.*r ' • y ;•>- «' •. • /•» _•«-'-A* Mr*. R. A. Brown s is visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Brown %nd family in Gas tonia. .v-' r , 9 •» ' Mrs. Will Smith and Mrs. Sam Mc- Ninch. of Cbariotte, spent Wednesday here with friends atid relatives. • V » Leonard Caldwell is. spending she day ip Charlotte on business. Willia Barringer and Roy Boat are expected home today from Atlanta, where they have been for the past week, having motored there in the latter’s ear; SEDBERRY-BROWN Miss Gladys Brown Weds faneberry Sed berry In Quiet. Ceremony. A marriage which will perhaps sur prise tljeir many friends in Concord and elsewhere ovgr the state was that of Henry L. Sedbefry and Miss Gladys Brown, which was solemnized Wednes day night at the Forest Hill parsonage by the pastor, Rev. J. Frank Armstrong. Mr, Sedberry holds a responsible posi tion with the Locke Cotton Mills of this city, and Miss Brown is the attract ive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown, also of Concord. Miss Brown was a student at Trinity College two years ago and since that time has been teaching in the county schools of Cabarrus. Mrs. Weddington Entertains. Complimentary to Mrs. Mary Gretter Field, of' jieota, lowa, and honoring the birthdays of two of .the guests, a de lightftrt -luncheon was given by Mrs. L. A. Weddington on Tuesday at her home on South Union street. Those present were: Mrs. Mary Gretter Field, of Kco tia, lowa, "Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Cravep and son, Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Por ter and Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Craven. After the luncheon, iso elegant in all conformity to a birthday occasion, con gratulations and gifts were presented to the honorees, and an afternoon of espe cial pleasure enjoyed by all present. Pearce-Varner. Cards reading as follows have been re ceived in this city: Mr. and .Mrs. James Alexander Pearce announce the marriage of their daughter Evelyn Lucretia to Mr. Henry Branson Varner -on Saturday the twentieth of September , nineteen hundred and twenty-four . Alexandria. Virginia At Home j after the first of October Lexington, North Carolina W. C. T. U. Meeting. . The local chapter of the Woman's , Christian Temperance Union held the reg ular monthly, meeting at Central, Method ist Church Sunday afternoon. Mrs. v Jno, • K. Patterson, the president, presided. The devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. Lily F. Blanks; in a most impres sive manner. The secretary, Mrs. G. L. Patterson, gave the record of the preced ing meeting, and the treasurer, Mrs. Stirewalt, reported 34 members. Mrs. L. D. Ooltrane spoke, on the ob ject of W. C. T. U. and the responsibil ity devolving on its members. Mrs. Martin spoke briefly on the ways and means of arpusing public interest. Mrs. Beard . and Mrs. IJ. L. Crowell were elected delegates to the annual con vention to ' be held in Charlotte October 21st, with Mr@. D. L. Bost and Mrs. L. D. Coltrane as alternates. The of this - organization feel that they have the work well in hand and . that they win be able to do much good in'this community. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. Mr. Northrup Here. J. Stanton Northrup, of New York City, - visited his wife and' daughter for a short whiK yesterday. Mrs. North rup has been in- the city for several months at the home of her mother, Mre. B. E. Harris, on-North Union Street. Mr. Northrup will return to Concord today for a visit of several days. To World Series. Leroy Miller, Walter Johnson, Ken McClelland and Van Wdlton are leaving today for Washington to attend the op ening games of the world’s series. An effort will be made, 'according to mem bers of the party, to introduce the local Walter Johnson to the famous Walter Johnson, of the pitching staff of the Senator*. Buys Propet Grocery. Horace Blackwelder has bought the Propst Grocery Company; on Barbrick Street and will tike charge immediately. Mr. Blackwelder has had a number of years experience in the grocery business I having for some time conducted a whole | sale feed store on, South Union Street. I Hi-Y Meeting Heto Tomorrow Night. j --The Hi-Y club* 'from the entire coun | ty- will meet tomorrow night at the Y J |in the first meeting of the year. Over i [a hundred boys and girls are expected Jto be present. The principal speaker , for the occasion will be J. T. Fesperman, state secretary of the Y. M. C. A. A j Bohemian luncheon will IA served to the , boy? and girls. i i- . - ■ i | Jones Yorke Returns to OHy. I A Jones Yorke has returned to Con cord from Raleigh. Mr. Yorke, doe ! to a late resignation, was unaWe to en- J |jt#r State College. He will probably i I Remain in Concord for several months. 0 IA- Eight mountains in, British Coluinuia X • have been discovered and ascended by a fl j University of Chicago professor and a jj ’New York engineer. One of the peaks, 8 ’yet unnamed, ranks among the highest jj in the Canadian Northwest. - $ Citizens Bank and Trust Company • RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS CHAS. B. WAGONER, President C. L. PROPST, Asst. Cashier A. F. GOODMAN, Cashier BOYD RIGGERS, Teller M. L. MARSH E. C. BARNHARDT GEO. L. .PATTERSON P. F. STALLINGS W. D. PEMBERTON J. F. GOODMAN CHAB. M. IVEY CHAS. B° WAGONER The Home of Good ' We rtc€ive deposits to check.. V , Banking W e issue Certificates of Deposit bearing four per cent. . * interest. " ? RECEPTION FOR i MISS RIDENHOUR I Mesdames Foil and Lafferty Entertain Elaborately at Home of the Former. One of the most elaborate receptions of the year was given yesterdhy after noon from three to six by Mesdames W. A. Foil and P. M. Lafferty at the home of Mrs. Foil on North Union Street, honoring Mis* Frances Riden- i hour who is a mnehly entertained fall bride. ) Tlje home was vfcry beautifully decor ■rated for the occasion. The reception hall was lovely, with the roses which were used in profusion. The dining room wife in pink. Pink flowers and pink decorations carried out the color scheme. In the living room a quan tity of fall flowers gave a realistic touch of the season. Greeting the guests at the front door were Mrs. It. Ridenhour and Mrs. Vi. D. Pemberton. In the receiving line were the following: Mrs. W. ‘A. Foil, Miss Frances Ridenhour, Mrs. P. M. LatT\ty, and Mrs. .T. Leslie Correll. From the receiving line the guests were shown to the dining room where they were served a_ delicious ice course and salted nuts. Serving were Misses Helen Marsh, Mund, Martha Cald well, Kathryn Carpenter, Annis Smoot, Adelaide Foil, Orchard Lafferty, Mes dames Jj. E. Roger, Gales Pickard, and Grady Gibson. ‘ At the door ushering the guests out were Mrs. W. S. Bingham and Mrs. Nell Edison. About three hundred and fifty guests called during the afternoon. ‘' To Speak in Mt. Pleasant. W. R. Odell and ,T. B. Robertson will speak tonight at Mt. Pleasant in the in terest of the special school election which is. soon to be held in that town. The meeting is to be held at 7 :30 in the au ditorium. All voters are invited and urged to attend this meeting as it is of vital im portance that they acquaint themselves with the movement. City Union Meeting Tomorrow Nlglit. The monthly meeting of the Concord League Union will be held tomorrow night at Kerr Street Methodist Church. AH of the churches of the city and Mt. Olivet and Kannapolis are urged - to send large delegations. This is the last meeting before tjie Annual Conference. ‘ J. FRANK ARMSTRONG, Pres. Employed Girl* Class. The gym class for : the employed girls Os the city is to be held tonight at the Y. All the members^, of this class and any employed girls ofithe city are urged to be present. McT Blanks' plans to make this one of the best clgsSes Pf this bind ever conducted in the city. •' i - : ————————— I j Before it ' ,|! | Happens ! The time to know how much i > i gas there is in your tank is Jij ; before you reach the bottom, i ! ! and the time to make sure ! ' you have enough fire insur- ![ ance is before you smell the ] ! smoke. I Let John K. Patterson and ! i Company check up on your | i insurance today. We will go oves your property thor- ! j oughly and make sure that j you are propely protected. ! j Jno. K. Patterson & Company “Coaatilt Your Agent m You Would O i | Y«ht Doctor «r Uwyir" X 2 Tkg CONCORD &AILY T&iBUNI Death of Delia May Arant. I Della May Arrant, daughter of Mr. i and Mrs. R. P. Arant, died yesterday at the hpme of her parents in No. 2 township. Death was caused by diph theria. The child died on her second birth day anniversary, she having been born October J, 1022. in this county. She be * came ill on Monday of this week. , Funeral services will be held at the home tomorrow morning at 0 o’clock oon- THE PUREST DRUGS * One of the first and most im portant things in filling a prescrip tion is the quality of the Drugs. We insist upon first quality all the time. Our Drugs come from the most reliable sources, and we know they are chemically pure before using them. Cabarrus Drug Co. 1 i'' •- . ‘ ) PHONE 85 HUNT’S GUARANTEED \ SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES yfa T fjy (Hunt** Salve and Bpap), fail in I II Jj the treatment of Itch, Eczema, V^ 1 £/} Ringworm, Tetter or other itch ing «hin diseases. Try this treatment at our risk. i • ECZEHAf* if HUNTS. GUARANTEED SKIN DIBBABB REMEDIES s>l (Hunt’aSolve and 9oop),fail in I Bfiyi}] the treatment of Itch, Bctcma, TtUy f II Ringworm,Tctt«rorotherltcb- f JM /* / 1 in* akin diseases Try this * * —• * * treatment ad our risk. 1 PKARL DRUG COMPANY t “Oq the Square” —„ a.-' f lllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllli TRADE SOUTHERN COAL « COKE CO. CiNa O. Dixie Gem COAL Free burning, clinkerless, no Uttle ash, holds fire over night. < i THE PERFECT COAL! K. L. Craven & Sons Yards Kerr Street PHONE 74 iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiniiHiiniHiiiiHinnHiiiii CONTEST IS OVER B The official count of bristle* in the j 8 Ever-ready Jumbo Shaving Brush r 69,891 O The nearest guess was 70,012, Q made by Mr. J. G. Hudson, R. F. fi D. 6, Concord, 1 Clines Pharmacy ducted b.v Rev, R. G. Short. Inter ment will be made in Greenlawn ceme tery. v Mr. Farmer: Just received: Shipments of Seed Oats, Feed Oats, Millfeed at a Good Price. Flour also cheap. I do my work, no deliv ery, so can sell you cheaper. H. B. TROUTMAN Barbrick Street MILL FEED! Yes, we have it, 17 per cent. Protein Wheat Shorts. We are also headquarters for Spartan Dairy Feed, the best Milk Producer on the market. Spartan Laying Mash for hens. Fed by the leading poul trymen of the country. CABARRUS CASH GROCERY CO. Phone 571 W ■- . fti GENUINE CABARRUS COUNTY SORGHUM •i S' • ‘ i And Finest North Carolina Comb - Honey. First barrel of that delicious home-made Sorghum, made in Eastern Cabarrus. •, - . We can supply you aj little while only from this short crop. Fresh Tender, White Comb Honey. It can’t be excelled. Let us have your vessel. Phone us. We deliver quick everywhere. Cline & Moose If ' - f Beechnut Peanut Butter, 3 1-2' ' oz. Jar 12c Beechnut Peanut Butter, 6 1-4 oz. Jar 20c Beechnut Peanut Butter, 10 It 2 , oz. Jar 33c Beechnut Peanut Butter, i lb. Jar 47c Duke’s Home Made Relish, 3 1-2 oz. Jar • 17c Duke’s Home Made Relish, 7 1-2 oz. Jar 30c Duke’s Home-Made Relish, 15 oz. Jar ___ 56c Duke’s Home-Made Mayonnaise, 3 1-2 oz. Jar 17c PIGGLY WIGGLY For Beat Prices I 3 ■ f ** i > v*'; M f REMEMBER! None is too young to guard her beauty— None is too old to hold fast to beauty— and None is too late to build up her j beauty. * / 1 Use Mel-Bro Lotion Sold at All Drug Stores j Where Quality \ Counts Most The Store at Your Ij Door T7\ A JSome like it hot! * §1 Some like it cold! this be a topsy-turvy world if all men liked the same cars-—the same hon.es—the same games—the same ‘rls? a We have customers who a £ S barrel of kick out of wear’ng the S big bottom trousers—and we , . have customers who wo .Id rath er go around in a barrel than wear them r. H, JJ.IX h ; !- • M i So here’s What we’ say to you— In our Fall suit stocks we have them as wide as you’ll wear ; them and as narrow as yotit like; them. At Browns your legs are your own. (X All we ask is that you let'them bring you in to look them I over. _ • | Fine Fall Suits, the best makers in This Country; $25 to SSO | Browns - Cannon Co. j YOU’LL LOOK BEST—IF WE SUIT YOU jf to °0t>0 0 c00000fffr000cxy>00000000000000000ooj You Can Get Hot Rolls Now at the | CAROLINA CAFE From 4 to 7 O’clock i R a Ji e h nt tek n n the R etail Line of the Concord ; Bakery. Cakes, Bread, Rolls. j TAKE DINNER WITH US TOMORROW CAROLINA CAFE —— nr-f t HI.M trl J,.n, rl,!IH4 . i NEW FALL OXFORD “? w fal * m * de over the wide young man’s last in light grain leather fitted with goo# quality rubber heel. It is made of the best material throughout. Att widths, *m an TO a,. - an sizes Jp/.OU $lO IVEY’S “THEY WEAR LONGER” “Meet Your Friends at Our Store!” “Meat Your Family From Our Store” °”. fnU Une of staple and fancy groceries, we can supply you with anything you need in fresh and cured meats. y. e hand] f «nly native cattle and hogs; our meats are always sweet and juicy and are far superior to frozen meats, which whed thawed : out lose the juices which make flavor in meats. ’ Give us a trial and be convinced. C H. BARRIER & CO. *lO-81* W. Depot Street CONCORD, N. C. ■ * J v m4mtric* : t foremost fine candy If A, | Perhaps the most popular pack- M i g| age ever put up by Huyler’s. g 1 Almonds Jordan Almonds j| ' L Autrttd Chocolates ft j PEARL DRUG CO. >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXinnnnniirvionrvwi ftffP Ac>» fnTfr)m rr- DELCO LIGHT I light Plant*, Water Systems and Washing Machines j Twenty-five different sizes of light plants. 8 No. 866, the popular size delivered installed and house I wired for ten lights for $671.50. 1 Five per cent discount for cash on instilled contracts. I Three dollars extra for each light over the ten liirhta* B above specified. 5 R.H. OWEN, Agent M Phone