ' J marked smoothness character izes the performance of 1 IB Dodge Bfothers Afot6r Cgr.- '+ .\W“ 18 In keeping with the policy of constant uttprQvement, es- O 18 fectiye been taken, to |X Applied to the body, engine, clutch, brakes, and other v»i- 2 B ] al units, these refinements add immeasurably to the com- 5 ■ l? rt °V rav j fel ove r boufcvgrds and (fouhtryYoadS. 8 K v le effec U & .*o pronouAced. ini fds&> that it is entirely fit ■ ting to classify smooth perfbrtnance asJOfie df the out- 5 B stan of podge Brothers Motor Car.;- V B I Corl Motor Co. f Depot Street Phone 630 j I ; Coalt Coal! Coal! Coal! Mutual Oil Company wishes to announce that on Septem ber 17th they will be able to supply | the public with a first class grade of I Satisfaction Always Guaranteed' | | (Eal! doal! Coall^^Goan t a dead man’s chest * -ho-ho and a bottle Os rum, i*V ■»: if I 35 Lbs. Air ta Regular Racine Low Pressure Cord :: ■ \i Ipve Around and Get Retired. * 1 • 2 J iSouthera Motor Sprite Co. I wm* -let^^iHlnMßa PHONE 802 PHONE ,80* 1 Green Broiit Building on Corbin Street » Yes, We Have No Green Beans O But we have Turnip GBb|As in Cans. Also Canned a ; Sugar Peas, Green Beans, Ktitib, Spinach and Canned g Choice Cuts of Fresh Meats X Sanitary grocery Co. 1 ’ - “A REAL GOOD FfcACE TO TRADE” X RteLVINATdR Is tbedtoame of an electrical rcfrigeittiu* unit Hint 9 fits right Into the ice box you now have, and eliminates fororertuurc the i Q -intwirreflienre and tnefirfency ot icc-coolcd refrigeration. 0 ft maintains a dr T, unvarying atmosphere iii your refrigerator at X all times. fi It maintains a certain predetermined temperature and requires no 5 (ft produces a temperature considerably lower than that proOuced • 5 . It freexes crystal clear cnbes erf ice for the table or the sick room. X It ta a model of rfennUh'et* add *uitatiou. It jwres labor. fflod. on- 0 8 ooyance and money. It costa law thin iq* to operate, had its firtt coat , * ft is not a burden. It Is operating snceefgfully in more than 40,900 homes, A nine of 41mm in Concord. Ask Mr the- names of those using them- << 9 Knives Aij Ahierican made. All styles, IBPI - - j All Shapes ij \- : ' n • ■ I-v r - ih Wirfdow' at 50c f •> While They Last . X Vl dv-Vb •yl'.V/ ‘ r '.yt .K ! I dj, it '• * v, - : v * '-j'lY •:>* •j'v/.c [ The* NeW Hardware Store |UttU» Caldwell CWHMt, lilt. ... .1 '- - ' ; V ' ,'i ’,! We parry a coin-: | piefe tine of Bukk! • £arts at all times arid Will be glad io slip s. ply you with aoy \ thipg you migtil | need. m '• | STANDARD BWCK COMPANY ]! ip v i-i- ti . t . ... j ' - ■• '• :• ' Sales and • Service) JjjMjLJtJuijuUiiitJ wn mil i fiininrininr’ |ij3N’tFORGET| 1 Miat Birthday i a stat Anniversary S I ftthJtSkk | &iend : ' Sunshine with { cards, and you’ll that our new sbiip- fcontaius the mpst ; ap-_ propriate sentiments for Mr these Also* k m tof tally cards, place 8 i|Tdß, party cards and birth 6 Cards of all X kinds are a business with us fi 9»d not a .specialty. You o r find the very best at fj jcSur place. ?/. X Musette^ PHON^m Nothing Is Mote Appgtizihg Than a ‘fiiKS tr ' «?T '.ifr. 'X~ J ‘.ir'lvY We Have Just What ' ' ? ; VouWant Fresh Fish Thursday IFresh Oysters Friday* J. F. Dsyvault & t*' v - Rjpft ■> >t- VJ t> h : n ' 1. : t&tft.'im-r ix,. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Tf~il rxv/% t” ■ 1 11 1 . jfc_ jit Ru(j A] ipA STI MR H JhL NEWS 1 lflfnAWflaniWk. 6aaQfeagßagW*wf. B . wjrss ,^fflaw.»:. 3 | Hnidowl. , 'VCR Buffalo 1310) 4:3©t5:30 mu aie; ri:3p news : 7-0 epneects tjlt 'lance. tVMAQ Chickgo Xews 'f447SL 5 or-, gan; 5 :30 children ; 8 anneihiCmß:3o first )jQUQ idaynight; pro- I grain; 0:45 talk. * . K±W Chicago (3% artisjte. stage review,'muSirtW vsdn-11-' 30 rcvin- WLS Chicago (345> Stett'jau-: 7; Lo.nc Scout; 7:15 iialriotie State ( Chicago (448) C Concert. I songs; 9-1 a. in. orchestra. “i U'tW Chicinhati (423 ) 7 n»dsic; 8 1 army band. f.'.V • ~][! • i ! WTAM Cleveland S’iconccrt. ; baseball; 7 concert. .• •., J . WHK Cleveland (28M ' kWk' music, I baesball news. ‘ ,' V-' i WQC Davenport «#&■ ; WHO Dcs Moines (520) MbCM) or-] ; chestra. r ™M‘ | i WWJ Detroit Xovvs." (SI?) # News orchestra. . '*7 - 'T. j | j wox Deficit Fgan !hr«tsj(3l7) 5 concert; 1:30. orchestra ; 1 Havana (400) B;3o^isd. WOS .leffenson City <(«i)if l*sobimi dance, ~A • • ' ' ' j wdaf kapsii fit-'to -4:30 String trioi yFw Air; —■ ■ i •jfr'" -- nV" - THjbAV’k jgytekAife WcttWasday. SeSSiisr i7. 1»24. j This Is tfi year, having been settled An thi4' date in | the year 1630, , IjsjL/ | Cornelius (?ote. foraver States . senator from California, .reaches his 11 102nd birthday anniversary today. The I’hited S-tates Senator from tit ah and Mrs. Iteed Smoot today will eelebratej their fottith weding anniver sary. . , ' i \ .' Citizens of Hcrketcyv Calif., today will reyaU tjiis us the first anniversary of the . great fire which- nciudy destroyed their city. | In Home today wiQ-, be held j cdmuicniorating the 150th uiiniver.shry of the birth-of Cardinal the greatest linguist the world ever has known. ' M ",*• T , Savants' ot many mltifebS (HU take part toV;;: ■ " a FTER that, the deluge! The 1 xV radtaca responded. Nqact to tuning in on important pro grams. writing letters is the beet th)ng radio lovers do The La Fol lette mail grew by peclw and -guthria, Daily deliveries mounted ; Utem *pf wwe to hundreds, then 'roy.m Inviting letters. HOb also fw-' uU •* The result has been that his while Bob la in bta days and Ptehts reading and answering the flood ot letter* his invitation tnsptaW-f - this*iSy sound like. • w* time. Bat Da Foliette has a hunefi It sh '}#' ’ - Despite the liber involved.'u« • 8 recital; 11 i 45 Nighthawk*| ii | WHB Kansas City (411) 7-8 edoca- 1 itioilal talks, music. ' '] I KFI Los Angeles (460) 8:45 story, vccul;"9;3o entertainment; 10 instnv , mental {ll vocal; 12 orchestra. . j WHAS Courier-iourtial LoutevMg . Times NOO) 7:3(M)T?fght Owls. ■> i CHYC Montreal (341) op. m. sfudio program. , :? J W-IZ N>w York (435), sa. m, tiilks; 1 3:3til> :JlO p. m. stock * repdl-ts, tntjhlc, dance. l >VHN New York ,t 360) 12:15-9 p. m. solos, music, banquet, dance, ;f * ! i IYEAF New York (402) oa. m. edu cational; 2-8 p. m. solos, music, talks, ! |s-.10. dance. ) • rj I ! WOn Newark (4(B) 12:36-8;30 p. ; in. solos*. music, talks, orchestra. ! WDAJt Philadelphia (805) 5:30 talk; j.C recltgl; 8 dpnee. 1 WOO Philadelphia (500) s:3ti ottihcs- ! Jtra: 6:15 recital; 7 orchestra: 8 dance, t WFI Philadelphia (305) 4:30 Orches tra; 5, talk, ' .j ’ *. ; ‘ j ■ KDKA Pittsburgh (326) 7 concert, | miked quartet. | JCGW Portland (402) 10 concert; 12 : dance- / 1 KPQ San Francisco (423) 0 orches tra; band, songs, talk. • WBZ Springfield (337) 5:10 talk; 5:30 bedtime; 5 :J0 trio; 0:30 orches tra: 7 Rotary efib fI) :|jjo ofcßeatro, »ongs., : KSD Bt. Lonfe Post-Dispatch (846) 7:45 concert; 9 studio. "i -, —— , .1-, •; inK, ;; ■■ ■■ ■■ ■ am i i am—a———m 1 DAVIS INTENDS TO CARRY /. THE FIGHT TO LA FSLLETTE Will Not Co-operate lo Defeat CoOlidge In the Northwest. Mark Sullivan In Charlotte Observer. Washington, Sept. 14.—The week just passed has been marked, on the part of the Democratic candidate, with the adop tion of a definite policy of fighting L»- FoHette and condemning some of I-a FOUcttc's platform. This ends a ques tion about strategy that has prevailed in (mine parts .of the Democratic organiza tion ever since the opening of the Cam paign. ’ v In the. peg inning it was held by spine of the DeiniiK-ratic managers that they i should facilitate 1-4 Follpttc’s chances lot carrying the northwestern states It j Is quite, apparent that, as to several of ] those state*, the La JPollcttc vjitc plus the Derancrntic vote would be ferealer 1 , than the-;foolidge vote; aild La Fol ! lette ’coutd'be heljs-dto take those states away fimn. CooHdge. by the adoption, on the part ftf the Democrats; of a ixilicy of hot oibibsing or actively helping I-a Foi lotte. i . Other - Democratic leaders held that this would bo undignified and unworthy; that, it would hurt the i Democrats in other pai-t e.f the country when it should become apparent, and that it would in jure the.party as a permanent institu tion if it should permit itself, without, a fight, to ruu third in several western stal/s. ’ !-i. In the.end the decision lias been made to take .-tpo broad. way and make a straight -IJemocratje fight the country.,~§?his will mako-momc difference , in La Follette's chances of carrying the i northwestei-n states, although it still re- j mains ihtit ’in: sOlae-bf'thdffitllVtCs, i notably "wiswnkin add AJittfiesotfi; (lie Democrats have had for some thne .only j a skeleton and more or less moribund or- 1 ganizatjons. 1 '■- ■ • ! Vtoflana ftndk these letters 'more ] stimulating and Invigorating, also 1 encouraging, than any other sort j of reports he has had as to the ij i progress of the Independent cam-; palgn. Me feels that Ip. them ho , j is getting actual first-hand i formation. f " '' j, | ► And as M» speech and his Hi- .] v Ration for letters were broadcast ' 1 j through a dozen stations, blanket- i ing the country as far west as the Rockies, he feels the replies he is receiving Are geographically as well as politically repreaentatlve. It was largely as a result of the optimism inspired by the rgkpon** to his radio speech that "Fighting Boh.” in an address to Independent , workers in Washington Sept. S, de clared he new has “an even break ' j with President for the i election.” • "S • All the hugs that visit the White House are not political hugs Apparently President CoolldgO. -. | for the period of the campaign, at 1 least, can tolerate the latter sort. j But he ha* declared war on 1 cock roaches, water bugs and kin- j dried intecta which infest the nook* - : and crannies of the century *ttd ex ecutive mansion, add a prof« 3- j atonal “bug-huhter" hen recently bom employed to Wage war upon i them. ; | Latest reports are tfcgt ih* hdg* • ] ore hghtlhg i i#hg Wfttl?. J onS night'i barrage of tjbttdeg, fJI carpenter* tore cgjf ah old I#.hrtr in the White Houki basement. ; Behind tj they found r.etrty nth pounds of dead Insects. - • . • • rrtHE WWW however, ik • i 1 not Washington’s ohly cbijcy t ti rptreat for bugs, f.i nut! the *>M«r govhrwnhn* bwiWi lugs, with their thteg wails ir,4 i z ' * ts -v— -- p STURDY BUILT j if: for Schaof Wear 1 Mil. ■ . 8 B They wilt stand the wear And be comfortable too. Prices B I i 1.98 to $4.45 I j PARKER’S SHOE STORE ! I^°Alwayß^rioult^ The chedprboard represents twenty-seven years’ | experience in the science dt | ration. | That’s why you are hwre e«ss or money I keft #heti *Mi fced PnHht (Mm chafer tit J Pnrina Hen Chow. #ASH FEED StOß^ Phone 122 S. Church St. fflMB K: \ Choicest Baked Goods Every day we offer aAd tasty, a complete mi of alf Bak ed Goods from Bread to Pastry. And ybii 'can buy them for less thijtn you can bake them. Ask your,grocer for Milk Made Bread. CONCORD STEAM BAKERY Phone 299 or 277 I MAKE ’EM LAST LONGER j Yotfr clothes, suits, overcoats and / ywW ill*/ hats should be given a thorough over- I /hM ) i hauling before winter in order to ex- / . JjOHh [*■ ! | tend their usefulness rtiany weeks or ' | 1 ; Cleaning and Pressing will do won- k | V j \ I ders with even 1 he, oldest clothing. . I Send us your suits and Be pleasahtly I—£JT 1 —£JT j!| sruprised at results. Bob s Dry Cleaning Co. j JpH'qne s£s | ■ f)l I li~ lIT.Iir • l i i.l i 1 . 1 ! 1 ,11 , ,im i I We Specialize in Cat Washing, Pdlish t ing> Alemite Greasing and Crank 1 Gal? Service cENT^j»mAT,oN I PHONE 709.'j. ; j'j PAGE SEVEN G. H. S. i Concord Hijgh School Studedtst ' ’ } - vllx' - , **\ 4>?.’ * See our window for I**# i Yotlr Class Colors Sport Pins, j Pen And Pencil .Guards C. H, S. Sterling Silver Rings. ’ ' ,V ' -V The Old Reliable W. C. Correll Jewelry Company