1 ; - -’S' ; ’1 • DISPATCHES • VOLUME XXV , MEADS IS imnCTEO AT WASHINGTON ON CHARGE OF FORGERY Pleads Not Guilty When Ar raigned In Court and Is Al lowed Freedom On Bail In the Sum of SI,OOO. CHARGED FORGED « NAME TO LETTER Charged Wth Signing Sena tor Brookhart’s Name to a Letter During Senate In vestigation Last Year. (By the Associated Press! Washington,, April 4.—Gaston B. Means was indicted here today for forg ery in connection with the Senate Daugh erty investigation in which he was a spectacular witness. He immediately pleaded not guilty and was released on .SI,OOO bail. Means, who recently was convicted in New York on a liquor conspiracy case and sentenced to two years in federal prison, is accused in the indictment here of having forged the name of Senator Smith W. Brookhart to a letter pur porting to direct him to deliver all his records, flies, diaries and letters to the Daugherty comnunittee. During the course of the inquiry Means created a sensation by announc ing that the great mass of records from which he had been testifying had been stolen. Committee members were du bious when he explained that two men had come to his home and presented a letter purporting to bear Senator Brook hart's signature, ordering that the letters be delivered to them. To support his story, Means presented to Senator Brookhart what he claimed was the letter in question. Senator Brookhart pronounced the signature a forgery. TIIE COTTON MARKET Opened Steady Today at Decline of 7 to to 17 Points Under Overnight Selling Order*. (By the Associated Press) New York, April 4.—The cotton mar ket opened steady today at a decline of T 17 points under overnight selling oriWr*. Considerable trade buying and ct-i Wing was hot sufficient' to absorb ear ly offerings, ami the market Was weak and unsettled, .Tilly soon selling off to 24.35. or 11 to 18 points net lower dll' active position^.I’' 1 ’' The market evidently was, influenced 1 by relatively ejisy Liverpool cables and reports of continued poor demand for cotton goods. There also was some southern selling And Jbtjal a,nd' Wall Street pressure. Covering for over the week-end wn« prompted bj* the outlook for clear weather for the southwest over night, however, and the market rallied toward the" end of the first hour. Cotton futures opened steady. May 24.10; July 24.40; Oct. 24.07; Dec. 24.08; Jan. 23.88: Vowed Name Dunlap Was Found In the Bible. Norwood, April 3. —Isaae Dunlap, colored, died' at the 1 Almond plantation near here on Monday morning at 4 o'clock. He was one of the most interest ing characters of the old time slave darkey.’ By profession he was a farmer, a preacher and a ferryman. In all of the professions he ranked high. He knew his Bible in a peculiar kind of manner. Anything that he particularly liked he was sure was Bible doctrine. Re par ticularly liked the Baptist church, his church and preached that it was the only church mentioned in the Bible. No amount of argument about what his tory said would have, any weight All histories and all other looks ancient and modem were wrong unless big Bible said the particular thing. He was al9o interested in his white folks, descend ants of. his master, Joseph Dunlap, and always claimed that. the name Dunlap could be found in the Bible. Argument on this question was also out of order as he invariably believed himself to be right-classing his own white folks as the very highest type of earth. Young Married Woman Charges Seduc tion. High Point, April 3. —Claude Spen cer, young white man, was tvroered held for Guilford Superior court "ollowing a preliminary hearing before Magistrate J. D. Suttenfleld. on a charge of elope ment and abduction. Mrs. Ella HaywOrth, a young mar ried woman of this city, testified at the trial that Spencer forced her to leave High Point with him. The woman was taken to the couaty-ijail with Spencer. She will be turned over to welfare work ers of the county. A young society woman of Omaha, with a particularly trim foot, has one hundred pairs of shoes in her wardrobe, arranged in boxes and on shelves as in a shoe store. ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH | ! (if Corbin and Union Streets 14 'jj PALM SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9:45. Classes for everyone. Chief Service 11:00. Sermon subject: “A Royal Entry.” I Confirmation of. Catechetical class. v Reception of new members. Special music at both services. \ Church welcomes you. , I The Concord Daily Tribune ! .. - r ; 1 •' ■ r. *'■: • ! ; \ J 1 ( ' ■ THERMAL BELTS Places on Our Mountains Entirely Free From FKsts Raleigh, April 4.—Agricultural ex-, pert» nay there are places in the moun tains of North Carolina which are en tirely free from frosts. These are called “thermal belts.” 1 In one of its publications, the North Carolina department of agriculture said that “horticultural and climatological' literature contains frequent reference to I thermal belts- or fr-oetless zones;in moun , tain regions.” It added; “More prob-! ably has been written regarding thermal ■ belts in North Carolina .mountains than in any other- section of the country, • doubtless because' the phenomena are more pronounced here than elsewhere iu the east, oit account of the more exten sfve slopes and the greater area.” It was believed by the State horticul trist that nn exhaustive study of thermal belts might furnish valuable information to fruit growers. Consequently there followed an investigation, which began in 1012, as a co-operative project between the United States weather bureau and the North Carolina department of agri culture. As the result of these investigations, it was determined that a thermal belt is not a fixed and definite zone whose boun daries can at all times be located. Under some combinations of weather conditions a thermal belt may be at the base of a slope. Under other condi tions, it may be at the top of a slope. A storm may so mix up the atmospheric currents that the belt may lx- tempo rarily non-existent. However, when nor mal conditions return, so does the ther mal belt. A thermal belt is more or less indefi nite in width, where the minimum tem peratures average higher than at either the base or the summit, but it is free ■ from the frost of the valley and from the freezes of the higher levels. With in this belt, foliage is frequently fresh and green when that above and below , has been killed by cold and frost. BUS OPERATORS REACH NO SCHEDULE DECISION Charlotte-Greensboro Line Has Too Many Cars and Some Must Be Eliminated. Raleigh, April 8. —Inability of bus line operators on the Charlotte-Greensboro stretch to agree today on the basis of 1 eliminating excess equipment ended the conferene with the corporation and no j schedule settled. The sentiment was strong enough for ■ a half hour schedule as there is now be tween Greensboro and Raleigh, albeit, , members of the commission doubted the , profitableness of such operation as that. , The conferees made progress enough to reach an- agreement on the short line building, Greensboro to High Point. Kan- j napolis to Concord, and similar hauls, ( but when the Kirk lines with their 23 j machines and the Dixie with its half j dozen clashed, there was nothing to be ( done but hold another conference. And ( this will be done April Bth in Raleigh. . A. B. 0. Kirk; who has- built npa big business, finds Mt difficult 'to make she elimination, but there is no room for nil the machines which were represented. The | commission whs sympathetic with \ the j operators in their difficulty. At .j knevV that this trouble would be met and | asked • for-a listing of all equipment. ] General Albert Cox,,. representing the Dixie Coach Lines; suggested that date . of buying such machines should be given. ( The over-equipment of the longer lines between Greensboro and Charlotte will j probably be worked out before it gets to , the commission, otherwise, it will have ( to act. Mr. Kirby asked the commission j -to make a ruling for him so that when he passed old business with his through j hue there would be perfect understand ing If he failed to take on more passeng ers. The commimssion laughed sympa thetically. though it never had a chance 4 to rule on that suggestion. 1 * 1 Possibility of Wood Pulp Manufacture in 1 Eastern North Carolina. * Wilmington, April 2.—Prospects for ] the manufacture of wood pulp for paper * in this section are claiming the atten- f tion of local interests. State Forester 4 H. ,M. Curran, while in Wilmington, said 4 that he had great faith in the possibili ties for development of this industry in the Wilmington district. While here the State forester visited Palmetto Is land and also looked over timber in r Brunswick county. He Was aceom- < panied by General E. F. Glenn. * i Ooolidge Has Not Indicated Desire to Go to Charlotte. Washington, April 3. —Rudolph Fob- t ter, executive secretary to the President, a informed Frank A. Hampton today that i he did not think there was the slightest c chance that President Coolidge would a be able to visit Charlotte on May 20. i He had not indicated that he hoped to, go to Charlotte on that occasion, it was said. « i Woman Killed la Auto Accident. (By the Associated Press) Union, S. 0., i April 4.—Miss Grace Rogers, of West Springs, near here, was killed instantly, and her brother, Nor ris, and sister, Fannie, were injured to day when the automobile in which they i were riding plunged down an embank-) ment and overturned twice after losing i a front wheel. The injured man and woman are in a hospital here. 4 More than 385,000,000 feet of lum-! her is used in the manufacture of auto mobiles and motor trucks in the United States in one year. CONCORD, N. G, SATURDAY, APRIL 4,1925 DEMICTI TO PREKENT SALE Df DODGE BROTHERS John Duval Dodge Sought to Restrain Mrs. Matilda R. Dodge From Disposing of the Property. ANOTHER EFFORT TO STOP SALE Attorneys for Dodge Will Carry Case to the Circuit Court in an Effort to Car ry Their Point. (By the Associated Press) Detroit, April 4.—Judge Harry Ben jamin iu the Wayne county circuit court today refused to grant a temporary in junction sought by attorneys for John Duval Dodge, restraining Mrs. Matilda R. Dodge from sellling, transferring l or encumbering any of the effects of the estate of Anna- Margaret Rodge. post humus daughter of John F. Dodge, and half sister of John Duval Dodge. Wm. Lucking, attorney for .John Du val Dodge, announced this morning that he would petition the Wayne county cir cuit court probably today for an order to show cause why the sale of Dodge Bros, to Dillon Reid Co., of New York should not be enjoined. Mr. Lucking said this action would be taken to protect the iu-' terests he said Jqiin Duval Dodge lias iu the John F. Dodge estate as heir of An na Margaret Dodge, his infant half sis ter who died a year ago and who was named iu the father's will for a share in the eßtate. Judge Dingeman, however, ordered that Mrs. Dodge appear before him Wednes day to show cause why an injunction should not be issued. Mysterious Chinaman Turns Up at SaUobury. Salisbury. April 3.—A Chinaman who was acting very queer was taken from a northbound train here and turned over to local policement who are holding him until they can find out what is the mat ter with him and where he is trying to go. He had a ticket reaeding to Greens boro. The man seemed to be doped but those who observed him after he was locked up here tonight tbpught he was insane. Local Chinamep were unable •to get anything' from hint as to his In tentions or past life.— He insisted that he had engaged in an affair in Florida and. had killed a 'man. 1,1 i; ' 1 Greensboro Youth Killed By Shifter. Greensboro, April B.—Earl Thrnilkill, thirteen-year old by, of this city, was 'instantly killed at 6:30 this evening iu the Southern Railway yards .here when he was struck by a switch engine. The lad apparently was avoiding a passenger train coming in from. Win- Bton-Salem and was hit by the shifter. His body was badly mangled, his head being crushed, bith legs broken and an arm cut off, as well as other multila tionS. He was so cut up that it is be lieved he never knew what hit him. Segregation of Cool Holdings Proposed. (By the Associated Press) New York, April 4. —Segregation of the anthracite coal holdings of the Dela ware and Hudson. Company was pro posed today by foe railway board of man agers. Stockholders of the common stock at their annual meeting on May 12th Will be asked to approve the trans fer'Of the coal properties at the new 1 corporation, all the stock of which will be owned by the Delaware and Hudson Company. :] Pittman Named Regional Manager. (By the Associated Press) Washington, April 4.—James S. Pitt mans was appointed regional manager at Charlotte, N. C., where he formerly was sub-district manager of the Veterans’ Bu- ' reau. The condition of Mrs, Wm. L. Wine coff, who suffered a stroke of paralysis at her home last Thursday morning is reported as being somewhat improved to- ■ day. Mrs. Winecbff had the stroke while at the barn where shehad gone to do the milking. This year’s convention of the Nation al Retail- Coal Merchants’ Association will be held at Atlantic City in May. j MijJi TffrKiKlifi ** ■~^*n i l" ! ■ 1 WRITE YOUR OWN FORTUNE j ■ ( Industry, knowledge and the ability to save a part of your jj | income form a combination almost certain to lead to ad vancement. H April Ist is the beginning of a new interest quarter. All [ I deposits made through April loth will draw interest from T | April Ist. OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK j IMlßliim 7 mhwhwm [♦******3K*)KsK**3ieJK-^ I m REPORT OF MR. LYRRLY’B * & SERMON IN MONDAY’S PAPER * iff ■*—- iff iff The weekly sermon to be report- iff iff ed in The Tribune in Monday's pa- iff iff tier will be delivered tomorrow by iff iff Itev. W. C. L.verly. pastor of Trin- iff 1 iff ity Reformed Church, the subject iff l iff being “I Am the Bread of Life.” A * I iff haml'-ome n£w building is boing constvwted for Trinity Reformed tK Church which will be ready for oc t * cupaney within the. next few months ; ♦ ******■»s■******♦ SENATOR BORAH ACCEPTS ' INVITATION TO CHARLOTTE To Speak at the Ceiebraticn and Pageant There May 18-22. tßy the AmmAtfd Press) Charlotte. April J.— Senator IV. E. Borah, of Idaho, has accepted the lu r vi tat ion extended his to speak during the pageant here. Ma| 18-22. and Presi dent Coolidge is expected to attend. 11l that event .the celebration would be the most pretentious of Its kind ever held in the South. About a decade ago Pres ident Wilson attended a May 20th cele bration here, and, up . to that time, this was tlie most outstanding observance of that date ever staged here. However, this year’s celebration, being coincident with tse ses-qui-eentennial of the Meck lenburg Declaration, will be conducted on a much larger scale thau auy previous celebration. Taking (his fnto considera tion, the visit of the President would give it far-reaching prominence. Howard Southgate, graduate of the drama department of the Carnegie Insti tute of Technology and active director in Little Theater work in various cities, is due to arrive in Charlotte next week to .start putting on rehearsals for the pageant. The pageant will be staged in open air. A mammoth theater is now being constructed in Independence Park. There will be five nights devoted to the celebration—May 18, 19, ’2O. 24 and 22. The pageant drama was written by Dr. Thomas Wood Steveps, of the Art Institute, of Chicago, who selected Mr. Southgate to do the directing, in connec tion with T. Bevery Campbell, another assistant of Dr. Stevens. Both direc tors have had considerable experience in pageantry, having, individually or col lectively, assisted Dr. Stevens in some of the most extensive- community dramas ever staged in America. Mr. Campbell’s experience as a director has been more -as a maker of motion pic ture productions than as n director of community plays. His services will be used here more on technical details than on rehearsals on drilling of the cast, which wijl be conducted largely by Mr. Southgate. < # , , V CONTINUE EFFORTS TO ; V o, SAVE DOROTHY ELLINGSON Defense Perfecting Plans as. Court Takes > Recess For the Week End. (By the Associated Frees) San Francisco, April 4."—Dorothy El lingson, who confessed she killed her mother, today enjoyed a respite from the I strain of court proceedings she has at tended since Tuesday. Alienists for the’ defense have testified she is not sane. While the court which is sitting with a jury to rule on the girl's sanity, was in recess until Monday, phychiatrists and attorneys retained to her aid here were perfecting plans to procure a verdict that she is lacking in normals mental balance. The same opportunity' was taken by ex perts for the state to formaulnte plans to indicate that she should be found re sponsible for her action and should bfe tried on the murder charge; Charged With Stealing Same Automo bile Twice. Greensboro, April'3;—The only in stance of a man here being charged with stealing the same automobile twice comes to light in the arrest of M. R- Kelly, local man, on charge of stealing a car from R. C. Wagoner, also of this city. Kellf sold the car to Wagoner, and is charger] with having stolen it from one in High Point prior to selling it to Wagoner, then stealing it back. Last week he was arrested on charge of steal ing a ear from W. E. Truelove, of this city, and was released under bond of S2OO, just in time to' get Wagoner’s car, police say. He was released in the latter case under bond of SSOO. Mrs. Nellie Kendzie Jones, now head of the home economics extension work at the University of Wisconsin, was the first woman to be given the title of “pro fessor” by Kansas State Agricultural College. It was at the Kansas institu tion that Mrs. Jones began her career and one of the buildings on the campus there is named in her honor. - - ——• [ Slays For $lO folk JnR fk 1 Frank Weller, 60. La Grange. 111., hammered and chopped his wife to death because she would not give him $lO to buy liquor. Weller readily confessed. Po lice arrested Mike Portlier, also on a murder charge, who is said to have sold i liquor to Weller. OFFERS REWARD IN CASE OF JOSEPH NEEDLEMAN Governor Offers Reward of S4OO Each For Members of Mob Who Who Muti lated Needleman. (By the Associated Press) Raleigh, April 4.—Taking cognizance of reports which he said had reached him to the effect that Sheriff Robinson of Martin county was not exerting himself to the utmost in the case. Governor Mc- Lean has authorized Solicitor Don Gil liam of the district if necessary to have special deputies sworn in before a jus tice of the peace to aid him in the search for the men who took Joseph Needleman from the Martin County jail last Sunday and operated upon him. Needleman was confined to the jail on a charge of attack ing a white girl. The Governor offered a reward of S4OO for* every member of the mob captured and delivered to the state's prison. While not expressing an opinion as to wheth er Sheriff Robinson was neglecting his I duty in the Needleman case, the Execu tive stated that Solicitor Gilliam was fully capable of attending to the situa tion and would know the best course, to follow.’ •O' ■■■ " With Our Advertisers. Parker’s Shoe Store is now having a special ten-days sale of fashionable foot wear. The beet footwear at prices rang ing from $1.95 to $7.50. , < • Invest your savings profitably. See ad. today of Cabarrus County Building, Loaij and Savings Association. All stock non-taxaWe. Series No, 55 now open. You will find a splendid exhibition of , the new furniture styles at H. B. Wil- , kinson's Stores at Concord, Kannapolis, , Mooresvilie and China Grove. See the new ad. today of W- J- Heth cox. Electrical satisfaction there. AU kinds of Easter togs for men, at Hoover’s—all the very latest. Running shares 25 cents.per share per , week. Prepaid shares $72245 per share. All 'Btoc-k non-taxable. Stock has beep maturing in 328 weeks. Hurry now and take soipe shares in Series 3[70.,55 of thie Cabarrus County B. L. & S, Association. License tags will begin to be issued again Monday at the. Chamber of Com merce headquarters, after a discontin uance of several weeks, according to nu announcement made by H. W. Blanks, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. , Persons who have trucks are asked to take notice of the fact that they are now required to .have.a title fpr, them and should make application for the title as soon as possible. —to car,—to the office, —to lunch, — and home again at night. Slow up a moment. Consider the situation. ■ Where is. all this hurry taking you? Is the net result expressed in any money that * MMI you can keep,—or do keep? If ■ Turn a part of your hurry into a savings * fund. 1 Invest your savings profitably with our safe institution. Running shares 25 cents per share per week. Prepaid Shares $72.25 per share. All stock non-taxable. Stock hast been ma- J turing in 828 weeks. Hurry now and take some shares tin Series No. 55 1 —now open. CABARRUS COUNTY B. L. & SAV INGS ASSOCIATION Office in Concord Nat- ional Bank ! * NO sn DAILY BIBLE READING Is Urged by the Federal Council of Churches in Christ' in America. . Washington. April 4.—Urging Chris tians to give themselves during the week preceding Easter to ‘-daily Bible reauU*’"' meditation and earnest prayer,’h , e eral Council of Churches, tIA commission on hast, Easter message to scores of thousands of churches. “Tlie Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, acting in harmony with the wishes of the various denomi nations, urges all people who love our Lord Jesus Christ to give themselves dur ing this special period to daily Bible reading, meditation and earnest prayer,” states the call. “There is energizing power in the sense of sharing deep convictions and high aspirations with large numbers of like-mjnded people. Uniting in the study of the Bible, the contemplation of great truths and in the lifting of the lieni-t of God in prayer is of the highest importance. -I'.. “Hundreds of thousands of Christians in America animal! unite their minds and hearts Iu kuch contemplation. Christ is nowhere better exemplified thau in universal feeling of joy at Easter tide, preceeded by those deep feelings of penitence and aspiration which center in contemplation of the suffering and the triumph of Christ. “Responding to this sense of oneness let us gather during the seven days be fore Easter, commonly known as Holy Week, to consider the suffering Savior with tlie call to repentance and devotion which that contemplation fosters. That t our thoughts may be unified a series of topics is presented.” During Lent many Church members throughout the country are taking part in the Fellowship of Prayer and in spe cial services. In connection with its call, the council suggests a series of eight topics for sermons during Holy Week. The call suggests that each ehurch might gather its own people for these special services or that a group of churehes might unite. It also suggests that a group of Churches might find central meetings at the noon honr highly valu able. ' 4- The eight suggested topics for sermons are: Sunday April 5: “The Savior's Suffer ing in the Hour of Triumph.”—Luke 19:41, 21. Monday, April 6th: “Suffering From Undeserved Hatred.”—Luke 19:47. Tuesday, April 7th: “Suffering From Blind Selfishness.” —Luke 20:14. Wednesday, April Bth: “Suffering_ Re lieved by Human Love.” —John 12:7. Thursday, April 9th: “Suffering From Treachery.”*—Luke 22:21. Friday, April 10th : "The Fullness of I the Savior's Suffering."—John 19:30. Saturday, April 11th: “The Savior In the Realm of Depth.”—Matthew 27:66. Easter Day. April- 42th “The- Tri umphant Christ.”—Luke 24:5. CONDITION OF SECRETARY WEEKS MUCH IMPROVED Is Rapidly Regaining Use of Fingers Which Had Been Affected by Slight Stroke. ' ;r j (By the Associated Press) 2: Washington. April 4.—Secretary Weeks, who is ill with -cerebral throm bosis, passed such a restful night that attending physicians did not find it nec essary to call at the sick room until well into the morning. The situation was not regarded by Hie doctors as serious enough to warrant the issuance of regular bulletins; Mr. Weeks is rapidly regaining use of fingers on the left hand which had been affected by a slight stroke on Wednesday. Invite Coolidge to Charlotte. Charlotte, April 3-—President Cool idge will receive a delegation of Char* lotte people on Monday, April 3, at which time the recent invitation to him to ntend the historical pageant here in May will lx- reinforced by personal in vitations from prominent North Caro linians. Col. T. L. Kirkpatrick has been chosen to make the principal 'Speech at the White House hearing. Dr. S. W. Rankin, who was confined to his home Friday on account of ill ness, is again able to be at work. />• ' ' ■>. y’* vVJWgBj • TODAY SI *»»*•«*»* rs w. ou 'main or [ MURDER ns Mrs mol Jury Rendered Verdict Dur ing Morning After Being Out on Case More Than Eleven Hours. COUNSELIS READY TO FILE APPEAL Judge Jennings Told Mem bers of the Jury That He Believed the Verdict Was ! a Just One. Hartford. Conn., April 4 (By the AffSy , sociated Press).—Gerald Chapman todajr'ft i was found guilty of murder in the firs#::' degree for the slaying of a New Britain i policeman last October 12th. , The jury had been out a few minutes more thau eleven hours when it an nounced it had arrived at a verdicf. Frederick J. Groehl, chief defense counsel, previously had announced that he would tile an apeal if Chapman was convicted. After dismissing the jury and con gratulating the jurors -‘on reaching this verdict which I believe is a just ver dict.” .fudge Jennings recessed court for half an hour, at which time he set for hearing defense counsel motions to set aside the verdict. State Prosecutor Hugh M. Aleorn. who prepared and presented -the State's case against the mail looter, asked Judge Jennings to immediately pronounce sen tence on Chapman, but the jurist said he first would dispose of defense motions to set aside the verdiet. "Chappie. I’m sorry.'’ Groehl said to the prisoner after the jury had been, dismissed and Chapmen had been re turned to court base basement to await further developments. The attorney, tears in his eyes, reached out for the condemned man's hand. Without a break of the voice, or a wavering of the cold blue eyes, Chapman squeezed his lawyer’s hands and saM, “Oh. that's all right.” Chapman's frail body was erect, his striking head held high, his eye looking straight ahead, as his guards manacled him. He took a choir in his basement cell, asked for a cigarette from one of his guards, lighted it and went into/ whis pered-consultation with Groehl. Sentenced to Hang. Hartford, Conn., April 4 (By the As sociated Presti).—-Gerald Chapman, spec tacular mail bandit, jail breaker, and .criminal extraordinary, today was sen-. ' teneed to hang in the Connecticut state prison June 25, in payment for the life .of, a New Britain policeman of whose murder last October 12th a jury bAd con victed’ him less that) an hour before. Chapman, the stoic criminal, whose flaming misdeeds have made him an in ternational figure, did not flinch or fal ter as his doom descended upon him. With hjs arms .folded across his breast and his frail body held stiffly erect, he listened to the judge's sepulchral words spell out with doom, with only a flushed face to mark bis emotions. The ever vigilant guards stood closely about Chapman as he was led before the judge's high bench for sentence. The prisoner, his face. slightly flushed, folded his arms and with head erect stared- di reeely at the jury. To the customary question about a pre-sentence statement, Chapman answered in clear, level tones. “I have nothing, to say." “The sentence of your court.” Judge Jennings proceeded, “is that you, Gerald Chapman forthwith be taken to the state's prison at Weathersfield and there eon fined until June 25, 11)25, when before sunrise on that day you shall be hanged by the neck until you are dead.” The prisoner’s gaze fell. That, with ■ the flush that still mantled his cheeks* were his only evidence of emotion. The prisoner immediately was shackled, hustled through the prisoner’s pen into the basement, and into an ’automobile which speeded him back to thp prison at ' Weathersfield. There he was returned to the cell he has occupied since the United States government “loaned” hi(n to the state of Connecticut to go on trial for bis life. Find Dead Body of Hiram Gainey. (By the Associated Press) Columbia, S. C., April 4.—A man be lieved to be Hiram Gainey, of Savannah, (Ja., was found dead, apparently a sui- . eide, in his room at a local hotel today. Death was caused by razor wounds about the head and neck. Papers found in the * room bore the name of the Savannah man. Two Killed In Auto Accident. (By the Associated Press) Camden. S. C., April 4.—Willis Trapp, 17. and Devil Shirley, the same age, are dead, and Arnold Trapp, and Eugene Cu te. young boys of Camden, are seriously injured as a result of a collision ladt night between the automobile in which they were riding and a loaded wagon. WHAT SMITTFS CAT BATB ■HR t Showers tonight and Sunday, dondv ’ Sunday.

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