t DISPATCHES 2 VOLUME XXV BRIMtD WANTS MORE TIME 111 SELECTING HIS NEW MINISTERS Asks President Doumergue to Allow Him More Time In Which to Select Men For New Cabinet. WANTS SUPPORT OF ALL PARTIES — New Premier Will Have No Power Behind Throne and Tells Socialists They Must Tell Him Plans. j Paris, April 13 (By the Associated Press) —M. Briand, who yesterday was entrusted with 'the task of organizing a new cabinet, called on President Douin ergue this morning and asked for more time in which to select his ministers. The cii-is was brought on by the res ignation of the Harriot cabinet Friday after the senate had expressed dissatisfac tion witn the government's lis al regime. Bri.tnd appears determined to have no power behind the throne and wants to know definitely whether the socialists are ■ willing to definitely bind themselves to I ins leadership, revers’ng the previous de-1 eision of the party never to take office in | a bourgeois cabinet. May Form One-Day Ministry. I Paris, April 13 (By the Associated Press). —Senator Dp Morzne, finance min ister in the Herriot cabinet, was sum money to the palace of the Elysee this af ternoon and there discussed with Presi dent Doumergue a proposal to form a one-day ministry to vote the bill extend ing the limits on currency limitation and borrowing by the state. M. de Monzie has been widely Suggested to head such a ministry. Cannot Finish Task Today, Paris, April 13 (By the Associated Press), —Ex-Premier Briand, asked by , President Doumergue to form a cabinet, abandoned late today any idea of com pleting his task before tomorrow. It was announced at 6 p. m. that he , would shortly visit the presidential pal- ; ace, and inform the executive there was , no chance of his forming a cabinet to- ] night. , , MAJOR LEAGUES WILL ' V l , START GRIND TOUOraOW , Sixteen Teams Start From Scratch on 1 1933 Baseball Grind Tomorrow. Chicago. April 13 (By tbe Associated 1 Press). —The event toward which the at- * tentlon of baseball fandom has been di rected for the long winter months, the 1 first lap in the race for supreme btiseball 1 honors, with sixteen entries starting from 1 scratch, starts tomorrow. Although the pre-seas n warming up ' of the National and American clubs was 1 marked was a disastrous list of casualties 1 among the players, each club faced the 1 start of the 1925 season with confidence ' and with predictions of a -bettor showing in all departments of ifty national game.. 1 Forty-two youngsters, three, four and five years old, sleep, play, and eat under ' [expert care in aday nursery maintained tin connection with the University of ; ■Chicago, while their parents go on with jrlassroom courses or research work. Most of the gold mining propositions is on the stock certificates. People make money in mining, of course. But my friend, the mines that are really mines seldom go to the public with any of- | fer of stock. Investing in mining stock is no business for ordinary mortals. If you happen to know a lot of pedple who put in a little money and get out a lot, all right. If you don’t:, personally know of such cas es, better forget the whole j matter. , | Invest your savings with us where you can knoVvn in j advance that the earnings are sure and the principal safe. We can show you exactly where the earnings are com ing from and exactly why t you are taking no chances. Prepaid shares s72.2s'per ; share. Running Sharis 25 cents per share per week. All Stock is non-taxjdile. CABARRUS COUNTY B. L. ft SAVmOSASSO OFFICEINCONdotID 1 NATIONAL BANK The Concord Daily Tribune . . * • i Stewart Writes From Capital * CHARLES P. STEWART A straighj-frorn the shoulder talk on Washington affairs. That is what is go ing to be offered to readers of The Trb une in the Daily Washington letter which will .be written exclusively for this paper .by Charles P. Stewart. Stewart has | been writing for this paper for some time. I Now he will write daily on topics of j interest to all. His articles are written iso ail may understand. He knows wliere (of he speaks. Watch for Stewart’s arti- Tribune starting April tOM JIMISON UNABLE TO “BREAK INTO JAIL” Friends Get Busy and Prevent Him Giving Self Up— WIU Get a New Trial. j Charlotte. April 11.—Tom p. .Timison. former Methodist preacher, labor paper 1 editor and politician, today was unable to break into jail” here to begin serving n (10 day sentence imposed 'in city court last week on a charge of violating the 1 national prohibition law. i Jimison, who on Thursday nunoitnc- 1 ed that he had withdrawn an appeul to i Superior court and today would start ; serving the sentence, went to the court- ( house at noon to surrender to the I sheriff, to be sent to the gang. \ In the meantime friends, headed by i T. L- Kirkpatrick and former Governor I Cameron Morrison, has getton hu«y tmd 1 prevented him from giving himself up at I that time. Sheriff Cochran had no com mitment papers anyway, and couldn't i take him In as n prisoner. < During the afternoon several con- | ferenees were he’d with city officials re- i suiting in a decision to reopen the case i next Tuesdny morning in city court at. i which time it is believed here that City ; Judge Wade H. Williams will change , the 60 day sentence to n fine and that i the; former Methodist minister will be i allowed to go free upon payment of n 1 cash penalty. . Jimison left the city late in the alter- i noon for Spencer to spend the week-end , with his wife and son. Former Governor Morrison, it was said here tonight, was the leader in the move to keep Jimison off the roads and i secure a rehearing in the case next Tuesday. lengthy conferences were held during the day in his office, these resulting on the decision to postpone Jimison’s trip to the roads. Tonight, it was the belief here Hint , the sentence would be changed to n , fine and that he would not linve an op portunity of Improving the highway conditions in Mecklenburg county. , Friends of Jimison sad that at uoon . today he was at the courthouse in read iness to give himself up to the sheriff and start his term on the roads. Morrison has just returned from New , York and knew few of the details. When he learned that Jimison was due on the roads this afternoon, under his annonneed plan of giving himseit up, he immediately busied himself in a success ful effort to halt the move. All parties to the latest development in the case were silent concerning the ease tonight and are awaiting the next act which will take place in dity court on Tuesday morning. In the meantime Jimison is at Spencer under S2OO bond provided by Frank Flowers, local attorney, following |bis conviction Friday of last week by' Judge Williams on a charge of violating the dry laws. Says Catawba Must Build a Modern Jail. Newton, April 11. —Judge Stars, in closing the special term of Catawba court this afternoon, drected tbe clerk of the court to enter upon the minutes that the ..report of the grand jury on the unsanitary and inhuman conditions under which the jailer is compelled to [keep prisoners, he considered a repre- Isentment against the board ot county commissioners. He further ordered that entry be made on the minutes that unless provis ion be made and steps taken by the county commissioners before the open ing of July term of court that the Bolictor bring indictment against the 'commissioners individually. Catawba College to Have a New Dormi tory. Salisbury, April 12—A new d*rmi -1 tory to be erected at Catawba college I goes to P. C. Wood, a Salisbury con- I tractor, who is to have the building (ready for occupancy when the first ses '■sion of the college in Salisbury begins In September. The dormtory will be three stories in part and two in part, of brick and containing 32 bed rooms and two reception halls. The building will correspond with tbe one already on the grounds and this old building is to be repaired and put in shape by the same contractor. 1 CONCORD, N. c, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1925 LONGEST SUSTAINED FLIGHT OVER WATER BEING PLANNED NOW Navy Seaplanes Will Try to Make Non-Stop Flight From the California Coast to Hawaii. TAKE OFFPOINT NOT YET KNOWN Planes Will Leave Either From San Diego or San Francisco With Honolulu ' as Their Objective. (By the Associated Press!' ■Washington. April 13, —Naval sea planes of a newly (leveloped long-distance scouting type will be tested by the Navy Department this summer in non-stop flight from California to Hawaii, the long est sustained flight ever attempted over water by heavier than air craft. The naval surface craft, however, probably will be stationed over the more than 2,000 mile course, to serve as protection for the fliers. Arrangements for the flight now being worked out with indications that it will be undertaken late in June or early in July. Either San Diego or San,‘Fra,’cis co will be the take-off point with Hono lulu as the objective. The test will follow the fleet and air craft maneuvers in the vicinity of Ha waii in the next few weeks and will pio ceed nt the navy is undertaking another experiment with aircraft, the exploration of unknown Arctic regions in co-opera tion with the McMillan expedition. SORRY STORY OF JEALOUSY TOLD IN LONDON COURT Ernest Rhodes Charged With the Mur der of Grace Blakeller, Young Dancer. (By the Associated Press) London, April 13.—A sorry story of fatal jealousy was told in police court today when Ernest Rhodes, 18 year old valet, appeared to answer a charge of murdering Grace Blakeller. pretty 16- year-old girl actress, and dancing in structor, who died Friday from the ef fects of a slash on the throat the night previous in West Wensington district. A statement was read into the records al leged to have been made by Rhodes to W,ftHflce, ndmffltlMg ro* girl's throat with a razor. The fatal accident as recorded in the statement was committed possibly in a fit of jealousy as he was bidding the young girl goodnight oqtside of her home on their return home from a motion picture theatre, as she shatted about other boys she might see during the Easter holidays. Rhodes said he was not aware he had slashed the girl fatally as she ran to her mother’s home nearby after the cutting, and he did not know she was dead until two days later, when he read the news in the paper. He then surrendered to the police. Rhodes was remanded for a week, THE COTTON MARKET Opened Fairly Steady at Decline of 8 to 12 Points.—May Sold Up Later to 24.02. (By the Associated Press) ■ >■ New York, April 13. —The cotton mar ket opened fairly steady today at a de cline of 8 to 12 points, under a renewal of tile selling movement which was re sponsible for last week's decline, and which was evidently promoted by reports of showers of rain at a few points in Tex as over the holidays. Some traders thought the prospects were for additional rains in the south west, but this view was not generally ac cepted and the market turned steadier after the call on covering and trade buy ing around the 24 cent level for May and October. May sold up from 24.02 to 24.16, or back to last Thursday’s closing quotation, and October advanced from 24.00 to 24.18, or 10 points net higher. Trading became quiet after the recovery, but the market was steady at the end of the first hour, operators awaiting for more detailed weather reports from the southwest. Cotton futures opened steady. May 24.06; July 24.35; Oct. 24.05; Dec. 24.14; Jau. 23.90. Ford Company Inaugurates Commercial Ah- Line. Detroit, April 13 (By the Associated Press).- —Thy Ford Motor Company to day .inaugurated what is said to be the first commercial air line to be established' in the United States when the “Maiden Dearborn,” an all-metal monoplane of the "air Pullpiau” type, hopped off from the Ford Airport, Dearborn, at 9:24 with a cargo of company mail and express for the Fort plant at Hegewisch, 111., near Chicago. Start Campaign to Convert Bootleggers. New York, April 12. — The Salvation Army training school in New York an nounced today that it bad found a new and fruitful field for missionary work— the conversion of bootleggers. In at tempting to reform members of this group, officers of the school said. Salva tion Army cadets were being given a, stiff missionary work-out. encountering more difficult problems than had ever been ! experienced in the conversion of other types of socalled “bad men.”. Charles McKinley, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McKinley, of No. 3 town ship, was taken to the Concord Hospital this morning. Mr. McKinley has penu monia, and has been ill only since Sat urday morning. His condition is not considered critical. More than 10,000 fanners’ wives In California use electricity to cook.. —■ ■ —j— —j-__ J THE SPEEDWAY RACES Predicted Iffiat Record Made Last Or tube# Will Be Smashed. j Charlotte, N. April 13.—The ( super-racer \vith the superchargers— (forecasting super-speed—will be the out standing feature of Charlotte's speed 'classic here on May 11. If | The same ears thkt carried Tommy I Milton, Benny Hill. Peter DcPaolo and | I Harry Hart* around the Culver City bowl at the unprecedented speed of 135 miles an hour, will Jwhiz r round the ) Charlotte oval in (hC May 11 race. Jt is freely predicted tint the local track t record of 18.4 miles ";an hour will be i shattered. Whether tip- new murk of 120 miles an hour for 250 miles hung up at I-os Angeles on Mnreh 1 will topple and fall by the wayside, remains to be seen. Race enthusiasts who saw the big classic bore last. October will remember [ the memorable speed duel between Tommy Milton and Earl Cooper. Both , of these demon drivers have signed 1 entry b'anks and will be in the second l I sliced matinee of the Charlotte boards. A communication received by Os • mond L- Bart-itiger, general mannger of the Charlotte speedway, from f red Wagner, veteran starter, makes the fol lowing prediction: ’ “With the racing equipped with , superchargers, and the drivers en . teriug a race on a track with which. , they are now thoroughly fnmiliar, Jj feel that no trouble Will be encountered . by them in breaking the existing cnar , lotte record of 118.4 ‘miles an hour. If atmospheric condition on' May 11th ( should be similar to (he conditions pre , vailing nt Culver City., during tbe recent races there, it is witjim tse bonnes of possibility that the Culver City records 1 will be equalled.” - Mr. Wagner will be present to wave the checkered flng in tile Charlotte races on May 11. T MYERS SUES BUS LINE v FOR HURTS IN WRECK Charlotte Man Wants $50,000 From Kirk and Royal Blue Company. Charlotte, April 11.. —Alleging that he was seriously and peftnanently injured in an automobile bus [wreck at Landis early this year; Guy A. Myers, promi nent Charlotte business man, has started suit against the bus owners in which lie seeks to recover damages in the sum of $50,000. The A. B. C. Kirk bus lines. A. B. C. Kirk president, and the Royal Blue Transportation Company and L. F. Barnard, president of the latter com pany. are named defendants in the com plaint filed in Mecklenburg Superior Court. Mr. Myers, who is vice president of the Chamber of Commerce and divisional supervisor of the Southern Bell Tele phone Company, claims that he was con fined to a hospital for twelve weeks by his injuries which consisted, be claims, of five fractures of one of his legs and otbet Injuries- as a tSTult of the acci dent. The complaint charges that the wreck was caused by an “inefficient” driver. According to reports here the bus struck a tree when the driver swerved from the road to avoid running down a little girl, who was crossing tke street. The complaint further charges that the bus was. being driven at a reckless rate of speed and that the brakes were inef fective. CLAIMS MEN TELL PART IN ATTACK ON PRISONER Solicitor Says Dozen Men Tell About the Part Played in Operation on Joe Need leman. (By the Awodatetl Puna.) Tarboro, April 13.—‘’Twelve of the fif teen men arrested in connection with the foreible removal of Joseph Needleman froip the Martin -County jail, Solicitor Doit Gilliam stated today have signed statements as to their part in the action of the mob. The solicitor said lie did not care to say to what extent the men implicated themselves in the breaking into of the jail, or the operation later performed up on Needleman by members of the mob, but Would probably reserve his statement for the grand jury. He added that be expected the case of the men to be tried by the same special term of court called for May 4th, which will try Needleman for an alleged at tack upon a voung girl. ‘Frisco” Isn’t Correct. “Please don’t use ‘Friceo’ for San Francisco,” writes a reader on the Pa cific coast. You wouldn’t print ‘Los’ for Los Angeles, ‘San Bardo’ for San Bernardino, nor ‘Pedro’ for San Pedro.” The same reader inclosed a letter on the subject written by a customs official in the treasury department. “The Term ‘Frico’ as a name for San Francisco, employed by nonresidents, is objected to by a majority of the citizens of San Francisco and is never. used by them.” says the letter. “The term has been condemned by the press and civic or ganizations. and the campaign against 1 the employment thereof has progressed 1 (o such an extent that the St. I-oiiis ‘ 'and San Francisco Railway, commonly 1 known and widely advertised as the ‘Frisco’ line was obliged by popular opinion to take that term off its adver tising and office window display in that city.” Boys Demonstrate Rond Patrol. 1 China Grove, April 12,—At China ■ Grove district county commencement ’ Friday the boys road patrol in rural - schools wait demonstrated under the new ■ act of legislature. A group of boys > made a model road drag under the di • rection of the principal of the school, i Six students of the Rowan Farm Life ! School have qualified for the duties of " patrolmen for stretches of road near the f school. Earthquake In Jamaica 1 Kingston, Jamaica. April 13 (By the - Associated Press).—A sharp earthquake 1 lasting about two seconds was experienc • ed in Kingston at 12:20 o’clock this as - ternoon. It occasioned much excitement t in the commercial area. A few buildings were cracked. a Plastic surgery is becoming popular, chiefly with the plastic surgeons. ONE USE OF THE ; FIIESIDEIIT'S POWER MILL DEM > Question Relates to Presi dent’s Power to Remove From Office His Own or Predecessor’s Appointee. SUIT FOR ! SALARY ' LED TO QUESTION Frank S. Myers, Removed as Postmaster by President Wilson, Is Suing Govern ment for Back Salary. (By the Associated Press) Washington. April 13.—The Presi dent’s power to remove from office ,his own or his predecessor’s appointees was, : at issue in a case reached for argument ! today in the Supreme Court, with the ex executive aud legislative branches of the government represented as contestants Tlie ease became one for construction by the higiiest court of the President's pow er under the constitution to remove exec utice appointees to office created by Con gress when the senate intervened in the t appeal of the late Frank S. Myers, who was removed as postmaster at Portland. Oregon, in 1920 by President Wilson. Myers sued for back pay on the ground that his removal was illegal because the senate was not advised of it until a suc cessor was appointed. Prior to presenting appointments today, briefs forming the bnsis of the opposing contention were filed by Solicitor General Beck for the President, and Senator Pep per for the Senate. 35,000 WERE PRESENT FOR EASTER RITES Yesterday’s Attendance at Salem Ser. vice Greatest in City’s History. Winston-Salem, April 12.—A con gregation estimated by ushers to num- 1 her thilrty-five thousand people, the largest attendance at an Easter sunrise service in the history of this city, as sembled at the home Moravan church and graveyard at 5 o’clock this morning, to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The service was of perfect detail and proved one of the most im pressive yet held. Ideal spring wenther added to the de lightful solemnity' of the- occasion, and every feature of the Litany was render ed in delightful accord. The crowd was in perfect order, evidencing, the one spirit of desire to celebrate the resur rection and manifesting a deep interest in the ceremony. The service this morning wrs conduct ed by the Bishop Edwnrd Rondthaler, this being his forty-eighth period* of , presiding. The band music, one of the most important features, was directed by B. J. Pfhol, for the thirty-fifth time, : and Walter H. Hege directed the large corps of ushers for the sixteenth year. In 1732 the first Moravian obser vance of Easter was held at Heernhut, Saxony,,, when a few men gathered be fore dawh and sang hymns above the dead in the local burying ground. In 1765 Count Zinzendorf, pioneer Mora vain settler of Salem, wrote a ritual that could be pronounced at both church and graveyard. This ritual has become the centeral attraction of the most celebrated religious pilgrimage of the country. With Our Advertisers. Galvanized roofing at Yorke & W ads worth Co. They give you nails and washers for putting it on. A splendid showing of boys’ four piece suits at the Richmond-Flowe Co.’s. Let’s Bob’s Dry Cleaning Co. clean and block your hat for you. For the boys—the Ruth-Kesler Shoe Co. is giving a sack of marbles and a real baseball with each pair of Keds or ox fords they sell this week. Nora, an Irene Castle fashion, a swag ger coat for the street, sold by Efird’s. The Parks-Belk Co. is showing the most complete line of Spring and Sum mer materials they have ever shown. Some of the leading Materials that are going big now are Crepe Back Satin, Sat in Canton, Flat Crepe, and Canton Crepe. They have a wonderful line of these in stock. All Spring coats and ensemble suits 15 to 33 1-3 per cent, off at Fisher’s in their After Easter Sale. See the new ad. of the Mutual Oil Co. Thone 476 R or 880. “Service With a Smile” always at Howard’s Filling Station. Splendid qualities and values in , men’s athletic underwear at J. C. Penny Co.’s. Union suits 4!) and 98 cents. Get automobile insurance from John K. Patterson & Company covering fire, theft .liability and property damage. Funeral of Dr. Herman Paasche. Detroit, April 13. —Funeral services were held today for Dr. Herman Paasche, former vice president , of the German reichstag, who died here Sunday. Dr. Paasche was stricken with penuinonia on his arrival here for a lecture. BASEBALL Tuesday at 4:00 High School Park ; CONCORD HIGH 1 vs. MONROE HIGH ADMISSION 25 and 35c ' v v: iM | ■■ Lowell Fynakov ..| ... .; ~.,,. •an fool the ladles. With his natural long hair he is regarded as one off the cleverest female impersonators «( the country. Recently Mis. C. W. Cowey. wife of the mayor of Chat* fleld. Minn., gave a tea in his honor. heMeVng him to he Madame Made lone. In singing falsetto, .he can reach high A easily. SAYS DI KE UNIVERSITY WILL. BE UNSURPASSED Nothing on American Continent Will Surpass It, Declares Flowers. Laurinburg. April 11—Scotland coun ty alumni of Trinity College and Duke University got some thrills last night when Prof. R. 1,. Flowers, for 34 years a member of the faculty at Trinity and secretary of the corporation, in a stir ling address at a banquet at the Meth odist church, told something of the glory that he said would be when the new university plant is built. “In beauty and in completeness it will not be surpassed b.v. anything on the Ameri can continent." said the professor. “The architects nre at work now and within CO days we expect to have the work started. I wish I,could tell you more about it but we ore not prepared to make definite announcements yet. I want to assure you that when our plans nre carried out you will stand amazed nt the results. Th§ buildings will be of stone. We went to Plymouth, Massachusetts, and secured from the quarries stone similar to that used in the Hartness Memorial at Yale, the finest univefsify bniliWug In' America. We went to Princeton and secured stone like that used in the university buildings there, and then we went to a place not 50 miles from Durham and secured some mer stone. We built sample falls on the campus and last week the trustees and the architects examined this work, and voted in favor of the North Carolina stone. I got the State Geologist and we went to the quarry. I asked him was there a sufficient quantity for our needs and was it suitable for building pur poses. He said there was enough there to build a wall to Jerusalem and hen build Duke University and that as a building material it was unexcelled. I think it a most wonderful thing that the money should be given b.v a Nortli Carolinian, made by utilizing the great resources of the State and that these buildings shall be quarried from North Carolina soil. “Some of the alumni have expressed regret at the change of name. And yet some of you have changed your name for a great deni less than that. The history of the institution has just been a suc cession of names. First Union Institute in Randolph county, then Normal Ool loge and Trinity College and now Duke University. “But just buildings and financial re sources alone can not make a great uni versity. I come to appeal to you for that loyalty and moral support. Shall he equal to the task before us shall we be worthy guardians of the great trust that is committed to us? Mr. Duke lias not given money alone but is giving his genius for construction to this building program and he will devote the rest of his life largely to carrying out the work which is even better than his money. Craven, Crowell and Kilgo. great lead ers in their day. died without knowledge of these things, but we who are now living shall see with our eyes the ful filment of their dreams and even more than ( they hoped for or we expected. RULING ON NARCOTICS BY SUPREME COURT Court Decides About Doses “Dope” Ad dlcst May Give to Themselves. (By the Associated Press) Washington, April 13.—Physicians in prescribing narcotics to addicts are not required to restrict the quantity called for tty their prescription to small doses tor strictly .'curative purposes when the narcotics are to be self-administered by the addicts, the Supreme Court held to day in a case from Spokane, Washing ton, brought by Dr. Chaies O. Ltnder. In the lower court the government won on its contention that when the nar cotics are to be self administered the physician can only prescribe that quanti ty which will be curative of the habit, and not place sufficient narcotics in the hands of the addict to enable him to be come a seller of narcotics, or to admin ister to himself doses larger than neces sary to effect, a cure. To Resume Cruiae Around the World. (By the Associated Press) Tokio, April 13. —Major Pedro Vanni', Argentine aviator, today received a more powerful engine from the' United States | tor his airplane in which he intends to I resume his cruise around the world. The flight was interrupted at Tokio on ac ' count of the winter weather conditions on the trans-Pacific air lanes. • TODAY’S m • TODAY « y NO. 87 BODIES OF SEKEBAL . flllD NOW Coroners of Counties in Illi nois and Indiana Will Ex hume Bodies to See If They Contain Any Poison. MRS. CUNNINGHAM CARRIED TO GARY Has Been Held in Custody Several Days Following the Second Poisoning of Son Several Days Ago. (By the Associated Press) Chicago, April 13. —The coroner o t Cook county, Illinois, and Porter coun ty, Indiana, prepared today to exhume the bodies of five members of the David Cunningham family to examine them for t i ace* of poison. Authorities redoubled their efforts to untangle the mystery of five deaths and two cases of sudden convulsions within the family within six years when it was revealed that Mrs. Anna Cunningham, mother of the family, had attempted to kill herself. She is guardedly an extra officer in her room at a hospital here. The condition of David Cunningham, Jr., 24, who is critically ill from poison, was reported unchanged today. Mrs. Cunningham to Gary. Chicago. April 13 (B.v the Associated Press). —Two Gary. Ind.. police officers came to Chicago to take into custody • Mrs. Anna Cunningham, who has been detained here in connection with the in icstigation of the death of her husband and four children in the last six years, and the imisoning of her son David Jr., now in a hospital here. MICHAEL AND TROTT DRAW SENTENCE FOR GIRLS DEATH Judge Stark Seems Determined to Break Up Automobile Driving by . Drunkea Pilots. Newton, April 11. —Judge A. M. Stack this afternoon sentenced Robert Michael and Wiltong Trott each to a term of nit leqp than ten and not more than fifteen years in the state peniten tiary at hard labor. These young men were eonvieted during the present term of Catawba Court of , murder in the sec ond degree tor the killing in an automo- ..... bile collision of Miss Evelyn RoWe. on the evening of February 9th. Notice of appeal b.v both defendants was given in open court. Appeal bond was fixed at SIOO and appearance bond at $20,000 for each defendant. In passing sentence Judge Stack said he had purposely postponed sentencing the young men, under the hope that the officers could apprehend the men who sold the liquor, as they are the men most responsible tor the death of the young lady. While he had sincere sympathy for young Trott and Michael, he had the protection of society and the majesty of the law committed to his charge by his oath of office. “This verdict is to give notice that the people and court of North Carolina are determined that the public highways must be made safe against drunken automobile drivers,” he stated. Bonds for Trott. were promptly made, and he was on the streets a few minutes after the adojurnment of court. The bonds for Michael have not yet been made. Did Not Violate Anatl-Trust Law. (By the Associated Press) Washington,'"' April 13.—The Sherman anti-trust law was not violated by the Builders Exchange, the Industrial As sociation and others of San Francisco in the fight for an open shop, the Supreme Court today decided in reversing the low er courts. The court held that the builders oppos ing the union were not guilty of restrain ing interstate commerce in building ma terials. Thp permit system in force during the controversy under which building mate rials were withheld from those who did not obtain open shop was found by the dourt not to have been illegal. The Industrial Association of San Francisco, the Builders' Exchange, the California Industrial Council, the In dustrial Association of Santa Clara, and others were restrained in the lower courts from refusing to sell certain building ma terials which had been brought into the state in interstate commerce. It was charged that in conducting the fight in San Francisco, they had restricted the sale of building material. Dr. William (toil Dead. (By the. Associated Press) Doylestown, I*n., April 13.—A cable gram received here from Venice, Italy, announced the death there on Sunday of Dr. Wm. Edgal Geil, noted American ex plorer, lecturer and author. Dr. Geil was on his way home from research work in Jerusalem tor the British Museum. WHAT SAT’B BEAR SAYS

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