“V*- : - * .'V,, ,; £7* r Tuesday, March 16, 1025 -|iu ■■ nj,. ■ "y ■~. , v Jr*—~j r~ y §*y i r lll "Wf'BZ" «* 4*m f'i'a}% * IM* t L-»I JTH" WAy6fcHM , *W-W 9» V Kl I «*WU /WJcj / jjjyfigY / hJKfeJa* *J&rfr » ggggjjpKj Jr /? aLE^^^ST"’ |maooocooooooooooooocoooocoooocoooooooooooooooooocooo I Easter Is Just Around *? Ai)4 that means it’s high time to stpp in and. let me ,shc*s| j yqu the kind of suit you’ll want to be wearing oil Easley | | „Sun«lay. . j ] Let me tailor it to your in the late A.tyle and ] j make you look your best. Drop in and see what fine suits' ; I am offering in the popular price rafiges. ' | M. R. POUNDS DRY CLEANING AND TAILORING OOOOOQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdOCOOO r I A REMINDER j This is’to remind our friends and customers that we j are noW handling the best meats oh the market. i t High Class Western Beef;-same quality as is being j | sold in neighboring cities at’4o to 50 cents per pound. ] | Let us sqnd you your favorite cut- A personal interest | | taken in each order. ‘ < ! Sanitary Grocery Co, * ! Let us relihe your brakes','the proper way. We use a t. > Cady Brake Lining Machine which drills and counter- • j | sinks .the rivets at one operation. We also use tubular ■ jj rivets with a riveting machine jUst as factory equipment. I i the rivets are never exposed to the brake drum. jj Drive around and let us sholv you jusf how it is done? ■ jj Gas, Oil, Tire, Tubes, Accessories and Genuine Fyd Parts ! AUTO SUPPEY & REPAIR CO x | PUONE 228 . ~a -I The Keivißator Will Do It j Electrify your refrigerator, , j I > Freeze your own ice and deserts 5 >! Keep your refrigerator dry and sanitary, the'tempera- ij 11 ture always the same and much lower than with ice' 8 ALL AT HALF THE COST OF ICE. ; 11 45 Per Cent. Os the preibn ture death* of adplts is dne directly to , L stomach trouble and practically all of this trouble is caused from eat- | 1 iug food improperly preserved. Why not protect your good health when j J [ you can create a handsome savings aceourit with the money SdVed each [ A year by a Kelytaator. i , 1 J. Y. PHARE & BRO. PHONES 103 ANPI2T /J MOOp«QWd9fl()»W^^ I Ham With the True Wowl Smoke Flavor | Figaro Meat Preserver is condensed and | bottled for your convenience. Prevents skippers ; saves the i enormous shrinkage caused by heat in the old method of ra curing hams; kdeps the rneat from becoming strqngi; im- I parts the delicious wood smoke flavor. |S . One 40 oz. jar wi|J smoke SOO pounds of meat. \' ■ |! One 40 oz. jar will prevent a shrinkage loss of 125 fil pounds of meat. . ' A | FIGARO MEAT PRESERVER is guaranteed. . | - For Sale v , , V 1 ; — -- In ami AJxmt tlie Ctty --.L., ■ ,'* V '* Mtarttw WIH Be Held With Kfekapoo 1 'SpMWe Ho, 140, on Aptm 4tti.-—fine l*ru- f MrtaberS hr the Kickapoo Tribe No. « 140, Improved Order of Bed Med, have 1 made public the program for thw.district meeting to be held in Kannapolis on April 4th. The program fellows : ’ 1 >, 1-fba# —Oistiyet ITobhet. 1 > * Welcome Address —Rev. C. P. .Fisher. Response to Welcome Address I'ist. . Sachem H. D. Deenan. I Roll of Officers. [ Deferred Business. .... rv V Netv Business. ' flection of Officers. Place of Next Meeting, i Good of the Order. ' Talks by Great Sachem K. H. Bain | and ’others. ' ,-t i Cfitsinß. . . 1 Refreshments From 3:3f) to (i :30 P. M. [ Opening Meeting at 7:0j) f*. M. Dr. Higlisraiffi is Pleased With Plans of Catowhs College. Salisbury Post. j! Or. X Henry Highsmith, pf the state , oducational' department and superin 1 - ' iendent of high schools of the state, has ; just been to Salisbury on a short visit , and while here looked over and inspected , i|the plans for the new dormitory for Catiwba Coliege, and heard of other ' improvements to be made at this insti- j r tution and conferred with the architects, ' i Rogers—Blexnm, and the building com | mittee of the college and stated that under the proposed plans Catawba col lege would have one of the best equip ped college plants ,;n North Carolina, and that the school would start out under | more favorable conditions and with a | i better equipment than most institutions 1 just getting under way. | This * favorable criticism of Bn. High i smith, one of the acknowledged aufh : >j critics of ( the' fctate on, grade A schools ' and colleges hnd their equipnjent. pleas ed 3 both the architects and ’ members of the: building committee immensfly. The executive board of CatnWbn col i lege meets herd l tomorrow to officially 1 approve the altered plans anWtb'isßue a I calf TdV ntfMNMfp’itoi l . Thompson. High Point phy sician., formerly of Lincolnton and a resi dent of T'Cxiugton for a year, was con victed in Guilford Superior Court Thurs day afternoon of- assault on his wife ahd was fined S3O and the costs by .Tmlgo James 1,. Webb. • At the separation of the two some time ago, Dr, Thompson paid'his wife j $1,7p0! Tlie case caused a sensation 'at jj j the time of the trouble. The assault | seems to have been, made just after .Mrs. | Thompson on last March Slat told' him her first htishand would no do as he did, and the pjtjfwe^rt''retorted' that if the | had not nagged hey first hiisban 1 he • might fie ’4|fye, ,Eccoß|iitg to. Jjejt testi mony. Then she ofaered him not to talk nfiont the first husband. t)r. Thbmpsdu was tried in police I court at High Point following the al rj leged assault and .a fine of $250 and 5 whs placed upoii him: He ap- I I jiealed to Superior Court with the result j ] above noted. 5 ’ Funeral of Geoyge bjisenheimer. ij The funeral of the late George Miseti i hehng'r was held from West Concord Baptist CTmrdli Saturday afternoon at it ] i o'cioA, Mr. 1 Misenhrimer heing"/ a meni ber of this church formany' years. Th” | will of Mr. Misenheriner provide*! that l he, have a decent Tuneral' i fr mtles i»A: g gigHnn. Any taie can in-I ji slab it in five nitmites. MV. May wants * agents, and is offering to send one free | to one uiUo owner in each, locality. Write ® him tafattr * I" ' ■'* m CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE [ A TVT#%- - ' ffi LgJ - ■' j^ V9A&4% IS rTnnnffl - i»N IjTT 9 (By the Associated Press) . * Program for March 18th. , WSB Atlanta Journal <428.3) 10:45 entertainment. ( WEE! Boston (475,0) 0:25 7 orchestra; 7:30 musical; 8 Gillette opera company; 0 Sintb’ufeiis. > WGR Buffalo (310)7:15 philharmon ic society. v 4 4 • WEBH Chicago Post (370.2 ) 7 eon- j cert, boofi chat,. Riviera theater; 0-12 , dance, guitars; songs, readings. WLS Chicago (344.0) 6:30 organ; ■ 7:15 Lone Scouts, reading; 8 farm pro- , gram; 9 Cdrnhuskers, Saddler feature, , quartet; 10 band, orchektra. WMAQ Chicago News|< 447.5 ) 6 or gan; 0:30 storiesß lecttile; 8:30 piano concerto; 8:50 financial folk; 9 WMAQ may ere. . I K\W Chicago (536) 7 concert; 7:35 talks; 8 musical; 8:30 stage rewiew; 8 -43 musical; 1 Insomiila club, orches tn., 1 AVON Chicago Tribune '(370.2) 0 or gan) 6:30 ens(gnblh,7sfring quintet; 8 jazz hdurs; 10 orchestra, artiste. VI.,W Cincinnati (422.3) 6 concert ; 10 entertainment, quartets, pianist. WEAR Cleveland (389.4) 7 concert. XCuba' (4WI'" V ‘uR concert: WFaA Dallas News '(«6.0) 0 :30 re cital; 8:30' program 711 'dance. 1 : •/ WQC Davenport (488.0) 6:30 Sand man: 0:50 educational; 9 musical. KOA Denver (322,4) 9 orchestra; 9:10 readings, popular, 'oldtime in-sfrn mental. vocal. WHO Des Moines' (526 ) 6:30 orches tra : 7:30 sourano, pTanist; 9 :30 sym phonic; 9:45 orchestra. 1 WCX Detroit (519) 0 musical. WBAP Fort Worth Star-Telegram <478) 7:S*) music;, 9:30 orchestra; 12 serenaders. KNX Hollywood (330.93 ) 8:13 mu sic • 9 concert; 10 features; 12 orches tra. 1 WOS Jefferson City (440 0) $ ud- CROSSWORD PUZZLE | Sr ” S ” i7r " The past of s I 14 By mouth, j | 1(1 Extraordinary hyge.-inap.' t 17 Also! .vtSktlj' ' .19 Queerer. :'K -(> EVeiyoue. \ 21 Longed! ' - 24 Before. - \ % Metal used for, fv J 27 Precipitous. twSt' .. ■ 28 Artifice. pi j’SO Collection of tritls. ' l ,32 Large white bprd, tips? of'tail hfid Wings black. » - 35 , 3.1416. t 37 Playthings. * . ’’ if 3!) Dlemislr. \ - 40 Negative. • 41 To happen. 1 42 Self.. -vc t 43 Small Ishrnd. - 44 Musical note. J 45 A float. i 47 Tub used to wash yoftr body. ( A** You and I. 1 50 Large bundle in a cloth cover. • 52 Egyptian goddess tha| brings fertil ity. ■ ■■ ' . ' 54 To lubricate. 55 To repulse.’, . '' 58 Caress. , f, 00 To move quickly. ' (>"l ftapbsetl tv, 'direct, i 03 Head covering. •" !j 65 Benrath. 67 Organ of bearing. „ 68 Musical drama. ? 70 Sights. „ 72 Genus of fan palms. ~ 73 Drove, flock. 74 Assault. v ' 1 i 'i" i ' ■■■ L " | Senators U unified. Greensboro News. • o|' tlj* last dhy of the legislative ses sion .tjif seuato tabled a house bill “per iniittiiig the sterilization of patients hi fWi charttnblc and penal institutions of (tite state bn the authority of the gover . Ujor and'the seevetary of tie srtale boaixl jof Health.” The senate would have none of it. one senator chnraetcrising the ) measure as “most , horrible-'’ The bill was of course intended to'apply only to the depraved, to Idfots and feeble miml !ed. Whenever in the judgment of the and imxlical stuff of a 'penal or charitable institntifln, it was f deemod wise n.s a protection to society .td perform this operation it vvould fie aaijtborizetl dbc coie4fiwit of the governor and the state lieigth officer had hecn secured. That as a safeguard v I. .:• . dtesses, old time fiddlin’. 1 ,\VKB Kansas City Star (3C5.0) 7 ad- i dresses, music. KHJ Los Angeles Times (405.2) 8 i cOrcort; 8:30 children ; 0:30 .glee club; 1 10 talk; 10:30 features; 12 rchestra. 1 MHAB Louirrill? Journal (339.5) < 7 m concert. I WHAD Milwaukee (275 ) 8 orchestra.' ' M CCO Minneaoolis-St. Paul (410.1) 1 8 farm talks; 9 North Dakota night; 10 WIjAF New York (401.5) 0:30 aerv- < ices; 6:50 tenor; 7:20 philharmonic con- 1 cert: 9 quartet; 9:30 soprano; 10 or- i cfcestra. 1 1\ JZ New loyk 7 Wall Street Journal review: 7 :ip NYT* air college; 8 quartet; 9:15 negr/> ; spirituals; 9:30 orchestra. WHN New York (361.2 ) 6:30 healthy talk; 10 entertainers ; 10:30 Silver Clip per revue; ll Strand orchestra. KIX Oakland ' Tribune (508.2) 8 oigah; 10 studio; 12 dance. KGO Oakland (361.2) 6 concert. WOO Philadelphia (508.2). C3O or chestra ; 7 concert; 9:03 recital I 9:30 orchestra. IVCAP Philadelphia (278) 7 songs; 7:15 recital; 8 ;10 orchestra’; B:4Q or t l! KDKA°ratMrgfi (809.1) 7:l* ad dicks ; T :80 concert. WCAE Pittsburgh (461.3 ) 6:36 Suu sl.ite girl; 7:30 vocal, instrumental'; 9 .30 cohb^rt; KGW Portland Oregonian (491.3) 8 concert; 10-concert: 12Melody men. WKAQ Porto Rico f 340.7) 6 con cert. V.’DWF Providence (305.9) 6=30 pro gram. KPQ San Francisco (420.3 > 6:30 ir cliesAn ; 7 ;30 stories: 9 (|ance; Ji3# pro gram; 70 piano, two piece hand, yuLcd. WGY Schenectady 0 yrches tra. ‘ ", - KFOA Seattle (384.4) 8:43 or -gram, 10:30 studio program. 75 Examine. VERTICAL 1 v Scandinavian legend.' 2 Leaning! 3 A form of'type. 4 A cave of a "lion. 5 Present, (proportion). 8 Boy. /i Hparde^i. 7 Preposition. 9 Old people. 10 Vigilant. 11 A fuperaL.piJe. 13 fig pen. 15 Stick • v 17 ludiap dhth. 18 T'nil, ; . 22 Discern. 23' Narrative,»6cm.’ 20 Lift' Tike. - * 28 v 1 • . 29 MTinftc' grain in a flour. 81 Virtuous’. * 33 -Fopd for trapping (pi.). 34 Sweet,’ red ((ower (pi.). 36 Frozen Water! 38 Placed. 39 Cry. . 40 Fresh. 41! Plant having no flower or seeds. 48 Pains (.verb). 50 fine who covers books. 51 Talks. 53 To withdraw. 54 Weight 1-16 of a pound. 56 Night. ’ 57 Sin. . ' 59 Weight of container (pi.). (k) Hurry. 61 Auger, 02 Period of time. 64 .Hone hy. 00 Termination. 6i) Cooking vessel. 71 Therefore. 72 Neuter pronoun. ———— : against abuse. But to the senate it was unthinkable. Allowing the depaved, ■ idiots and feeble minded to go on repro ■ dlieihg their kind a burden and a menace to society, isn’t horrible. Wb are ■ used to that sort of thing, and it is ■ “most horrjble" to deny the mental per- I verts the privilege of pnssjng tbeJrMn ■ finalities ’on to tbeir offspring. RoproduC ‘ tion of defectives (n animal life’ isn't t l>ermitt<“d of course. But with the human • ’it is.different—in the senatorial eyt at ■ least. ' ■"' 11 ’• l Second Looey—May 1 break ? « Aristocratic Dame (tlaeing with gener i dare you, sir! Dob’t you ! kpow better than tii break in on a gen ii Wal officer'.’ \\ ' '■ 11 ’f Sjj 1 Bnbd|ed Dpoey—Befl bardon, madam. 11 thought the general was 5 stuck. tetter 1 . By HARRY R. HUNT Washington—One event' of inaugura tion day festivities, neglected by report ers and correspondent# at the tlm#'(be cause of the pressure of importaijtlJbew# happenings, must not go unchromcled? ' ' joo many who saw it, it will be re membered as the high light of the whole inaugural shindig. After the Senate had crowded itself into seals on the right side of the cham ber and the members of the house had filled to overflowing the limited space on the opposite side of tge aisle,, fstepara tory to the swearing in of the vice- presi dent, the ambassadors and ministers of foreign governments we#@ announced. While the multitude packing the gal leries craned its necks, the diplomatic corps, berriboned, bespangled, loaded down with gold lace and dignity, filed solemnly . down • the center aisle t.o t£e seats reserved for the&i hear the front. It wkb an impressive procession. A'll the migbt and majesty v>f thfworld’s great nations was there represented. Then, as the last of. the diplomats entered the chamber, toddling along be hind, bringing up th# procession, came a lost sheep - from the congressional flock. It Was evident to ail. beholders that the tardy representaive was no diplomat. If'he had been, he would have been else where. For it was plain to.be seen that he had been partaking of stimulants no long er legal. His footsteps were wavering and uncertain. •’’Sjyfv- - He d&rted with Such an excess of cau tion that hjs very dignity became undig replirtfr Colleagues, seeing and sensing his con- ABERNETHY CLEARED QF MCfttyßß CHARGE Man VV* o KilM Bert Sides at Connelly Springs Freed bn Seif-Defense Plea- Morganton, March 16.—At 5 o’clock liberation, the jury in the Abernethy killing case brought in a verdict o| npt guilty. The trial • had occupied three days of Burke Superior court and 1 air though’ hard fought tbfc aciqu’ittkl ver dict was not unexpected. On account of the prominence of Charles Abfemethy’s family and that of Bert Sides,' much interest centered in the case. Abernethy and Sides, the man be killed in self defense as he claimed and as the jny was convicted, were both in the employ of the Southern railway, being brnkemen on the Asheville-Snlis bury division. The tragedy occurred at the station at Connelly Spring? ’on the evening of December’33. 1 Miss Virginia* Tanner of, Cambridge has been selected to write the historical pageant to be presented nex) June in connection with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Quincy, Mass. Scientists say that the child of a fath er over fifty years of age has ten times] as good a chance of becoming eminent as j he would if his father were a young man. ; For most all occasions and to mee| every purse, we have a X Shoe to fit your foot. A, B, C, D and E widths. From jjj $3.95 TO $7.50 One Large Lot Specials While They Last — ||| $1.95™ $2.95 PARKER’S SHOE STORE FHOFjtE 897 I > | CAPS! CAPS!! j; Caps Dry Cleaned Free 11 |i| One cap, tie or pair of ladies gloves Dry Cleaned Free if 1 [ | ; Sent in with a dress or suit to be Dry Cleaned. Call 648. EAGLE COMPANY SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGIf^QApOOQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOqOO I DELCO LIGHT Light Plants and Batteries ; i Deep and Shallow Well Pupjps for Direct pr. Alter- J | noting current and Washing Machines for direct or alter- ] | nating current. V ; | R. H. OWEN, Agent , Phone 669 Concord, N. C. j :: THE FLINT FORTY i A car with refinement is now in our show room. I This car comes equipped with four wheel brakes and B U Balloon tires. Five balloon tires and pqve’r for saute. Also I U bumper, motor meter-wing. Windshield wiper standard || PAGE SEVEN