Thursday, October 2s, socal personal Charlotte News A lively compllmept paid Miss Mary Heath Jonps. of Lancaster, 8. C., was the bridge party given Tuesday ofter Mrs. J. Gregory Hays at her home on Hermitage Court, Myers l*ark. 'Hig home was informally arranged with vases of flowers. I -Miss Jones was attired in a pretty goacn of black satin with trimmings .of wK&e beads and a large black hat. I The highest score prize was won by Mrs. Allison Pell and Mrs. Harvey Howell cat the consolation- Misif Jones I received a pretty gift. •Two courses of refreshments, were served. Mrs. Hays’ guests were: Miss Jones, Miss Sata Mellon, Miss Lucy Holmes Carson, Miss Cnlvine ..Scott, Miss Aubin Wert, Mrs. Edward Stitt Ross, Mrs. Allison Pell, Mrs. Harry Stowe, , Mrs. John Lewis Payne. Mrs. Ted !^eal*'M rs - George Ivey, Mrs. Stokes Hamilton, Mrs. Richard Battle Stitt. Mrs. Heath Nisbct. Mrs- Harvey powell. .Mrs. George Moore. Mrs. .T. Caldwell Mc- Donald. Mrs. Rufus Johnston, Mrs. H- C. Shirley, and Mrs. Stuart Cramer, Jr. Comine For Minter-Yorke Wedding. Charlotte Observer. Mr. and Mrs. A- C. Thompson,. of Baltimore, will arrive in the city Fri day ' to attend the Minter-Yorke wed ding. They will be the'.guests of Mr. and John F. Yorke, parents of the bride. . f ■*, Miss AHee Yorke, of Concord, who is a student at Stuart Hall, Stantop,., Va., will arrive Thursday morning for the wedding) She will be the gguest of Mrs. •Tack Dunavant in Myers Park. Miss Yorke will be the maid-of-honor. Miss Virginia Henkel, of Statesville. who will be a’ bridesmaid in the wedding .jp now. with Mrs. J. A» C. Wadsworth. She will also go to. Mjrs. Dunavaht’s Thurs day. 7' Parties For Miss Jones. Charlotte Observer. Miss Mary Heath Jones, of Lancas ter. O., who is spending the week here as the guests of her aunt. Mrs. Loin Crawford, is Being accorded a. series of lovely parties. Miss Jones’ marriage to Mr. I.uther Thompson Hartsell, Jr., of Concord, will take place at the Jones home in Lancas ter next Tuesday and will be a brilliant event. This afternoon Miss Lucy Holmes Carson will entertain at bridge at her home, oni South Tryon street, for Miss Jones, and tomorrow afternoon Mrs. W. W. Boykin, an aunt of Miss .Tones, will Entertain at cards for her at her home on Worthington avenue, Dilworth- Scores of Charlotte people will go to .Lancaster for the wedding. fra. McDonald Hostess at Afternoon "Charlotte Observer. One of the loveliest teas of. the avtumn was that given by Mrs. J. Caldwell McDonald at. her home on pmnitage Court, Myers Park, yester day afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock, honoring Miss Mary Heath Jones, of Lancaster, S. C„ whose marriage to Mr. I jit her Thompson Hartsell, Jr., of Con cord, will take place’ next Wednesday evening. There isn’t any payday for laboring under a delusion. f- -■ Bronchitis 8 Apply Vicks at bedtime, ■ra rubbing it well in. Then spread on thickly and cover with hot flannel. Arrange bed-clothes so vapors will be inhaled. V&KS »■" * ' ' 1 i.i J L To Protect The Dead V Everybody call Dot afford to erect elaborate and costly mausoleums of marble, but ell who have the desire can aacan enml ngolec \ tioo for their beloved dead \ through the A GALION Metallic Grave \ Vault When • casket is sealed within this vault before ‘ being pkced in the with, • ' wsMicr water not air. ver lula nor ghouls have power coat es the protection ia • alight TUGAmVmMmtUin. *r*cUj in our jliss Alice Yorke, student of Stuart Hall, is spending several days here. She yvill attend the Minter-Yorke wedding on Saturday iu Charlotte. m * • Mr. Aid Mrs. Henry L. Propsf, of Lex ington, are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Cole Miller apd Mrs. Paul Mil ler. of Hamlet and Mrs. E. V. ■ Correlt and children, of Hiddenite. have arrived in the city to attend the Mrs. B. N.fH. Miller funeral. ». I Ladies’ Aid Entertains. The Ladies Aid Society of Forest Hill Methodist Church, Circle “C” entertain ed Monday night in honor of Mrs. J. Frank Armstrong, the wife of the out going pastor. An unusually large attendance was not ed. After a short business session the meeting was turned into a social. Mrs. Fred Cook gave a most interesting and original . toast to Mrs. Armstrong, who was .the recipient of a large number of beautiful and useful tokens of esteem. I These gifts were presented in decorated baskets carried by Willie May Shelton, Pauline Widenhouse and Ivan Manus. Mrs. Samuel Scarboro read the follow ing original poem: To our beloved pastor and his companion. Rev. and Mrs. Armstrong: •‘Amidst the glory of the autumn leaves you enme Bringing gladness, love and fame, All in His name. “Our hopes, joys and sorrows you shared Bidding us be prepared. Our direst need you saw Add expounded God’s Law. The Herculean task yours to meet, By faith, work and prayer our church is now new and complete. “Midst the glory of the autumn leaves. We’re honoring yon, hoping thus to please.” County Council Meeting Postponed. On account of the Cabarrus County Fair the meeting of the County Council scheduled for Saturday of this week has been postponed until the first Saturday in November, it was announced today by members of the council. The meeting will be held in the office of Miss Cole, county home demonstration agent. b Halowee’n Party at the Y. One of the big occasions of the year will be the bogglin dance in the Y gym at the big Hallowe’en celebration. Ev ery boy and girl, young and old should make plans to attend this party. Many new Hallowe’en stunts, nover forms of entertainment will be in store for those participating. Admission will be by ticket, the. Y secretary will give these away next week at the school. Get your* costume ready—sharpen your teeth for the goodies, see that your feet are light for runing, and be prepared to have a big armfiill of fun on the occasion. New Forest HHI Pastor Will Not Be Here Sunday. Rev. T. F. Higgins, the new pastor at Forest Hill Methodist Church, will not be in the city' Sunday. Rev. J. Frank Armstrong, the outgoing pastor, will preach at Forest Hill Sun day night. This will be Mr. Armstrong's last service here. He will preach at his new charge, Belmont, Charlotte, on Sunday morning and at Jackson Training School in the afternoon at 3 o’clock., —— mmmmm «— —i——— iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Dixie Gem COAL is not only pure itself, burning to a fine ash, but all slate and other impurities are hand picked out of it. See dur display at the FAIR. K. L. Craven & Sons Yard* Kerr Street PHONE 74 T7TTT j % .>*S’ . . •- a • KANNAPOLIS* # « DEPARTMENT # • ••••» e•* e e Kannapolis. Oct. 22. —-Send news items to telephone 90W ox Box 146. Mrs. Emnw Thornburg, of East Ave ,nue. spent Sunday afternoon in Concord | with Mrs. W. M. Weddington. Mrs. H. D. McCorkle, of East Ave nue. returned Friday from Shegan. W. Va., where she spent two weeks with her daughter, Miss Ix-lie McCorkle, who is doing mission work among the miners of the Shegan mining camp. , ~Ja,v McCorkle and family, of 'Mill Bridge, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. . H. D. McCorkle Saturday afternoon. Hoyle Covieher, of State College, spent last week-end with home folks. Born, August 11th. to Mr. and Airs. Marvin Johnson on East Avenue, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Misenheimer and family, formerly of East Avenue, moved to Brevard Monday. . Randolph Harris, of Cramevton, has returned to the city. Messrs. T, M. Widenhouse rf4id O. E. Scarboro and Aliases Norma and Anita ■Scarboro and Annie I’earle Aloser mo tored to Blowing . Rock Sunday. On their way they stopped at Davenport Col lege in Lenoir and Ali6s Bertha Aloser accompanied them on the remainder of their trip. Air,, owl Airs., R. E. Goble, of North Alain Street, attended services at one of the Mooresvilie churches Sunday. , The Kannapolis school were given a holiday Tuesday in order for the pu- , pils and teachers to attend the Cabarrus County Fair. The fair was well at . (ended by the high school pupils. Miss Blanche Funderburk, of King’s Business College in Charlotte, spent last . • week-end with home folks. . ! Miss Grace Stirewalt, of Belmont, was I the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Fun . derburk, on Oak Street, last week-end. Miss Lois Honeycutt, of the Fairview eommdnity, entertained a number of friehds at a wennie roast Tuesday night. Sunday was a bright and beautiful day, and Pastor Turner preached a very inspiring sermon to a fine congregation at the First Baptist Church at 11 o’clock op the subject, “Regeneration.” Marriage license has been issued to Wl H. Hazlewood, -of Woodruff, and Miss Bertha Jackson, of Kannapolis, by Register ‘of Deeds Elliot. Mrs. A. L. Aloose, of Fairview. is im proving. * ‘ Misses Hattie Fox, Ada Isenhour, Blanche Cox and Grover Sloop spent Sunday iu Statesville. Mrs. E. Y. Cox spent Friday in Con cord with her aunt, Mrs. Julia Welch. L. .T. Griffin has been on the sick list, but is better at this writing. Nevin Templeton, of Alooresvilie, was a visitor in this city Sunday. Miss Ella Sloop spent Sunday with her sister, near Alooresvilie. Mrs. E. V. Cox spent Monday in Charlotte with Mrs. W. M. Deal. ' Air. and Idrs. R. L. Reid and chil dren spent last week-end in Concord with Mr. Reid's parents. Aire. Zeb Walter Died This Morning at Midway Home. Mrs. Allie S. Walter, wife of Zeb Walter, died, this morning at 6:20 o’clock at her home at Midway. Death was caused by apoplexy, Airs. Walter having been stricken yesterday afternoon about 5 o’clock. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Kannapolis Reformed Church. Interment will be made in Oakwood cemetery in this city. Airs. Walter was about 50 years of age and before marriage was Miss Allie Stirewalt. She is survived by her hus band and eight children, in addition to other close relatives. She was well known throughout Cabarrus county and the announcement of her death was re ceived with sorrow in her wide circle of friends and relatives. " . A church in Blackburn, England, was the scene of an interesting triple wed ding recently, when three orphan sisters became brides at the same ceremony. aooooooooeooooopgodobooooot I BE SURE To Oct k SCAREY ANN The Novelty Doll. TELEPHONE 353 Clines Pharmacy CONCORD HBODOCB MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline ft Moose.) Figures named represent priced paid for prodare on the market: Eggs - .45 Butter .30 ountry Ham .25 Country Shoulder .15 Country Bides ■ • mi. . .«• *■*. .15 Young chickens .20 Hens 1 .15 Turkeys J2S to JKJ Sweet potatoes $1.25 Irish Potatoes .96 Onions , $1.25 Peas 2.01 Come to See Us Before Buying Your Fair Supplies We will save you money, and you to. make. , f PIGGLY WIGGLY ra aMR’’ rrra* » v . ■'* • ... 1 THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE [absolute security] j j SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE give exceptional investment value to the CER , TIFICATES OF DEPOSIT issued by the Citizens Bank and Trust Company. And they bear interest , at the rate of four per cent, per annum. These Certificates are ideal investments for the j • surplus farmers and others desiring to in- j vest surplus funds without tying them up for long j periods of time. We will be glad to tell you more j about them. . , > I CITIZENS BANK 1 AMD . TRU ST COM PAN VI CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Post and Flagg’s Cotton Letter. . New York, Oct. 22. —The market to- 1 ’day has been a rather featureless af fair cables were strong and Manchester reported an. increasing demand. Reports of frost in the southeasterp states and a fair trade demand caused a little local covering, and prices held steady during the greater part of the session. Business was rather quiet except for switching operations, particularly in May and July. During the afternoon some hedge selling appeared and there was some liquidation from early buyers. The weekly weather report was considered generally favorable and this probably caused a slightly easier tone later in the day. Cotton clotfimarkets were generally quiet but prices remained very firm and You Can Still Qet MEALS THAT PLEASE —AT THE— IDEAL LUNCH ROOM Good Mome Cooking Prepared by an Expert ’’ " ’■ CIW„. : IDEAL LUNCH ROOM . “Ask Anybody” If HUNT'S GUARANTEED •-fejSr \ I SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES /Ms Wy (Hunt*aSalve and Spap), fail in |lf ri the treatment of Itch, Eczema, i/\ Ringworm,Tetter or other itch* B # ing skin diseases. Trr thi* treatment ml our risk. i CCZEHAP Money back without question v A i if HUNT’S. GUARANTEED BKIN DISEASE REMEDIES I (Bust’s Salve and Soap),fail in I Bfrl' J the treatment of Itch, ii Ringwbrm,Tetterorotheritch- f / I ing akin dieeaaen. Try this 1 * 1 treatment at our risk. PEARL DRUG COMP AN* “On the Square” MEL-BRO LOTION z For Pimples g 1 Use’ I ' ° • S MEL-BRO 1 1 LOTION '> ! 1 Sold at 1 IS § ; § all Drug § I S Stores 1 i MEL-BRO LOTION ooooooooooooooooboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i When You Say CHOWS j 3 We Jiave them. Cow Chow, Mule Chow, Pig Chow, Hen g 8 Chow and Chicken Chowder that make the hens lay. 8 CASH FEED STORE I Phone 122 S. Church St. |l l|ttle interest was shown at present 1 quotations. POST AND FLAGG. Tennis, played in an enclosed, -court, was a favorite game in the 14th century. ! Mr. Farmer: Just received: Shipments of 1 Seed Oats, Feed Oats, Millfeed ! at a Good Pricq. Flour also J cheap. 1 do my work, no deliv- ; ery, so can sell you cheaper. H. B. TROUTMAN Barbrick Street MELROSE FLOUR LIBERTY SELF RISING FLOUR We have a big business in high grade flour. Why? Melrose Flour and Liberty Self Rising Flour never disappoint you. We buy it in big lots and ship direct from the mills. We sell big lots . so move it fast and have it fresh. 1 You run no risk in getting the very best, fresh at all times, and when you want it. Flour is somewhat higher in price now. Looks like a much higher market a little later. Phone 339 quick. We deliver quick everywhere. Cline & Moose THE PUREST DRUGS __ < One of the first and most im j jortant things in filling a prescrip -5 tion is the quality of the Drugs. t We insist upon first quality all the time. Our Drugs come, from • the most reliable sources, afid we « know they are chemically pure s before using them. > j Cabarrus Drug Co. PHONE 95 t Adding Machine Paper, 20 Cents Pet roll, 3 rolls for 50 cents, at Tribune- Times Office. ts. j I; Some like it hot! j| j: S° me it cold! o Wouldn’t this be a topsy-turvyg yraVy world if all men liked the same* cars—the same—the sameg games—the same 'rls? I M \ ' We have customers who -et a# A barrel of kick out of wear'ng then / , hig bottom trousers —and we| ' s have customers who wo Id rath-5 ei go around in a barrel than wear them. | So here’s/what we say to you— , * In our Fall suit stodks we have them as wide as you’ll wear a them and as narrow as you like them. 0 At Browns your legs are your own. ; , 1 All we ask is that you let them bring you in to look them 8 over. s-.\ 5 I Fine Fall Suits, the best makers in This Country, $25 to SSO ! Browns - Cannon Co. YOU’LL LOOK BEST—IF WE SUIT YOU -MOOOOGOCOOOOOC»OOOcX)£Kje«yx*XX)OOOOOOCK>OOaOU You Can Get Hot Rolls Now at the jj CAROLINA CAFE From 4 to 7 O’clock We have taken over the Retail Line of the Concord * |i Bakery. Cakes, Bread, Rolls. I TAKE DINNER WITH US TOMORROW j CAROLINA CAFE* BY EXPRESS TODAY Another shipment of that Popular Low Heel light tan Oxford, They are made of genuine calf skin with plain toe and rubber heel, this is a popular style and will go quickly—getter get yours today. Priced ! $5.85 IVEY’S “THEY WEAR LONGER” ■*'’*' T I 1 1 11119 j “Meet Your Friends at Our Store!” “Meat Your Family From Our Store” Besides our full line of staple and fancy groceries, we can supply you with anything you need in fresh and cured meats. We handle only native cattle and hogs; our meats are always sweet and juicy, and are far superior to frozen meats, which when thawed out lose the juices which make flavor in meats. * Give'us a trial and be convinced. C. H. BARRIER & CO. *lO-218 W. Depot Streffi > CONCORD, N. C. iif mAmerica’s foremost fine candy _ | I Perhaps the most popular pack- ak age ever put up by Huyler’s. y 1 ffj) Honey Nougat Assorted Carameh I I £ont Almonds Jordan Almonds 1 A VWftd I PEARL DRUG CO. 1 satvwiwffiWOOOOOOOooooooonnnnnnnnMMnwniuinniio^i^S^ DELCO LIGHT Light Plants, Water Systems and Washing Machines . Twenty-five different sizes of light plants. I No. 866, the popular size delivered installed and house wired for ten lights fbr $571.60. Five per cent discount for cash on installed contracts. Three dollars extra for each light over the ten lights above specified. ] R. H. OWEN, Agent | Phone MS Concord, N. C. PAGE THREE