PAGE TWO PENNT COLUMN ttwrijil, *r call telephone T& or 619! Cigar'Sjalesman Wanted: Salary or Cent mission. Fall time or sideline. Send stamped addressed envelope for par ticulars. P. O. Box 1110, OmMhw. N. G. 4-lt-p. MSB S«U 13 «< My Bart, JUiode Igfauid pallets, all laying. If i Brice Sloop A Co., Cement Contractors. Local and long distance hauling. Office .. phone 290; residence phone 1151. 2-11 t-p. for Bent —'Two Horse Farm. ('has. A. , Fisher, Route 1, Concord, N. C. ‘Abandon Farmers!- I Am Setting the stone high grade Fish Fertiliser that I sold last year. Made on the same for- . mula, and the same materials, and by < the same man. under the name of Keith's Fish Fertiliser. Appreciate your past patronage given tne, and will thank you for your fertilizer orders again this year. R. V. "Caldwell, Route 1, Agent. 28-Bt-u. Wanted—Several Indies or Gentler n to take census of city and county. Apply immediately. P. O. Box <478. 25-ts-e. HEATH, Him PANIC IN CANADA (H AKES Three Killed. Chmreh Collapses, Homes Unwaged Along St. Lawrence and the Valleys. '■ Quebec March 2. —Three persons dead, (stores of homes damaged by tremor and flee, one church collapsed, and general consternation among residents of the St. liawrenee and Saguenay valleys are the known toll of the earthquakes of last Saturday night and Sunday morning. The Roman Catholic Church at St. JiJiliariori. sixty miles from here, was tlemoliohed Saturday night. Worshippers, fio had filled the church a few moments fore, departed just before the quake, no cue was injured. The edifice was considered one of the finest stone struc tures in Canada. • In the Saguenay district it was re ported the quakes had been almost con tinuous since tiie first ones prior to Sat urday midnight, the last being at 19:10 a. m. today. A number of fissures are reported to have appeared in the earth at Yauta cbiehe. Many buildings completely c-ol- Ifpscd. \ * ' Testimony h>f eighty-five passengers on the government ice-breaker Mikula ap peared to strengthen the theory of some siNeutists that the -seat of the earth dis turbance was a fault originating in the St. Lawrence and Saguenay valleys. The vessel was proceeding up the St. Lawrence just before midnight Satur day when she was shocked from sterm j tp stem as though she had struck a rock ] or submerged derelict. (’apt. O'Hearn stopped the "rswrl, tnnlf soundings and examined-thq engines, chejj t*Bssengers being in a condftfon of neat' panic. Finajly the skipper diagnosed life true cause of the ice-breaker's ac tions. and his explanation restored or sr. The Bermuda Exerusiou. Charlotte Observer. The experiment made by Mr. Williams in instituting a state excursion to the interesting section of Bermuda scored | a success in the initial venture of a j kind that opens a new field of recreation I far our people. It has done another thing. , It has emphasized the capacity of our isame port for accommodation of the iarg- i er classes of steamships, so that there is ; MO longer necessity for home people to , journey to New York to take passage for Bermuda, or for Cuba. Porto Rico, I < Man Domingo. Haiti, the Virgin Islands j j ur any of the islands of the Mouth Meas. Ij aoPBCoooopQooccMaooqooooooo&QOQOooooooocooQOOppooooeeo | The New EFIRD Store j j EFIRD’S GREAT 7-DAY | CLOTHING SALE • 1 4 B Every Man’s and Boys’ Suit in Our Stack Reduced All the Best Made Brands, Highly f Tailored. All Sizes I > ■■ 9 \ O Ceijae and Make Your Selection Now f 9 * 1 i tLa Va«7 rifliDii ciam ] M ■ smu sB MM m/M ■* ■ » 11% ■ m %1 ill pi x! 1 ‘ * I 1 u u [ umii Typewriters—Cleaned and Overhauled by expert Mr. Fritte, St. Special—Monogram American Petit IVis Peaa. 36c, 3 for sl. Lippard & Bar rier. -4-lt-p. Try Our Canned Goods, None Better. Lippard & Barrier. 4/lt-p. For Sate—3«o Evil hhmSad CMrtura, joo White Leghorns at aad 75 Brown Leghorns, $1.90; 26 S’iverlace W'yandots. at $1.25. One incubator and three brooders at a bargain: Adolphus Rogers, Brown Mill. 4-2 t-p. Found—Package Containing Shoes, ©ent er call at 248 West Depot St. 2-st-p. Jersey Cow Strayed Off or Stolen'Fran F. L. Starnes, near Rocky River Churati. She is blind in one eye, is bob-tailed. Notify F. L. Starnes. Har risburg, N. ('., Route 1, and receive reward. ff-2trp. Car Load ©ranges and Grapefruit. Sweet and juicy. Order now, as they are-get ting higher every week. ‘We deliver. Rhone 3(55. Ed. M. Cook Company. 2-st-p. Room For One Mere <OmmN to 'Char lotte and return every day. Room for three on Saturdays. Mutual agree ment. Phone 69(1 after seven p. m. 21-ts-c. . ,The new idea born is that our people fan originate their own steamer trips from their home port, and secure accom modations as good as could be provided from New York or any other port. The Bermuda experience ought to popularize the port of Wilmington in the direc tion of stated excursions through the winter season, and we believe- the stories told by Williams’ passengers will stimu late a demand that will be sufficient to take care of a regularly established tour ist business from Wilmington. “Print It If It Affects jPuWIc.” Suppression of news in which the pub lic lias an interest is bad policy, Irl 11. Marshall, publisher of 22 weeklies in Il linois, told students of the Medill School of Journalism at Chicago in a lecture last week.. •'Anything that affects the public,” lie said, "the public is entitled to know. "No small town paper should try to compete with the great dailies in the field of national or state news. They should cultivate the one particular fieid in which the great daily cannot compete—that oof the news of the small town man's neigh bors. "Names are the stock in trade of the small paper, and they should use all they can gather. Whether they admit it or not. everyone likes to see his name :u print." School children in the mountain dis : triets of ’Washington carry rifles to | school to protect them from the cougars I and lynx which have been driven to the | lower lands by the severity of the win <fl*r. ■’ h • > ' r RESTAURANT MAN DIDN’T • EAT HIS OWN FOOD “It’s pretty tough for a restaurant man to have stomach trouble. My cus tomers were always telling me I ought to eat in a good resturant. THe fact was I couldn't eat a thing that didn’t, bloat me up and no medicine or doctors | helped me. I tried everything recom j mended and at last Mayr’s Wonnderful j Remedy, and I arsure you I didn't have jto look any further. Since taking itl have been a well man." It is a simple, harmless preparation that remove the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal traqt annd allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and istestinal ailments, including appendi citis. One dose will convince or money j refunded, Gibson’Drug Store and drug gists everywhere. IDE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE f *IN A>(XFP TBE?€ITY 'j M r TWrt Hill Methodist Steward* Meet. The regular monthly meeting of the beard Us stewards of Forest HOI Reth . odist Church was held Tuesday night s and was one to be remembered for a -> long time by those present. About 25 members of the board were present and ■ six visitors. A sort of combination • betweAi birthday supper and business j meetij*. Before supper, W. R. Odell, whose ® birthday was being celebrated, was pre > sen ted hy the Ladies’ Aid Society a ? beautiful cake with a lighted candle for 1 each year of his moit helpftil life. The 5 board of stewards presented a lovely bouquet and the following resolution ' was adopted: «. “We as members of Forest Hill Metlio • dist Church and as members of the board | of stewards in this church, use tflis priv . ilege of expressing to you, Brother W. . R. Odell, on this your birthday our high ’ esrregards for you. ’ “We want to assure you that we ap preciate your interest in this church. The fact that you have given of your time l and means to the upbuilding of this . church and thereby helping to make it possible for the work of training our children and -for the teaching of the great religious truths in this organized . way causes us to say, We pledge/our . loyalty and support to this work more i earnestly because of your untiring in - terest, and the great good to be ae . complished. '■"We want you to know that you nnd your efforts have been a source of in- spiration to us. We wish for you many more birthdays and many happy years." i After supper the stewards gathered jin the ladies parlor to their business meeting; with memories of a never-to-be forgotten occasion. Report of Tuberculosis Nurse For Feb ruary. 1 Number of calls to tuberculosis cases. ’ active, incipient and quiescent number, to tal 195. i i Number of suspected eases visited, 25. j Number of families furnished from one i to two quarts of milk daily! 10. j I Necessary articles of clothing furnish-1 ed to four fnmilies. I One patient driven down to Sanator- j ium for examination by Dr. Buchanan, ac-1 compauied by the nurse and application i ! tiled for entrance of three patients who' are able to pay their own expenses. Practical nursing class organized in I ; Kanuapol.'s for a six weeks’ course meet i ing each Tuesday night at the home ql different members. I Kadi Wednesday front sp. i m. ambulant eases come to tbe public/ health office to be weighed by The Tuber culosis Nurse and record kept of weights, j ■ Tiie majority of calls made during the I month were in Concord ami Kannapolis. | work through the county has not been taken up to any extent on accoinrt of un certainty of road conditions through the rural district. MARGARET D. 'FORD, R. N„ j Tuberculosis Nurse, j Chamber of Commerce to Improve the : Tourist Camp. The committee in charge of tiie tour- / ' ist camp from the Chamber 6f C&mmeree. is making extensive plans for.*rebuild ing and making more convenient this ac commodation for persons who pass through Concord. The present camp consists of the level ground just to the rear of the Y. M. C. A. which was formerly used as -a tennis court. It is planned to enlarge tiie lot by making more of the adjoining ground level and then build an entrance on Church Street. A hut is to be erected to take care of the travelers who stop and are forpeil to get inside on account of rainy weath er. An effort will be made to make the camp as attractive as possible in order , to bring numbers of tourists to Con cord. Program 'For Health Pictures For Kent Os the Week. Dr. 8. E. Buchanan, county health of eer. this morning made public tiie pro gram for tiie health films for the rest of the week. The films were sent to Car- , barrus county at the reqnest of Dr. Buch nnnn by the State Board of Henlth and are shown by a representative of tbe State Board. They were shown Monday nighht at Roberta.«and Tuesday night at Wineeoff. The program for the rest of the week follows, the pictures to be shown ya<‘h night at 7 :.'!(). free of charge: Wednesday—Kannapolis Y. M. C. A. Thursday—Ha rrisbu rg school. Friday—Bethpage school. Saturday night— Mt. Pleasant audito rium. -Rocky Rivet> Wius Again—Harrisburg Forfaits to Wittocoff. Rocky River won its game in the Tuesday night league contests when {he national guard was held to 12 points while the boy* from tbe county were making a total of 20. \ The game w«* fast with Itoeky River playing a faster and more accurate game. Tiie team work of the Rpeky River team was good. Harrisburg forfeited to Wineeoff which gave the latter the game by a 2-0 score. In order to get practice, five of the spec -3 tators donned their uniforms and played Wineeoff. The game was a spectacular, one and was in doubt until the last mo-. Incuts of play. The mixed team finally won out, beating Wineeoff 28-27. At (he Theatres. Richard Rarthehneos in “Twenty- One” is the feature being shown today und tomorrow at the Ktar. "Wine,” featuring a big special east headed by Clare Bow. is the feature be-] ing shown today and tomorrow at the 1 Mr. Ivey Is Camßdate. C. M. Ivey, alderman from Ward | Three, announces today that be is a MffffHfdale for 1-eeleetiott subject to the ac ttion of the Democratic primary. Mr. llvey is the second candidate from Ward j Three to enter the campaign. H. C. I Hahn, a former alderman, having en* I tered t lie race several days ago. • Special Service. I There will be special service next Stol idity at 11 o’clock, March Bth, at Potdar [Tent Presbyterian Ohabch for the Hons and Daughters of liberty, conducted bj tile pastor. Rev.” Mr. Mcjver. The mem- Ibers are asked to meet at their hall at 10:30 praoiuftly. Everybody is invited. . I Ad.luide 'rlotiMe tbi‘ Iti usost MkMcntii BERM IDA TOURISTS RETURN. REPORTING GOOD TIME Rough Weather Caused Much Seasick ness—Rotary Members Entertained at Dinner. ,' /■ According to members of the |>arty making the Bermuda trip "a good time was had by all." Despite the fact that pretty weather was encountered on the way to the is land, numbers of the imrty became sea sick aud were confined to their rooms or to tbe rail of the ship as the ease might have been. Among -those who were very ill was a young lady of Con cord who became so desperate that she is reported to have said that she wished that the ship would sink. It is under stood that she retracted the - statement when she reached land. The time on the island was very en joyable. The rather unusual customs of the laud and the very beautjful sights all gave the tourists their "money’s worth. One of the most pleasant episodes was the Rotary meeting at which all visit ing Rotarians were entertained. The governor of the island was present and made a speech in which he advised all his subjects to marry American girls since lie had married one. At this meet : ing there were 43 visitors, the majority iif whom were from North Carolina. One of the most noticeable tilings 'about the island was the fact that no | automobiles arc allowed on it. The princi|Hil means of locomotion is by j means of bicycles. The roads are built ,of white coral which of course would | not hold heavy automobile traffic. J Tile trip back was rough on account of the very bad storm which was en countered. The 'waves piled high and | rolled the ship badly. Even more sea [ sickness was indulged tit by the tour jists. As a result of the storm, the vessel was unable to make the harbor at [ Wilmington until ' too late to catch tiie train which they-were due to take. I This group of Carolinians who went to Bermuda is (he largest group of tour ists ever going to Bermuda from one state in a party. There were 258 mak , ing the trip. IVobably the best joke \whieh is being told since the return is of the lady who was so seasick op the way down tlidt she became ill when she attempted to take a bath in theThorel. •- This story ha l not been v»viflod;jvbowever. ’■ £ - Funeral of Sira StjlJle Ferguson Tuesday. The funeral of.. Mrs. Bill lie B. Fergu son, one of the city's oldest aud best knowu women who, died Monday, was held Tuesday afternoon’ at 2 :30 o'clock at her late home on Georgia Avenue. The ser vices at the home >aud grave were at tended by a large concourse of friends and relatives. Dr. G. A. Martin, of Landrum, 8. C., former pastor of the First Baptist Church tjf this city, of which Mrs. Ferguson had ; beeu a consistent member for many years, \ conducted the services. Six grandsons of j the deceased were ]»all bearers. • Interment was made in Onkwood eeme-}i tery and man.vjbaitdsome floral designs. sent as last tr umes of love and respect, jl entirely covered thq grave. Mr. Fanner, Do You Know That the Yorke & Wadsworth Co. sells’j the Lister fertilizers, Oliver cultivators, jl plows and implements: Cole planters and distributors. John T. Lewis whit lead aftj 14 cents, 2!>-gauge! 5-crimp galvanized t! roofing for $5 a wjuare; Goodyear and Lancaster tires and tubes, paints and P varnishes V Go aud see for yourself; E cJUlJE.jjftuimLJ. ”h’iTM'uii."ii l i i.a.i.—wii(l> i'ldVi t-n" raaaesaagr- ~i —n---- ■ ■■■■■ i—■ ■ ... t . ■, C/T.;d Now I Perfection - Scored Ice i To' render you the .best service ft is possible for us to . ' /%/ jSf Achieve, we have installed the most modern device of *3am i J7,S ■ sis M ; ice-manufacturing industry—-THE. PERFECTION JCE- A II SCORING MACHINE. score-marks every block office, /|p|w J iK tgswmmr But Perfectbn-Scoring means more than perfect, square-out calcpf lag JHWaPßkand always exact weight. It enables us to serve you more effi ciently, more speedily, your He nrore oeei ijl ■ ii\liTmmir fflTftytf mtm mump it TjQ'wimp " : uql * ill. idlilu mItIJ 1 \umt I tflfii luLufflffoHl ftLinlftiu jii t N u 'g °f the straigthest. lankiest hair—hair which otherwise needs 3s curling daily intp naturally curly hair. You may shampoo it, use S as IB , |PypP -« air treatments of any kind, go out in the ngn; brush'and comb it - $ as like, and yet have cufly hair just as if you were 9 S “SPRINGTIME” 1 I Will soon be with us and everyone will want new things. All nature is freshening up, discarding the old, and mak- 1 ing everything new and Lovely again. Why tot Mow j her example in your home? “Visit” Our House Fumishing Department (2nd floor) 1 and buy your hundred and one needs. Draperies, a cozy 9 Lamp, Rugs, Kitchen Ware, Aluminum, Enamel, China 1 Ware, Glass Ware. I’rn.olatnr Tops ■* e ® 25c SZ. 4c 8c J&ff 1 Igr 1/ 48c, 98c ,w!- sc, 7c VjTjEf I 1- f Clothes Basket?.- £ cnre lce Cream Qj» B I I 98c, $1,69 Aluminum Spoons '"A if I SS*.... $2.98 3c 5c Ac 1 Electric Percolators— Brooms tp • '-fp $3.98, $4.98 !;,!»- 2 9c 1 . -I*. 5T $1.25 BD 1 liri.k. Lam,..” 89c $1.19 fMT $2.75 $5.00 10-Uuurt Enamel Ctombinette S __ Oft to OQ ltoskeh.** 0 .. . 48C mA £ ~Z ‘ Clotlr OUC Ot/C UalvanUe.l Buckets pßßrak fa ~ NfWtt Enamel * ifVA hB S 55 -plfcAr SoC ‘ 1 '* IPARKS BELK CO. I I WE SELL IT FOR LESS FOR CASH jfl Phones Concord, N. C. g s weanesaay, Marcn 4, 1925

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