PAGE EIGHT 1 ' i ' *•' a H ulODClwfJnGttC’ Seetionallß oofeeases CONCORQ FURNITURE CO. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT OUR STORE At FISHER’S , S | I" "! AFTER EASTER SALE j: All Spring Coats :j and | Ensemble Suits 815 to 33 1-3 Per Cent OFF I i ps > i r f ... Visit FISHER’S It Pays P 1 1 OOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOCX?OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC I SECURE COMFORT lit By Using ij SINCLAIR FORD OIL Gives The Transmission <! i|| THAT VELVET ACTION ! Mutual Oil Company i I Phone 476 R or 880 COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC 3000000e00000C0000000C0000CXX>CXX>eotyaoaooaQorwyv>y>000 I DELCO LIGHT j j | Light Plants and Batteries ; ' Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- ! ! nating current and Washing Machines for direct or alter- ] ! | ; nating current. R. H. OWEN. Agent H Phone 681 Concord, N. C. j | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR i *X>COOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO^ .THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUTE i The Concord Daily Tribune! ! TIME Os" CLOSING OFMAILS The time of the dosing of mails at the Concord postofßce is as follows: Train No. 34- 3:46 p. m. Train No. 44—11:00 p.m. Train No. 36—10:00 a. m. Train No. 88—9 p. m. Train No. 30—11:00 p. m. Southbound Train No. 37—"thOoT m. Train No. 45—3:45 p. m. Train No. 135 9:00 p. m. Train No. 29—11:00 p. m. * LOCAL MENTION | Jim Suler ha* stold to John Sum’er property in Mt. Pleasant for SI.OO and other valuable considerations, according to a deed filed with the register of deed,; Saturday. Reports from No. 6 township state! that the barn of Reuben Heaver was | burned Saturday morning. A horse and; -a Ford in the barn at the time of the tire | were also burned. As an added indication that “Spring j has came." the cops op the local police i force made their debut Saturday morning desplendent in white topped caps. Spec ulation was rife as to the length of rime it would take to dirty one of the lids. The Winecoff-Barnhardt property ou the Kannapolis-Center Grove road will be sold at auction tomorrow. April 14. at 1 :30 o'clock a. m. Beautiful lots and small tracts adjacent to Kannapolis. Bet ter go iip and look the property over to day.' Tomorrow at 10:30 a. m. Linker & Barnett will sell 48 beautiful residential lots on South Union street. Also three nice lots in the beautiful grove on Trib une street. This will probably be your last opportunity to get desirable lots on South Union street. Aubrey (Bub) Henry and Clarence Purefoy are making plans to open a new barber shop in Concord this week, the shop to be in tire room just in the rear of the Pari Drug Store. The shop will be called The De Luxe and the owners hope to get it started by Wednesday or Thursday. A baseball game will be played Tues l day afternoon between Monroe High School and the Concord High School at the High School diamond. Since the lo » cals defeated, Duke last Friday afternoon, -j their stock has risen rapidly and they 3 are expected to win handily from the 3 Union county boys. 3 Tomorrow and Wednesday will be ex -4 animation days for teachers all over the 3 state. The examination this week will l -| be the only regular one of the year, for 4 as a rule teachers now get their credits “| for certificates on their school record. 4 For this reason the last session of the ■j General Assembly reduced the number 3 of examinations yearly from threedo one. 3 The major leagues begin the 1925 sea-. j son tomorrow with managers of the va-j rious teams expecting better luck than j they had in 1924 The Giants and the 4 Yankees generally are given the edge by 1 sports writers and baseball experts but 4 Washington, Detroit. Cincinnati, Brook ;{ lyn and Pittsburgh all are expected to be 'j in the running in the two leagues .{ throughout the season. 4 Concord and Cabarrus county were 4 well represented in Winston-Salem for 1 the Easter services at the Moravian' i Church and cemetery. Many persons from this section spent the week-end in the Twin-City and many others motored 3 over Saturday night for the night, re- i •| turning early yesterday morning. Re- j i ports say the crowd present for the-serv-, •j ices this year was the biggest on record. I Easter weather in Concord was well I f nigh perfect for most of the day. The 4 sun shone with unusual brightness and -| warmth, making Easter clothing not only j 1 possible but very comfortable. During the afternoon the wind blew with great •f gusto for about half an hour, but later 1 it died out and the sun again shone in - all its splendor. So far as can be learned * here, the wind caused no damage in the I county. ! “Conduct of citizens of the city was i about as perfect Ekster as was the weath -1 er,” Chief Talbirt of the local police | department stated this morning in ex plaining that no session of the city court [ would be held today. “We have no cases i on docket for trial today,” the chief ad- 1 i ded, “and so far as we were able to learn | [ citizens of the city conducted themselves i in fine fashion over the Easter week i end.” i Register of Deeds Elliott issued eight | marriage licenses Saturday, the num i ber being tbe greatest of recent weeks. 1 "But what's the use?" he complained, \ “while I was issuing' the eight licenses i John B. McAllister, clerk of court, was I arranging eighteen divorces on the court calendar.” This information was ob- I tained when a newspaper man after , reading the calendar prepared by the i court, asked Mr. Elliott what he bad to 1 match the eighteen divorce notices. 1 Prof. J. B. Robertson, superintendent | of the public schools of the county, an i nounced this morning that county com -1 mencement this year will be held in the [ high school auditorium. The order of i commencement will be reversed this year, \ the contests among the young people to \ be held in the morning and the literary 1 address and other general features to be | staged in the afternoon. This change i is made so rurti patrons of the school 1 can work half a day and still be on hand [ to hear the address which will be along i the lines of rural school organization. | ATTENTION * Notices for listing your property, which according to law should be done in May, have been posted at different plnces in each ward and township. The taxpayers 1 will please meet the list takers ft tithes and places named. } All dogs owned by anyone must be listed for tax according to law. J. W. B. LONG, 13- Tax Supervisor. FOB SALE AT AUCTION . * One C Creaters Peanut and popcorn | 1 machine. Roasts well and looks good. ' Horse drawn. Weight about 1200 Lbs. At Kannapolis postofice next Safpr day at 2:00 p. m. R. B. CANDY CO.. 18-st-c. Kannapolis, N. C. / _ " (13) SIMS We sometimes consider the world as : steps, you going up or down, the steps I not curing. Crime is increasing so fast in Chicago I they should hang out a service flag when some member of the family has gone to town. Three men shot a genera) in Mexico City. And then wel'll bet the peasants tried to vote, thinking it wan an elec tion. Wonder if a private in the Mexican army has to secure his sergeant’s per-! mission to shoot the captain? The governor of New York has a white shirt with red flowers on it, but gover nors are seldom arrested. Since Coolidge has been named “Bear Ribs” by the Sioux Indians we doubt ! if they thought of “Cat Got His Tongue.” | Lo, the poor Oklahoma Indian, he j pays no income tax. In Germany, an opera will be broad ! cast from radio station Koenigswuster i hausen. Please remember the name, i Further bad Germany news is they ean show movies in daylight, But yon ean always hond hinds in an auto. Russia wants to trade with us, but the whiskers raised in America more than supply our demand. BESSEMER CITY FARMER ENDORSES IT lie Says HERB JUICE Is the Best Med icine on Earth.—He Feels Like a New Man After ’Liking It. “I am thankful having heard of 1 your HERB JUICE medicine. I know it is the best medicine on earth, I really feel like a new man since I have taken it." said Mr. David White, well-known farmer of Bessemer City, N. C., when he called to see the HERB JUICE man a few days ago. MSB DAVID WHITE Speaking his condition prior to the ! time he began using HERB JUICE, Mr. White said: -“For years I suffered with chronic constipation, and although I was ! continually taking something for this trouble, I coaid never find a thing that would regulate my bowels. The poisons that had accumulated from this had about ruined my health and I always had a tired, worp-out feeling and never felt i like doing mjf work. In addition to this 11 was bothered a great deal with iudiges ] tion, gas would form ou my stomach af j ter eating, and especially after eating supper this give uie so much trouble thnt I did not what it was to get a good night'M(tep. As I said before, I was always ” Hiking, medicine of some kind, but 1 never found anything to do me any good until I started using your HERB JUICE, which I must admit is a wonderful preparation for constipation and stomach; trouble. I have used two bottles of HERB JU'CE and feel bet ter than I have in many years. My bow els act regularly now, I have no more constipation, liver is in fine shape, and I am not bothered with gas attacks or indigestion. My appetite is so keen now that I can oat anything and the best part of it is, I do not suffer any afterwards. I have never found any medicine that would equal HERB JUICE, it has proved 1 its worth to jne in more ways than one, I nnd is without a doubt the only satisfact ory medicine I have used and it id a pleasure for me to recommend it to ev eryone suffering as I did. Ask your druggist for MILLER’S HERB JUICE. The HERB JUICE expert has estab lished headquarters In Concord at Gibson Drag Store and will gladly tell you with out any cost just what benefit you can obtain from HERB JUICE. Also sold in Kannapolis by F. L. Smith Drug Co. Your Money Goes Fujrther On RACINE TIRES Jarratt’s Service East Corbin St. Phone 808 Green Profit REAL FEEDS If you want mole Milk and i Better Milk, feed Spartan Dairy Feeds. ’ If you want more eggs feed Spartan Laying Mash. If you want the best in any 'kind of feed* see us. | if.- Cabarrus Cash Gro- Phone 571 W. ' Pinna are near completion tor a federation of tbe business and profes sional woman’s clubs of Western t'-ana d«. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our appreciation for the kindness and sympathy extended to us during the sickness and death of , our dear beloved niother. Mrs. G. T. Host, Also the beautiful floral designs. May | the Lord's rich blessing rest upon them 'all. G. T. DOST AND CHILDREN. 13-3 t-c. Tax Supervisor. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. j Regular meeting of Concord Lodge No. 404 Loyal Order of Moose Monday eve i ning at 8 o’clock. All members request ed to be present. W J. HETHCOX, Sec. CONCORD COTTON MARKET MONDAY. APRIL IS, 1985 Cotton -23 3-4 Cotton Seed -8 J CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected weekly by Cline A Moose) Figures named represent prices paid tor produce on tbe market: Eggs -30 Corn Sl-3S Sweet potatoes l-50 Turkeys . .25 to .30 Onions $1.25 Pegs $3.00 Butter .30 Country Ham .27 Country Shoulder .10 Country Side«. .10 Young ■ Chickens ’ .25 Hens -20 Irish Potatoes -00 FEEDS Chicken Feed Horse and Mule Feed Dairy Feed Oats, Ship Stuff, Bran, Timothy Hay, Clover Hay, Meadow Hay, Shucks, and Straw. We have large ware rooms just filled with the very best feeds. Our feeds are all put up in Plain Bags— No trash or grit and are sold on their merits, instead of fancy bags. The price is cheaper. Cline & Moose NOTICE! The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of The - Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association will be held in its office in The Concord National Bank on Thursday, April 16tb, 1925, at 5 o’clock P. M. L. D. COLTRANE, President. J. M. HENDRIX, Secretary. 9-Bt-c. We have the follow ing used cars for sale or exchange: 1 Ford Touring 1 Ford Roadster 1 Star Roadster 1 Buick Roadster 1 Overland Touring 1 Piedmont Touring We will be glad to show you these cars any time. STANDARK BUICK COMPANY Opposite City Fire Dept J.v. DAVIS DENTIST Office Removed to Fourth Floor Cabarrus Bavlngs Bank'Building Phone 433 Hours: Bto 5 Add the Comforts of PLUMSING to Your Home Modern will do as much or more than any other one thing toward makiqg your home a comfortable and convenient place in which to live. It costs you nothing to get. our cost es timate. Concord Plumbing Company North Kerr Street ere ' S n ° m ° m * ijc Bye” when this whopping S[ ji|, " ew stoc h of Spring Suits;said. “Good Morning.” i]i You can come here today and see as many new clothes as X 5, tho. it were April 11th. i ci ■]i| There’s not a hang over in the house! x X Schloss Clothes Beautiful ___ $25.00 to $45.00 X HOOVER’S, Inc. 1 “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” {XXiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXIOOOQQQOQtVVVVvvvvyyy^po^ I AUTO CLEANING MAKE YOURS A SPOTLESS CARX to do easy-running car by J lubricate it for you. Our auto scr-!*! 5 I T-Vt'vXl 1 I Vico adds to your pleasure as a car 1 ! 1 ■■CIV j owner, also adds to its life. HOWARD S FILLING STATION ; l|i m Lubricating r* ■ s -^ g 8-VWIVIIHW PHONE 88* OOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOtXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I COAL PRICES RfeDUCED | Best Virginia Lump, per ton $7.50 ! ! Best Jellico Block, per ton $8.50 ; 1 Pocahontas Furnace EGG and Lump, per ton $9.00 !|! Coal is cheaper now than it will be in July. Order in ]'! ton Lots and SAVE. . A. B. POUNDS -LT-iumjmjii , l, , SPSETJTSS trartnrj hJ. ... . i i i»n < Statement of CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Close of business April 8, 1925 Condensed from report to North Carolina Corporation Commission , t Y RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $2,202,868.19 Stocks and Bonds 35,031.83 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 245,'626.63 Other Real Estate 2,500.00 Cash in vaults and due from banks „ 655,677.37 • I. . Total $3,141,704.02 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 400,000.00 Surplus, Profits, Reserve, etc. 109,005.27 Deposits 2,632,’898.75 Bills payable NONE Rediscounts NONE Total '--j. $3,141,704.02 LET US SERVE YOU 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ! ! r~r^ l ym,-yitilliiM»lpiHijim)ii .MWMhmiymiimm i i 1 'FOLKS THAT BURN I I *oais».^that\S ]| j I •_ | guaranteed, j T 'Delivered \ i i zonk \ ;We Sell, say “Ha! Ha! to the j ! Prove what we say is true —try it. CRAVEN’S ££* • PLASTER !! ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouooooooooooooooooooooooi rMa&aaaigaflaaßigffii^ ANNOUNCEMENT! Effective January i, 1925, all insurance business formerly handled »j- the Southern Loan and Trust Company was transferred to the Fetzer ft Yorke Insurance Agency. Offices in Cabarrus Savings Bank Building. Mezzanine Floor. Phone 231 betzer & Yorke Insurance Agency P. B. FETZER A. JOSES YORKE Monday, April 13, 1925

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