b Monday, November 17, 1924 TflifAL ECLIPSE OP THE SUN I "ill iiiy Try For the Speaker ship. Winston-Salem. Nov. IG.—the race over the speakership of tin* House dur ing the next session of tile North Caro lina goner.' assembly may become n three cornered contest. Friends of Tam C. Bowie, who made* such a fine showing in Ashe county at the recent election, being Tie-elected to represent the moun tain county by a decisive majority— tlih biggest he iiafl ever received in any of Ids Former races—announces that he is being urged by many of his' friends to become a candidate for the speakership honor and some of the politiciansTere a're predicting that lie will decide to get in the gajnc against Representative It. M. Cox. rtf Forsyth, and Representative Pharr, of Mecklenburg. Bowie Was a visitor to Winston-Salem Thursday, coming down from his mountain home fio look after some egal business in Forsyth court. DENTIST SAYS AMERICANS DON'T KNOW WHAT TO EAT Must Eat More Whole Grain Bread and Cooked Vegetables. Dallas, Texas, Nov. 15. —Unless the American people eat more tfhole grain breads, more vegetables cooked tA retain the lime salts, more whole milk and nat ural sweets, “the next two or three gen erations will be a nation of weaklings; so far as bone aud teeth are concerned,” Dr. C. B. Fowlkes of Birmingham, Ala., asserted in an address today at the Amer ican Dental Association convention. “In the matter of diet, theidental pro fession has an opportunity for doing a real service in outlining a diet that fur nishes the necessary lime salt sto build tooth and bone structure during the pre natal and pre-school period, as well as during childhood to, the eightieth year,” Dr, C. B. Fowlkes said. "Cue has only to look about him to see that the American people are not eating the right kind of breads, rice aud sweets, to say nothing of properly pro portioned vegetable diet,” the speaker declared. He stated that it is possible for any individual to reduce decay in his own mouth 75 per cent, by proper home pro phylaxis, and that proper mouth hygiene would reduce the percentage of contag ious diseases in children, such as mumps, measles, scarlet fever, etc. . Accuracy! Accuracy! Sohie people never miss an opportunity for contradiction. The fhet suggests to the Edinburgh Scotsman the story of the womdn who was traveling through North Wales.' "My, area t those mountains high.” ex claimed ail admiring fellow passenger. The contradictory one looked out of the Window and sniffed. "Ojdy the tops of them are," she pro tested. Swimming for women s-tudents is now requited in twenty-two Americah Col leges and universities. * b i - -'r -a; I "|T i > PLANT SOMETHING That home of yours is not com plete until you have planted some thing. You can make it more at tractive and add to its material value with a few of our selected evergreens, shrubs, etc. Call us for an appointment and we will be glad to make an estimate of yous job. We furnish the plants, do the wdVk arid guarantee them to grow. We offer seventy-five thousand fruit and pecan trees, vines, etc., at very attractive prices. If you are in the market it will pay you to call and see our fine display of tree’s and get our prices. We are headquarters for frost proof cab bake plants of superior quality. Crowell’s Plant Farm 159 East Corbin Street Coricord, North Carolina , THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ~ THIS LITTLE DRESS DARES jjj TO BE UNCONVENTIONAL jjj ffiSESiSaSESESSSHSESESESHHHi'-: SHSESES2SZSZSESa^SBSS2SaS2SaSH^ rlllS little dress contrives to be quite daringly out of the ordinary, and yet quite de finitely of the mode, if not in ad- A ' vance of It. While the short waist. ]* ' A the long tunic, and beltlessness \ seem to the portion of the major- V tty of dresses, this one dares to be long waisted, short peplumed, and' ( belted, and, in the vernacular, jl j/A “gets away #ith. It.” 1 If A Perhaps it ia because uncon- JgMf ml sciously our minds are prepared AwKj jßgsjSj ft? for the next leap forward, of sash- / A' W I ion, and It Is quite within the pos- / / IHI j jl j\ \ sibilities that the Jaunty peplum / / I HHH /l I \ 1 such as Is shown in this sketch may ( \ / Hflfl if I \ \ jbe the next dev -lopm.nt of the \ \ I jBHI J // \ \ \ | Be that as it may, this little \, N mMm /Jrj\ / J : dress sketched In Paris by the IRI j I | Cheney Style Service, is quite I / / Charming enough in its own right jHHggHOBI I not to need a long and logical ex- JHSpffSS&P j planation of Us variation from the /ilit.s. . Prices eased off but very moderately from the high point reached. January finally closing yester day at 24.60. Tile government's Inst forecast lind but little to do with the advance which has taken place, as the prop figure given was rather in line with expectations and many traders are firmly convicted that the yield Will ultimately turn out in the neighbor hood of 13,600,000. Tlie real cause of | mi ir 111 ~ More Comfort I g «r The Ford Coupe je U WWW JMcSS IVsOBICjr priced closed, car •r on the market —jev one of the moet «ati«factory. Costing less to buy and raaintain, every dollar invested brings greatest returns in comfortable, IS travel D * Sturdy, long-lived and adapted to all conditions I of roads aiid weather—it meets every need of a U The Coupe two-passenger closed car. B 3Cg 4t% Ujf Steadily growing demand and the resources and facilities of the Ford Motor Company have Sedan . 4685 made possible a closed car, at a price millions can ■ Tudor Sedan - too afioid, rightly designed, carefully built and backed J TouHHjCar . 295 fey an efficient service organization in every H ZZZL. '. neighborhood Slk the notion. H | drnnSfSSSmSmmS. .. i| r \ I ■ ■ SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED TORI) DEALER ■ the advance was due to the active trade demdnd which lias sprung np for eon tracts based largely on the big advance in Stocks and grains but mainly on indi i catiorffi that the consumption of Ameri i can cotton will increase enough during | the preent season to absorb tlie greater j part of tlie available supply and leave no j burdensome carryover at the end of next | July. j Tills confidence in an increased con sumption is based on the many evidences lof revived activity’by American mills I and the greater demand for American j cotton in foreign countries, as evidenced iby the large increase in exports so far this season. That tlie American mills were again actively employed was made evident by the census bureau's report is sued Friday, which showed tiiat October 1 consumption by domestic mills had -, ... ■ i - ' ■ I—■—.77'. '1 .1 , , r i.J.— A Royal Double Romance : •• A S J«fl] Wg^J If ts all settled now The royal parents have made the matches, and the royal children have assented The only royal double romance of modern ’ times soon will culminate In the marriages of the Duke of BrabatU $1 Belgium (lower left) and Princes® Mafalda of Italy (upper left), and Ppnse ‘ Humbert, eldest son of the king of Italy (upper right), and Princess Mario Jose (lower righti of Belgium All speak excellent English. There will V be no religious difficulties to the weddings, as all are Cathoiica.. i 1 i reached 532.620 bales of lint cotton, or i practically 100.000 bales over the pre • ceding month of September. , The action of Lancashire master spin ■ tiers in increasing working hours per ■ week in mills using American cottons was a further evidence of increased consump tion present and prospective. PAGE NINE Their infant son was fractious, but . His mother rated him A-l. In crying. he would keep his cut- Our ofieii till lie was (piite dotie. The mother oft would advertise Him as a prince—the prince of males; But dad said, tiring of his cries: “Sures, lie's a prince—the Prince of Wails.”