PAGE TWO p-v . JjEP. & I' "■ ■ ■! 1 '■* ' '■yi HI ■ ■*■■ ■ ■■■•-■ ■— PENNY COLUMN Bodfortt-Johnson Shoes With Paiico soles at $2.t15. Concord Arm} A Navy Store. 2-6 t-p. For Rent—One Bed Room. For Infor mation regarding this ad., phone 761 It. Apply Tiines-Tribune office. 2-ts-p. For Sale—Pure Bred Barred Rock Cock erels. Ge*. S. Graeber. 2-3 t-p. A'U Wool Bkmkets $2.95. Concord Army & Navy Store. 2-lit-p. The War Mothers Will Give a Supper ilt the Thursday evening beginning at 5:30 o'clock. Chicken salad, uoo dles. oysters, cake, ice cream and can dy will be sold, also fancy work, (let a good supper and help the War Moth ers. 2-i!t-c. $10,000,000 Company Wants Man to Sell Watkins Home Necessities in Concord. More than 150 used daily. Income $3.5- SSO weekly. Exiierience unnecessary. Write Department 11-:!. The J. It. Watkins Company, 155-150 l’erry St.. New York City. N. Y. l-3t-p. For Sale — due Ford S4OO. Also One Chev rolet $200.00. Cash price. I. 1.. Itoss. Sunderland School. Concord. N. C. l-2t-p. Lost — A Black Fur Neckpiece Between Ed. McDonald’s and Ralph Boyd’s on North Spring street Friday afternoon between 2 and 3 o’clock. Reward if returned to Ralph lloyd, North Spring ,St. 2t)-3t-p. Fcr Sale — l 4 Pigs at \V. O. Petrea. .33.50. to SO.OO each. Route 4. Concord, N. C. l-2t-p. Auction Sale—Wednesday. December 3. 1024. at Mrs. R. \V. I’iggers. residence. Flowe’s Store. Horses, mule, one |'Jersey heifer, all farming tools, corn and hay, household and kitchen furni ture. 25-7 t-p. l.est—Portfolio. Containing Business Pa pers. etc., iu Concord or on Ml. Pleasant road. Reward if return ad hi~feo.y-.~Xfc .). Houston. 3S Chestnut street. l-2t-p. Alcohol—lßß Per Cent. Proof. King Tut No. One. l-.'!t-c. i Sunday School Attendance Report For! Stuiday. November 30th. Kerr Street Methodist—Enrolled l!).'!. I present 130. Epwortb 1 Methodist —Enrolled 271.1 present 101. Forest Hill Aletbodist—Enrolled 415. j ]>rescnt 236. St. Andrews Lutheran —Enrolled 18§, present 122. Calvary Lutheran—Enrolled'326. pres ent K!>. Methodist Protestant —Knnfiietl 286. present 23*5. White-Parks Union—Enroll'd 105. present 70. St. James Lutheran—Enrolled 360, present 212. At the Theatres. The Star is again shewing. LeatHee Joy. Blanche Sweet and Rod Laßoeqiie in "Triumph.” Pearl White in "Perils, of Paris" anil a comedy. "Go Getters." featuring Al-1 berta Vaughn and George O'Hara, are the features at the Pastime today. j. Si Tn* “ ” liirfr f?*' •*. ' .jgj i:i ()ur underwear stocks 4 , ,-, v | M "j and wt' lia\ e just the Ml I . ■■it. •> • ca-nai uni mi .si.o*- i&iiniiiifraiimifc. Ii» i.ji,»ii.»ia«lia»m»iiiai ii»»ijiiiaCi’>ifci''aoiii»i«SrioiiliAylaiii‘!odiia»y>Q9<»nooo9qloopq9oooooooooooo All-Wool Slipover Sweaters $2.45. Con eord Army A Navy store. 2-6 t-p, Lost—Large Liver and White Spotted pointer. Reward fcr information Mis to hi« whereabouts. S. O. Eddleman. 2-2 t-p. Public Sale of Old Presbyterian Church, Kannapolis. The old . Presbyterian Church buiUVng, Kannapolis. N. C.. will be sold at public auction Saturday. 6th, at 2:00 P. M. Sale will take place on the church grounds. Build ing open for inspection any time be tween now and stile. Great value of lumber in this building. Look into this sale aud come trendy to buy. For further Information .-Bs*“ T. Fry. merchant. Kannapolis. 2-4 t-p. Fcr Sale—l Horse, 3 Cows. 2 Hogs. 1 ! two-horse wagou. Hat aud bed. 1 oue i horse wagon, reaper, mower, and drill, riding cultivator and all other farming tools; one separator. Also corn and cotton seed. some roughness, house hold aud kitchen furniture, 2 old spia- I ning wheels. At the home of John M. Ridcuhour. near St. John's, on Deeein i her tttli. 11)24. l-2t-p. Rain Omits Made liy I . S. Rubber Co at $2.7-5. Concord Army KK-rr.(vtnc> BeesT OT(?-f iM/Cuiegrs oyT ys ~TBg W *1 etace-noM j was t/nww -rctusy smakinci han&s _ 4 wtorejv to r>tr ue <*oTa\ jsSjg|Ai>™vevgjß • v - « rr* 1 1 MBrK i i iifp PREMIUMS At Urn Big PM and Mobhj Show at tbe Y. M- C. A. December 49th. To the boy or girl having the greatest number of exhibits $2.50 For best Relic 1.00 For Best Pair Bantams .50 For Best School Exhibit 5.00 For Biggest Rabbit .50 For Most Unique Exhibit 1.00 For Smallest Dog .25 For Ugliest Dog .25 For Prettiest Dog .50 Best Display of Pigeons 1.00 Best Bird L>og i (to Best Kitten .03 Biggest Cat .25 Best Collection Stamps 1.00 Best Coin Collection 1.00 Oldest Antique l,()0 Best Collection War Relies .50 Best Piece Art Work .50 Best Piece Crochet .50 Best Pen Thoroughbred Chickens 1.50 Best White Leghorn Cockerel .501 Best White Leghorn Pullet .50 Biggest Turkey .50 Ugliest Duck 05 Prettiest Birds jg) Whitest Billy Goat LOO (irandiest Frizzled Chicken I>s Best Display Guinea Pigs .50 Best Display Rats 05 Best Display Opossums .50 Best Pheasants 50 ■Best Pair Pouter Pigeons .50 Alan.v special prizi's for collections, fan cy work, chickens and pets. Get your entries in early, beautiful eoi>ps. a big time, everyone enter wmiething to make the show worth while. Get out your old curiosities. Everything will be well pro tected. Show will open at 0:30 p. m „ 1 ri'lu.v 10th. Will close at 10 p. m. Beau tif4*l ribbons will be given. Ist. 2nd and 3rd prizes in each Mass. Entry cards will be distributed at all schools. Entries open to all. BEGGAR ARRESTED BY' POLICE OF THIS CITY Charged That He \Va.s Going to Homes Asking For alu-r of Women. Local police officers Monday afternoon arrested here a white man giving his name as C. C. Dough ton. anil lie was ■lodged in jail charged with vagrancy. It is alleged by the police that the man vis ited several homes of the city begging and in some instances walked right into homes without knocking at the front dors. Several ladies of the city were badly frightened by the man, it was reported to the when he walked into rooms into which they were sitting without knocking or giving any other indication that, he was iu the house. Police officers at first thought per haps the man was the same who entered threh homes iu the city last Sutur'day and carried off jewelry aud clothing. Howev er, an examiuatiuu proved that lie was not the man. < Officers reported that a small quantity of denatured alcohol was found on the maiy He claimed lie used the alcohol to rub his laaly. : The prisoner probngy will be given a hearing in recorder's, court tomorrow af ternoon. Pet and ! lobby Show. The second Annual Pet and Hobby Show will open its doors to the public Friday. December 1 lull, al 6:30 p. m. A large number of extra coops have been 1 engaged and from every indication the I show will be much larger than last year, j Hundreds of boys aud girls, men and wo- J men will enter their |>ots. Curiosities, fancy work, crochet, pictures, a big New York Bank pill have a novel entry in showing the current money of all of the leading countries of the world. Animals, monkeys, pets of every de scription. People living iu the country are asked to show their chickens and pets. Everyone get on the band wagon. Profit Sliaring Days in Concord. immediately after the holidays the lo cal Chamber of Commerce will with the support of the merchants of Concord, in augurate once each month for six months a general Profit Sharing Day for the ben efit of Concord. Cabarrus and the sur rounding sections. Alan.v cities have aud are using this method to attract and stimulate trade. On these days it is planned to offer genuine reductions, clean salable goods. Watch for the announce ments and plans. Much Publicity From New Hotel. The Chamber of Commerce upon the completion of the finance campaign broadcasted (lie news—that this publicity was worthwhile is being proven by the large number of inquiries being received at tbe office daily. Lady Lu<-k has smiled on the clubwo men of Hutchinson. Lvas.. a wealthy cit izen of that place having presented them with a handsome residence elaborately furnished for Use as a-clubhouse. iPARKS-BELK CO. I 5E ■ - - 1: as S ' ' ’-Iv * ' S S B 3 |f ■ B S' / I B < 3 V • s I I I' • CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TIME IS HERE 1 | ? AGAIN | i'- • m j GIVE USEFUL AND PRACTICAL GIFTS | BLANKETS! BLANKETS! i s The Famous Elkin and Wooly Warm Blankets Extra Special This Week—Elkin Household 1 Blanket, 66x80, $7.50 value, Sale, pair $5.75 '2s ' 355 Elkin Made Chatham Gordon Scotch Plaid, a H $12.95 Value, Sale .... ..... $9.45 Cotton Blankets, per pair $1.69 to $3.98 Wool Mixed $4.45 tq $5.95 1 Esmond Baby Blankets .... 98c to $1.98 Wool Blankets For the Bahv. _ _ ... $3.45 to $4.98 a ■m • ■ - vB S' ' --V'.-S aa s __ B | PARKS BELK CO. | S PHONES 138 AND 608 QUICK DELIVERY B 1 lillHliii(f!l!lillllill!l(ili[lilMMlilJ]|lUjli!llil!illl]li:iii4llllUi4luilumili4iiimiuuiiiiitHi*fiiiHtuiiiHiiHiiiiii*iuriiiHuiii«9 MOW N POl ~ ~ r CrM loiMr V C LMSEES AN'©eN%MEN -X .•' mjE UP (AM SLEEVE | NATIONAL To QECEJVJE WOU - HERE Woo I MAfilf Ml ID Sts EMPTM JAR - B I lAVJIL HUb >JU_L SOME USDV \MHO iSSAwJ|f j j W£\* SEEN