Monday, November 17, 1924 scolal ' , Short Model Cw : iHßnHr 1 ; ft spite of the popularity of the long and three-quartfr-length coat suit, there are many women r ho prefer the shorter models, and lor such women, here‘if such a one. It is oif gray wool, banded with mole.* ind with metal ribbon for giving a . little color and dash. The lines are j listlnctly youthful and becoming; ' , Lggicn Auxiliary Meeting. An important meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held this eve ning at 7 :30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. D. Pemberton. All members are urged to be present. Tea Tomorrow Afternoon. . , Mrs. Jj. Sauvain will give a tea tomor row from 3 to 5 o'clock for the: two re cent brides, Mrs. Luther T. Hartsell, Jr., K nud Mrs. Farrell* Withe, of Albemarle. ■; J . .y. - P. T. A. Meet!,eg. The Parent .. Teachers Association of Central Grammar School will meet at the school tomorrow afternoon at 3:3(1 o'clock. / Agrouse hunting record that has tjever been equalled .Was that, of the , late Ix>rd Walsjngbnm, who in 1888, ' killed 1,070 grouse in fourteen hours eighteen njinutes on the famous moors near Otley, in Yorkshire. •jess 1 . 1 -- INFLUENZA '■ As a preventive melt and *“ itihale Vjclts night and morning. Apply up nos £ “ trils before mingling with •A- crowds- If feverish, call A .■ a doctor at once. WICKS w Vapoßub Onr 17 Million Jan Urn 4 Yaartr jpp I ■ 1 111 mgmnn ■ -a - J— L v' To Protect ' The Dead Cveiybody can not afford \ to oract elaborate and costly mausoleums of marble, but all who have the desire ’ can secure equal protec tion for their beloved deed i through the V GALION •* \\ Metallic Grave I Vault When a casket is sealed within this vault before being placed in tha earth, neither water nor air, ver min nor ghouls have power to contaminate or harm tha body in any way, and tha cost as tha protection is alight 7ls Gallon Vault map S* frv. tfitckJ in our dhplap room al any Ume. ■ i .- ’ v , I bell A/HARRIS FUNERAL PARLORS Day Phone MO. Night Phones MO-180L ■ \ v ; * 1 ? PERSONALS. Miss Sarah Ellcd Linker, student at j|t Queens College, spent the week-end here j. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M.jr Linker. ' | •- • t Miss Margaret Winters, of Charlotte, t spent the week-end here with - friends. ? ’ S S S |) Miss Mabel Lippard, of Salisbury, spent ; the week-end with her parents, Mr. and j Mrs. Adam Lippard on Corbin street. J Mr. and Mrs. William Blake, of Balti- 1 more, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lentz, of Al- | bemarle, and Sir. and Mrs. George Wall { spent the week-end in Chimney Rock. \ 9» 9 | Miss Fay Krimmlnger. spent Sunday j With her mother, Mrs. D. W. Krimmin- j ger at St. John's. • B • Mrs. A. E. Harris has returned after ] spending the week with her father, J. I E. Efird in Anson county. j • * • Mrs. J. Y. Hornhuekle has returned to j her home in Greensboro, after spending i several weeks with her mother. Mrs. C. i S. Miller. { Brown Morgan, student of Davidson I College, spent the week-end here,* with j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Alor- j gan. _ j ••* “ j I Mrs. J. C. Lyerlj, of China Grove. Is j spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. I A. X. Lentz, on Franklin avenue. * • * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armfield and sons. 1 Richard, Frank and George, of Higli < Point, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armfield. 199 9 i R. K. Black has returned from a bus iness trip to New York. • * * Miss Maude Miller spent Sunday with ] Miss Mary Ridenhour, of St. John’s. •• * | Mrs. E. A. Aarmfield, of Monroe, is spending several days with her sou, Frank Armfield. • • • M iss Margaret Fowlkes left this morn- j i ing for Brevard to spend the week with her sister, Mrs. Harold Hardin. Miss Marie Barrier left Sunday morn ing for Raleigh to spend several days with Mrs. L. V.Orady. « f • Mrs. Alex Howard has returned from a visit, of several weeks in Baltimore her father, T. H. Thompson. Mrs. M. L. Cannon, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in the city with Mrs. J. W. Can , non. Mrs. Beaver Entertains. Friday afternoon the home of Mrs. . Guy M. Beaver was the scene of a beau tiful party given in honor of Mrs. I). C. ■ Linn, of Landis, a recent bride. The • living room and dining room were artis , tically decorated with a profusion of . chrysanthemums and fall roses. Here six tables were arranged for bridge, and " the high score prize for the afternoon was - awarded to Miss Ruth Linn, of Landis. : and the honoree was presented with a 1 lovely boudoir writing set. When the tables were cleared Mrs. Beaver was as sisted by Messrs S. A. Deal, C. A. Meis ' and C. A. Black welder in serving a de ' lioious ice course, followed by mints. ' Those being present w T ere: Mrs. D. C. ' Linn and mother, Mrs. Fannie Corriher, ! Mrs. Paul Shulenberger, Mrp. Black, Mrs. S. A. Deal, Airs. B. C. Taylor, Airs. 1 R. G. Wortz, Misses Vienna, Helen and Ruth Linn, of' Landis; Mrs. T. V. Van Poole, of Salisbury > Mrsc Berly Beaver, of Kannapolis, and Mesdames J. A. Bangle, P. M. Lafferty. Ernest Hicks, R, B. Rankin, Richmond Reed. Rupley Pounds, C.' A. Meis, Archie Fisher, W. R. Fisher, W. L. Furr, H. W. Calloway, Al: L. Rudy, C. A. Blackwelder, Aliss Fuby .’, Miss Afiriam Alorris and Aliss Laura Gillon, of Concord. Robinsop-Lhtgerfelt. J. B. Robinson .qnd .Mrs, Lessie Lin gerfelt jwere married ' Saturday night at eight o’clock, at the home of R. P. Hill, father Os the bride, in West -Concord, the being performed by' Rev. R. G. Short •/:;> - f Mrs. Pemberton a Visitor Here.’ Mrs. David Pemberton, of Monroe, is * spending several days here at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Pemberton, on North Union Street. 'Mr. Pemberton spent Sunday here, returning last night to his home in Monroe. The Art Literature Department to Mtfct. The Art Literature Department of the Woman’s Club will meet Tuesday, No vember 18th with Airs. Cameron Maeßae on Franklin, avenue. This meeting was postponed from Thursday night until Tuesday night. All members are asked to please take their dues. * A ( * 1 gA Brirtgs Beauty Like Magic MEL-BRO LOTION the new scientific discovery that ! removes all surface blemishes 1 such as Blackheads, pimples, 1 Acne, Tetter, Eczemic Eruptions, and Barber’s Itch and restores ! your youthful beauty to the skin. Has been tried, tested and prov en in thousands of cases. •. i Sold at all Drug Stores. One More Deposit {j | Will Make the, I j 1 First Thousand § |"j | ■i ■■■■■ ■ ■ I i > a • ' . '' • ml Are you one of the many happy families of this community who are nearing jj j| or have passed their First Thousand Dollars in their Savings Account? If If j * y®« have never experienced this worthwhile <'] thrill, now is a good time to start toward it. Si CjKfW OANK ANDJpUyTj| CONCORD NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY WINS GAME FROM IJ|A\TDSON Hackney Sends Two Drop-Kicks Through Uprights for. Deciding Points of Great Game. Davidson, N. 0.. Nov. 15.—Four times the little Davidson team strengthened within its own territory and forced the Carolina eleven to unsuccessful drop kicks only to lose 0 to 0 in the last two minutes of pja.v when Bunn Hackney kicked two field goals. The first field goal eame as a dramatic finish to a great game as the Wildcats, outweighed eigh teen pounds to the man on the line, stag ed a game fight for nigh four quarters and threatened to send the Tar Heels home with a scoreless tie. - Playing before the 7.000 frantic fans the game was the biggest ever staged in Western North Carolina. Taking the ball on Davidson’s 43 yard line the Uni versity team, led by Merritt and Devin opened up the most powerful attack of the game in the final moments rushing the ball to the Wildcat 10 yard line. The Davidson line strengthened and forced Carolina to again resort to a neat kick over the bar. After, Robinson, who played a great game at center for the Tar Heels, had intercepted a Davidson pass on the 33 yard* line, the Cnrolipa team carried the ball to the 15 yard’.line and Hackney kicked another goal. The Davidson defAee Vap superb *>s time after time the powerful attack of the Fetzer team was stopped ns Vance, at guard, and Laird, n/ tackle, smeared the Carolina backtiehk Each time Laird lifted great punts that got the Davidson team out of danger. His game was the talk of the stands as on the defense he broke up numerous plays. With less than a minute to play the score six points against them, a brilliant passing attack by Sappenfield to Leggett and Davis drove the Davidson team for 55 yards down the field, the timekeeper’s whistle alone stopping the attack. Merritt and Devin played great ball in the Carolina baekfield, Devrn being the most consistent gainer, while Merritt occasionally got off for long runs. Jersey City Has Another Big Blaze. * Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 16.—Fire to day destroyed two of the Erie railroad piers, 14 barges and the “steam lighter Dayton here, the total loss being estimat ed at $1,500,000. It was -the city’s second million dol lar blaze in three days. Two blocks in the downtown industria Isection were liad waste Friday in a fire which raged unchecked for five hours. Os undetermined origin, the fire started shortly after noon in the Erie's co-oper age pier, where barrels, many of them oil and grease soaked, were in the pro cess of repair. It quickly spread to the one adjoining and in less than two hours, the piers were a mass of flames. Football is Represented in Great Bri tain's periodical literature by about fif ty publications, some of which are is-, sued the year round and others during the season only. Star Theatre WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th and 20th Jackie Coogan IN • « ‘CircusDays’ This picture showed to over ; 4,000 people the first day at the ' Broadway Theatre in Charlotte. ! Jackie Qoogan and a circus all ] in one Wonderful Picture. J This picture has an all star - cast: Barbara Tennant, Russell ! Simpson, Claire McDowell, Nel- j lie Lane, Sam De Grasse, Wil- ' Ham Batlow, *•*." ] ADMISSION 15c and 35c ‘ ; Special, Admission f or School ; Children from 1 to 7 O’clock: 10c Admission Dtjn’t Miss This Wonderful Pic- j ture J l mi concord daily tribune MELROSE FLOUR, LIBERTY SELF RISING FLOUR The Flour Market has advanced very much recently'. However, we had liberal booking of these two High Grade Flours, and our price is not up to other lower grade flours on the market. Don’t ibe persuaded to buy any new brand at the same or even higher price, as they are asking. Melrose Flour won its placd in the homes of the best trade of Concord more than twenty-five years ago, and Us high grade has been • advanced each year to meet the demands of the most exacting trade. Today it has no rival. Our trade grows on it each year. Liberty Self Rising Hour is made in Virginia at a neighboring town of Mel rose, and is Melrose in quality. For the best hot biscuit am) choice pastry it stands first. Buy your flour always from us. Cline & Moose Pork Sausage Beef Roast Juicy Steaks Pork Chops Pork Roasts J. F. Dayvault & Bro. Phones 85 and 524 | M . 11.—I 'l. „ ' C. A. Henry’s Beauty Shop !j! For a Short While We Will Give a One Dpllar Marcel j!| , Wave For 50c | | m We are equipped to do all kind of Beauty Culture ! j ! Work. * ]|' | We Make a Specialty of Children’s Hair Cutting LOCATED AT 3 PARKS-BELK COMPANY 8 Phone 892 Second Floor A X oo<My > t>oc>oor<x«Aoooooooocxy»)- 8 ARE READY NOW To give expert cleaning and g pressing service. Our new ma- C chine is the latest out and a j trial will convince that we give expert service. _ | Ladies’ Garments cleared and j pressed. CITY PRESSING CLUB D. B. FOWLKES, Manager j OOOOQOOOOOOOOOQOOPOOOOOOOO j IHE-HI-HO-TEL We Yell j and/ ■ ';j|| Spell HOTEL for ' Concord First down and i goal to make, i “Let’s Go” ! ; i Everybody ; Musette,^ PHONE 579 tfonnannnopnooooonooooooooc For Bent—Six-room, Two Story House on Marsh, street, next to N. A. Archi bald’s. Lot 67x196 feet. Apply to J. B. Sherrill. Times or The Tribune in advance for a full year and set The Progressive Farmer at Times-Trlbune Office. j MC. | Going Out of Business Everything Clean and New Everything on Sale I Wide Awake Men Are Saving They Know and Are Buying Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicles A Few Used Cars at a Bargain One Hupmobile Touring ji[ : One Dodge Brothers Touring 1 j | One Ford Coupe One Hupmobile Touring, j! One Dort Tourihg. \ See us when in need of Dodge Brothers Parts as we car- ! I [. ry a Complete Line at all times. ' i FIRESTONE TIRES AND TUBES ' | Corl Motor Co. | West Depot Street Phone 830 i|! ooooooooooooogooooooooocxmxxmoooooooooooooooooooooooo Concord’s Greatest Need A NEW MODERN HOTEL This is Hotel Week, if every citizen will do his or her share this fine community enterprise can be put over with no hardship on any one. HELP BOOST. BUY STOCK We have a good city, let’s make it a better one. IVEY’S “THEY WEAR LONGER” ::::: Yes we have no Hotels in stock to- You need our service to get up day! your menu, But if you run a Hotel, Boarding house or Case, tVe need your patronage and we , .... mean you. When you need supplies just come our way. We’ll show you the busiest, best Wo are not asking for sympathy grocery store in town, or charitable giving, Filled with the best eats to be For we have a j'ob and still work found. for a living. C. H. BARRIER & CO. SlO-31S W. Depot Street L CONCORD, N. C. PEARL DRUGSTORE SATISFIED GUESTS jjj are i| ! GREAT ADVERTISERS FOR i A CITY j “Invest in the New Hotel” 1 I PAGE THREE

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