r Thursday, October 2, 1924 ||r . \» ;f L Special Announcement 1 v v'K / ■ . i \ - I We have become connected with the famous Markson I Chain of shoe stores. The large buying power of these as [ sociated stores has enabled us to reduce our selling price 1 fromone to two dollars each pair ol shoes. - The general manager of the Markson Cham hafc just ; finished going through our entire stock and has marked the shoes at Unheard of Prices. ! ' r * - ' - - Z' If you want Quality Footwear at Low Price we invite you to call. L.v| .. . . ' > SI.OO to $2.00 Saved on every pair you buy Mr. G. A. Moser, formerly of Pounds & Moser Shoe Store, who is wqfl known to most of you, has been ap pointed manager of our-store in Concord, and will have full charge. He extends to you all a cordial invitation to call in and see the New Styles and new Low Prices. Parker’s Shoe Store _ Member MARKSON CHAIN SPORTS ■m ■;'.S|jgjP)ie locals are leaving this afternoon Gastonia where they take on Coach charges in what promises to grin l of the most spirited frays of the gfeon. year, it will be remembered. the tSHprcord team lost by a small score to ' l -jjme Gastonia boys. At that there was Smr question as to the fairness of the as the grounds were short jn IHlc place thereby interfering with the sßurk "of Concord. 4 The game was pro- but in vain. W This year gives promise of being an ®thcr close game with the locals hoping fto drag down the large end of the score, gfhe rain, however, has interfered with here but the same is true in ■ip’Gastonia. Concord was just a little .£,Hl()\t in getting started wlileh may give Ira’Gastcma an advantage.. • The Highs here are. notwithstanding, M optomistic because of the reeetit return ■of Bub Sullivan, Bub had decided not ft to go out for football tills Season but *to prepare hihiself for college. The ® call of the pigskin was too much Two days ago he presented himself for prap-T This niay not be sueh a help to Con cord after all since Bub has bad but two days in which to familiarize himself with the signals and with the new sys tem wbiehl Coaches Moore and Fanning have instituted this year. If Bub does learn the signals there' is little doubt that he will be an immense assistance to the boys. There are very few fullbacks in the game among high schools who can buck a line like Bub can. ( The entire team lias beep showing up well. S*'P the Kannapolis game' a number of kinks have been worked out of the players. The line this year is sxtrxKSiw,': good game should be staged in Gas tonia for the benefit of fans who can The schedule for the season is as fol lows: Gastonia at Gastonia-October 2nd, Htftte series. Sti*® Couftfe Preparing for Pwn w4w, Baleigh, Oct. 2.—With the Trinity sa«e a matter of history, tee N. C. I rtfy when telVo^cT^aterth^Uir l c,‘'.-'Si?-.'-/* .'V , ■j&'-J- : 'X. of the Nittany Lion in the rugged ■fastness of central Pennsylvania. The opening game with v Howard Jones’ Blue Devils, played under weath er conditions ideal for but wholly unsuitable for football pluyeiti, brought to light many of the weaknesses of the Tech squad and at the same time dis closed much of its potential strength. To bolster up the weak spots will be the chief aim of the coaches during the week. To this end it is expected tliat steps will be taken to speed up the attack, which at times oit Saturday, especially during the first half, showed signs of lagging. Neither Sprague, nor Jonnette, who alternated at quarterback, sent the team into. action with the spued es sentia! to a well-sustained offense. It whs the first game of thb sensbn. it is triie, and naturally, the team-work was not up to the standard which should be exhibited later iii the fall. This d6es not alter the fact, however, that time and time ugain, with a drive started, the team was forced to relax while, the quarterbacks puzzled out the next play. Trinity brought a baffling shift to Kiddick Field and during tile early stngcs of Hie game the Maroon forwards experienced a. little difficulty in break ing lip the manouvre, wliiyh was well ‘Conceived and smartly executed. Dur-J lug the second half the line diagnosed! the, attack ranch better and succeeded! in stopping the'Methodist advance. No alibis are offered for the poor showing of the team during the first two periods. During this part of the game the fast Trinity aggregation clearly out played the Pack, and although the Blue; Devils never seriously threatened, they gained a lot of ground and kept State' largely on the defensive. Colby Denounces Fjjft ami His Asso ciates. Philadelphia Record. < ■ Kvei’ett Colby, one of the leaders in Xew< Jemey’s "New Idea” moveinenl. which was the forerunner 1 of the insur geuey in that Stale which elected Wood row Wilson to the Governorship in 11)10, is a, ReiKiHican who abandons his Kgo to the support! of John W. isgusted with the failure of the ails to keep tlieir party pledge . Mr. Oqlby denounces (he policy of hostility to the League >ps, and he comments , thus vigorously on the group in Washington who have been advertising their own negative virtues. “I verily believe that Secretary Fall dud his. little band of acquisitive as sociate* could bave stolen the Capitol, j the White House hud Hre Washingten Attracting Attemlance at Cluirchcs. I’hilitdelphia Record. John Frase.r tells in The New .York Hcrald-Ti'ihmu (hat pnstorg ami con gregations Os the great metropolis Imve come Jt) the conclusion that advertising in tlie dally newspapers in ntecdsary to attract the apathetic and indifferent to the services of the church. In connec tion with tlio subject he quotes E. P. BeebC. an native churchman, who writes in the current issue of a denominational weekly. The sticcoptful elnirch today is the one where the Gcspel is preached and that, fact is made known to the com munity either by word of mouth or by printed word. The chugf’h is engaged in the great est of all businesses. but its publicity is in* its infinit y. Every church, whether on the avenue of a great city or on the main street of u small town, should have its own representative, a man or woman, who will report briefly for the local iwipers the high spots of tlje ser mon, keep the public informed as to next Sunday's topics, feature tile music, touch on the Sunday school work, keep the paster constantly in the. public eye and broadcast a welcome tp the public. Wherever those methods have been adopted, the results have been gratify ing. In one ehureh, the attendance has | been Turge’y increased, and a new orgap ; Installed. Another church shows a mem bership gain of 4t) per cent, in a year. The third, a church that was ready to give up, has increased its membership giid has been obliged, to build an addi , tion to take care of it* ne.fple. In a ' fourth, $15,000 was ■ raised for a new Ohurch building. In 11)01! the sailing ship "Eelijiae," on a voyage from Engihnd to Slin Francls eo, was stViiek by a | meteor, which crashed through the deck ahd through tlie whole fabric of tire vessel, making 1 a hole through which the water poured. . After four days at the pumpe, the crew - wits fofeed to abandon the ship and take o the boats, eventually teaching j 1 HouoluHi. i . What is said to be a record yield of f strawberries for Pennsylvania,- has been ► reported from SeliuyUßJl Qouuty where 1 Elsie Arts, a thlrteen-yeut-old girl 1 theijnber of a istyiiwben'y.growing club, 1 rttlsed 812 quart* Os berries on ode -1 twentieth of. an acre. This is the 1 equivalent of more than sixteen thou. I sand quarts ,pn acre. Although Bheldon McLaughlin is only • thirty-one" years old, he has received i from the Canadian department of u»I --’ itia and defense a medal for long and : meritorious service, for he has been a • cn n&xrS' «;.r- THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE TO* South Dakota boy set the woods on tire. Almost as rtteh aa candi dates who burn their bridges before them. They caught a pearl thief in Porte. He thought the world was his oyster, but it wasir’t. Finding pearls In oysters isn’t » bit more difficult than finding oyster* In case oyster stew. Hen’s teeth grow more scarce. Chicago dentists in session find more women wearing false teeth. That’s one punishment Os a gos sip. She we&rs otrt her teeth chck- Ing them together. Life in the open is good for one. but don’t keep your teeth out in the open all the time. Main building Os the New York’ police recreation camp burned, be cause cops failed to catch the Bra In lime. What will you do with your old straw lid? CJUt in pieces, roll in Hour add fry- » Ho# about the sumuter under wear? Saak it in ink this Winter and uSs it for a bathing autt next 1 summer. * Almost time to get all cleaned up for the winter so you can put coal j. in the bath tub. ~ " Anniston Star, in AUbamaT'calis bootleggers "Uquorltes,’’ but tbdV j are more often “Uquorongs." ! A man’s rights to drink, boose are ! I fast becoming hte funeral rites. <Copyright. U|4. NBA Ssreios. toe.> | Hotlees, barefooted, wearihg pajamas with a broad yfetl stripe, and carrying under his , arm a pores! resembling iu; banjo, u laaii tis Brighten. England, was] discovered to have walked in his sleep to a vfliuge live miles distant. Priuz August Wißieltu, son of the former German Kaiser, fields a clerical position in a Berlin bank and doily rides to and foosp work ig a second class T'ail#a> costh. 50-54 South Union Street Concord, N. C. New Silk Frocks for Fall Are Smartly Styled but Low Priced Besses are sure to meet with ypuV approval! rj rem the rtyjes and jjjnji Tt, u- ’ . q , Uantity bu3rin £ P° wer makes such herei & \\ Dimming ° red F °r newest and best styles. nrtgnt cotoia. All are m the season’s *£23**. $14.75 »*£&_ ANDERSON SPORT SEIRAN fflj '%■? , . > ..Ik c The lf>i-, AndcraM. Sport Sedan exhibited at the Carolinas Exposition in Charlotte is attractrtfg considerable interest. Distinctive lines and beautiful interior appointments are characteristic o) Sedan** 011 ** Wach ' bU ‘ dIDS - Tlw üb - ovc is tbt ' latest of the Company's Sport MR. JENKINS DENIES HE IS tiITETY OF CHARGES Fortner Banker Says Money Paid By Rov. Mr. Furr Was Handled Properly. Charlotte. Oct. 1. — \Y. ],- Jenkins, president of the defunct Security Sav ings bank, of this city, indicted yester day on charges of embezzlement and false pretense for alleged criminal actions in connection with his bank be fore it was closed in July, today denied he was guilty. "1 did not receive a cent ot this money,’ 1 Mr. Jenkins declared. His statement follows: "On December 21, 1023, the Security Savings bank sold a dote of $2,000, secured by a deed of trust, W. D. Jen kins, trustee, to the Page Trust eom FIRE SALE Beginning tomorrow FRIDAY MORNING we offer our * entire stock of damaged goods consisting of Toilet Arti cles, Ivory Goods, Stationary, Fountain Pens, Bridge Sets, Congress Cards, Tally Cards, Candy, Safety Razors, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Patent Medicines and all drugs at a GREAT SACRIFICE. ' Many of these GOODS ARE ONLY SLIGHTLY DAMAGED and every customer why buys will get a BA RGAIN. Now is the time tomake- your Christmas purch ases in our line. #.• ' i Porter Drug Go. pan.v. of Aberdeen, which beurs the bank's indorsement. On March ti Mr. Furr presented his cheek for $2,000 payable to him whieli he- hud secured on a loan from a building and loan as sociation, and lie requested that 1 credit this amount on bis note. I stated to him that we lmd sold the note to the Pago Trust company and could not make the credit until the Page Trust company scut, in the note to the Se curity Savings bank, which we expected on the 12th or 15th of the month, as the note was duo on March 23, and that as soon as the note came in I would make Hie proper credit on same, at which time the Security Savings Bank would make him a loau to take-up the remaining SSOO and approximately SO6 accrued interest. PAGE FIVE “'I then gave a receipt for his $2,000, wh'ifcH he was to Hold un til the original note was sent in for col lection. I then handed Mr. Furr’s check Jor $2,000 which ho had obtained from the building and loan association to H. D. Evans, our cashier, and requested him to give me a cashier’s check tor the same amount and attached a memoran dum to the cashier's cheek indicating when the note was due and how it was to be applied on the note as partial pay ment. i j1 MS “The cheqjt from Mr. Furr from the building and loan association was put in with the bank's funds and deposited with our local corespondent bank and went into the general; funds of the bank. “This cashier's check, payable to IV. Ij. Jenkins, trustee, was held in our vault pending the arrival of the note. Ivliirli was never presented by the Page TV list company for ggllectjflti*ihid was therefore in the vault of the bank when it, was closed by the bank examiner. This check was indorsed to the Page Trust company and was turned over to them and is now carried on the books of the bank as a deposit due just as any other d( posit now owed by the Security Savings bank. > “I did not receive u penny of this money. The bank is responsible for the debt instead of me. which fact ean be proven by our records-” Mine, dc Witt Sehlmnberger, presi dent of the French I'uioiK for Woman Suffrage, is the mother of six children, to the education of whom she conse crated her entire time before entering public life.

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