PAGE TWO PENNY COLUMN / . , , 20-11 P «. ’ grt~rr • _ '-g-L'- ■ and keep keep this ad. J* B. BaHfcee, iCafe, yiiirr WMjtfliji Soithiihi. MauiT honey a'dLogCsbinTnip. w! £ Gltes * Son. . • v 20-ls-p. Tomatoes and AH Kinds of V«g --“ ytablee at Beover Grocery Co. 20-2 t-p. n-jL.» a MavnniMkißp link*’* RaHUI atld *»PIPW’S 9 HvllMl, Aina 'Duke's Russian dressing, the home made kiiid. Dove-Bost Co. 20-lt-p. Fresh WtoMes: kale, Cauliflower. Let tuce, celery, cabbage, spring onions, rutabaga, carrots, beets and fruits of all kind's. Piggly Wiggly. 20-tlp Fresh Shipmen King Oranges, Grape fruit. Indian Biver oranges and tan gerines. Dove-Bost Co. 20-1 t-p. f|#iW S$S at Pubffc Auction the EMire ■ frontage of Ira F. Millhr property on 'Jfpwth t'niort Street extended. Select h'oit bnd watch for the date I Rhone 7DT or 8731.. J. er. 20-lt-p. Bona, Sticky Buns, Pocket - lee. raisin and graham bread. at Co. 20-lt-p. „ —Good Six Room House on idling St. Mrs. L. H. Lentz, ■awr. iB-3t-p. 1 and 525 For Fresh and Cured Choice cuts of mutton and veal e dressed chickens. Chas. C. ■ 19-2 t-p. Women to Make Money at Plain home sew wing. No cau ■■ K To prevent curiosity seekers, /yseat ten cent ( coin > for samples and Success Sewing System. *b»x 207, Long Branch, X. j. lt)-2t-p. \sft Pay Reward For information Lead to recovery of new Bed Emblem Bi £cjele borrowed from my front porch. v-F. J. Haywood. 19-2 t-c. *H|! Nffil Fish! fes. We Have lats \lHweßWtoßedeeboooooooflie to’Tmbuue Office and get reward. 20-ift-p. Carrots,"spinach, Mustard, Cauttfiowtr. . spring onions, new cabbage—absolute ■' ly ‘fresh*. ' Dove-Bost Co. 20-lt-p.' Fresh Country Sausage. Rotted Hs*u. '' dried beef, breakfast bacoii' sliced and boxed, eggs, butter. Piggly Wiggly. 20-lt-p. 1 Angel Pood, Sponge and Layer Cakeo. Dove-Bost Co. 20-lt-p. I 1 Fret* Fhdi. Speckle Trout. (See Skid. 1 buck * shad, flounders, haddock and 1 mackerel steak. Chas. C. Graeber. , Phone 510 and 525. 19-2 t-p. Salesmen Wanted—*7s.M> Weekly Easily \ earned selling utility suits and top | coats tailored to measure $12.50. Nat- , tonally advertised, fast selling. We are; ■ pioneers in our line and manufacture \ the original and only genuine utility, garments. Xogar Clothing Mfg. Co.;- ) Greensboro, N. C." 19-2 t-p. ] Ford Roadster For Sale. 1»2» M«iei£ ' Chas. H. Lipe, Mt. Pleasaut Road. ;• , 19r3t-p. i j See Hie New FYencti Shapes. “La-Ooix” f "Napoleon,” “Lottos Flower” Import* * ed Flowers. Miss Bracken's Bonuof J shop. . s . iii-st-p. r J Fresh FMi. W holesale and Retail. Phone ? 510 aud 525. Chas. C. Graeber. f * 19- ' 5 * Auction Side of Seven Head of Horses, 1 live head of cattle, two hogs, real ter. ' two 2-horse wagons. 2 automobiles, 1 mower, bay rake, harrows aud other : farming tools. Tuesday. February 24th. at 10 a. m.. at my residence on Mt. Heasant Road. A. F. I.Wfler, 19-4 t-p. S. C. Rhode Islam Reds Eggs, 15 for $1.50 : 30 for $2.T5. Jesse R. McClel lan, Phone 708 J. 6-ts. BRICE SLOOP & CO. Cement Contractors luteal and Long’Distance Hauling Office 290; Residence 101 17-llt-p. For Sale—Ancona Eggs, sl.o* Per Set ting. W. W. Medlin, 91 East Cor bin Street. 17-st-p. Lost—An Elgin Wrist Watch With Gold band. Return to Tribune Office. 20- 11... IN ■ ' J Li Jr ' >3* * * | iliglß [MWBpWHHBaTagTpJBEMCT 1 I 1 iM iI 11 !. is. WLlylAl 1 \\J Cousin »1 Buffalo Bill Makhtg Toar of J Country on SIO,OOO it. Jack Cody, alleged cousin of ”Bus- j faio Bill” and said to be the last of - famous line, arrived in Coheoyd \ late Thursday evening, spent the sight here and left at 8 o'clock for Salffibnry < which is his next atop. j ’ Cody, is traveling on a bet. It seems that the .sportsmen's clubs of Oregon bet 1 the sportsmen’s clubs of Washington 1 that they could not produce a man who ; could make the cross-country trip from Washington state to Washington city, 1 travelling in all lO.ODO mites. Qody was found and alibough almost eighty,'' he ventured the trip. At the present ’ he is ffigO miles from his destination and has 42 days in which to make the jour-1 riey which will give him ample time ; tot get (to Washington, be thinks. - 1 1 i The trip thus far has carried hint ( through OrCfon, doWn the Pacific coast, ’ on into Nevada. Itah. Wyoming. Xe- t braska. lowa and then dropping fur- ] ther south into Oklahoma. Arkansas, 1 , Tennessee. Georgia and South Carolina. ■ 1 He is now maging a bee-line for Wash- 1 ington through North Carolina and Yir- ■ ginia. Though an aged man, being nearly 81, ; he is a very robust specimen aud walks - with the long, swinging tread which 1 1 one expects of a westerner. He is tall I and has a flowing white beard. His ] conversation is of a typical far-west. brogue. Despite the fact that he‘has money of his own. being the possessor of over 5,00 ft acres of land, lie is forced to get his food as best he may on this trip. At times he has some trouble ' getting sufficient food and as a result his health is hot what it was when he sUrted. Eight other men tried the trip ami i failed before Cody made his attempt. He' is now nearing the end of his journey j and will get. the SIO,OOO reward when | he arrives in Washington. On this trip he has worn out one horse. 17 years of age, which was the colt of a 36-year-1 old mare he has at borne. Last week' this animal became lame in Gaffney. S-1 C., and tbe people of that place pre-t sented him with another because he was} unable to purchase a pew one. They! also gave him $7, and be spent $6 of this! is Gastonia having rubtjt); shoes put on l hia nag. * ’ , I -—The wagon he rides in is a vefytilr- 1 yow, liglit, one-horsC'affilr. Tt is equipped f with a bed which takes up practically f all the interior. ITnder the bed is a space to keep his' cooking utehsils and spare elotbing and any fowl which he might happed to have. The covering to his wagon is of heavy oil doth, the outside of which is painted with the 1 names of the towns and cities through } which he has passed. 1 Cody was bom at Cody, near Yellow -1 stone Park, in Wyoming but moved to | Washington slate some fifty years ago. l He has never married, stating that he • had never had time to fool with women. Baptist Ball)'. 1 Thp Baptist leaders of the Mecklm hurg-Cabarrns Association including all the pastors, active laymen, women and young people are called to meet in the First Baptist Church of Charlotte on 1 March 4th for an all day mission rally. | beginning at 10 o'clock. It is expected that a light lunch will be served at the church it the noon hour. [ The purpose of this riHy is purely informational and inspirational. Ad -1 dresses on missions and different phases [ of the denominational program will be i made. Round-table discussions on the | present status of the work and on fn-j [ ture plans will be ojpen to all. Besides the local talent of the assaeigtion, the following general denominationil work ers will tike part in the program: Dr. j. R. Jeter, of Winstltn-Sal'em. and Dr. C. E. Brewet. of Raleigh. A represen tative group is expected frogp etch ehurdl ib the association. | I or Wfc wifi gladly refund your money. Tko manufacturers guar antee It to Us. Why Strait 24 to 48 Hours for relief when you cab ictually fool Aspironal .bringing r4o/ ™ two minutes ? iaoal so? I children as well as adults. GHtten Drag Store ANNOUNCEMENT! I ■« I I BIH - tu • ’■ 1(1 Offices la Cabarrus Savings Bank BulMing, MnffiHMM F»W. Ho* S 3! j,; KB | Hnfnajr Xr Vhfltg lhSUfdttCG H i|| •• b _ a - '°« ke 1 r I IBS ' . * - K fa THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE CAROLINA WRESTLING || TEAff IfEBL TONIGHT IS *T. hrti’Me^ 1 oTysK - ! Coword has a chance to see some goodtS wrestling tonight, Coach Denny basts secured the Unlkhptty of North Caro-la lina mat men to meet bis team here and S the match will be Men at the ¥ gym. • 9 Carolina has probably the beat wrestl- 3 ing team in the state. During the pres- S ent season, this -team has experienced 9 all unusual amount of success, downing 3 a number of oppeaents aud holding oth- a ers which were expecten to win easily, 19 to very close scores. The Y wrestler*! had a match witfi B Carolina earlier in the season at Chapel 9 Hill but were late getting there due S to a breakdown and the match had been £ called off by that time. For that rea- 9 son it cannot be forecast with any dr- S gree of accuracy the; manner in which 9 Denny's men will kohl the University. S However. Denny is expecting great things 9 from his team on ibis occasion. He 9 believes that they are in the best condi- m tion they have been sinee he took them 9 over and is hoping that he can show sane jg some tight matches tonight. In addition to the wrestling matches S there will be two Jhnies of basketball S and a girls' gymnasium exhibition. The 8 program start* at T:3O. « j— *. = DAVIDSON RESERVES MILL Mi, 9 HERE TOMORROW NIGHT 3 Three Local Boys FEy VUth This Aggre- 1 Xtrtlmi. 8 Three Concord boys who are now at E Davidson College will be seen in actipn * when the Davidson Reserves edine to £ Concord for a game Saturday night. 8 They are Tom Coltrane, Nevin Sappen- S field and John Cook. All three of these S players, though having much promise 9 as basketball players, were unable to 3 make the team at Davidson this year 9 and as a result were placed on the squad 9 which is known as the reserve team. iLbcal fans. aye wquainted, with the 9 plhying of thede three men and know 9 what kind of a game they play, so that 9 there Will be no surprise jf one of the £ best games of the enitiie season is played 9 here by this aggregation. 9 In addition to the local meu on the 9 team there are a number of other col- 9 legiate celebrities, among them Tom 9 Baker, who was one. of .the outstanding 9 football players of the state last fall. ■ This man is said to be a very good bas- ■ ketball player as well as being a football 9 »t*r. Value, who made all-state teams 1 | in football, is also on this squad. i I The Local Y has. been practicing di!i-\l , gently in anticipation of their coining 9 j and expect to allow a- good brand o fbas- 1 | ketball in Saturday night's fray which I stmts at 8 o’clock^ : ; This game is tq I be played at the high school. I Insurance Men Held Get-Together Meet- I tag ThteWday. | i' E. E. l’eele, district manager for the I j Life Insurance ICottfpany of Virginia, I I held a "get-together"‘ meeting Thursday I in the offices of the -Wuitpany here which I , was attended by the°fdlloWlnJf represen- I r-tatiyes of the .compMfJf-Jff l this district! I l‘ W. B. Shropshiretl- assistant district 1 [.'manager, Kannairoiis: H. tk- Ttale, agent. 1 I'.Mooresville; \V. A. Craytotu and T. I. 1 Graham, Kannapolis ;>S. C. Shinn, China I Grove: F. \Y. Propat. asistant district j manager. W, H. Slielton. M. S. Ward* 5 S. A. Eudy and J. A. Waiter, agents, all I of Concord. > After the business meeting which was' addressed by Mr. l’eele, and ail of the men present, the meeting adojurned to the Bt. Olottl Hotel, where lunch was served. Mr. Peelc has beeii- fennected with the company for a period of about fourteen yetirs, aud it was brought out that the business of the comphiy has more than dotit»fe ' SPECIAL NOTICE! | Ladies’ full fashion Pure Thread Silk Hose; all colors g rind high shades. $2.00 value, Special, per pair 05c 1 \ i'ff,3»lyrtr> fy 'J oln "A jH «/utT f i S WE sell it for Less 1 I PARKS-BELJC CO. I I WE SELL IT FOR LESS FOR CASH 1 I Phohes 138-608 CohcWd, N. C. I V ' "‘■ f ' \ ■' f : ‘. * '