MS -»• A-- i uesaav, December 2, 1924 SOCIAL RSONAL Beads Are Feature >llllllll HJT k&i : ' y S' "*w Beads are applied to this pink georgette frock in a manner that is different and quite charming The wide band about the eottom of the skirt and the nar rower one going up the front-- giade of closely woven fringes of lr «a3ans o sj ajaqj, spooq fuaosopi (ion of a fountain in these tiny cas hes that catch the light and to lect it so delicately. The narrow ' icarf is worthy of interest because »ie smart scarf is lengthening and lecoming less wide. Study Club to Meet. The Study Club will meet Thursday afternoon at-3 o'clock with Mrs. C. \V. Byrd, at her home on North Union street. Miss Ha 11am Entertaining. Miss Benia JJullaiu, teacher in. Con cord's kindergarten, is entertaining this afternoon at the Y.fM.O. A. in honor of ■the mothers of the students in her school. Sir. Harris Entertains Employees. A. E. Harris, manager of Efird’s De partment Store, entertains bis employes •at the Y tonight. A big feast at 6:30 o'clock. A stunt party follows, under the direction of H. W. Blanks, many i novel and new' 'punts will be put.” I - —■ in ..■■■ .. ■ Head colds Melt a little Vicks in a spoon and inhale the medicated Vapors. Apply frequently up the nostrils. Always use freely iust before going to bed. \nm Ooarlf MUianJatatMYaari, iil i ■' m m »..i ■.l if i.. i miHiiiiiiironTißiiidiigiMnniimKHißiniiamsnuiiuiitti J 'L To Protect The Dead Everybody can not afford to erect elaborate and costly mausoleum* of marble, but all who have the dertrp can secure equal protec tion for their beloved dead through the GALION Metallic Grave Vault j when a casket is sealed I within this vault before being placed in the earth. * neither water nor air, ver min nor ghoule have power to contaminate or harm the body in any way, and the cost of the protection le slight Tie Gallon Vault matt fe kv. spec fed In our display room pi any time. BELL & HARRIS FUNERAL PARLOR* Day Phone ttt. Night Phones 860-169 L Af-'-’l ■ $ ||r lyj 1-jQk '"Jt ~ TLgaUoN m PERSONALS Mrs. M. L. Buchanan left Monday night fbr Towson, Maryland, to visit her non, <3. M. Buchanan. * * s Miss Marie Barrier returned from Mooresville Monday after spending the week-end with MisseMargaret White. a * * Mrs. Eugene Wrean and son, of Kan napolis. are spending several weeks with Mrs. W. C. Parnell. * t * . .Mrs. A. Goodman has returned to her home in Beidsvilie after spending the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. A. Pu dolsky. Mrs. J. E. Love and children, who have been the guests of Mrs. A. R. Blackwelder, have returned to their home in Greensboro. Bridge Party. Mrs. A. Pudolsky and Mrs. A. R. Blackwelder entertained at bridge Sat urday afternoon in honor of their guests, Mrs. A. Goodman, of Reidsville, and Mrs. J." E. Love, of Greensboro. Bridge was played at three tables, the top score prize being won b.v Mrs. E. B. Grady. Those present besides the honorees were: Mesdames li. C. Lltaker, Clyde Propst. E. B. Grady, Clyde Pounds. D. W. Moose. Smith Barrier, H. D. Black welder. George Fisher, E. Cannon, Archie Allred, of High Point, and Misses Rush Nanly and Eva Taylor. >; ! The Kings' Daughters. The December meeting of the Stonewall Jacksou Circle of the King’s Daughters was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Zeb Moore. The Scripture lesson, II Peter 3:10-3 8, was read by Mrs. J. P. Cook. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read ami approved. The treasurer reported a balance of only 132,50. The visiting committee reported that help had been given to eleven peo ple. A committee will be appointed to co operate with Mr. Blanks with the Christ mas Opportunities. The following officers were chosen to serve for the coming year: President—Mrs. J. P. Cook. First Vice President—Mrs. J. A. Can non.. . , g Second Vice President—Mrs. Sam Er vin. Recording Secretary—Miss Janie Kluttz. Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Zeb Moore. Treasurer—Miss Margie McEachern. The visiting committee for December is composed of the following Indies: Mesdames Sam Ervin, T. H. Webb, Hal Jarratt and C. F. Ritchie. The circle adjourned to meet next month with Mrs. R. E. Ridenhour, Jr. SECRETARY. Music Department to Meet. Mrs. C. F. Ritchie will entertain the members of the Music Department' of the Woman's Club this evening at 7:80 o'clock at her home on South TTnion Street. The hour for meeting has been changed from 8 o’clock to 7:30 o'clock and members are asked to pleast*. cote the change. Betlipage Community Chib. The Bethpage Community Club will hold its regular meeting December 4th, n't 7:30 o'clock. The following is the pro gram : ' Song: ' :f Devotional Exercises —M, N. Petrea. Music—Mary and John Fisher. Recitation—Colson Petrea. Reading—Mrs. Caleb Fisher. Music —Mary and John Fisher. Recitation—Rbn Fisher. Talk—Mrs. John. Jfisher. Music—Mary and John Fisher, Play—The Typical Farmer’s Wife. Talk—Mr. W. C. McKinley. Business. . R. Where the Mystery Is. Statesville Daily. The death of the preacher's wife at Columbus, Ohio, has been a mystery. Her body was found in the furnace. Whether it was suicide or murder has* puzzled the authorities, but latest re ports indicate Sic latter. In fact there were two incidents that, appeared at the outset that looked very suspicious. Two sons of the womau came into the house and discovered their mother’s dead body in the furnace, as they admitted. They didn’t give the alarm at the time, but, left the house to play ball, leaving their mother's remains in the furnace; and they never seemed very much concerned on account of her death. When the preacher was informed that his wife’s body was in the furnace, or he found it there, he didn't try to put out the tire and save whatever was left of his wife’s; body. The apparent indifference of hus band and sons would seem to require some explanation, If there ia a solution of the mystery attaching to the death of the woman “science will claim the credit,” says a re port from Columbus. The Sherlock Holmes methods failed, it is asserted. ''Chemistry established the fact of mur der” and pathology is expected to reveal how it is done. Then psychiatrists are expected to find the mental complex with the murder tendency. Give science and ail the rest all possible credit. But-or dinary common sense suggested that sons that manifested no concern when they foitnd their mother's body in the furnace, and a husband that didn’t try to save Hie charred remains from the fire, have some sort of complex that needs looking into, by science or somebody. Tlic first Pullman sleeping-car was built sixty years ago. MAMMOTH BRONZE “Goldbank Strain” Turkeys . Have 18 beautiful young Toms for sale. All thoroughbreds. $lO. to S2O according to size and plumage. e. M. Rowell Kannapolis, N. C. -' < - - N - ' * ' ’-A f*, ■ THB CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Help postoffice clerks BY MAILING EARLY All Should Get Mail in Some Time Be tween December the 10 and 20. Last year, through the generous co-op eration of the press, the movies and other advertising mediums, Christmas mailers were induced to dispatch their Yuletide presents earlier in the month than ever before in the history of the institution of gift exchanging in he holiday season. As a result, the spectacle of the last minute rush of former years, with its at tendant heartbreaking labor on the part of wearied and nerve worn store clerks and postal employees, was avoided.’ This year Postmaster General New and First Assistant Postmaster General John H. Bartlett have determined to make an even better record and to banish for all time the suffering undergone in past years by those engaged in the sale or transpor tation of gifts. They hope to make “Shop Early” and, “Mail Early” a habit with the American people. Mailing early does not mean December 1 or before, but it everyone could get theit holiday tokens in, the mail' between December 10 and 20, the post office could not ask more. Particular attention this year will be paid to greeting cards. Despite the suc cess last year it was noted that the last minute mail consisted largely of cards. Possibly many of them were returned greetings to friends, heard from on a previous mail, but overlooked on the original Christmas list. Unlike parcels and letters containing money orders, cards, of course, can not well be marked “Do not Open Until Christmas.” There fore, it is possible that the many mailers hold them until the last to insure deliv ery on Christmas Eve. This Class of ■nailers this year, however, may find their cards undelivered until after Christmas Day. Believing that the energies of postal employees should not be sappedf to |ho last degree for any avoidable reason, and, intent upon securing for them the samd Christmas privileges enjoyed by otliets< Postmaster General New asks the hearty co-operation of the public. The last-min ute, or zero hour has been moved up so that all postal employees may eat their Christmas dinners at home. Rural car riers will deliver no mail at all on Christmas day and clerks and carriers in the city offices will stop work promptly at noon. Light is the speediest thing chat ex ists. It rushes onward at the appalling rate of 186,(Hit) miles a seconu. In a single second of time a light-ray would flash round the earth no less than seven and a half times. "When you can only ttand by and wish. I Without fire insurance to re- j | ly on after a fire has burned ; [ your home—reduced it to a ] [ mass of ruins—you can on- ] ly stand by helpless. ] Do not let fire find you un- i * | insured. Buy adequate fire i * i| insurance now for both your * j ]i| home and household goods. X Insure them in an agency ! [ X that has been paying honest ( ! X losses for many years. A j | policy in the John K. Pat- i !j j!‘ terson & Company Agency i j X provides sound indemnity i i I for you in time of loss by i i j fire. ' * ] ■ /For Safe and Sure Insurance ] [ CALL ;; | Jno. K. Patterson : & Company X It la Our Business to Keep People j | Out of Troubla -jB A smooth complexion in all walks of life means more than anything else. USE MEL-BRO LOTION for pimples, black heads, acne, tetter, and barber’s itch. Sold At All Drug. Stores YOUR VALUABLES Do not make the mistake of trying to find safety for your important papers or valuables of any description by hiding them around the house. Someone is sure to find them sooner or later or perhaps a fire or burglary will de prive you of them. • Yon can make certain of absolute saftey as well as privacy for your valuables by placing them in a Safe Deposit Box in our fire and burglar proof vault. Boxes rent for $1.50 and upwards a year. riTITCIWe BANK AND tlllLEriiS TRUST CO. r* MELRQSE FLOUR, LIBERTY SELF RISING FLOUR The Flour Market has advanced very much recently. However, we had liberal booking of these two High Grade Flours, ami our price is not up to other lower grade flours on the market. Don’t be persuaded to buy any new brand at the same or even higher price, as they are asking. ' Melrose Flour won its place in the homes of the best trade of Concord more than twenty-five years ago, and its high grade has been advanced each year to meet the demands of the most exacting trade. Today it has no rivaL Our trade grows on it each year. Liberty Self Rising Flour is made hi Virginia at a neighboring town of Mel rose, and is Melrose in quality. For the best hot biscuit and choice pastry it stands first. Buy your flour always from us. Cline & Moose Nice Dressed Chickens Fresh Fish and Oysters Pork Sausage Beef Roast Juicy Steaks Pork Chops Pork Roasts J. F. Day vault & Bro. l .i, ■ Phones 85 and 524 JOTOtXJOPqqoawwwowwqqqqopooqqopqooooOOOOQOOOOOQC Fl.lWlHiircel Wave ForSk —at— C. A. Henry’s Beauty Shop For a Short While We Will Give a One Dollar Marcel t ”.' games including—the old reliable, parcheesi, dominoes, checkers, chess carrom boards, India, crokinole boards; and the new games of Bar ney Google, auto race. Ueß. Mail, Uncle Wiggley, Billy Whiskers, The Three Onardsmen, Journey to Bethlehem and many others. Also many card games, as Authors, Log machy. Book, Pitt, Flinch, Bible, i Geography Games, Old Maid, Dr. Busby, Jack Starws, Fortune Tell ing Games, I’ussale Pex-Bloxo—in faqt a complete assortment. Come ' and see them. 1 Musette,inc PHONE 579 P. 8. —Our personal engraved Christmas Card orders have passed the two thousand mark. Is yonrs among them? For Rent—Six-room, Two Story House on Marsh street, next to N. A. Archi bald's. Lot 67x195 feet. Apply to J. B. Sherrill. Times or The Tribune in advance for a lull year and get The Progressive Farmer at Thnes-Tribune Office. No Clever Trick (<■ ' • I No method of selling stock, old, hard, dirty and out of style. , ' J , ; $5 Price means nothing unless backed by QUALITY and style. Best goods not held back. A Everything on Sale :|j Everything Stylish, New and Clean! All goods in cluding every article at Cost. We are going out of business. The only place in Concord where new goods are on sale at cost. storage Repairing Firestone Tires and Tubes Corl Motor Co. Washing Greasing I. p 5 BOYS NEED GOOD SHOES j I I ijy? °jf They need shoes that are ! / of strong and well made out of J °|j 4sl§£ the best of leathers. They travel / miles every day over pretty f °\\ rough roads, so nothing but the Rv best pays for that boy of yours mv and what’s more, they are cheapest ia the long run. We V, w. are showing some remarkable \ \ [ I values at $2.50, $3.00, *4.00, V, \,and $5.00 \ We Fit Their Feet as They Should Be Fitted IVEY’S j "THEY WEAR LONGER” TURKEYS! TURKEYS! Let us have your order for your Thanksgiving Turkey now. Wc will deliver any day you say. Will deliver anywhere in the city for 35e per pound; and any where in the United States, east of the Mississippi River for 40c tier pound. F We are headquarters for all kinds of poultry and Farm Products. C. H. BARRIER & CO. j $lO-218 W. Depot Street CONCORD, N. C. * Get the World-Famous McKinley Music for 15c a Copy at the PEARL DRUGSTORE [: Saturday Special j. Fresh. Country Eggs, Country | Sausage, Lettuce, Celery. Oranges, Apples, Pears, Grape- J fruit, Cranberries. [ Loose Cocoanut apd Concord i Gfapes. ! Loose Cocoa, IA. | per pound \ PIGGLY WIGGLY PAGE FIVE '■ ■■ ■—j=r^! i e=s Just Received Another Large Car of Spartan Dairy Feed —and— Spartan Laying Mash Spartan. Dairy Feed Makes More Milk. J Spartan Laying ; Mash makes old hens lay like pullets. Phone Us Your; Orders Cabarrus Cash Gro-