PAGE TWO ' nH lmT M I 12% ‘ifl V UniNY wLUlnn , b .1... — i ——— and. transmission grekse. See" Covington. Sto Mar^'w^ ’ Chapte^Kannapolis, holds it* regular ,meetings on the first and third Mon ' dans of each month. Eastern Star members cordially invited,-- 4-lt-c. W»|U-Ladi« to Do Simple Neefffc work at Home. Libral Pay. Ma terial furnished. Addressed stami>ed envelope brings particulars. Dixie Terule Co., Atlanta, Ga. 4-lt-p. nnllihm — Wanted—Good Line Tampa Ci st to. Salary or commission. Full Uige or sideiine. Send stamped, ad dressed envelope. Hoyal Palm Cigar ‘ Co. Tampla Ea. 4-lt-p. ~ , - i For Rent —Two Furnished Rooms With bath. * 93 East Depot Street. Phone 369. 30-6 t-p. Fresd, Ffeb, Roe Shad, Buck Shad and : croakers. Phone 010 and otSir (. hns. .. C. Graeber. 3-2 t-p. Work. Rosina. Guttering. Re pairing, phone 773. Arthur Eudy, 73 YMUill Street. 2-13 t-p. Splendid New Hats—Hats $4.95, $3.95. ,tW dollars. Miss Braclien’s Bonnet P Iffip. --3t~P FJsh, Fish. Ye*. We Have Them. ’ Croakers, flounders, haddock, roe shad j and buck sbnd. I’boue us. Ed M. Cook Ufletnpany. 2-2 t-p. tbr Saie—l 6-Room House on Vance I 'St., modern eonyenieuces: 1 practical ly new 5-room house on Carolina ave nue: 1 practically new 3-room house oa Fink St., Modern conveniences; 2 new 4-room houses on Odell St., 15 Hnice vacant lots on Odell St. See D. 7A. McLaurin. Phone 433. 31-6 t-p. KANNAPOLIS TEAM WINS THE FIRST GAMETE .TOURNAMENT Jacksonville Team Humbled. Glyfcg'lke North Carolina Tram Chance to Cop Southern TlHe. 'j , Kannapolis volley ball team humbled Jacksonville, holder of last year's title. ih the first match of the Towel-Makers iu (the Southern Championship meet at Chattanooga Friday night, it being one of rite hardest fought. sets ever staged iu (Jpattanooga. according to reports receiv ed by The Tribune this morning. ‘The Kannapolis team won the first mime by the score of 15-13 : lost the sec ond by an 11-15 count; but staged a ctjme-back in the final match, and took the set, winning the final game<t3-11.‘ "i This victory purs Kannapolis into the semi-finals to be played this afternoon at J.n'clOck. Chattanooga being- scheduled to Utrnish the opposition. Chattanooga is Mt; considered a serious contender and it »JL freely predicted. according to th? rc wrt. that Kannapolis will the itgals tonight at 9 o'clock With Atlanta. s.Tbe news of the elimination of Jack- SjfiUewas received in Kannapolis with eh, elation since Jacksonville won the Southern chnnipiouship last year and was «rn.>qijere(l one of the strongest contend <Wls in this year's meet. Followers of the ijeam are confident of the Kannapolis team's ability to tome through with a liSn tonight and take the Southern Championship. f;'. At the Theatres. 'i The Pastime today is showing .fuck Jjktxie in "The Sign of the Cactus." and Wanda Wiley in "The Trouble Maker." ‘ Jack Perrin iu “Hidin' West," and a comedy, “Step Fast." starring Jimmie Adams, are the features being shown to day at the Star. • Chewing gum is all light in its place. Which isn’t under a chair. ■j! - tu-' ■" - . '■= 1 ■ •“ 1 J'AfeJg THE PRE-EASTER SALE J AT EFIRD’S - | Is Going Big With Extra 1 Don’t Miss Bargains We B ’ ' 8 1 . -.J r»ci ; j 4,5 4r l I mi ■*, PPVIiTI p k * I I ■ ■■» fIKW la■ 1 I# I 1 Salesmen—Sell Bramnoor Men’s and. women's Wft pee: emit. ; page- . wool, f made-to-measure coate; from factory to wearer. Big commissions, well ad vertised, thousands of customers, full or part time. Write for information. Braemoor Coat Co., Inc. 128 Fifth Aye,, N. X. City. 4-lt-p. $10,000,000 Company Wants Man to Sell Watkin’s Home Necessities in Concord. ( More than 150 used daily. Income $33-50 weekly. Experience unnecessary. | Write Dept. H-8 The J. R. Watkins) Oompanv, 231 Johnson Ave.. Newnrk, N. J. * 4-2 t-p. Lost Between Charlotte and Wadeville oft Thursday. April 2nd, tan leather handbag containing various articles, mostly, baby clothes. Finder please notify Rev. L. Cook Campbell. Pine tops. N. C. 3-2 t-p. Choice Cuts of Lamb and Veal. Phone 510 and 525. Chns. C. Graeber. 3-2 t-p. For Rent—One Good House. Close In. Call Mrs. I». H. Lent*. 3-3 t-p. S. C. Rhode Island Red, Eggs For Hatch ing. SI.OO for 15. Jesse R. McClellan, East Depot St. 31-ts-p.. Barred Rock Eggs For Hatching SI.OO for 15. Mrs. H. A- Graeber, Phone 340. 3-3 t-p. Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Big Lot F>*ty Ripe thmatoes. Phone us. M, Cook Co. 3-2 t-p. . f ' ' For Sale—One Ford Coupe. 1923 Model; one Willys-Knight touring: two Essgx coacltes, one Buick touring, one Star touring, one Essex touring. Concsyrd , Motor Company. 3,1 -si-p. U 4- Visiting Cards, For Geptlemen or Ladle* or childtea, printodrtrom a beautiful new type, Invitation Text, 50 for SI.OO, or 100 for $1.'50. Work done on a few hoqrs Dotiee. Times-Tribune Office. 50, $3.75. Times-Tribune office. /’ Miss King to Give Recital Wednesday. The class in expression, which Miss Ethel M. King Jpfcj conducted in Concord duringfthty \viufer\j will give a recital on Wednesday nigttt in the V gymnasium iirstcart of in fTh* High Behoof Auditor ium. as was planned originally. The rea sou for the change is that the seats in the auditorium are now being taken up for repairing and the Auditorium will be closed »U ÜB*r week. . . „ ..About fifteen pupils.. are .exu.epled«,tft take part iu tbe recital. :. io.i >; • •• »• -«"t Another Tragedy. , ~ , Stanly News-Herald. Another deplorable- ' death*-Tft'om at dynamite explosion hits shoeketl-’Htthdyt idiunty. Werlnesday afternoon Mr. N: X. Burris. of End.v community, r a mighty good man and a splendid- farmer, was killed when a premature-explosion occurred on Ills farm. Tbe -Stanly News- Herald (kies not' derive to' make -iflself disggreeabie by repeating over and over again and again the statement that .dynamite is dangerous, but ns long as , j human life is at stake. we. shall con tinue to cry put a note of warning. We. ’ therefore, again repeat the statement . tliat modern conveniences and invention carry with them the necessity of modern , precautions. There is no tise shutting . our eyes to the foot—dynamite is dan gerous, automobiles and other modern ' convenience arc dangerous when not handled with most painstaking preeau j tion. 1 Jean I)e Reszke Dies in Nice at Age ; of 75. JI Nice France. April 3.—Jean do Rw ! zkp, World famous operatic artist, for 1 ' many years leading tenor at the Metro '! piditan Ojiera House, New York, is ‘ '■ dead. He- was 75 years old. Women are good looking but peculiar. .[They waut their clothes all just alike [only different. I —i Mg,i ■,l a ■ , L » 1.1 ■ M, ■J. ■ epea—^|j i ffl jAND ABOUT THE CITY —]j| , , ! PYTHIAN’S FLAN TO ATTEND ( RATHBONE BIBLE CLASSES I - m it . Glasses to Be Held in Charlotte April Slid and Initiate Men in Rank of pah. - Local Pythians are making prepara tions to attend the Rathbone Bible class es to be held in Charlotte on April 21st ; for. the purpose ot initiSting candidates , into the order and conferring on them the ‘ Rank of Page. A number of candidates ■ are expected to be present from Concord and large numbers will attend from otb !er surrounding towns and cities. The text of the letter explaining the Rathbone Bible classes is as follows: Dear Brother Pythians: Supreme Keeper of Records and Seals, Harry M. Love, of Minneapolis. Minn., will make-an official visit to this Grand Domain, during the week commencing April 20th for the purpose of holding a series of Rathbone Bible Classes. Preliminary arrangements have already been made for the holding of these class es to open at the following places: Monday, April 20th, at Marion. Tuesday, April 21st, at Charlotte' Wednesday. April 22, at Greensboro. Thursday, April 33, at Rocky Mount at 10 A. M. Friday. April 24, at Wilmiugion. Lodges will be regularly opened at each of these meetings, promptly at 7 :30 P. M, Rathbone Bible Classes are held only under the supervision of the Supreme Keeper of Records and Seals, and a large class of candidates are desired on each of these dates for the eonfering of the Rank of Page, such candidate being ob- by -our Supreme Keeper op tiie original Rjble diked by Julius Rathbone at founding of this great Order in AYa&ifcgton tl 1804. is pdaßbh. only for ns to have a w** t visithti-3) from our Supreme Keep-1 >er. tfea places for the holding of thes. m eytings have tjieen selected, as far as I possible, to allow a large number of out- I-edges to take part and do their share in making tbe classes a success. It jgs«ti>ectedl that candidates foi these occasions w|lUl>e procured an l pre sented. not only Ywim. the laalge in the city in which the Clusjs is lield. but all I-edges within motoring distance are earnestly urged and expected to get act ively at work at on cl and see that their l/idgc is duly represented with a num ber of candidates lay Jjie'r plans for attending in large uphtbers, ; In addition to the conferring of the Hank of Page an address will be made to the assembled Pythians by Brother Love 4Umg.j\-itS p fiue mmiija,s-pro»ffipp, and. an address by some well known Pythian orator. ' This is an occasion that rarely comes our hvay and it is sincerely hoped that each'and ever lodge will fake .advantage ! i/f'tl}is opportunity. atffrt S'Oiir Work no'W. at ofice. ahd let, each Lodges^-ito f^Ji-riiarwia maWr.g this a'big success in 4he:,advafice uierit of ilVibianistn Jtivthis .IWtiaia. i; ) Fraternally. .1). F. GILES. Grand (.'hanctd!-),-. NEW MEMoks SIGNED HERE FOR C.MB«EjN4 -MOTOB^CLUB R. H. Sheiteu. District Manager, Ifgs Been Uvy AH Interest of It. H. RbClton, district manager- of tiu; Oarolina Motor tsnb. finisiieil a weeite. ■stay in Concord tbi« ajteruteui and jaht before leaving the city talked briery,With a represeuatiye of The Tribune and Tin- Times relative to th*.srorK he hiasdone here, and outlined *»B»e of thfe things tlie club plane to do’ m Hhe Mr. Shelton catne to Concord early in the week and duringjiis stay liera-jsigned up 35 new members for the .-club he rep resents. • "The week has beep a highly satisfactory one.” My. Shettou statish "and I wa*. given tine cooperation and much consideration by every one.” My. Shelton piano to visit every city in big district at least once each month, and in his of the club as out -1 lined by, hiiii riKlll be carried out by va rious coatmittWß appointed in eac h < ; i.ty. . A branch of tiie Carolina: Motor Club was Concord -.Monday by i C., >V, Roberts, vice preskleirtWWl active n\ai»agei".of ihV..otiani*a.tioui-Sfttt during hW. stay here Mr. Shelton followed up the preliminary work done by Mr. Hol)- etiw at the organization of the local club , Mr. was well pleased with the ntfifiber of members secured during the wtA. Emphasizing the fact that the Caro lina Motor Club has as its chief aim the interests of the motorists, Mr. Shel ton pointed out some of tiie special work the organization is pushing at present. “We have service garages in practic ally every city and town in North Caro lina, and in some cities we have more than one service garage." Mr. Shelton said, pointing out further that these sta trnns are always anxious and ready to be of service to members of the club. J "Tiie Carolina Motor (Tub today- is the i second largest c’.ub of its kind in (he 1 United States,” the speaker continued, | "and we are increasing the membership I an average of about 500 members a I month." j I j Sometime in May, Mr. Shelton said, i I tbe e'.ub will put on a "brake inspection 1 f campaign" in Concord, the speaker ex- ] plaining tliat officials of the elub be- i 1 lieved such a campaign will be of great 1 ! value to motorists. “Sometime ago Sec- , ! retary Hoover said that 40 per cent, of i i the 600.000 auto accidents in the United 1 States each year were due to defective [ brakes." Mr. Shelton explained, "and we 1 are puttiug on the campaign for the purpose of bringing to the attention of the people the necessity of:good brakes. Many persons forget to have their brakes inspected until it is too late. They - forget the importance of this part of tlieir car. In the campaign we hope to K impress upon tbe motorist tbe absolute S necessity of having his brakes inspected regularly.” > I Group Meetings of Lutheran Church. II The various groups of flic Woman's fj Missionary Society of St. James Luther [] uo Church will meet as follows: R] A. B. C. and I), at 3:30 Monday as- K| ternoon: , K] Group A. with Mrs. S- A. Wolff. ' H Group B with Mr.. C. A. Sappeuficld. | Ii Group C with Mrs. L. A. Thomas. |] Group D with Mr*. H. B. Wilkinson. P] Group E will meet in the Church on I ijMdnday evening at S:3O with the regular ■J 11 All mcm/it-rs'arc urged to attend these * , * V * * Pt s'*;.'., v' , ... .. X THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBONE TO MISS KATHLEEN GRAVER. Hats off to Mis* Kathleen Craver. We think she deserves every superlative you gave her. What a wonderful -girl she must be. To win from her classmates such popu larity. The world has need of girls like this, whose heacta are pure gold. Wbo unto life’s vanities themselves have not sold. ? Girls with characters as spotless as the new fallen snow, Who wheu confronted by wrong, are al ways ready to quickly and bravely say "No." .jf We believe in the girl of today. She is the equal and even surpasses the girl of any past age in every way. O girls! you are living in a-, wonderful country, at a wonderful time. Rise grandly, to the occasion, autl make your life and those you touch sub lime. Here’s hoping Miss 'Kathleen may culti vate ami retain these superlatives through life, And make some worthy man an excellent wife. MLLIAS WALTER SHINN. Anneta Umbergec Wins Medal in Annual Recitation Contest. Anneta I'mborger with the recitation "The Down-Hill Road” won the Junior Order Medal in the annual recitation con test held Friday night at the High School Auditorium. Tbe contest was given un der the ausp ees of the local Junior Or der No. 25. The judges in the contest were Miss Susan Schock. Mrs. W. L. Burns, and J. B. Robertson. In addition to the recitations, the High School Orches tra and the Boys’ Glee Club rendered sev eral selections. The complete program was as follows; Class Song—Seniors, "March. Metropolitan Life” (Asi-her) — High School Orchestra. 1. Why Scheffer Did Not Play—Rutb McClure. 2. The Soft Spot in B-600—Dorothy BUck. . , 3. The Sweet Ctrl Graduate —Maude Miller, "War March of the Priests” from Athaliu . (Mendelssohn^ —High School Orchestra. 4. The Down-HUI Road. —Anneta L’m berger. •, • ‘ 5 Cherokee Rosetr-Cortlelia Ritchie, i 0 Cigarette’s Ride and Death —Mil- dred Props t. "'•Bendemeer's Stream” (Tom Moore) —Boy’s Glee Club. . 7 From a Far Country—V.’olet Tur ner. 9 The Wounded" 'Canadian —Nancy Lentz., ~ (Vi i'Sweet Afeiody"' Walt* (Archer) —High School (Orchestra. Decision of judges. Musk* at First Vmpbytrrian Church for Sunday: itgril 5, 1925. i |l4hi a.- m.— " 4 sugati: jStradello’si Prayer—‘A. Strad eHoi, , T" ' - . 1 vwertoire: Jerusalem QRo«li4j(*i—Mrs. ; ,J. B. Wpqfiile. refcav - : ’ The sacraments of Buptisgr. and the J-oi-d's;: will be at ; ill service 1 ' At 5 p .in., g Pfttaut^-t'auri. '} sing selections, from "The fVtieifiiiou.- -oiie of Stainer’s gre«t T est and beat .known works. It opens with a .deserrptlun sis Gethsei mane .and closes-, with His: tie*th im the cross. Recitatives, «n aria and an ariosa fironi tliesc yiarts will be sang. Miss Luuise _ Morris, violinist, and R. C, Crimks ypiU assist Mr. Goodman. . .MRS. JOHN F. REED. Organist. Important! Notice. A meeting of thojjj&Miubers of the .Prote.riiftirTJhgtpjsfi is edited immediately after the morning worship hpur, .tomorrow morning, April 5Uu Some matters of great iinpprtaiiee will he tak en: up and every metnber of the fehuveh is asked to attend, i LAWRENCE LITTLE. Pastor. DeatH «f[ Infant. The three days old. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Edtlleman. of near Kan napolis. was buried at- Center Grove E. L. Church Marcb the 30th. Rev. E. K. F. Roof conducted the funeral. The child was born March 27th and died X. : For Trimmed j Spring Coats ; and Messes Cleaned ; ; If your coat or dress with O Jts fur trimming is spotted and stained dull and soiled, let us clean it for you. Our method of cleaning will make them look wonderful ly new. J m* i\« rounos Dry Cleaning and Tailoring 8 wL 9 p. . ...... ti-_- : the new] ja/hhon/ in /koQj fiWjjf/ At RutH-Kesler’s Open- Two £2\- s ati „ * Starting Saturday For "* KWd,4s liave selected witli Care and Pride jjKA V many New Styles’ for Easter and the opening of our Now Store, which is one of the most modern in the State. For tte Mines / in Blond, Satin and Patent g ee our Specials for our Opening <- Saturday, April the 4th. All of the yagofijgytgf i - Kesler HILDA Shoe Store In Patent and Satin Special Wen In Msrtß and || * | *; 9&t "*ff*-* ,v 4 SMOOTHEST STYLES v .\iWJ > 31 South Union St. Concord Fftone. 116 - : . -T=i — : ; u l_ i i < * uy« '>.7;* 1 i- 1 -—;y <Jirjs Assailant Get*-. Six Months in! ;i-:’ 'prison. , ~ 'Stanly News-Hontld.-a ,«r , i Court convened foe,, the day’s work at II :30 on Wednesday morning. The Wheel* just begun to grind mid kept a jpteudy turning ali day. The. largest crowds are. attending court tain week that have attended in this city for some 'time. Several races of much importance came before the court and were of such p nature that at times the crowded court room was almost breathless as the qumtiops were being sent, from the bar to the. witness chair like an attack of a rapid-lire machine gun- The case of most importance of the day waH that of Burt Bean, charged with criminal assault, upon, a Stanly county girl. The attorneys for the de fendant fought hard for his acquital. ami the prosecution fought harder for his oonvietion. The jury returned their verdict of guilty, and Hus Honor sen tenced Bean to 6 months in the state prison at hard labor, to wear stripes. , More than fifty countries are expect ed to be represented at the world oonve licrn of the W. O. T. I’. to be held in Edinburgh next June. , i rjij so^but ’ I*al Moraa and Young Leonard; .ftifl twor New Orleans lightweights, i haiie berfi- signed to meet in n 15-round con test before one of the clubs in the Crescent City on April 10. ■ . li SPECIAL EASTER SALE OF FASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR ! 10-BIG DAYS—IO •i 1 Come in today—or at your first opportunity—and cbpose your-needs' i | from our maguifivent Special Showing of the Smartest Modes that we j I have assembled with a view to please, the tawtesifof particular buyers, j r 8 and at the same time catering to ideas of economy. .. *t , . . ] 1 X JThc Nations best Footwear at y |SO J -ipecot Valpoa at the, priye jtveryooe .qjust aMireeiatr. \ PARKER’S SHOE STORE j . r| PgONE WfigßE YOU SAVE j ; •- ~ s'-.-. * *33; Saturday, April 4, 1025 'M£ ,-v r;.* r " " - "■* —, : > jlefor e the opening of the 18* Ten ; jjaScdn the University of lowa' baaebull - jteuin will make a quick trip South for. I fames with Tnlaue and Louisiana State c j Universities.

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