PAGE EIGHT ERESBYTERiIxS WILL MEET , NEXT TBAR IN NOOMCSYILLE 1 .. Cabarrus Is Restored—Synod's Commit- < too M ill Confer on Question of Teach ing the Bible in Pnbiie Schools. Washington. Oct /1«.— The devotional ! exercises this morning of 4he synod of 1 North Carolina were conducted by Kev. E.. R. Caldwell.' of Graham, and like : BeV. E- H. Henderlite. yesterday, his talk was a real sermon, spiritual ami soul t moving, this theme being the infinite and exulting love of God. Dr. A. I). P. Gilinour, in his report j pn - Union Theological Seminary, urged J the need of a larger faculty and an in creased endowment fund ami library to meet the eeds of the rapidly growing stu dent body. They should have 100 more scholarships at SI.OOO eaph. lie said. The report on the Montveat associa tion and its normal school was present ed by I>r. I. 8. McEh-oy. On motion of Rev. R. A. White, an overture was sent up to the'general as sembly requesting that body to rescind its action making the church year begin January Ist. instead of April Ist. for the reason that this proposition had not been sent down to the Presbyteries for their consideration. * While a’large proportion of the synod probably favors the change of the church year to conform to the calendar year, and malting the every member canvass in November instead of March, they feel, tljat it is too radical a change, involv-1 iijg changing the times of the meetings j of air the church courts, to make with-j ost first consulting the Presbyteries. •The North Carolina assembly grounds; for religious workers at Montreat was j ■warmly commended as an excellent and j cheap vacation resort for home mission- i nries and other church workers of mod- 1 crate means. The synod resolved to ap-: proprriate a small portion of it* Uenevo- j lent fumis for the upkeep of the homes. | nhd endorsed the efforts of the board of trustes to raise $33,000 to enlarge tjie present lftiilding or erect a new one. and commended this work to the church. 1 l-fnndav schools andVmeiqjw’i*.. Bible In Scbwte. I The following resolutions, presented; by l>r. \V. Mr-White, of Raleigh, was. adopted by a rousing vote: “That synod instructs its committee to confer on the question of Bible teach ing in State sphotds, hut n t, to enter into any agreement or plan whereby the 1110 <-ipntroi of Bible teaching in State insti-j liions may be loged in other than church bands.” Dr. C. M. Richards, for the commit-! ■*>'' -f ' • . "i > .-ii t I » ___ ■ . ' ' ' Running away with itl 4 T THEN the "favoritof* really breaking pace ever since—gaining W hits hie stride, it’s all over more and more smokers every day. but the shouting. And in a race Chesterfield has won its present lor sales it’s the same story. * position because men know by its Months ago, Chesterfield hit its taste that here h clean-cut super stride. And it has set a record- iority of tobaccos and blend. / T-— ——— tee on schools aud colleges, urged that the churches make November 1-8 pay-up week for collecting the balance of $20,- 000 due on the million dollar fund, aud that pastors, sessions and deacons make every reasonable effort to wind up this business, and synod after a warm dis cussion adopted this action. In the afternoon and evening session a mass of missionary business was rushed .through. Cabarrus county, which in the changes of presbyterial boundary lines last year bad been transferred to Meck lenburg, was restored to Concord Presby tery. The membership is transferred l I immediately, the present financial ar rangements to continue to the end of this curch year. Dr. A. R. White, of Mooresville. in a speech replete ill humor, extended a cordial invitation to the synod to meet next year in his church. • Mr. Turling ton, the elder of the Mooresville church, seconded the request, and told of their; fine new church and other accommoda tions. > Thc invitation was accepted with n rising vote. Orphans’ Home Report. The report' making the deepest inter est to tlie members was that of the re gents of the' orphans' home at Barium ] Springs. The past year shows the larg- j ml number of children ever received.j 137. making 218 in two years. These comes from all over the state, in about i equal proportion. Forty-five children j have joined the church in the last njoutli. j I though little Joe’s church has been with-; lout a pastor since April—Rev. IV. C. j I Brown comes as pastor November Ist. j I In order to give the children a prac ! tical busiuess training for life they op-j : crate a small store and several barber j slioirS, and have other ways of making | money. They must buy their own foot balls, baseballs, bathing -suits, ets. ! . I OLD RESIDENT NEAR DEATH - 1 ,“J had upt eaten food for 10 days and j was slowly starving to death. (liven up by five doctors. I tried a bottle of jMsyr's Wonderful Remedy, which gave | relief at once. I tun 73 years, old and ; would have diet! but for your wonderful I medicine. The jaundice is all gone and ! r*t’in gaining appetite aud strength ev i pry day." It- is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and al lays the liiiHaiuinatioii which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and intestinal j ailments, including appendicitis. One 1 j dose will convince or money refunded, j (111. son Drug Store aud druggists every -inhere. ™ ! GJTOTEjf'nSE 'ok *3oot Dr. T. A. Smith. Submitting to Viola tion of Anti-Narcotic Law, Will Lane HR License. Charlotte, Oft. 15.—A. It Wingfield,-j tSO. prominent Charlotte insurance mau. died this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock atjf jyis home in Dilwwrth following ant ill- j ness of several weqks. Five weeks ago he | suffered au attack of paralysis from which he never rallied. Rev. W. A. Luts, since BJlti pustpr of 1 Holy Trinity Lutheran church, today announced his resignation to nicepr the pastorate of St. James Lutheran chmvli at Burns wick. Ga. Dr. T. A- Smith. Chartotte physician, was fined S3OO and the costs by Federal Judge E. • Yatps Webb in federal court ' here- after he had submitted h> a charge of violating the Harrison anti-narcotic I' 1 law. His license to practice niedicine also was ordered revoked. Fred Spend ley. young white mail, was given a senteuce of a year and a day in tlie federal prison at Atlanta for violftt *l ing 'the Harrison law and John Allen. 1 white, was given eight months in jail 1 1 on a similar charge. I OPENING DAY CITY FILLING STATION West Corbin Street Opposite Lutheran Parsonage ] SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18th why PAY MORE FOR GAS WHEN I Good Gulf Gasoline ij IS NOW SELLING AT / ! 16 Cents a Gallon > FREE FREE! FREE! One Gallon of Supreme Auto Oil With Every Five Gallons j of That Good Gulf Gasoline 5 CITY FILLING STATION B. A. BROOME, Manager * aOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOCOOvO : . ~.Y\ .V' '. 'il.. ' ' -3*^l I SLEEPS OKAVE Berlin Man Could X* Bear to Be SeganUed From Hqr. t J Bcrli.n,, Qct. 17.—A man who lives in |hi» wife's grave has been discovered by | the Boriin police. Ue lmd dug up hqr I coffin and every night be stole into the j cemetery and slept beside the eusjtet. In I the morning he removed traces of his presence and Went back to the city. The |K>lier say he is an actor of sons' popularity. but refuse to teli his name. He is said to perfectly sane, but his affection for Ills wife, who djed three years ago. was so great he could not : bear to ,b« partod from her. Pont amT Flag* 7 (Ttton Letter. New York, Oct. Hi.—Although -de mand halts on rallies and offerings in crease at such time* the market bus lulled Steadier and suggests that there is good foundation for the belief htat a very large quantity of contracts haw been taken out by the trade and that producers are* reluctant to sell on de clines and will fight against it. The ex tent of the decline is a matter of sur prise even to the bears themselves who , i— 1 ' *■ 1 ! without much* difficulty. According to ~>*pert opinions there has been a considerable accumulation Os interest on the short side while the drastic liquidation has resulted in nj* much improved technical position. Mhonld a storm reach the belt and he * followed by a cold snap sentiment would quickly reverse itaelf and find the mar- * ket ig excellent shape to pnake an'exteu- , slve nysponse to Increase demand from various source*. * Imports are running high and are well in excess of last year suggesting ' that, foreign consumers are losing no op-; portunity to secure desirable types at this level. The opinion ie expressed that on any decline thedemand frofn that rtonree would expand sharply. The extent of the recent advance sur-j jvrisd many who thought it prematUiU, and well ahead of developments but the j fail swings in either direction in these, markets can hardly be estimated m have' influenced many who formally i were willing to accept moderate \molts l to hold on in hope of very large returns. • ( The actual. tendency of the market ( lias yet to be determined and present ; fluctuations reflect nothing more than that temporarily one thing looks slight ly more probable than another in the sea of uncertainty. Cotton is now much more nearly ou a parity with ana j in suite of possible further setbacks on pressure from hedges the constructive side looks the best for a pull. ; POtfT AND FLAMS. larger Cotton Production \VW Greatly , Deflate fVi«». Chicago. Oct . 16.—Cotton growers j wi l act millions of dollars less for 1.1,- I (KHWttO hates thou they would have TV- j reived for t2.400.f106 bales, according to ( a statement made by former <4overknr i Frank O. I.ewden. of IHionis. in an ad- ] dress before the Inland Wally Press ns- , soeiatiou. He said that figures of Tim t department of agrieulture for the last | two months showetl that a five t>er cent H increase iu cotton production had cans- I til a 20 per cent decrease in prfc-e: 1 ilr. I.owden cited these figures in , arguing that the agrieultnrnl problem was not yet solveti. and that eoopera- , tive marketing was needed. j IStOKSmCMNWIDI U-u*y».7**g«:jf Holmes & Edwards Super Plate Is Different Every piece is heavily plated with pure silver and in addition thoSe moat, used have Solid Silver Inlaid under tlie" plate at the two rest* points to insure per manent satisfaction. We carry a complete line of this superior table silver iu the charming Century pattern and shall be pleased to call to see it. The Old Reliable W. C. Correlf Jewelry Company Hot . g Doughnuts Hot Rolls 4 to 7 O’clock CONCORD STEAM BAKERY ' * Phone 2W or 277 new lamp burns i 94 PER CENT. AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an umaz ingiy brilliant soft, white'light, dveu bet- WITH COD LiVKK tML Tablets .Cm Be Purrfmsed at Any Why should any old person let feebie reas overwhelm them in these enlightened dayg? Surely -everyone knows by this tii%p that Cod Liyer Oil contains more , vftamines than anything else on earth and te thegrwtest body builder in the world. Toh’fltikdro take McCoy's Cod Liver Oil* Tablets—they are sngar coatqd and CABARRUS COUNTY I Concord, JJ AID Concord, j n.c. riUii N.C. OCTOBER 21, 22, 23, 24,25 j Five A Six Five • - Big Comity Big Days Fair Nights Race program special days Tuesday, Oct 21st. .. Tuesday, Oct. 21st. 2:14 Trot-Purse s*K> fredS'rll^YV.v 2:12 Trot-Purse SI,OOO Wednesday, Sctober 22 Wednesday, Oct. 22nd ; 8:12 Pace—Purse SI,OOO. Mecklenburg County Day. , 2,10 Tro,-Purse $.,000,. Thursday, Oct. 23rd Cabarrus County Pay. t 2:1? Pace—Purse SI,OOO. Stanly County Day. 2*20 Trot—Purse SI,OOO Merchants and Manufactur- j Free F«r All—Purse SSOO. . ets ?ay. , | Annual Home Coming. i Friday, Oct. 24th First Annual'Dog Show. I 2 ;09 Pace—Purse SI,OOO. ' Friday, Oct. 24th 2:23 Trot—Purse SI,OOO . Rowan County Day. ■ Civic Clubs Day. ■» Saturday, Oct. 25th Saturday, October 25th 2:15 Pace—Purse SSOO. Sales Day. Consolation Purse SSOO. Fraternal Orders Day. FREE ACTS EACH AFTERNOON AND NIGHT The Dellameab Troupe Troop F. TOO Cavalry The Earl Sisters Eldridge Elephant C. T\'. Sells & Co. Costello’s Dogs a Florence fy, Go. / 'The Ferrisvheel Girls Wiscassett Band Joe Kiljoy & Co. Sterlingworth FirewOrks Races West & Co. „ N « ht —at — Prasram - 1:30 • • SHows""T Elaborate Fireworks Every Night! WE ALWAYS HAVE MORE THAN WE ADVERTISE SPLENDID FARMS FOR SALE 27 1-2 aerqs south of Concord, good four room house and out buildings.' 51 1-2 acres in 'No. 5 township, near public road. Good buildings. 78 acres near Bost Mill, good dwelling, barn and ontbnildings, $2200. 148 1-2 acres in two trtiets on Public Road 3 miles south of Gold Hill. 120 acres on Public Road near China Grove and Landis $7500. 175 acres, the Cotes mine in No. 7 township, on public road. 10$ acres Rogers farm, near Kannapolis. Suitable for building lots. Wfll sell as a whole or cut it to suit the purchaser. „ 08 acres two miles east -of Kannapolis with buildings and timber. 200 acres ou Highway two miles from Midland with splendid buildings.' ’ One of the best farms in the county, orchard,.meadow, timber. 520 acres on public road near Georgeville at real bargain. Will cut to To suit the purchaser. Terms easy. 70 acres on puihtic road 0 miles west of Man naiad is. good hnlMings, pas ture, timber, 8 acres fine bottom. Will exchange for city property. f 101 acres ou public road in No. 11 township 4 miles south of Concord. 108 acres vPPst of C'odk’s Crossing, gbod buildings, 2.0000,000 ft. saw timber, 2,000 c*jds ,of wood, 30 acres branch bottom, a real bargain. JOHN K. PATTERSON k CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS -- ■»- ■' - W .kM.rr.Mk—a ■ - THE OLD HOME TOWN - BY STANLEY Fri Hay, October 17, \W arefev to take M' lStMy andt they do help <3d people. ' Why not try being 10 years younger again—why not grow stronger in body, iu mind, in vitality? Why not take Mc- Coy’s Cod Liver Oil Tablets and drop 10 years from your age in-30 days? We mean this literally, of enuwe. We be lieve that a 30 days treatment will make you feel 10 years younger—but at any rate try them for 30 days and If you are not satisfied get your money back—oO tablets—6o cents at the Pearl Drug Com pany and Cline’s Pharmacy or any -pro gressive druggist. ■ Be - sure and get Mc- Coy'n—th.e original aad genulhe.