PAGE TWO ‘ -Ife. V : :2:- A. .a: i Bxito Nice Lettuce, Ripe Tomatoes, Cel- ; ery and rutabagas. Sanitary Grocery :*»■ • ™- I iL Vfc*rt-—Two Furnished Rooms and ' bath at 93 EasCDepot street. Phone 369. 19-3 t-p. — Wanted to Rest House on South Won 'preferred six or more rootas with bath A. M. I. available about May-Ist. Give nil particulars in first, reply, Roogi 208 Mass. Awe., M, lKt Washington. 1). c. ~ tT 7 193»-o. ®U er Throe Rooms For Rent, Close in. .Excellent location, reasonable. Apply . ,117 South Spring St. 19-3 t-p. New Hats, New Flowers Just In. Mis* Brachen's Bonnet Shop. J9-3t-p. »s}<{»■■■< .'..1 I ... ■■■■•><■■*■' ■ ’II I '■!'! >".' ■■■■■ Fresh Green Cabbage, Rutabaga Turnips, carrots and yellow sweet potatoes. Rhone 365. We deliver. Ed. M. Cook Company. 18-2 t-p. For Rent—One Famished Bedroom. Close in. Mrs. W. M. Harris, South Spaing Street. ‘ 18-2 t-p, Remember I Have the \*ung Strain of Whrte Leghorn Eggs for sale. From my best liens and pullets. Also day old chicks that are sturdy and healthy. Now is the time to get your setting eggs and day-old chicks. .7. Ivey Cline, Route 1.17-3 t-p. Wanted—To Buy Chickens, Batter and ' eggs, all kinds of country produce. Will i pav highest cash price. Davis Bros., . 42 W. Buffalo St. s 16-fit-p. •Rig Lot Nice Fat Hens. Phone 565. We deliver. Ed. M. Cook Company. 'I 18-2 t-p. ■For Sale—Two Bloodhound Puppies. A. 1 W. Marshall, 106 Academy St., City. 16-4 t-p. 'For Rent—Two-Story Residence on West Corbin street, close in. Brick, seven j rooms, modern eoneeniences. See J. B. ;,i Sherrill at Tribune office, or phone 78 H or 619. ts. CEftTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT i issued by the Citizens Bank and Trust Com- , I pany form an ideal investment for the surplus 1 funds of farmers, business houses and organi- u i ! ■ zations. • ; i -G ’! >”M K * H i* i , I 1 l‘ ; ' ■!'/' • ; •'*; / 1 5s M i These Certificates are issued in amounts to 1 I suit your convenience, for periods of three i ' months or longer and we pay four per cent, in- 4 1 j terest upon them. ] fife- CITIZENS I i 12MI BANK.& TRUST | 1 iSfjrti COMPANY H3B |H| CONCORD HEW BUILDjMC 1 The New EFIRD Store 1 I THE I MILLINERY OF SPRING | Hundreds upon hundreds of NEW SPRING HATS have just been received and Which were selected by our New York" Milliner buyer. Every colot of the rainbow is repre sented. 'This is a season of colors. Never has Millinery been shown in such a gorgeous profusion as the present one. on wilt find a style to suit every face, and the prices « are so reasonable' j s $2.95 and up ' j In our childreiEs section you will find a most complete as -1 sortmewt in both school and dressy hats. ■ ‘ $1.95 and up ■. ; : m W . _ J FYmh Lot ShgSed California Almonds and 1 Walnuts. • Lippard & Barrier. ; -;■ A I Specials For Friday-—StoMey’s Cut Ten der beans. No. 2 can, 14 cents; 7 ijr cent packages Gold Dust washing.pow der, 25 cent*. Piggly Wiggly. 19-1 t-p. Diplomat Boned Chicken and Chicken salail in gtass. White meat. Lippard & Barrier. v * 19-lt-p. Wanted— Good Fredh Milk Cnw. H. C. Kidcnhour. Phone 729 W. 19-3 t-p. .1.1 ' ll'.. —i ii.ii i» i Miii.l i■ ■ 11 « ' ' ■■■' ■ We Handle ToM Handles For Shovels, forks, lioes. rakes, picks, mattocks, axes hammers, sledges. C. Covington. 19-1 t-p- Wanted—Women to Make Money at home. Plain home sewing. J?b can vassing. To prevent curiosity seekers, send ten cent (coin) for samples and particulars. Success Sewiug System. Box 207 Long Branch. .N. j. 19-2 t-p. Nome Grown CaNtoge Plants Ate The kind to plant. We lire pulling daily now. Can furnish them oii short no tice. Crowells Plafit Farm. tB-3t-p. Tomatoes, Tomatoes. fHg let WWtj Ripe tomatoes. Phone iiflfi. We deliver. 1 Ed. At. Cook Company. 18-3 f-p. Fde SetWhag See Mrs. W. 'R Harris; South Spring St. , l»2t-p. . Grapefruit! Grupefrfl t! ifig Fancy Joiey grapefruit only 50c dozen. Phone 565. We deliver. Ed. M. Cook Company, 18-Bt-p. ; For Rent—Nice Little Five-room House on Douglas Avenue. J. ft. Linker, Telephone .797. - 18-2^ -p. ~ Faney Iceberg Lettuce and Celery Just arrived. Phone 565. We deliver. Ed.' M. Cook Company.- 18-?t-f>. For Kent —One Front Bedroom. «6 N t Church St., Phone 594. 16-6 t-p. For Sale —Essex Coach. Four Cylinder. ' Good condition. J. S. Smith. Phone 578. * 17-st-p., ■ r ‘ ' j INANDABCKJTTHEaTY j] RELIGION PARAMOUNT TODAY SAVA. BISHOP ITOWIN PENICK Blames Parents, Not riatnWM. if to dents Lose Faith Wheat at College or Religion in paramount in the minds of the pedbte today, said Bishop Edwin A. IV-nick before h large congregation at All Saints Episcopal' Church Wednesday night. People think region, they dis enss religion dud the secular press de votes columns to religious topics. Almost any reputable magax’ne has invariably an article taking up some phase of relig ion* work. ' ; , The Bishop at the eonchision of the sermon read prayers, for eonsecration of the new pulpit which was presented to All Saints by Mrs. B, F, Rogers, of this city. The carving on the pulpit is very intricate and very beautiful. It was done by a nephew of Anton Lang, the well known Christ of the Oberammergau Pas sion Play | * Tne text or Bishop Penick’s sermon was taken from St. John 6:68, “Lord to whom shall we go: Then bast the words of eternal life.” The time when these words were spoken was a perifid of crisis in the life of Christ. Prior to this time the people had flocked to hear the teaching •of Jesus and td see his miracles. The Jews thought that Jesus had come to de li vet'-irtirm from the rule of the hated Romans. After the feeding of the five thousand when the multitude tried to -make him king by: force, there was n gradual dropping off in the number of followers. The people were disappoint ed.' J Natoraily, said Bishop Pehiek, this af fected the apostles. They were- patriotic .hews and hoped that Jesus would redeem Israel. They. bad shared in the raessi anie hopes of the. multitude*! and when .loins refused to: be. err. wned king, they wererailneed in the minority. It -was then that Jesus asked thegnestion-about wlSat they were going to do and Peter gave the answer in the words of the text. This 1 (placed their fn ; th 7 on a solid", foiindation. In striving the truth, there are two: Ways whilki load from the path .of uncertainty, according to the bishop. 1 The one was by the exercise of the in tellect aud the other was by the exercise of spiritual intuittioit. " | If the intelligent layman attempts to' get at the truth by reason, lie may find ■ everything mysterious atuf vague. He may read standard books but he wifi find thdt they disagree ; n the conclusions they draw*! B is a liar.' matter to prove that 1 fherd is a God. -‘All that the reason j can do is to take the Godward instinct, i plant it and train it," said Bidhop Pen l ; ick. : “Reason does uot create faith in ! God.' It can only train fife -■ @odward ! trend" • JJ. *’ t V-2 ? LV; Tj '4 ■ -'’lldo not want to' underrate ASd 'Kd- ■ man mind. However, ' wh#u s ybuug I man |goes to college and feyn’i truth pre sentejl in new w ays, he, is liable , so , , eome’ n bit shaky ami not know' Whaibh? j does believe in fw,.a time.- - Then ymr.jjarf .cuts say that he hasTgtme- to .tlit- V'niivh|- ■' sity and lost his faith. If >oh have dpHe I any thinking yourself, you' have at cue | time or another become shaky, • These | boys should be treated with tBV greatest I sympethy,” Bishop Penick. "aud ■ if they are really in search of the truth : then they will come round.” "The young of today need to be very . carefully t{ainsd;ao Itett .wh-n tte'J' do get new triith, they wifi not stray lioni the truth. If my boy goes,to school nud loses his religions beliefs. . flteji "I striM repvoa«‘h myself and not the nrofessors of the I'niversity." The last' iMiitit vrliifh the . Bishop brought out was tMe need of fiyith in our religions life. “We have faith in otir every day life. We (hi not think that this church is going to full. We have faith in the men who buiit R, Those of you who came her* la an antomoMe hnd faith .in the mechanism .of-the i ar. We live by faith, by the wortt of mau. Then Wc should live by the Word of God.” . At The Theatres. >! , "Sinners in Silk." with an- all star cast, and a comedy, are the features at the Pastime today. i “Why Men Leave HofruV’ 1 * starring \ Lewis Stone. Helen Chadwick and Mary, 1 Carr is the fcgtnre at the Star jodar. \ The Ririwml B. Hifkton Begltal TOtoitot t Richard R Mirtriwte.pltrJrginfic Enter-] 1 fainer, wifi appear in a reerfal at Wfst j minster (Imrch ti'a'ight at 7w. Mr. j Harrison is rciimrted to be one among the! best in onr coOfttry,, He will cotne to us directly from John-] son C. Smith t*hi??fsft.Y. Charlotte, where he never fails large audtences of ! both white and cofored. “Jntlrts CMesar," \ “Hatnlef.” "The Merchant *of 'Venice," V'Thc Raven." "Damon and Pythias." “DePntky.." “Lit ftrown Baby,’’ “When ; Malindy Sings.” and several' others are \ among his numbers. » Seats will be reserved for our white [ Ricnds. Admission 40 and 1 20 cents. • 19-Vt & 19-11. PAffTOR. FO& NEW ‘ # PEF’ VIM AND VlGOjl To Quickly Increase Nefve ' Forte, Weight and Strength - r Special Formula of Virginn Druggist [ ScM on Binding Guarantee. Weak. thin, nervous men and women who lack the ambition, "pep” and Strength to accomplish things—should be glad to; . know about BrucherV Ironiix, the new wonder tonic" that is as pleasant to take rfttie old wine. No matter what your age or ailment may be—if yon want to double your nerve force and quickly increase yonr weight and strength—yon are invited to try Butchers Ironux today, without risk! • All good druggists are- authorized to* supply this splendid medicine to all who ■ wish to try it—ow a' binding guarantee’ |(ff full satisfaction ore money promptly R refunded. . (hie man says, “Since beginning trt take Ironux, f have gained 27 1-2 pounds S and never felt better!” X Another man says. “After taking two B bottles of ironux. I have gained 12 D pounds and feel like a boy again!" h B. Mrs. Atkins says, "Am now weU anti rweek’s trial will furnish the answer—try it today art oar riak! *, ISK. . THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE GHaMber - ’ . . • .. *H° * f ■ H •" f« 1 S ISA StVP£4A K3J3E Y R ... -: ,m,— 1 . . ■ ,■• : • :■• a»• - ■■■•'■' • far 31Si ',^ M ’ N pop - ' C\ VE6 - I/M OLA& vou Vi IT MRS.KDft.f2. a*qm ooesiwt u«e it r pwf® V6RW vnjEul - MAWBE J f ' ' ul CHAMee m£r ) l?n~*y Mind now jr.ii. - ? . J . v -iff VnU .Wk c# Uimg/IllllMM I n L^ilJSMlf/l lb l /Ska j |UJ TiifiTTM 1 1 H nfti 1 1 n\\ i I I I \ iilniln 11HllDiViTnn ir W / lu ill I V Buihffl( \ *. ft'.»a.yjM «f™* ■nc.-y,o J Ttmreilav 16 ' , ■ . ' - ■> -Vt' \ * BT TAttOR '■' •"••* 1 •»!*. Ji'K® S\A'< 1% • r’ " : : V C'* ';x •■'