PAGE TWO lO*i ’ BiT\T\i ">jnwiiif T »*' fw I ■ ■ ■■ ■ I Ilf ■| u IP J*#p *# ■ B 4ki Wf Attve if RetwiftberJ Have the Young Strata of old chicks that are sturdy and healthy. Now is the time to get your setting eggs and day-old chicks. J. Ivey Cline, Rontf j. IT-i»-P- Vied ford Truck For Sale—Apply Con-! cord Milling Company. l?-2t-p. | Fepr Sale—White Leghorn and'^ftver face Wyandottes and BrownLkfiorn eggs, $1.50 per setting; $3.50 for 50 eggs. SO.OO for 100. A few more hens for sale, SI.OO each. Adolphus Rogers, Brown Mill, Concord. 16-2 t-c. For Sale—One Beautiful Marked Scotch Collie pup. 10 Weeks old. H. I). Eudy. Cabarrus. N. C- 16-2 c-p. Wanted—To Buy Chickens. Butter and 'eggs, all kinds of country produce. Will pity highest cash price. Davis Bros., 42 IV. ‘Buffalo St. 16-fit-p. Fir Sale—One Fresh Milk Cow. Apply to 44 St. Mary Street. 16-3 t-p: Lost Saturday Night Between KietanotuT Flowe's and D. R. Castor's—brown traveling bag containing ladies’ cloth ing, toilet articles. Finder return to, .Chief of Police, ' -ColicrtW, receive re ward. t V , 16-2 t-c. Five Room Bungalow Far Rent. Clines Pharmacy. 16-3 t-p. For Kent,—Two-Story Residence on West Corfcin street, close in. Brick, seven rooms, modern conceniences. See J. B. - Sherrill at Tribune office, or phone 78 .or 619. ts. 11 —~ SENSATION SPRI NG IN PROBE pF WEALTHY ORPHANS’ DEATH Witness Asserts Heir Offered $30,000 Bribe.:—Silence Was Sought. V thicago. March 16.—Charles C. Fair man. proprietor of a school of bacteriol <»gy. admitted tonight, according to as sistant state's attorneys, that he had giv en typhoid germs to William I). Shepherd, foster father of William Nelson McClin tock, the "millionaire orphan.” whose death from typhoid fever is now a sub ject for investigation by the grand jury. JTaitnan said he had given the germs to Shepherd after the latter had told him that he "was gevng to inoculate someone with them” and that "it is a million dol lar deal.” Chicago. March 10.—The state's attor tiefV efforts to indict William L>. Shep herd for causing the death from typhoid fever of his young foster son and bene factor by Will, William Nelson McClin t»ck. the “millionaire orphan," pro gressed today with the appearance of tyro witnesses before the grand jury. < Hir ers will appear tomorrow. ! As the ease was being placed before the inquisitional body, Joseph Savage, as sistant state’s attorney, announced that ft 3 o’clock this morning, after persistent questioning. Dr. C. C. Faiinan. proprietor Os a school of bacteriology, stated that Shepherd, in regaining possession of a letter he had written regarding a course of instruction, offered him $20,000 if he \youkl his month shut.” The proposed bribe was to have been paid, Di. Faiman said, after s-raeuient t-p- For Sale—Essex Coach. Four Cylinder. Good condition. J. S. Smith. Phone 578. 17-st-p. One 5-room Spaw With Improvements and lot on McGill street for sale at a bargain. One Ford sedan in good con dition cheap. B. L T’mberger Jr. 17-2 t-p. , , ■ A Bargain—l2s Feet Front. 175 Feet back on North Churcn St.. 7-room two-stoty house. Fine residential see .tion. $5,000 if sold quick. C. A. Iseti ,,hoW. 16-2 t-p. Milk Osar For Side. Seed Cotton Tested. A well marked’Jersey cow, second calf,, wejl bred, lieaVy milker, qnil sgenAe. u Dr. Winters xtrnine of Mirican Big j 801 l cottqn Wed, tested, graded. B. L. Vmberger. 16-2 t-p. For Sale—'Eighteen Resident Lots Close .to asphalt street between Gibson and •’Locke mills. See John Gross. 10-3 t-p. $10,000,000 Company Wants Man to Sell Watkins Home Necessities in Concord. More than 150 used daily. Income $35- SSO weekly. Experience unnecessary. Write Dept. B 7. The J. R, IVatlyns Company, 231 Johnson Ave;. Newark, N.J. 14-3 t-p. For Sale—Beautiful One-Acre Lot on the Kannapolis Road, near underpass. I’hone 561-L. W..D, Cagle. 11-6 t-p. For Sale—Two- Bloodhound Puppies. A. IV. Marshall, 106 Academy, St., Crty. lOrtt-p. Wanted—Reliable Colored Nurse. Write Box 162, Concord. 13-4 t-p. the whole, well taken and it is under stood that showers, while welcome, will not elireve the situation fully but that a slow steady ain for at least a week will be required for that. The showers, moreover, are where most needed, which is northeast Texqs. Any piyospert of rea! relief, however, will operate. as a check on the buying, although as against that it is difficult to see whee any heavy aggressive selling will make its appearance unless it is for speculative short account. Liquida tion has been frequent and hedging lias practically run its course for the season unless it comes from the mills selling against their rttohks of cotton. which looks very improbable, in view of the improvement iri g.-nds and the well known scanty stocks resulting from the hand to mouth pfUcy prevalent in all branches of the trade for so long. Existing prices discount mftch of what is favorable in the sitnatiou to date and suggest strongly that advances be followed cautiously if at all but good reactons pesent opportunities for pur chases of which advantage should be talfen, as matters arp shaping inem sewes in sneh away as to ■ foreshad w periods of much aux:ety ; as to the yield next season and a large crop is practi cally indispensable to meet probable re quirements. POST AND FLAGG. Two Irishiuent, at desperation point, held up a passing Scotchman. After a long stiff tight in which the Scot very nearly had the best of them they suc ceeded in getting him down. A close search releaved a lone penny. "Truth. Mike.” said Pat, disgustedly, "if he'd had five cents he'd have murdered the two of us.” "Are you a ctyok-watcher?” asked the | employment agency manager. “'Nope, no office work® for mine." an swered the applicant disdainfully. "I'm a whistle-listener-”' Lady V. Pager, whose flrsr cnt'.d the j Prince of Wales sponsored, has opened 1 a shop in London. | IN AND ABOUT THE CITY % . i , .1, , . ... -■ ■ .n ■■■ BACK CONCORD LAWYER FOR mm ON SUPERIOR COURT Friendh of Hon. Frank Armfield Want Him Apctnted to Succeed Late Jtafas Ben F.' Lang. > , -i Friends in Concord and other sections of the State are urging the npopintment of Hon. Frank A raj field of this city, to the Superior Court bench to succeed Judge Ben F. Long, who died Saturday at his home in StatesviHe, and at the solici tation of his friends Mr. Armfield has agreed to make the race. Members of the bar took the first step'jn the campaign for Mr. Arm field, and individually and collectively they have urged his appointment by Gov ernor McLean, who will name Judge successor. Other citizens of this itrid other evties also have wired Governor Mo oat f&D «WO\JtL. wud iiu- S s fwo see F.'tou cAM LANbiFfeR jr\2 , ©\SE'