PAGE TEN j v''-^’"! f We carry a big line of Building Material you will need to build that House,Barn or other building you are going We have a complete line of Nails, Cut arid Wire Finish, Common Nails, all sizes. Flooring Brads and Roofing I , J We carry a full line of Flue Lining, all sizss, round and square; Flue Plates and Hangers, Flue Thimbles and Bon- I nets. Terracotta Pipe from four to twenty-four inches. I Stanley and McKinney Hinges, Yale and Rysswin Locks and Night Latches. When you think of Painting, think of us. We have the Best Line of Paint and Varnishes on the market: Benjamin Moore & Co. s Semi-paste I Paint, Stag Semi-paste Paint, Saniflat Barrel Sunlight, Vajspaf Varnish, Val Enamel,6l Varnish, in fact most anything you want in paint.! We-1 Your home is not complete without a Good Range. We have the Majestic, which as you know, has no equal. Come in and see the latest Majestic Combinatiton. Buy and your stove troubles are ended. ALUMINUM AND ENAMEL WARE . A//I We have a big assortment of Aluniqum and Enamel Ware to select from. You cannot build a home without Hardware , / y /SJ / “so let us figure withyou before building. We carry Quality Goods and our prices are right. •// - « MYORKE & WADSWORTH COMP'YCK; ***************** * * ONCE AGAIN. * * _ 5)5 s!i. Our good friends are again noti- 5* *. fled that r> cents a line cash is cliarg- * 5* ed for Cards of Thanks. Resolu- * ?e tons of Respect. Obituaries and no - - 5* * tices of all entertainments or other * * meetings to which an admission fee 5* *is charged or at which anything is j sold. If you send by mail, figure * 5& the cost at one cent per word and * 5k include the amount in the letter, *] You may send one or two cent * 535 stamps if more convenient. 515 * % * * * * 5* * 515 5* * * s** * * ♦ '»■■-»■■■—. 1 FIERY, ITCHY SKIN ; QUICKLY SOOTHED ! BY THIS SULPHUR 1— •» ; Mentho-Sulphur, a pleasant cream, vtill soothe and heal skin that is irri tated or broken out with eczema; that is covered with ugly rash or pimples, or is rough or dry- Nothing subdues fiery skin eruptions so quickly, says a noted skin specialist. ' The moment this sulphur preparation is applied the itching stops and after two or three applications, the eczema is gone and the skin is delightfully clear dnd smooth. Sulphur is so precious as a skin remedy because it destroys the parasites that cause the burning, itch- Shg or disfigurement. Mentho-Sulphur ill ways heals eczema right up. v A small jar of Rowles Mentho-Sul- Iggfttir may be had at any good drug Hrrfe- KOMIS HI || RHEUM HUE * £ When you are suffering with rheu tnatism so you can hardly gtit around jjust try Red Pepper Rub ahd you will Have the quickest relief known. ). Nothing has such concentrated, pene trating heat ai red peppers. Instant re lief. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. ■I three minutes it warms the sore • Spot through and through. Frees the Blood circulation, breaks Up the congest jjkxe—and the old rheumatism torture « E?*** ked Pepper Rub, made from red “peppers, costs little at any drug «f throat and long troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote,-- other healing elements which soothe and heal the inflamed membranes and stop the irritation ' and inflammation, while the. creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the bloody attacks the seat of the trouble and iestroys the germs that lead to consump tion. Creotnolsion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and other ftom, of throat and Inn, disease* and THE CONCORD DAILY,TRIBUNE World’s Oldest Man Is a Porter In Constantinople ~,er ' 2orah Agra, a porter In Con stantinople tv ho recently cele brated his 190th birthday, is hailed as the world’s oldest man. For more than a century he has worked as a porter or ‘‘bamal” fn the streets of the Turkish capital, carrying bales of merchandise from ships to warehouses. Agra, whose flreSt age Is authen ticated by a birth certificate, eats raisins, figs and all the Sugar he can secure. To this diet, and the fact he has never tasted coffee or alcbhcd, he attributes his century and a half of life. He has bad five - wiVes and IS now looking for the alxfh. . t— i | Fait Enough. ‘‘Sam.” said tlfe- canvasser to his Col ored friend, “we’re collecting donations for (he support of the public library. Can't we count on you for a small one?” “Well, sub,” replied the darky, “to tell you de truf, mih, Ah figgers dat when Ah gOifs over dt|h to read de papt-rs ev i ery day, Ah’s about doin’ ranli part.” , * * * *s*sls**** * i * * , * *0 OtR ADVERTISERS. * , * - * I*, Our advertising friends will kind- *| , ly remember that 10 o’clock is pur 5* “deadJlnA’ for changing thejr ads. * , * The work is so heavy that it win be * * impossible for us to change any ads * | * the same day when copy is brought * | * in after 10 o'clock. * * This applies to the regular spoci. * * If you want ettra space the copy * * must be. in the afternoon before. * ' * Wc vant to give every advertiser * ’ * the best service possible, but we * * ednhot do so titlese the above is Ob- * * served. * - * * * y,i * . *——*Trtl ' ' i , r ‘ '’ : j Well-Merited Success A distinguished citizen, honored politically and professionally, Dr. R. Y. , Fierce, whose picture appears above, made a success few have equalled. His pure herbal remedies which’ have stood the test sos fifty years dre still Amohg the "best sellers.” Dr. Pierce’s Golden | Medical Discovery Is a Mood medicine j ahd stdfAitfch alterative. It clears the i skin, beautifies it, liter;-tsss the blood j snpply and the circulation, and pimples j and eruptions vanish quickly. Beauty is but Skin deep and good blood is be* i neath both. For yous Mood to be good, your stomach must be fn condition, your liver active. This Discovery ol Doctor Pierce’s puts you in fine condition, with all the organs active. Ask your near- ; est druggist for Doc to* Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, la tablet or liquid form, o i send 10 cents for trial package of tablets to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids Hotel j in Buffalo, N. Y. T ADIES! I All the beauty cream* on earth ctuiH give you d h active liver. Keep your stomach sweet and j your liver active. You Will i M repaid with sparkling • eyes—clear, smooth, healthy skin—ahd a breath with the odor of Spring. Chamberlain's Tablets j will do it. .Get 60 t>f these pink j tablets for 26 cts. Take two to-night ooia evtrywnett For Bate by Pearl Drag Company. ffo Wlil Olve the DreveWM Fsnaer s | whole fear free to every subecriber to | The Tribune who page a year in ad- ! vence—that is. you get papers S whole year for oUly $5, or $6 if you get your peper in the city of Concord e* outside the State of North Carolina. Address The Tribune. CMieoHI, ft. fa i Land PbeMrs. to tetna Ijt Half Dozen ■ j at TimeS-Tribune Office. 50 or Acre,, p: jjat t#dt each. .\vr U-ts. ~= r " 1 Superior Plumbing and Heating 3 & a I We have never tried to do the cheapest tVOfk—tether | I our efforts have always been to furnish the Best Materials | instated in an Efficient Mariner, at the Lowest Price cori sistent with Quality. • - ' 35 3 The Difference between a Good Installation and a i | Cheap installation IS THRIFT I I E. B. GRADY | Phiriibing and Heating Dealer 1 Show Room: 39 E. Corbin St. Phone 334 W | Wednesday, January 21,1025 _