* « VOLUME XXV . Calvin Coolidge Takes The Presidential Oath . ... -- ’ • Becomes President of United States in His Own Rights as a Result of Mandate of the'Teople. GEN. DAWES ALSO TAKES HIS OATH Former President Taft Swore In the President—Address Made After the Inaugural Ceremony. (By the Associate*. Press) Washington. March 4. —President Oool idgo was inaugurated President in his own right by an overwhelming mandate of the people. For the first time in nineteen months the country has a Vice President. Standing at the historic spot where a long line of predecessors have taken the sacred oath. President Coolidge bent and kissed t}ie Bible in the hands of Chief Justice Taft and delivered his inaugural address. Vice President Dawes a few minutes earlier had taken his oath and delivered his inaugural address on the Senate cham ber. ‘s The President took the oath of ojßee at precisely 1:00 o’clock. Vice President. l>awes had taken the oath At 12:14 o'clock. Despite the President’s firm stand for a Inrk of extensive display which, had reduced the ceremonies to the last degree of simplicity, it. still was a contrast with the midnight moment ID months ago when, aroused with news of President Harding's sudden death, he took the same oath by the glow of an oil lamp In his father’s Vermont farm house. • The President's father. Col. John Cool idge, stood near him today and gathered close by were Mrs. Coolidge with her mother, Mrs. Goodhue, members of the cabinet, members of the Supreme Court, rankiug officers of the army and navi, members of tbe diplomatic corps, and members of Congressional committee in ' charge of the inaugural arrangements, v A March sun which had promised to flood the ceremonies with a glorious light was overcast by gathering clouds as the hour of inauguration arrived, and a prospect of a crisp bright day had slowly turned to a threat of a cold rain. But there was no change in physical .arrangements for the President’s inaug uration in the open air outside the eap jp>l because the official .party was "shielded by a large steed canopy. - When the President spoke the words of his .Inaugural address he had the ear of the greatest audience ever addressed by one man in the history of time. Not only the thousands gathered before him with the aid of implifying devices, but throughout the country millions heard the progress of the entire ceremony by a great radio hookup which covered stations all over the country. Pennsylvania Avenue, historic route of many pageants of war and pence, con tained a smaller audience today than it has at any other inaugural within the memory of old time observers. Modest' decorations and much reduced programs for the inaugural procession, all due to the President’s insistence on economy, had reduced the attraction of the inaug ural as a magnet for crowds. j Bowitig his head over his grand-moth er’s Bible, the President took the oath at 1 p. m. precisely. Chief Justice Taft read the words of I the orligation which he himself had once' assumed, in a voice that could be beard well by the crowd as Mr. Coolidge stood | silently with upraised hand. His “I.' do" at the end was hardly audible out-1 side the stand. Then he bent his head v and kiaped the Bible, and the great throng recognised with a cheer that toother ad ministration had been ushered in. The President began his address im mediately, speaking rather more rapidly than ordinary. Washington, March 4.—President Cool idge was inagurated today with one of the simplest ceremonies of a hundred years. Almost at the same time Vice I President Dawes also took the oath of office. For the first time not only the thou sands who gathered in Washington heard a president deliver his inaugural ad dress, but millions throughout the Unit ed States and probably many elsewhere, heard the address by radio. President Coolidge spoke to probably the greatest audience, seen and unseen, that ever has been addressed by any man in the his tory of the world. With all its studied simplicity and lack of display, which was at the ex press direction of the President, the cere mony was in marked contrast with the event of nineteen months ago,, when roused from sleep by news of the sudden death of President Harding, Mr.. Cool idge took the oath of office administered by his father in glow of an oil lamp in a Vermont farm house. The only Vice President since Roose velt to succeed to the office by popular; election, President Coolidge renewed his oath before Chief Justice Taft, the only LOOK! John T. Lewis “Dutch Boy” White Lead 14c Pound l ' Yorke & Wadsworth Co. The Concord Daily Tribune ' ' ■ '.-I ■ '• ■ V,... ’ i. ! * ♦ ; •>**««*»*******♦ f MILESTONES IN THE LIFE I OF CALVIN COOLIDGE. . * $ * 1872 Born at Plymouth, Vermont. )K M 1805—Graduated Amherst College. * * 18U7—Admitted to the bar and be- SK gnn to practice at Xorthamp- H. jlk • ton, Mass. & 1800— Fleeted to Northampton city council and Nerved subsequent * iy as city solicitor and court * Iclerk. .• i& 1905—Married Grace Amina Good- -fc * , hue of Burlington, Vermont. * IK 1990—Elected state representative. )K * 19(10 —Elected mayor Northampton. )K I!)ll—Elected to the Massachusetts * SS State Senate, and later became Pres- IK ident of the Senate. IK UIIS —Elected lieutenant governor IK IK of Massachusetts. IK IK 11)18 —Elected Governor. |J( IK 1020—Elected Vice-President. IK IK 1023—Became President upon the IK IK death of President Harding. SK IK 1024 —Elected president by largest SK IK plurality in history. * $ IK to*************** I - ■ , President to take it before a former President. The ceremony was the tra ; ditjcnal one, and was carried out on a : platform built at the east front of the Capitol, before the great steps leading . to the entrance of the middle of tbehpild- I in B. * apot selected in the historic com , promise of ago when the house and senate each contended that the inauguration should take place with ‘ in its own precincts. While Congress whs winding up- its e.eventh hour business, the official con gressional committee called at the White House to escort the President to the Capitol. This was soon after eleven o’clock. Pennsylvania avenue, despite the restricted program which cut dowu the show, was packed as the President, escorted by a troop of cavalry and guard ed by secret service men, passed along. At the Capitol he went at once to the President's room adjoining the senate chamber and busied himself disposing of acts of Congress which either became laws by his signature, or which under the constitution got "pocket vetoes" if he choose not <o sign them. 11 bile President Coolidge was at work in the President’s room at the Capitol Vice President-elect Dawes and his party arrived and took their places in the Vice President's room where they were greet ed by Senator eutnuHtoi, of l<m* r #&* since Mr. Coolidge became President has presided over the Senate. There Mr. Dawes and his party awaited the begin ning of the Vice Presidential inaugural ceremonies in the senate chamber, which preceded by a few minutes the inaugura tion of President Coolidge in the open air outside. The Senate Galleries early had been fill, by those fortunate enough to get cards of admission. Many, women scarcely less well known than their husbands in national affairs shared places with mem bers and families of the diplomatic eorpß and the official set. ; Just as the sixty-eighth Congress died by constitutional limitation at noon, the Senate of the sixty-ninth Congress came into being, called in special session to consider executive appointments, and, in jcidentaliy, to inaugurate the Vice Presi ■ dent. A special session of the Senate is really not necessary to inaugurate the | Vice President; he could take the oath I of office before a justice of the peace if ! he chose, and then meet with the Senate I wben it assembles in regular session next j Winter, but it is the custom. • The diplomatic corps, all invited to the | ceremonies, assembled in the marble room , which adjoins the chamber, resplendent in their gorgeous full dress court uni forms. The diplomatic corps entered the chamber according to rank and prece dence, fixed \in order of the time they have been accredited to the United States, the ambassadors leading the line and the ministers coming after them. Then came the justices of the Supreme Court, headed by Chief Justice Taft, in I their sombre black silk robes of the bench and taking chairs placed for them at the right of the incoming Vice Presi dent After them members of the House of Representatives entered through the main door and took places reserved for them on the west side of the chamber, while the senators gathered at their re aerved places oh the east. Sprinkled afnong them were distinguished officers at the army and navy, a few former ! members of Congress and last persons who have publicly received the thanks of Congress and therefore are entitled to places on such occasions. When all the party was assembled the senate chamber, a comparatively small room which ordinarily seats 96 senators and attachees, contained more than 700 persons on the floor, with many of them necessarily standing. Amplifying devices at the top of the President’s stand made his words clear ly and distinctly audible to the edge of the crowd, and microphones placed be i ore him carried his voice throughout the country and to some distant parts of the world by radio. Dawes Speaks. Washington, March 4.—Reform in the rules of tbe Senate is demanded by Am erican public opinion and by “the con science of individual senators," Vice- President Dawes declared today in his inaugural address. Under the present roles, he said “the rights of the American people are over looked.” He referred especially to the preseut rules which permit a senator to delay proceedings indefinitely by holding the floor. • Under this rule, the new Vice Presi dent said, a minority or even one senator can .'prevent a vote on a measure which two-thirds-rof the Senate has agreed to bring to a vote. CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1925 mi bwli is meiGH i JURY FROM GEORGIA K■V ™ l K' * Larceny From House, Simple k Larceny and Malicious Mis | chief Are Charged in the i- Two Indictments. * J. C. TUCKERIS K also indicted K l He Has Not Been Arrested k So Far—Borglum to Get '£ Hearing in Greensboro k Saturday Night. K K (By the Associated Press) K Atlanta, March 4.—lndictments eharg- K lug larceny from ;the house, simple lar-, K ceny and malicious mischief, were return- K ed against Gutzon Borglum. deposed K sculptor of Stone Monntniu Confederate K Memorial by DeKalb county jury today. » Larceny from the house is a felony under the laws of Georgia. Two indictments were returned against J. C. Tucker, Bor glum's superintendent of construction. Tucker is charged with simple larceny and larceny from the house. Borglum is under $5,000 bond to appear in Greens boro, N. 0., Saturday night, following his arrest last Saturday pn a warrant charg ing malicious mischief. Tucker has not been arrested. The warrant on which Borglum was arrested and upon which are based the indictments returned today, involve the destruction of models of the Confederate figures to be used in the memorial and the alleged removal of other models from the studio at Stone Mountain. Borglum Ready to Fight. Cleveland, March 4.—Gutzon Borglum, when told of indictments returned against him at Atlanta, declared *T will meet them on their own grounds. ’’ He added, "they have made a court matter of this thing and now they will have to carry it through the courts. They have closed the door to any diplomatic arrangements that otherwise might have been made. There is no opportunity to exercise the clause in our contract which provides for arbi tration.” KIN OF FLOYD COLLINS APPEAR ON THE STAGE Father and Brother of Dead Cave Ux ptwer Seek Money in Dramatics for ; Memorial. Louisville, March 3.—A second inern b‘V of the Collins family has turned to ‘the burlesque stage as a means of raising funds to honor the memory ox Floy 1 Collins, cave explorer, who met death in Sand Cave last month. Lee Collins, the victim’s father, will appear ali r.e>'t week with a Louisvile; burlesque . show in an effort to obtain funds for a monument and tomb for his son, the ; management announced today. I An attorney will be W'th the elder , Colins. Homer, brother of the victim. , recently appeured on a Chicago bur- , lesque stage with the announcement that , he was seeking fund to sink a steel tun- ( nel to his brother's tomb so that the body might be removed and placed in , a cemetery. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ' TO GET MORE WAGES 1 ■ - i Legislative Pay BUI Signed by Presi dent Just Before He Went to Take > the Oath of Office. ' (By the Associated Press) Washington, March 4. —President Cool- 1 idge today signed the legislative appro priation bill carrying increased salaries ; for members of Congress, tbe cabinet and ' the Vice President. The ‘measure was the last signed by the President today at his room at the Capitol where he had gone to take the oath of bffice. Government Purchases Canal of Dismal Swamp. Washington, March 3.—The House to day passed the rivers and harbors bill passed by the senate Saturday night, ac cepting all the senate amendments, and the bill non- goes to the President whose signature is assured. The purchase of the Dismal Swamp ca nal by the federal government, provided for in this bill, is considered of inestim able value to the state and to the nation. The government gets the canal for one half million dollars that cost two mil lion dollars to construct, and as a part of the inland waterway along the At lantic seaboard, the government will de velop and improve it. This is expected to prove of far reaching importance, and its value will be national as well as local. The Dismal Swamp canal puts the in lund waterway in convenient connection with the western end of Albemarle sound and the country lying along the naviga ble waters of the streams flowing into that sound. $500,00 Fire in Cubs. • (By the Associate* Press) Havana, March 4.—Fire in Batabano on the south coast of Cuba in Havana province, last night destroyed many buildings with an estimated loss of $500,- 000, according to report today from that city. Firemen were sent from Havana to aid in fighting the blaze which atarted on the corner of Galixto - Garcia and Maceo streets in * building occupied by the Spanish Colody Society. Carolina. Declined to Play Merwr. (By the Associate* Press) Atlanta, March 4. —Declining to meet Mercer, champions of the Southern Inter collegiate Athletic Association basketball tournament just closed at Macon the vic torious University of North Carolina quintet, triumphed for the third time in tbe southern conference, was returning to Chapel Hill today. No Unless D&L KWam ItoitfiX HTuC Cbtoajto Powdai* barjzfSaiMi (toneeu bon* ttejrt othoc girls, Bui her father, laaoe:tClU*r Hamilton, b president. Her either eaya a woman oftd&Niml tnufnniHi . at well M a wan. JOHN W. DAVIS APPEARS IN THE SUPREME COURT Remarks Upon No* j Being Celled on TO Take Part to inaugural Even:.: Washington, Mart* 3.—John W. Dav is took up in the Supreme court today, the practice of tbe tow he dropped last summer when he braame the Democratic Presidential candidate. Appearing as eoitosel for the Cement Manufacturers' Protective Association, he dared the charges “surely brought to issue t* question' how far manufacturers of -irodwts could go through an association in the exchanging of trade information*' After proceeding toriefty with his argu ments, he remarked* {jiaf it would be cut in half by the court’s adjournment. Chief Justice Taft, hrtnseif a former President, pointed out to the recent can didate that the court would not henr ar gument tomorrow. Mr. Davis, alluding to President Oool idge's inauguration, recalled thht, of course, this would not be possible because of certarn ‘‘Ceremonies tomorrow in which I shall not be called Upon to participate.’*’ The justices justices Mined the snecta-' tors to. the croWd^JlißP l room in ,tbe Slighter that folioweff-mitil the serious marshal restore* the Usual decorum by vigorous rapping with his gavel. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Finn at Advance of 7 ' to *8 Points on Continuation of Buying Movement. (By the Associate* Press) New York. March 4.—rTjie cotton mar ket opened firm today at an advnnce of 7 to 18 points on a continuation of the recent buying movement promoted by ad vances in Liverpool, reports of a strong er market for cotton goods, absence of rains in the Southwest, uffil bullish South ern spot advices. A good deal of renlizing and some Southern selling was absorbed o*n slight setbacks, and the market showed a gen erally firm tone in the early trading, May selling up to 26.25 and October to 25.65, or 20 to 28 points net higher. Liverpool reported increased spot sales and with the large business report ed in Southern spot markets yesterday, probably stimulated buying of old crop positions. Opening prices were: March 25.80; July 26.28; October 25.60; December 25.52. 1 Income Tax Retarnc. (By the Associate* Press) Rgleigh, N. C., March 4.—The Commis sioner of Revenue, R. A. Doughton, has called attention to the law requiring that all income taxpayers are required to file their returns on or before March 15, if they wish to avoid the penalties that are prescribed by law. In a formal state ment issued here today, Commissioner Doughton said; “Ail income tax payers, either corpor ation or individuals, are' required to file their returns, accordmg to law, with the State Department of Revenue on or be fore March' 15, uuless they have estab lished a fiscal year. After that date pen alties are required tot be imposed. “Deputies will be found in Raleigh, Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Asheville, Wilmington, and other principal towns of the state to receive returns. “Blanks have been sent to the registers of deeds of the different counties to the end that tax payers may . obtain them in order to make the : r returns. Blanks have also been sent to all those who made returns for the past year. “The central office at Raleigh has. a clerical force sufficient to accommodate the taxpayers of the erty and nearby ter ritory. "All tax payers are urgently request ed to make their returns as required by law and avoid the imposition of penalty. “If any tax payer subject to payment of income tax shall not have received a blank, same will be forwarded from this office immediately upon request.” Fifteen Persons Reported Killed. (By ‘the Associate* Press) London, -March 4. —An Exchange Tel egraph dispatch from Berlin says four heavy explosions occurred today in the works on Anhault Explosive Works near Huttenwerk, 25 perosons being reported killed. The first woman who was classed offi cially as a woman police officer in the United States was Miss Alice Stibbin* Wells,, who was given a police commis-, slon by the City of Loo Angeles in 1910. STUTt LEGISLATURE PfMBLnWFOR RKT OF THIS WEEK Opinion Expressed in State Capital That Adjournment Will Not Be Reached Be fore Tuesday of Next Week REVENUE BILL IS ! TO BE AGREED ON That Means Solotis Hardly Will Finish This Week.— Reports of Committees Are Given Attention In Senate. (By the Associated Press) Raleigh, March 4.—Opinion was ex pressed in legislative circles today that adjournment in the General Assembly will not be reached before Tuesday of next week. It had been expected that the Legislature would end on Saturday, the scheduled end of the session, but amendment of the revenue bill in the Sen ate making House concurrence necessary, , >s expected to defer adjournment. Local Measures in Houite. Raleigh, March 4.—The House con-1 sidered local, measures during the first hour of its session today. I-arge num ber of new bills of minor importance were •introduced, a number went on their third reading. The body was in receipt of a batch of locals which had passed the Sen ate. and these were given consideration. After the local and public calendars had been disposed of. the lower body took up for consideration the statewide game bill. Thirty minutes was allotted to each side for argument on the measure. Gra ham, of Orange, led the fight for the proponents, while Murphy, of Rowan, led the opponents. Committee Reports Heard. Raleigh, March L—-The upper house of the legislature today consumed the morn ing hour with consideration of committee reports. Practically every committee of the Senate, anxious to clear up its work before the last day of the session, sent forward reports on numerous major and nvnor bills. After disposing of the local calendar the Senate displaced the revenue bill as a special order for today and proceeded to the public calendar. Favorable mi pority (jpport on the Moss-Tapp hill to repeal-tVe IKMtie-railroad act at-the i 023 assembly SffHtorizntg «-'$ 10.066.600 bowl issue for a railroad into the "lost prov inces” was brought up on the floor. Af ter a few minutes consideration the sen ate refused to accept, the minority re port and then called the repealer on the floor and tabled it to effectually dispose of the matter. CONGRESS DIED TODAY AMID PEACEFUL CALM Bitterness and Strife Which Featured Many Sessions Not in Evidence at the Last One. i (By the Associated Press) Washington, March 4. —The (18tb Con gress died today amid a peaceful calm, in striking contrast to the throes of bit terness aud strife which have tortured it during most of its tenure of power. As against the sensational character of some of its sittings with the long list of investigations, charges and counter charg es, a benevolent atmosphere prevailed both in the House and Senate, and there was lacking the legislative jam which us ually accompany the close of a session. The House which lsng ago had caught up with its business, passed a few minor measures and occup’ed itself in listening to complimentary speeches touching its membershi. Representative Longworth. of Ohio, republican floor leader, soon to become speaker, complimented Represen tative Garrett, the democratic leader, and both in turn paid tribute to Speaker Gil lette who will be junior senator in the next Congress from Massachusetts. The House at the instance off Mr. Garrett thanked the speakeer for his “fairness , and .impartiality.” The omnibus navy bill, covering a wide range of subjects, and the second defic- , iency appropriation bill were the princi pat measures receiving final Congressional approval during the short session today.. ] The Senate after passing the deficiency bill had trouble in keeping itself in order ; for a time. Five Killed In Explosion. Reinsdorf, Saxony, March 4 (By the Associated Press).-—Five persons were killed and thirty-eight others Injured in a dynamite explosion following a fire iii the powder division of the Westphalian Anhalt Explosive factory here today. The force of the Must was so stroilg that the roofs of the surrounding buildings were torn off. ' Dismiss Case Against Nugent. Chicago, • March 4 (By the Associated Press). —The trial of W. E. D. Stokes, aged New York millionaire, charged with conspiracy to defame Helen Eiwood Stokes, his wife, opened today with the dismissal of indictment against Daniel F. Nugent, Stokes' New York attorney. Pershing Had Good Night. (By the Associated Press) . Havana, March 4.—Gen. John J. Per shing who was- taken ill yesterday after noon after he arrived here from Santiago de Cuba, spent a quiet night and was sleeping at 7:30 a. m. today, it was learned At the hotel .where he is stopping. Gore Sworn In as Governor. (By the Associate* Press) Charleston, W. Va., March-4.—Howard M. (lore, who on Monday resigned his post in Washington as Secretary of Ag . rlculture, took the oath of office as Gov ernor of West Virginia today. > Peanut Diet jWr IKKwt So that be could save enough money to publiah a book, W. H. Pelley, a recluse of Knoxville, Illinois, lived , for a year on salted peanuta and overripe .bananas. His book criti cizes present method ot.toF^„' GASTON COUNTY MILLS PLANNING TO CURTAIL Average Will Be 25 Per Cent and Spinning Stock Yams Will Stop. . Gastonia, March 3.—No more stock yarns and. curtailment averaging around 25 per cent, .is the general policy of the cotton yarn spinners of Gaston county, curtailment to become effective as a rule on April 10. This is in line with statement recently appearing that cur tailment was planned. Increasing scarcity of the staple used by the majority of the mills of Gas ton county and its steadily rising cost, a figure not reflected in the yarn mar ket; is the condition responsible tor the intended cut in operations. ” “I have talked to men all over the county to sound out the truth of the matter,” said one textile man this morning, “and I find that practically every combed and carded yarn mill is planning to spin no stock yarns and to curtail around April 10 at the latest. Viarioiis mill men 1 have talked to represent over 080.000 of the producing spindles in -the county, so that indi cates that the proposition) is not sporadic. Cotton is hard to get and is high. They learned their lesson abont stock yarns in the past.”' McAllister to preach BACCALAUREATE SERMON Davidson Procures the Commencement Speakers—Literary Address by Dr. J. R. McCain. J - Dtoddsun- March S.-y.-AimaujK‘eq*ealJa, made that Rev. J. .Gray McAllister, Dig D„ of the Presbyterian, Theological Sem inary,. Kentucky, professor of English Bible and Biblical introduction, has ac cepted the invitation extended him to de liver the baccalaureate sermon at the approaching commencement, May 81. and that President J. R. McCain, of Agnes Scot College. Decatur, Ga„ will deliver the literary address to the gradu ating class, Tuesday, June 2nd. Dr. McAllister is well known in Char lotte, having supplied (lie pulpits of one or more of the large churches of the city. He has recently been publishing in The Christian Observer most inter esting and scholary articles, covering his travels in the East, in Palestine and Egypt and adjacent lands. Revenue Collections During February. (By the Associate* Press.) Raleigh. N. C., March 4. —Collections by the State Revenue Department during the month of February, 1925. were more than three thousand dollars less than the collections 'during the month of Febru ary, 1924, according to the monthly re port of the State Commissioner of Reve nue, R. A- Doughton. The collections for the mouth totaled $172,588.80, as com pared with $175,782. 65 for February, 1924. The collections for January, 1925, to taled $179,411.65. as compared with $98.- 918.01 for January, 1924. The total col lections for the first two months of the year 1925 is $352,900.45, as compared with $274,700.66, for the corresponding period of the year 1924. These figures, according to the report of the commis sioner. show an increase in collections for the first two months of the current year over the corresponding months of 1924, of $77,299.79. Tbe classification of the collections made by the department during February, 1925, as as follows: Income taxes, $102,- 304.51; inheritance taxes, $45,129.70; schedule B taxes, $14,375.53; schedule C taxes (franchise). $10,489.58; interest on bank balances $289.48. With Our Advertisers. Safety razors—your choice for 75 cents. See list in new ad. of Cline’s'Pharmacy. Lister fertilizer, acid and bone meal at Yorke & Wadsworth Co.’s. If you need electrical help in a hurry, call W. J. Hethcox. M. R. Pounds is ready to do your suit cleaning at any time. Add the comforts of modern plumbing | to your home. See ad. of Concord Plumb ing Co., North Kerr street, in this issue. Phone 576. The John T. Lewis “Dutch Boy" white lead is only 14 cents a pound at Lorke & Wadsworth Co. It’s inauguration day .in Concord too. See ad. of Hoover's. One 40 ounce jar of Figaro Meat, Pre server will smoke 400 pounds of meat. Sold in Concord by Pearl Drug Co. Anti-Tobacco Convention Meets.' (By the Associate* Pteas) Washington, March 4t — A policy of conservatism in measures for combatting the tobacco habit among Americans form ed the keynote of addresses at the open ing session here today of the first Nat ional Anti-Tobacco Convention. The only legislation supported by the t organization represented, it was said | was a law for every state forbidding the* sale of tobacco to minors. $ TODAY’S m « NEWS * • TODAY m NO. 53 THE SCOfll Mil'S igrzmwt j"EHfiHEST TIPE Os Christian and Industrial Education for Young Ne gro Women.—Has Fasci nating History. HAS GRADUATED OYER 1,200 STUDENTS This Splendid Institution Is Now Celebrating the Fifty- Fifth Anniversary of Its Existence. Scotia Woman’R College, an institu ■ tion which stands for ‘"the highest type of Christian education and industrial train* ing for Negro young women,” to use the 1 words of the catalogue, m celebrating its . 55th anniversary this' year. Scotia is easily one of the most interesting, though! one of the least advertised, institutions iu : Concord. Its prominence may be seen , from the fact that of the seven lines al lotted Concord by one of the current en ’ cyclopedias, almost two lines arc devoted ' 1 to the fact that “the city is the seat of ‘ I Scotia Seminary.”, The school has had a long and fasci- I nating history. In 180(i, a Hev. Dr. Log an. representative of the Freedman's Committee of the Northern General As ’ seinbly of the Presbyterian Church, vis , ited Concord and decided that it would be a good location for a school. , * In January of the next year. Rev. Luka , Borland and his wife reached Concord , and settled down to stay and grow old in , Iheif work. Says the historical sketch, , read in connection with the thirty-fifth , anniversary: “No one can now realize how much of moral courage and patience , it took to lay these foundations in those times when sectional feeling was so bit ter." I'ntil tfie charter was given in 1870, the school was run along parochial lines. I'p to the time when the first permanent brick building was built la 1882, there was a procession of wooden structures which seem to have been very temporary affairs. The name Scotia was given to the in stitution by Matthew Scott; of Ohio, who was one of the foremost of the ear ly .benefactors. He was asked to name the School, after having made a liberal T prefeerod,” p says flfis. sketch, “to bnVc it bear the - name of his native land rather than bin own.” ' ’. Scoria lias, during the 54 years of it* history, graduated 1200 -students who have gone out into the Southern States to take their places among the leaders of the colored races. From an enrollment of 279 students. 29 will graduate. This is the largest class in recent years. Os the alumnae two have been tvives of Biddle University Presidents. Others have been famous as nurses. Still others of tlic alumnae have been teachers, one. Mary J. Burthaue, is principal of the Normal and Industrial Institute at Day tona, Fla. Oliona Pegram Atkins was not only a successful teaeber but she was alto the wife of tbe President of Slater State Normal. Mary Lynch was a teacher and has been president of the state W. C. T. IT. for a number of years, representing this organization in Eng land. There, is an M. D. on the roster of alumnae. Dr. Lucy Hughes Brown, and a Dentist. Dr. Alberta Burton. Some of the alumnae have gonS into the foreign fieldH and have worked as missionaries while other haye gone into missionary work in this country. A list of promi nent negro women in this country will show that a large proportion have grad uated from Scotia. Rev. T. R. Lewis, D. D„ a native of Pennsylvania, is president of the college, having come to the place in 1922 after the death of Dr. A. W. Verner, who for, 14 years previously had worked unceas ingly for the college and who was one of the moßt loved men in this section of the state. Dr. Verner was loved not only by • members of the colored race for whom he strove so diligently, but also by mem bers of the white race. Since coming to the institution Dr. Lewis,has made a great deal of progress and has been a very suc cessful executive. He received his un dergraduate work at Westminster Col lege, New Wilmington, Pa., and later graduated from the Western Seminary at Pittsburgh. His wife is also a graduate of Westminster College. The faculty this year numbers 24 a'l of whom are especially trainej subjects which they have to teach. The school is strict in its requirement that its faculty coine up to North Carolina educational requirements, and as a result, all members are compelled to have state certificates before they can teach in Sco tia. The buildings are attractive on the ex ltep:or and interior. The two main, build ings are placed end to end and face De pot street. One, Graves Hall, the older of the two, is made from rough brick and is three stories in height with a basement (Continued on Page Three.) WHAT SMITTTPS CAT SAYS Fair and slightly wander tonight I Thursday fair.

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