PAGE EIGHT r ' ' -t—-' M E A 'a. O •• ' 4 . i MUiv -i."’: I mmm lEPS^M] i CONCORD FURNITURE CO. • j the reliable furniture store j | H | YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT OUR STORE r"'CXX;SirS"rjl'trrr'r rr.:.: crrr-r-rrT*~r"rT-sr-S Car Load International Harvester Co. (McCormick-Deering Line) Riding Cultivators Walking Cultivators Guano Distributors Drag Harrows Corn Planters Cotton Planters Everything in Agricultural Implements and Machinery Ritchie Hardware Co YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 > EASTERTIME Is the Most Interesting Period in the History of Fashion For it is at a time when all. womankind, young and old, make every effort to ap pear at their best. Fashion decrees many modes—-and Fisher’s presents them to you in all correctness. Each so smart and fashionable, that every age, every whim * and every idea of expenditure can be met quickly and satisfactorily. Popular Prices—Ensembles $18.75 and on GLOVES FOR STYLE AND SERVICE Gloves are the tinidling tonch that distinguishes a smartly dressed woman. Such • gloves are these, correct 'fit ting, well made, they are in the various fabrics and eol orings the season has /riSSgSfsSj/? brought forth, and their . prices are reasonable. C SUk 95c and 1.49 ’ Fishers Jg||g«rj, | Gentlemen:— I | For Dependability , For .Safety . ; I For Economy For Durability ! > Use Our Coal, Gasoline, Kerosene, Motor Oil and Greases Trade With the “Home Town* People UniaiAi nil r I ■II I Ulililflllaf 8 I*9l 4 . SO -• X , rnonc 17 8 ■ , , . L , i-! „ • . . 1 U|i ffW| II All Y TTIIIJI T|MP [The Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING OFMAIL3.~ Tie time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoAee is aa follows: Northbound Traill No. 34 —3:46 p. m. Tiain No. 44—11:00 p. m. Trafo No. 86—10:00 a. m. Train No. 38—9 p. m. Train No. 80—11:00 p. m. v Southbound Train No. a. m.. Train No. 46—S :45 p. m. Train No. 186— 9:00 p. m. Train No. 29—11 ,-00 p, m. , LOCAL MENTION | Miss Mary Horton is confined to her home by illness. Members of the Study Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 8 o’clock with Mrs. .1. A. Hartsell at her home on North Union street. The 1 condition of Mrs. E. C. Barn hardt, .Tr., who has been confined to her home for a week by illness, continues ■ to show improvement. She is now able i to be up most of each day although she !is still confined to her home. Reports to relatives here today state thnt the condition of Wendell Ezzell, son of Dr. and Mrs. IV. L. Ezzell, who re cently underwent an iqieration in n Char lotte hospital for appendicitis, is improv ed.' >* £ H. W. Blanks will go to Winston Friday to attend, the meeting of the jj Playground Association which has its !l annual sessions ip He plans i| to invite the association to meet in Con- I cord two years from now after the nee hotel is completed. The Ideal Lunch Room has been con solidated with the Carolina Case. L. A. Martin, former owner of the Ideal, hav j ing recently purchased the Carolina from j his brother, Eugene Martin. Mr. Mar i' tin purchased the Ideal from O. A. Swaringen and associates and had op erated itsfor several months. Ten defendants tried in recorder’s court Monday paid fines totalling sllO. Two other defendants were found not guilty by the court and several others were allowed to pay the costs without paying fines.. Seventeen cases were on docket for trial, the docket being one of | the heaviest in recent weeks. The Richmond-Flowe Company will occupy Efird’s old store for a week be ginning Saturday at a clearance sale of , their stock of shoes. The store is now i being put in shape for their occupancy. | After the sale, work will be begun pre : pnratory to the opening of the Charles I Store on the first of June. Rising temperatures have been Con cord’s lot during the past 24 hours. Rain came with the warmer weather, the rainfall during the bight being the i heaviest in the city in recent weeks. The rain continued most of the day but did , not fall in torrrtits as it did during the I night. I Business men in Concord have been | heard to sigh with relief now that the income taxes have been made out for the • | year. There is always the possibility that the government will not accept the data as given on the blanks, but at the same time the matter has been attended to for the time being at least, and that fact is worth something. G. R. P. Cress, of No. 4 township, brought an) old school notice 'to the Tribune office Monday which was dated April 16, 1860. and was written notify ing Henry Walker of his appointment as It is signed by A. J. Yorke, “Chairman school committeeman for district No. 43. Board Sup. Com. Schools for Cabarrus Co.” Photographs of all the Y. M. C. A. activities will be made during the week together with all the clubs and teams at the Y. These photographs will be ' placed in the new special edition of the Y paper which is to go to press at an early date. The paper is to be sent to all parts of the country apd to countries abroad. The friends of Miss Rosa Caldwell Vill be gratified to learn that ahe has been elected editor in chief of “Sights and Insights,” the Salem College annual, for next year. This is considered one of the highest honors at Salem. Misß Cald well has also been chosen chief marshal for the commencement exercises this | year. Farmers throughout the country - are hard at work now preparing their lands for the summer and fall crops. During the past several weeks weather condi tions have been very favorable for farm work and the farmers have taken advant age of the opportunity to get their busi ness in shape for the rush season that is just beginning. y “M say it pays t<r advertise,” said J. Ivey Cline as' he greeted a representative of The Tribune and The Times several days ago at hia farm in No. 1 township. “I have been runnihg ads. in both your papers and business is better than ever.” As a result of Mr. Cline's advertise ments hundreds of persons have visited his farm and he lias sold them hundreds of eggs and day-old chicks. Leroy Springs. Elliott W. Springs, Mrs. Annie <C. Allison and Mrs. Addie A. Odell have sold to F. C. Niblock, A. ! R. Hoover and W. W. Flowe part of the : R. W. Allison property in Ward One for $16,500, according to a deed filed Mon day. Another deed records the sale of property in Ward One by Mrs. Odell and Mrs. Allison to Mr. Niblock, Mr. Flowe, Mr. Hoover and A. R. Howard for $6,- 600. No Pajama For Atlantic. 11 Atlantic City, March 17, —The wear | ing of pajamas on the beach here dur i,ing the coming bathing season, in. ac cordance, with a papular custom at bath [> ’ng resorts in Florida and Europe, will j i be banned here , according to announce ' m * nt today. Mayor Bader and director [ of Public Safety Cuthbert both declared any attempt to onaugurmte the male would be halted. . W. O. W. NOTICE. / ■j'-] \ T Spring is the mating season. The birds mate. But they don’t have any house rent or grocery bills. At last women are becoming men’s j equals. - Here and there you find one who really doesn’t want to marry. Women are nice people. But they sometimes refuse to agree with you in all the things about which you are mis taken. -. Many single men think they can enjoy life more with their present habits than they could with a wife..-, >H'' ■ K Trying to keep two people from mar rying results in a married couple for enemies. Spring fever makes you feel as if you have forgotten something. f Even if women do have more sense than men you never see a man With high heels on his shbea. The more you talk the less it counts. A man is a person who thinks being late for his meals is no trouble. A baby’s idea of heaven is a place where it is against the law for its father to sing. (Copyright, 1925, NEA Service, Inc.) LIFE* IS- \ v Worth living m SAYS DENTIST Who Tells How He Found Health, Strength -and , Happiness, READ THIS EXPERIENCE There ate time' in the lives of most i of us .when we winder —if life Is really - worth' the living.- Sickness or continuous 111 Health eou - p’.ed with loss of time and heavy expense bring'discouragement and sometimes de spair—but, before you give up hope, read * these words of John M. Kirkland, well ’ known Richmond dentist, and compare ! your troubles with his. ‘ “For more than 5 years, I have suf fered from Malarial chills and was weak 1 and rundown in every way. I was able to work only part time and had to use nearly every* cent I earned to pay Doctor I bills and Buy medicine. About ’a year ago. 1 was advised to take Buroher’s ’ Ironux and now I am glad of the op portunity to tell what this great medi cine has done for me. 1 never lose any . time from work any more and I am i strong and healthy and feei that life is worth . living—that’s what Burcher's Ironux djd. for me! No matter what your age or, ailment may be, if you are weak, thin, nervous and rundown—if your Stomach or Liver is off and you lack the strength and am bition to .do things—Burcher’s Ironux must quickly help you or its use will not cost you a, cent. All good, druggists sell Ironux on a bindjng gpijantee of full, satisfaction or money gladly refunded—and 5 days’ use will prove its value. Try it today, at our risk! ; •i . f We have the follow ing used cars for sale ,or exchange: One Buick six Road ster One Buickjfour Tour ing . 1 One Ford Roadster. One Ford Sedan. KI v*i. STANDARK BUICK COMPANY Opposite City Fire Dept Our Private Chapel Affords Privacy, Comfort j j The Modem Funeral j Chapel provides all the * privacy and Comfort of a | private residence plus ev- * ery facility and service 5 that the funeral director a i has at hand. Our Funeral Home is a J beautiful and restful | that provides our patrons with a type and H character of service un equaled. I Wilkinson’s 1 Funeral Home | ALL NO. 9 . ; g Any Hour Dayor Nigfrt ! There i. s rtiguil.v 8,i,l 1 about these poems, that .appeal to A' ; mind as well a. the heart—a beautiful portrait of the Christian mother." —The Watchword. S-.~~ ■ * Clear f& Cold Cold in the head means a germ at tack. The membranes become inflamed, - head becomes stuffed. And that’s misery. Quick relief demands direct attack on those germs. Apply Elly’s Cream Balm in the nostrils and breathe it. The head clears instantly, inflamma tion is subdued. The cold disappears. Don’t wait for internal effects.. Fight the cold where it is—in the air passages. Ask your druggist for a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Enjoy thii quick relief., Lumbago It’s a form of rheumatism. St. Jacobs Oil ends those pains like magic. It has ' done so for millions, for 65 years. You can trust it. So with soreness, lame ness, backache. Almost instant relief is at your call—the best men ever devel oped. Go get it St. Jacobs Oil PAINTS. J. V. DAVIS DENTIST Office Removed to Fourth Floor Cabarrus Savings Bank Building Phone 438 Honrs: 8 to 5 ■ ' s'i, ' Adjd the Comforts of PLUMBING : to Your Home Modern Plumbing will do as j much or more than any other one \ thing toward making your home ' a comfortable and convenient place in which to live. It costs you nothing to get our cost es timate. Concord Plumbing | Company North Kerr Street Phone 576 Your Money Goes * Further On RACINE TIRES ! 1 Jarratt’s Service East Corbin St, l i' j Phoqe 808 Green Front ( Special We still have on sale:; our Big Ring Special Value $6.00 to $15.00 \ AT ! $4.65 W. C. Corrcll Jewelry IOOtoeOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Soldier Arms and I Sailor Legs £ JMjBLa fA you are young and full of the ? Y v stuff l ' iat keeps the manufactur -3 / Vr ers of ball room floor wax work o \r— y°.h your sty^e the x \ \ cut out off and 13G wheelbase— -3 / y 1 Then the proper suit model for a t J ' \ 'you .this -Spring has wide army 3 I jAa Y arms—tapered waists and wide jf Q ?ea legs—and the proper place to 8 *f • fi"d it at the, proper price is x - " HOOVER’S. • 8 Schloss Bros. Spring Buits $85.00 and upward New Spring Shirt Patterns HOOVER’S, Inc. i| , “THE YOUNG MAN’S. STORE” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOaonarwvsftfff^pQpQ I A 810 STORY IN’ a SMALL, era I :, OV' VKD'S FILLING STATION 1 “B«rvk® Witt a Smile” _ _ L***** 333 " PHONE 88V ; | oO'’3ooooooooooooooogooooogoooooooo©ooooo©ooooo6ooooqoo ijj COAL PRICES REDUCED || ! | Best Virginia Lump, per ton #7*o ! ! I | Best Jellico Block, per ton ; ~ T _ ~ $g gn !'! i Pocahontas Furnace EGG and Lump, per ton $9 00 ! i ton as l s „5 h |srf E now ,han * wi " be in ° ;dCTi " ; A. B. POUNDS .hi,nr j Make your business grow by dealing with a bank which is always on the lookout to be helpful to its customers. It is such a service that we endeavor to render to our depositors and the volume of deposits proves that we are successful to a great degree. f DET US SERVE YOU I CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital and Surplus $450,000.00. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 lahlttALl c l OAL ,1 Let us serve you with , «/T A XC/Atit yOU/tted the best ton of’Coal that COS J ever cooked a meal or Lime, Cement, Plaster K. L. Craven j& Sons : y GOODS WOMEN’S WEAK MNXWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC CONCORD COTMW MARKET Tt'KfttJAY" MARCH 18. 1*25 Cotton .25 Cotton Seed .52,1-2 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKST*** (Corrected weekly ft MotocV I::;:::::::::::"::::::::: ' ‘Tuesday, Marph 16, 1925 Sweet potatoes - 1.50 Turkeys 1 .25 to .30 Onion* H. 25 Pea* 2.50 Batter ; .80 Country Ham .27 Country Shoulder .16 Hen** asi —AT Mah Potato** . x JiTj REMEMBER PENNY ADS ARB CASH (

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