Thursday, October 1024 - v - t fiswjirJfDt --^ —by popular choice \T 7HETHER it’s the vital bush Everywhere men are changing ▼ V ness of electing a president, from other cigarettes to Chester- f or the casual one of selecting a field —convinced by taste of finer f cigarette, men naturally plkce quality. Taste is the real issue « , » their endorsement where they be- and it certainly looks like a land- oIICH POpUlaHiy lieve it is most deserved. slide for Chesterfield. JUttSt DC dCSCrVCd Chesterfield v x p:- >,.*• *tT millions! Copyright 1924, Liocett, ft Mybm Tobacco Co. Notre Dame’s Great Genius and Four Veteran Backs THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE TBAMI’LEn TO DEATH IN Mill |, liIKAT'HI PANIC One Killed and 20 Injured in Fire at Newcastle, Kentucky. Louisville. Ivy.. Oct. 20.—One person was trampled to death and 20 others were injured, five possibly fatally, ih a panic which followed discovery of fire in a moving picture theatre in Newcas tle. K.v.. tonight, says a special, dispatch to the Courier Journal. Many of the injured were suffering from only minor hurts, the report said, and due to he exeiteinni difficulty was experienced ill obtaining names of the more seriously injured. Kvcry available doctor in the ptofe was "Lalied to llie scene. Orogiu of the fire, which it seemed would destroy the theatre. was under mined. Many children were in the build at the time of the panic. Bjg Tabernacle Built in Salisbury. The blgf- tabernacle at Salisbury in which the six weeks revival services are to -be bold lifts been erected on the Presbyterian property at the coruer of fisher and Jackson streets aud will bo dedicated with appropriate service on Friday. The big building will seat lome thing like -‘HHXI people ami will be used by the organisation of which Rev. Dr. Milford H. Lyon, of Winona Luke, i/ head. Interest throughout the commun ity is keen and this interest is extending to a mider territory than Rowan county. Many people of nearby counties have manifested au interest in Hru tneetmgs. l>r. LyOtt is one of the best known evangelists of the nation. He bus beetr in evangelistic work for twenty years or more awl has held wonderfully success ful meetings in 2(i states, aud comes to the Salisbury meeting with a large num ber of endorsements from tntpy cities aud lending citizens where lie has held these services. The organisation is a strong one, including a singer of note aud a pianist of national renown. A, choir of ! sevaritl hundred voices is being organiz ed, the (section iu the big tabernacle to take care of tbe singers being capable of seating hvc hundred people. Children's toys H IHIMIIMW HIHW* HOW GREAT MEN! : MAKE LOVE ! > AS REVEALED" BY THEIR I I ; LOVE letters ;; By JOSEPH KAYE ' WWWHHimtWtltlll (<© by Wheeler Syndicate, lac.) JOHN HANCOCK AND DOLLY QUINCY It'OURN Boston and make John ■*“* Hancock & beggar!” John Hancock said that when the political leaders In Boston were dis cussing the beet means of driving the British from Boston. To appreciate the meaning of his words, it must be explained that Hancock was probably the largest property owner in Boston. And what Hancock said was no ora torical outburst to be repented later in a calmer moment, for when, in, the fall of the year 1776, congress gave Wash ington instructions to destroy Boston If ‘lt should be necessary to do so In order to dtelodfe the enemy, Hancock stated he “fvaa anxious the thing should be done if It should benefit the public cause,” More details of this great American statesman and patriot are familiar to all. John Hancock, the lover, How ever, is not so well known. From Philadelphia, In JL775, he sent Dolly Quincy a long letter, reprimanding her for not writing to him. He ended It: “I have sent yoa by Doctor Church, in a paper box directed to you, the fol lowing things, for your acceptance, & which I do insist you wear, if you do •ot, I shall think the donor is the ob jection : 2 pair white silk stockings and 4 pair white thread stockings,, which I think will fit you. . ~ 1 pair black satin shoes; the other shoes will be sent when done. 1 pair'black Calem Co. shoes. 1 very light hat 1 neat airy summer cloak. 2 caps. 1 fann. “I wish these may please you, I shall be gratified If they do, pray write me. I will attend to all your Commands. “Adiew, my Dear Girl, and believe me to be with great Esteem and Af fection, “You?s without Reserve, “JOHN HANCOCK.” Two years later Hancock writes Dolly: “I assure you, my Dear Sour, I long to have you here, & i know that you Will be as expeditious as you can. When I part from you again it must be a very extraordinary occasion. . . CONRNEDJO BED Birmingham. Lady Took Cardni for Relief of Change of Life Troubles and Says It Helped Her “So Much ” Birmingham, Ala.—“l first took Gardui for that tired, worn-out feeling .that comes from being dreadfully run down,” says Mrs. Catherine E. Smith, of 2106 Stout Street. “Twenty-five years ago, I was suffering from worn nnlv wpalriiPet! I read of Cardui in an almanac, and thought I would try it. I got a bottle and it helped me from the first. After that, during the whole of my married Life, I took Cardtii when I needed it “About four years ago, change of life came on me. , . I grew weaker and weaker, and was confined to my bed, where I lay on my back for days, i was told that only a severe operation could do me any good, and this de pressed me very much, for I dreaded suoh an ordeal. “I remembered how Cardui had helped me for female trouble in the past and 1 had read of how it had helped other women during change of life, so one night I told my husband to go to the drug store and get me a bottle. I began taking it at. once. From the first dose I could feel fhyself getting stronger. . . I continued to take Cardui until I was entirely through this very trying period of a woman’s life.” Cardui. at all dealers’. NC-168 A Strengthening, Invigorating Tonic for Women Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic 60c. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part-j uetfstrip of Rufus Burris and Jasper Trull 1 trading as Burris & Trull, concrete con tractors, lias been mutually dissolved as of date of October 18th, 1924, Jasper Trull of said partnership, under said dis solution agreement, becoming liable for all debts of said partnership. Rufus Burris, of said partnership, hereby give's notice that he will not be responsible for any debts of said partnership or any made by said Jasper Trull in connection with i said concrete business since said dissolution. 22-2 t-p. ' RUFUS BURRIS. "i . ; Engraved Wedding Inflation* and An nouncements. The Timei-TribUlie office represents one of the best engravers in America. Strict secrecy observed. Coll aud see samples. J. B. Sherrill. 18-ts. . Standard Gasoline and Oils. Feint Ser vice Statibn. Plioilh 885. Corner But • falo and McGill Streets. 12-ts-c. PAGE ELEVEN COUID NOT Will BECAUSE OF PUN Bad Case of Woman’s Illnesa Reme died by Lydia L Pinkbam’s i Vegetable Compound St Louis, Missouri.—“l had stsch A badeweof female could pound, and I am a strong woman now and can work down any of my neigh bors. They wonder how I can do so much work, j dare say that I have recommended your medicine to a thou sand women. A little book was thrown at my door, and that is how I first learned of it. ’’—Mrs. D. M. Beauchamp, 1104 Morrison Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Letters like this bring out the merit of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. They tell of the relief from such pains and ailments after taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. In a recent country-wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Veg etable Compound, 98 out of every 100 report they were benefited by its use, For sale by druggists everywhere Backache Is a Warning! Concord Folks are Learning How to Heed It. , V , Are you miserable with an-’ aching back? Do you get up lame and stiff; drag through the day feeling tired, weak and depressed? Then you should . help your kidneys. Backache is often the first sign of failing kidneys. Uri nary troubles quickly follow. Neglec ted, there’s danger of gravel, dropsy of fatal Bright's disease. Don’t wait for serious kidney sickness! Usfc ‘ Doan’s Pills, a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys, before it is too Ifrtd. This Concord resident tells an experience: Mrs. A. G. Bost, 72'E. Depot St., says: “I suffered, a great deal with kidney complaint and my kidneys act ed irregularly. My back ached and when I did my housework it gave out and 1 had to stop and rest. Doan’a Pills from Gibson’s Drug Store stop ped the backache and other kidney complaint.” Price 60c, at all. dealers. Don’t ■imply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Pills the same that Mrs, Bost had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs- Buffalo, N. Y. I SAGE TEA-TURNS _ GRAY HAIR DARK I It’s Grandmother’s Recipe to Bring Back Color and i Lustre to Hair i 1 That beautiful, even shade of dark, ! glossy hair can only be had by brew ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars ’tlie face. When it 1 fades, turns gray or streaked, just an application Gr two of Sage and Sul phur enhances its appearance a hun dredfold. Don’t bother to prepare the mixture; you can get this famous old recipe im proved by the addition of other fngre * dients at a small cost, all ready for use. It is called Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound. This cau always be de pended upon to bring back the natural color and lustre ff your hair. Everybody uses “Wyeth’s” Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this tb rough the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another applica tion it becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. SULPHUR SOOTHES U6LY.ITCHING SKIN The First Application Makes Skin Cool and Comfortable If you are suffering from cetetna or some other torturing, emharassing skin trouble you may quickly be rid of it by using Meiuho-Sulphpr, declares a noted skin, specialist. , , This sulphur preparation, because of Its germ destroying propeXtie*,’ Aydbm fails to quickly Vubdue itching, eveUYff fiery eczema. The first application makes the skin cool and comfortable. Rash and blotches are healed right up. Rowles Ak-ntho-Sulphur is applied like any pleasant cold cream and is perfect ly harmless. You can. obtain a. small: jar from any good druggist. , " , i