PAGE EIGHT That Auto of Ramsay’s i' «-nJR. t I ft mBQk Mk Hr jHHHHHI ’*‘ 1 wfe • -v- xx mp\ This is the first picture of Kanisoy Mod Umald's Id" limousine that's 1,,-ou causißß all the- rumpus over in Croat Lirilaiu it i*< ehar-tod that Sir A. Ora in is .1 ‘fraying nil expenses fur it. 11, rv the prumiur is so, a. stand llig uos|dc 1 1 just hfforo start ine out ~u u speaking tour. 9 KANNAPOLIS © 9 DEPARTMENT & 99999999999 Kannapolis. Oct. I.—Miss Lorene Thompson, of Wood leaf, will speud the winter with her aunt. Mrs. W. (\ Gra ham. c ,A. E, Tillman, who has spent the with relatives in North Oaro- returned to Georgia Monday. Jaiiss Hilda Swindell has accepted a position with l*arks-Be!k and I’omimn.v. Miss Norirta Scarboro entertained Miss Eva Goble at supper Monday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. V. Elliott and family, of Concord. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. It. E. (ioble. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. E. I>ennis returned from HTvierteld, W. Va.. Saturday night, Dennis has accepted a position as Fwsistant manager of Efird's Department '■ ' Miss Sallie Koehler and Lawrence Leonard were the guests of Miss Eva Goble Sunday. ( The Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. | funds for the extension of mains, building im provements and general expansion work. Therefore 1 AN OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED The citizens of Concord to participate in the profits of the I Southern Gas and Power Corporation (which owns and operates the Concord & Kannapolis Gas Company) | by subscribing to a limited amount of its 7 PER CENT. CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK with dividends payable on Jan. l,Mar. 1, July 1 and Oct. 1 Subscriptions may be made for cash or on very liberal par tional payments, to be paid with your gas bill. ' This issue has been authorized for sale in North Carolina by the State Insurance Commissioner. Subscriptions will be received by I The Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co., or I Cabarrus Savings Bank Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Concord National Bank 1 Or Any Employee of the Gas Company S § . ~ . i, i jL ;s . t . | A Quarterly Dividend of one and three quartars per cent pet* share) lon the Preferred Stock of the Corporation nas been declared,,pay able Octo | ber first to stockholders of record September 25th, 1924. I A. C. Dock man left Monday for Win ston-Salem. where he is spending the I Aveek. In spite of the inclement weather the by the pastor. Kev. Mr. Moser, of Trin ity Methodist Church. is being well at tended. Fine sermons are being deliv ered and the pastor and congregation feel that much good is being accom plished. Kev. (\ K. Turner, pastor of the First Baptist Church, has been reg ular in attendance and leader of the singing. Members of various churches of the city are taking part. The meet ing will continue until Sunday. A series of revival meetings will be gin at the First Baptist Church Sun day. October ;"ith. Miss Kuby Nauce has resigned her po sition with the Charlotte Flint Com i puny and will spend several weeks with | home folks. j Mrs. Archie Keary and children have ! returned froifi China Grove where they I have been visiting Mrs. Keary’s mother. | Miss Geneva Graeber has accepted a position as stenographer with the Frick • Machine Conijmny in Charlotte. > Born. September 2Ntli. a son to Mr. HUE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Entertains the Neighborhood z__r PWPPfw-. If you think you have nimble joints, just try these stunts. Olga Duewell* SL of Salina, Kas., decided she would ti*v some of the acts she su\v in a circus. She found the stunts were easy for her and now each evening she gives an exhibition on the lawn of her horns and never hicks for spectators. and Mrs. Bayne, on MaSle Street. 11 art; Id Aycock. who has been making ! music with an orchestra in Florida, has I returned to Kannapolis. Miss Keid, of Kidge Avenue, ; ay as the guest of Miss Mary Connell at I Wingate College, at Wingate Sunday. i Miss Nell Sherrill", who recently under-j went ail operation for appendicitis in ! Charlotte, is improving and returned { licane Thursday. Mrs. John Kutledge. wju* Ims been i!l | for some time, has returned' from Phil- j adelphia. aud is improving. Miss Mary Wampler left Sunday for; Chicago to resume her post graduate’ course in nursing. Miss Wampler is > expecting to finish in January. Mrs. C. I*. Moose, formerly of Fisher's. ( Jins accepted a position with Efird's De-; pa runout Store. The following have J also accepted work as clerks: E. G. j C oke. Mrs. Little. Miss Kryce j Mis. Linker and Miss Virginia \ iola. of Concord, and Miss Milky Graeber. of. Concord, as •cashier, and Miss Midlie j Brown as milliner. Misses Margaret ] Fisher, Mable Gilliam. Mrs. M. F. Sos samon. Mrs. Kin Huger and Winifred Montgomery. George Brown and Millard j Stonestreet. of Kannapolis. Miss Beatrice Keid. Bearle James and Odea and Carr James, of Stokes county. ; were tin 1 guests of Miss Until Sherrill j and* Koselyn Keid Sunday. 1 | I‘mil Owousby ha* accepted a position |at tile Stonewall Jackson Trainging I School as a music teacher. j Military traditions in China provide for •oisiwusion of hostilities when the i weather becomes bad. ' A terrific raln | storm, which continued several flours. ! recently halted fighting between the jChe-Kiang and Kiang-Su armin', west jof Shanghai. j Persians believe that on a certain ; charmed day—a secret which but few ; have ever discovered—the rose lias a | heart of gold. This Will Astonish Concord People I The QI’IUK action of simple camphor, i hydrastis, witch hazel, etc., qs mixed in Lavoptik eye wash, will surprise Con- I cord people. One man was helped ini ! mediately, after suffering with sore and rod tyes for 15 years. An elderly lady reports latvoptik strengthened her eyes iso she can iioav read. One sma.l bot | tie usually helps ANY EASE weak, strained or inflamed eyes. Aluminum ; eye cup FKEE . IVarl Drug Company. : Sold in Kannapolis by F. L. Smith Drug 1 Company. ’ • f* 5] |Hp. ■ ;•. i \-_ ■■ ** SIMONE PE LA CHALME , j (HIS voung lady of France, Mil*'. I Simone de la Chaume, has flashed across the golf heavens as did Suzanne Lenglen in tennis a few rears ago. She showed well in the French open ladies’ golf cham pionship at the age of 14. and has been winning ever since. MOSES HOLSHOL’SEH HI'RT BY EXPLOSION Rowan Man May Lose Arms As Result of Accident at (told Hill.—Other Sal isbury News. Salisbury. Sept. 30.—Mokcs L. llols liouser. of Hold Hjl). is in the Salisbury Hospital suffering from several wounds and bruises caused by the unexpected ex plosion of dynamite at a gold mine at Hold Hill where be was employed. Both arms are badly torn anil may have to be amputated, His face was badly cut and it was thought both eyes were out but he can see a little now and the sight may be saved. The "Made-in-ltowan" exposition that was to be field October 20 to 25 has been postpone*! to December 10 to 13 in order that the Lyon tabernacle may be used. The meeting will have closed by this late date and flic taber nacle furnishes a larger place for the holding of the exposition. Governor Morrison has reduced to eight month* the sixteen months sentence of Hoy Cuub'.e who is on the Rowan toads following conviction of running a bawdy house in Salisbury. About five mcntli* of j-he sentence bus been served. The governor gives as reasons for com mutation that the prisoner suffered finan cial loss by tlie closing of tile hotel of which lie was manager, and that others indicted have escaped punishment. How to Live Long and Enjoy Life. By H. H. LAYBIRN Live out of doors us much as you can, Never have your house warmer than 70 degrees. Be temperate iu all things. Do noth ing to excess. Be companionable with yourself as weil as others. Drink lots of pure cold water; it is tile king of drinks. Do not be over serious. Have a scuse i f humor. 1 .augh heartily at least once a clay. Best when it js necessary; this is the dynamo that will help to recharge The human tiiaehine. * Have pure thoughts and clean lan guage. Never say anything that is not Worth telling your mother. 'Lead a regular life. Retire at tile same time every night jpst as you , eat at tlie same time each day. Get ■ plenty of sleep— at least eight hours. Sleep warm, but not under a great weight -its it is harmful. Keep clean. Look pleasant. Smile often. Think nobly. Banish fear. Be honest. Stand erect. 'Be neat. l’ut money in some savings institu tion regularly. Os course, be generous, but remember to be just before you are generous. Be good ; and that-tueuns. be Godly— for God is gojpd. Be on speaking .terms with the f'rcater. Make Him jour friend. . . ~V • ’ , ’ Have a hobby. Play keep* you yuung and noble. Be cheerful. Do not worry. It is a joy to live dnd each individual should get' the most out of life. Take exercise so as to keep your blood moving. Walking is a good healthy, en joyable exercise. Some ©He has said, “Exercise: fast; take medicide, or—be sick." S . . Bathe each day. A hot. bath at lpast once a week and a eojtl or tepid one each day. __ But make the bath brief and snappy—-time is valuable. Keep your feet dry and your head Cool. Breathe in lads of fresh air. I)o not ?ver eat. A little food Vn-lj elitwed is bet ter than p grept „ nWoput wallowed without eMjtfttftt«gfcp«rly. ■-■ Guatemala -rabies in attitude all the way from sew level ,*** . about lfJßOil feet, or a s h\gh iija teak, lifßt ail average «tvafh»h ’nf pawbifhly sSoj|fr feet. The tetttppimMu* Wi<*( : ffom 85, with eopl phtlßsalfi the yiar round' in tlie j A- i Very little' silk ik produced J anywhere in tlj'e British Ennjjsk. . with; the . highest record, V«comjts “ fpj iouly Wo I per cent of th>♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦*! HOW GREAT MEN; MAKE LOVE ; AS revealed BY THEIR I I Lv>VE | LETTERS J [ »/JOSEPH KAYE *: 'j j ((£ Ly Wta«eler Syndicate. Inc.) JOHN C. CALHOUN AND FLORIDE CQLHOUN «»T REJOICE, my dearest Florlde," wrote Calhoun, the fatuous American statesman, to Florlde Col houn, a relative with whom he fell In love, “that the .period is fnst ap proaching when it will be no longer necessary to address you through the cold medium of a-letfer. At furthest It cannot lie much longer than a month before I shall behold the object of my hopes and desire?. . . .” "My dearest one, ray' own love strengthens with each returning day; may it ripen and mellow with Our years and may It end In immortal joys. It gives me much satisfaction that time and absence make no Im pression on my love for yon. When mere personal charms attract the im pression may be violent but can’t be lasting and requires the perpetual presence of the object to keep It alive; but when the beauty of mind, the" soft and sweet disposition, the amiable and lovable character embel lished with innocence and cheerful ness are united to the attraction of 1 personal beauty “it bids defiance to time. Such, my dear Floride, are the arms by which you have con quered. . . .” Floride, like tier tinihe, was a beau tiful girl and ten years younger than Calhoun. But in spite of this dis crepancy in years it was a love match. Perhaps tliis was due in a measure to tlie statesman's fascinating love letters. Calhoun, like many other political lenders, found that one of the tilings statecraft teaches is the way to j, woman's heart. Imitation pearls are being made in America from fish scales. Noah designed the ark as insurance against flood. Our new policy is more up-to-date. It pays for loss. Investigate. CoutbemHpme ranceflfmpan/’ 5 CAROLINA INSURANCE]. 2 FOR CAROLINA PEOPLE) Margie McEachern • AGENT Phone 396 Concord, N. C. MY DAUGHTER • WOULD COY IT EVERYTHING Nervous and Irritable. By Taking Lydia E. Pmkham’s Vegetable Com .pound Became Entirely Normal I Clinton, Wisconsin.—“My daughter was in a very run-down condition, and fiiiililmninir a8 H irritable ’ 80(1 little thing she was 11 jPinkham’s Yegeta lli was a girl 1 ? ave j|| m to her to build her \_ 2" ; could wish for. I. m i.y I -,1 wish that every mother with growing girls would try it for these troubles girls often have. I had taken it myself before my girl was bom, and she was one of the nicest babies any one could wish to have. I recommend the Vegetable Compound to women and gl'iia and cannot praise it too highly.” Mts. I. A. Kolford, Box 48, Clinton, Wisconsin. Mothers can depend upon Lydia JE. Piakham’s'A'ogetaWeCompound tor*-* lieve their daughters of those troubles they so often have. They know from experience the value of the Vegetable Compound in the treatment of these complaints and many, like Mrs.Holford, give it to their daughters. ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP BY THIS SULPHUR L— ,„, ~ j. ■ T Any totfkinf out of the skin, .van fiery, itphiqg eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a ligje MgMlto* Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist’ fieeaosemf 4ts germ destroying'prober., tiesc tW* sulphur preparation' instantly krmgE tue f ram skin' irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right. >tipt and clear and smooth^ ! Mentho-Sulphur from any good drug- 1 I gist a«4 >t like • cola cream.- ' TK u rs'day, Oc toße r 2, 1024 Have You Appendicitis And Don’t Know It? Much so-called stomach trouble is reaHy chronic appendicitis. T&is can often be relieved by simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Ad lerikn. Most medicines act qtily on lower bowel but Adlerika acta on BOTH upper and lower bowel, and remove* all ' gasses and poison*. Brings out mat ter you never thought waft in y&ur ays- v tern. Excellent for obstinate cottstlpa tiou. Pehrl Drug Company. Sold in Kannapolis by F. L. Smith Dryg Com pany. S Destroys Malarial Germs in the Blood and Restores Energy Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic y 60c. |i]|A l