PAGE SIX SOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO. No. 22 and Miss Carrie Mae Trull. Concord R. F. I). No. 6; Frederick 1). Fanning. Jr., of (’uncord, and Miss Mamie T. Johnson, of Winston-Salem. 1 Business houses in Concord opened this morning for usual Work after being closed Thursday for Thanksgiving. No business was done in the city Thanks- j giving except by the drug stores, which ; remained open for a short while in the morning and afternoon. A eounty inter-denominational singing convention will be held Sunday at Cold . Springs Church beginning at 10 :.'!(> a. m. | ami lasting all day. Dinner will be served at the church. The singing will he led by l’rof. T. B. Jones ami tile general public is invited to attend. j Several cases were on docket for trial in recorder's court tffis afternoon, police officers stated this morning. Thanksgiv ing was quietly observed in the city gen- ' erally speaking, however, and the offi- | rets reported that they were called ni>on to perform little duty during the day. Tom Castor \vas tried in recorder’s court Wednesday, charged with secret assault with a deadly weapon on 1,011 ' Sanders, special officer of the city. 110 was sentenced to serve 90 diys in jail, capias not to issue on payment of the costs and a fine of $35 and agreement not to violate any laws of the city for two years. A number of football fans from Con cord plan to go to Charlotte tomorrow afternoon to see Shelby and Silencer play in the high school championship se ries. The winner of the game will play - Rockingham, winner in the east, in Chap el Hill next week for the state champion ship. The game in Charlotte is expected to attract several thousand fans. Basketball will make its bow in Con cord for the 1924 season tonight when | the 1 teams from Concord and Kannapo lis meet on the court of the local Y. The game is scheduled to begin at 8 * o'clock and although the two teams have j not had a great deal of practice the play ers are said to be in fairly good condi-' tion for the game. The hunting season for rabbits opened I in Cabarrus on Thursday and as usual ! many persons spent Thanksgiving Day j in the fields. * Rabbits are plentiful this year, it is said. The open season for quail started today and hany hunters took advantage of tile law to kill their first quail of the season during the day. It is not known now whether or not quail will be plentiful this season but the hunters are expected to determine the matter during the next few days. Kings’ Daughters Want Clothing. The Kings Daughters, as usual every winter, give out good warm clothing to people who are not able to purchase the same, and any clothing, good warm clothing, will be appreciated. Persons having anything to donate for this pur pose will please send the articles to the Chief of Police at the city hall, where it will be received and put in the King's Daughters’ Closet, to be used by them in relieving unfortunates who need protec tion from the severe cold weather at this season of the year. I Cotton Growers Have Been Advanced Over $5,000,000. According to the weekly report of op- ■ oration*. the North Carolina Cotton [ Growers' Co-operative Association lias advanced members over five million dol- | lars on tjie- present crop. Taking in- 1 to consideration the fact that the cot-1 ton crop in North Carolina is at the best not more\than seveny-five per cent, j of the crop of last year, the deliveries to the association are remarkably large. 1 A much larger percentage of the state’s crop having been delivered to this date. .Missed The Tribune. . I'm glad; 1 Yes. 1 spent the finest Thanksgiving in my whole forty years experience; only one regret—l did iv. isams-sf SftiltMSw Ass Says In a Mingle season banana trees grow as much ats 40 feet, showing what am bition will do in a hard-working tree. Hie Canary Islands, like I relaud, have no snakee?, but it is too late for picnics now. • The suu*s rays take nn!y eight minutes to reach the earth, so it looks ns if they would be all lvht and tired. Begonias grow wild in Java. We have never been there, but it may be because they stay out all night. Russia has a population of 125,000,- (HK>, some cf which, contrary to general j optnion.. don't need a shave, j According to a FVeueh-Canadian law. I stealing a kiso in Canada is not a crime, j but we knew that. I There are stars* so distant we nch 1 their light 3(3.000 year* later, and perhaps ! therein re friends that way. ] Wfth English coal reserves estimated at 155 billicn tons, wo would guess off hand that American reserves are a couple of tons. The greyhound can run 35 miles an hour, so if you get one he never should bo 'ate for supper. The pole star is always directly over tlie north pole, just like apartment house dwellers in winter. 1 Oh gosh! Italy has n singing lightning bug. Oh well, we have singing radio bugs. j We ean’t resist wondering if Italy’s singing lightning bug ever sings twiee in the same place. j FOOTBALL RESULT -i THURSDAY State Teams. | Virginia T: Carolina 0. j Snate 0; Washington ami Lee 34. Trinity 15: Davidson 21. Oak Ridge 48; Blue Ridge 2(1. Lynchburg College 37; Guilford fi. Southern Teams. Alabama 33: Georgia 0. Georgia Tech 7; Auburn 0. V. M. I. (1: V. P. I. 0. Florida 10: Drake 0. Maryland 0: Johns Hopkins ft. J William and Mary 20; Richmond •J University (!. Sewanee 16: Vanderbilt 0. j Stetson 31 : Cumberland 14. . Tulane 13: Louisiana State Univer sity 0. Presbyterian College ft; The Citadel 13. * Furman 3; Clemson 0. King College 27; Carson-Newmnn 6. ; Trinity Freshmen 15: Apprentice ' school 7. Buy it for Christmas. Kidd-Frix Mu sic Store. Jewelry Carries the True Qift Sentiment SFTS of jewelry are treasured V7 through the years to come, an everlasting token of the deep regard of the giver. The beauty ol jewelry, its intrinsic worth, its constant usefulness with out necessarily the drawback of being overly practical, combine to carry the thoughtful sentiment we all covet in a gift Whenever you have occasion to select a gift we wish you to feel perfectly free to come in and in spect our offerings. We know you will be happy with whatever pur chases you may make. STARNES-MILLER PARKER CO. Jewelers and Optomet e rists The best sympathy IT is only human for a fu neral director to feel sym pathetic in the presence of bereaved patrons. But it is real sympathy when he recog nizes an obligation to see to it that the highest character of burial equipment is furnished at honest prices. Such a policy has been responsible for the success of this concern. Typical of the burial equip ment furnished by us is the Clark Grave Vault, recognized as a leader in the vault indus try, tiecause it gives positive and permanent protection. Wilkinson’s Funeral Home Opcn^Day 6 M°d Night Bold Piece of Auto Theft. Stanly News-Herald. What appears to have been one of the boldest pieces of theft ever pulled off In Stanly County was that on last Saturday afternoon about 1 o'clock when Richard Burleson made up his mind that lie ueeded a Dodge auto and deliberately hopped into the handsome new machine of John Boyette. Jr., which machine-was parked in front of the R. N. Furr build ing. and deliberately drove it off to Char lotte. Mr. Boyette saw the auto leave, but thought it was his brother, Bee. driv ing it. so thought nothing about the mat ter until when the machine was not re turned. he called home and learned thar his brother had not used the cnr at all. He then suspected that someone had stol en it and commenced, with the assist ance of the police department, to use the wires to hertd off the fleeing trespasser. About 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Boyette received a telephone call from the police department at Charlotte say ing they had his machine, and also that they had Richard. Boyette left for Char lotte and got his Dodge all right, and of fers brought Richard back and lodged him in the county jail. The Charlotte police found young Bur leson in the machine on Hie streets of Charlotte, and it is said that he confess ed that he had “swiped" the auto, and told the officers whose machine it was. He will be given a preliminary hearing before Judge Ingram at an early date, hirt the act being a felony, will have to go to Superior Court for final disposi tion. Young Burleson is around 17 years of age. Ills home is Albemarle. SHOULD NOT BAN ETHYL GASOLINE Editor of Chemical Journal Says Ha* ards Should Not Stop Manufacture. New York, Nov. 27.—Manufacture of el re-ethyl lead, so-called "looney gas,” should not be discontinued, despite the hazards involved, it is asserted in a re port made public .today by Dr. Harrison E. Howe, of Washington, D. C., editor of the official journal of the American Chemical Society. The report follows an investigation into the recent deaths of five workers at the Bayway, Nl J„ plant of the Standard Oil Company. Discontinuance of the manufacture of the compound would be "folly," it is stated, the “price now having been paid' for an important economic advance. It further is pointed out that more than 200.000.000 gallons of ethyl gasoline have already been distributed by 20.000 filling stations in 22 stales without apparent injury or loss of life. "During the development wgrk lives have been lost," the report state, “but with a better understanding of the es foots of tetra-etliyl lead, illness has been steadily reduced among the workmen, until like many other toxic materials, il rfow can be produced in large quantity with safety." It is emphasized that the motorists uses ethyl gasoline in which the propor tion of tetra-ethyl lead to gasoline “is fro me one to 1.000 to one 1.400, a dilu tion which makes a perfectly safe mix ture. Statesville has an association of citi zens devoted to the purpose of making their little city more beautiful. They are planting maples on one street and dog woods on another. K. OF r. NOTICE Regular meeting Concord Isuige No. 51 K of I*. this evening at S o'clock. Cor dial invitation ;o all members to bt present. It. W. BLACKWELDER, C. C. THIRTEEN MAKE A DOZEN Thirteen Pencils Thirty Cents. Thirteen Tablets Fifty Cents. Thirteen make One Dozen here. If you arc an Odd Fellow, remember me— I’m a littde odd myself. TO JVINGTON’S N. C. CHRISTMAS SUPER PLATE Old Tales that grow the pleasanter in • - the telling; Old Customs that have out lived centuries; Old Friendships beeom- * ing brighter as time passes—Gifts at Christmas should have a Beauty that is lasting. Our Silverware has this enduring love- 4 liness—a Charm of gleaming surface and l fine workmanship that lasts through the ! years. Candlesticks or flower baskets, the prac tical Coffee Set or Vegetable Dish, Com pots or Water Pitchers—their assured quality enhances your joy in Christmas giving. The Old Reliable W. C. Correll Jewelry Company o Just Received * • Another Large Car of 1 Spartan Dairy Feed —and— 9 \ Spartan Laying Mash | Spartan Dairy Feed Makes 9 More Milk. 9 Spartan Laying Mash makes 9 old hens lay like pullets. % I Phone Us Your Orders % Cabarrus Cash Gro- jj eery Co. i Phone 571 W. « OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD TIRES ROLL LONG $ v 111 S The most expensive cars are not V worth much when equipped wyh Q HB “short it the X long r,ln *" have the best. We know O <5 the kind you should have. Drop in X \ 1 «_ and let us give you the benefit of our (5 i - experience together with the latest Q I ' \vll It / tire statistics. o Y HOWARD’S FILLING STATION g | | ~ PHONE 88* I COAL I Don,t forget I have a splendid Lump Coal for $7.75 per jj jj Ton. g l 4 I Best Double Screened Jellico at $9 00 " ) | A. B. POUNDS ’** ooooooooaooo P 0 o° OOOQ| Oooooooooooooooooooooeop?q I' “Dry Cleaning Protects The Health of the Nation” I Your new fall or winter coat will keep its newness i'l longer if you let us give it regular cleaning and pressing. ]!| Or perhaps your last year’s coat needs only the conserv,- '|' v ing touch of our skilled artisans. A button here, new sleeve !j! linings, *a little tailoring, followed by perfect cleaning and !' pressing, or posisbly dyeing, and you have practically a j! 1 new coat. Even though you new one, the old one will he fine for !'! second best. 1 1 1 Our prices are very reasonable. j j Bobs Dry Cleaning Co. PHONE 787 jj O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOQfvy^ ftftffoOf>oc *g I A CHECKING ACCOUNT i | Saves your time through its convenience—Your money I through its ‘ accuracy—Your reputation through its busi- | I ness like qi»|ities. It is an economical but certain way to | keep a casljßlrecord. It prevents mistakes, overpayment, P misunderstawfflidg and loss of time occasioned by disputes. | You can’t afford not to pay by check. Yours to Serve CABARRUS SAVINGS Bank CAPITAL $400,000.00 gwmggwu oooooooooboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocT Purina Chicken Chowder j Saves Money—Saves Hens Why not use the BEST ? It is cheaper in the end. We j guarantee you more eggs or your money back. CASH FEED STORE Phone 122 S. Church St. ; ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodobooooo I Thanksgiving 8 l 0,1 •U* occasion W« Extend 8 W fjplr'ra’fc'y it y ]T~~\ ° ,,r to our many friends 8 gU y 1 r if patronage and sup. | S BURi I 1 J PHONE 74 | K. L. Craven & Sobs Friday, November 2S*' 1924 I