5 DISPATCHES I ******* VOLUME XXV More Than $13,000 Is Reported for Y.M.C. A. Reports Submitted At Y Tues day Night Received With Much Applause—Goal Is In Sight At Present ' $16,000 IS SUM NEEDED BY “Y” Indications At First Report Supper That Teams Will Be Able To Finish Their Work During Today .Thirteen thousand, five hundred and sixty-two dollars was the total amount raised in the opening day of the $16,000 campaign to secure funds for the Y. M. C. A. in itfi annual drive. Indications were that the campaign would be brought to a successful close to night at the meeting of the teams in the gymnasium when the reports of the sec ond day’s efforts will be heard. At the conclusion of the supper Tues day evening, the reports were mnde by the heads of teams. Harry Lee Johnson reported $127 in contributions from the High School and S3O from Winecoff School. Then the four divisions made, reports ns fololws: Division A—C'apt. G. S. Kluttz. $247.- 50; Capt. John A. Patterson s<lss; Capt. Norman Alston $125. Division B— Capt. C. W. Byrd $460; Capt. It. B. Kankiir $407; Capt. Parks Lalferty $654. Division C—Capt. F. C. Niblock $632; Capt. E. E. Peele $400; Capt. C. A. Ritchie $285. Division D —Capt. H. A. Jarratt $365; Capt. C. H. Barrier $300; Capt. M. L. Richmond, $650. - The executive, committee reported a total of $8,075 which mnde the grand to tal of Tuesday's work $13,562. H. W. Blanks, secretary, then made a brief but enthusiastic speech in which he declared that Concord Was the best town in the I'nited States and that he was proud of the workers in their collection of this amount on the first day of the campa’gn. W. N. Nortbcot't made a brief talk in which he urged the workers to continue their and not let up until the en-1 tire amount bad been raised. He was ; confident, he said, that the entire amount would be subscribed. Several of the Captains. made returns of 1 SOO per cent, firms in the city. They we».ft Starnes- ITifler-Parker Co. Ivey Shoe Store and Ruth-Kealer Shoe Store. L. M. Richmond received the basket of flowers for his team as a reward for: having procured the most money during the first day’s work. Dr. John A. Pat-| terson was second and Parks Lafferty was • third. The R. E. Ridenhour Jr., division I made the best showing in the number of 1 subscriptions secured and in the grand \ total for the day. JACKIE ANGRY AT WAITER WHO OFFERS HIGH CHAIR j “I’m Not a Baby, I’m * Gentleman,” j Says little Mr. Coogan. | New York. April 21.—Jackie Coogan, child film star, arrived here today from. Hollywood wearing his long new trousers. 1 The purpose of his trip, he said, is to! “play golf and see. the Giants.” The head waiter at his hotel made a 1 grievous soeial. error when he asked! Jackie if he wanted a high chair. The, young movie hero, forfeited by his long trousers, drew himself up and replied: “No. I'm not a baby. I’m a gentle man.” ’ : , G. O. P. Leader Warns of Trouble In Next Campaign. \ Denver. Cok>.. April 21. —William V. Hodges, treasurer of the Republican National Committee, in a statement is sued here declared that unless Repub licans were returned to the Senate to fill the places of the 25 Republican Sen ators whose terms expire in 1028, “the pledges and program of President Cool idge will be jeopardiaed.” Seven Democrats, he said, will leave• the Senate next year, and “it is quite' certain they will be replaced by Demo crats.” ■ “Any less than twenty-five republican Senators returned," Mr. Hodges con tinued, “will jeopardize co-operation be tween the President and , Congress which is imperative-” Mr. Hodge returned to his home here from Bermuda, byway of Washington, Many Bibles Distributed in OMha. (By the Associate* Press) Shanghai, April. 22. —Slightly leas than 0,500,000 Bibles were distributed throughout China in 1024, the report of the American Biible Society shows. The total is nearly 2,000,000 more than the preceding year. The American society cooperates in China with the British and Foreign Bible Society and the National Bible Society of Scotland- The first women in the United States to become a county clerk wap Mrs Annie White Baxter, of Carthage, Mo., who was effected to tha office in 1880. “Y” CIRCUS Tomorrow at 4 P, M. Big Parade Afternoon Show Evening Copcert Admission 25c The Concord Daily Tribune to—- * ’ ♦********s****-*♦ Ia i * . & NOW IS TIME TO * 1 * . HELP LOCAL “Y” * * * iNS Our local "Y" is for every boy and & | girl, man and wumuti in or near * (,'cncord. It is ours! 1 Sfc Tuesday’s results were eneourag- IK i jfc ing but there is yet much to be done. SK Those who have not subscribed are Hi ',Bl urged to either respond quickly and ik i | m generously when seen to- the work- iK iih ers or if they do r.ot .each you by )K IK the time you read this, phone the "Y” (500) and some one will come iK at once to get it. It is hoped the 3K Si goal will be reached by seven o’clock )k * tonight. It will be if all Nvlll help. * tNf Let us keep the proud record of * j* our city clear, by again doing our * work the Concord way! * » **************** VARIOUS WILD REPORTS FROM SOFIA NOW Censorship Makes It Practically Impos sible to Get True Facts About Condi tions in the City. Jxmdon, April 22 (By the Associated Press).—lnformation reaching London re garding the troubles "in Bulgarin is of Kueh a character as to preclude a satis factory estimate of the sitaation. The censorship established under the state of martial law apparently is pre venting independent observers there from recording developments and there nre no means of checking up on rumors emanat ing from doubtful centers such ns Vien na and Belgrade, which are sending out reports of massacres, wholesale execu tions, and fighting with numerous casunl tiea. Royal Bridegrooms Who Mamed Com moners- London, April 22.—1 f the Prince of Wales were to choose for his wife a lady outside the circle of royalty, he will be able to quote many excellent pre cedents for such a choice; for many of hie royal predecessors have found hap piness in such unions. In fact, until the Royal Marriage Act put an oustacie in , the way of such unorthodox matches. I English princes were free to give their : hands where their hearts could go with them. When, for example, Edward, the Black Prince, sought a wife, he turned his back on the fairest of princesses, to woo tb* beautiful Joan Woke, a lady who had no drop of royal -blood in her veil*, and no ancestor more exalted I thhn a baron. But in Joan the prince | found happiness such as po more exalt ed wife could have; given him; and she I also gave him a son to perpetuate the jline of kings. j Where his eldest brother led the way. , John of Gaunt was glad to follow, when ihe went a-woolng Catherine Swynford. a lady who had no exalted birth to add jto her beauty and charm. She bore four • children to her romantic lord; and from ■ her was descended Henry IV., who ) raised the humble Swynford blood to j the throne of England. I But the most; unconventional of nl' royal lovers was undoubtedly Henry jVni., who in four of his half-dozen marriages decided to wed where he Iloved. This he declared when he bestow ed bis hand upon pretty Anne Boleyn. And though Anne had a city apprentice, ! Godfrey Bolevn, for great-grandfather. , Heiiry loved her with a passion no em peror's daughter had ever inspired. And yet, in spite of all his passion and protestations, Anne’s beautiful body was scarcely cold before the royal Lothario was vowing love and loyalty at the altar bf her successor, Jane Seymour, a la4y who had a plain country knight for father, and nothing but a pretty face to commend her to l)is favor. And Jane had two un-royal successors in Henry’s fickle heart, to both of whom he was devoted, for a time, with equal passion- e . When James, Duke of York, younger brother of Charles 11., decided to take to himself a wife, he chose Anne, daugh ter of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and granddaughter of a Wiltshire squire—a young woman of no great birth and Ittle beauty. From this un royal union came two 'of England s queens—Miary 11.. and Anne—to mingle the rustic squire’s blood with that of Stuart kings. With Oar Advertisers. Only filtered gasoline is pumped into your tank at Howard’s Filling Station. Standard Buick Co. has a number of used cars for sale. Tickets for the auto raees May 11, may be had there. New goods coming in every day at the Pgrka-Belk Co. See new ad. today. Iver-Johnson bicycles for sale by the Ritchie Hardware Co. Electrical service quick if you call W. J. Hethcox. . •. .A '“Honor”—Fine muslin at the J. C. Penny Co. Priced 16 and 18 cents. The Los Angeles in Bermuda. (By the Associated Press) Washington, April 22.—The Log A“geles moored to the tender Pato ka in the harbor at Hamilton, Bermuda, at 7:15 o’clock tbis morning. - The airship left Lakehiirst at 2:35 p. m. yesterday, and arrived at Bermuda at 2:10 a. m. today. Friends in Concord of Mrs. Lillie Rozzefle Kneble, of Salisbury, were de lighted with the concert which* she ren dered at the Broadway Theatre in Char lotte Tuesday night. Mrs. Knebel is rec ognized as onb of the South’s best sing ers and she fully sustained her reputa tion on this occasion. She has a voice of wonderful range, and her high notes of Tuesday evening were sung with speb ease that those listening In on the ra dio wire charmed with the birdlike qual- CONCORD, N. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1925 HIGH POINT CITIZEN SOUGHT BfOFFfflS 1 FOUND IN BALTIMORE ■ H. D. Herrin, Wanted In High Point On Embezzle ment Charge, Is Suffering With Serious Illness i DOESNOTKNOW OF THE CHARGES It Is Chargid That Herrin Used $7,500, The Property Os Mrs. Mary Sullivan— May Not Recover (By the Associated Press) Baltimore, April 22. —Sought by the North, Carolina authorities on charges of embezzling $7,500, H. I). Hen-inn. of High Point. N. has been found here in Johns Hopkins Hospital by local detec tives. Physicians today said the man is critically ill with an intestinal ailment. Herrin does not know the authorities are on his trail, and evqry effort will be made to keep hi nr in ignorance of the charges for fear the shock at this time will cause his death. Herrin is reported to have disappeared from High Point three weeks ago. The' request for his arrest was made by R. M. Gordae, clerk of the county court at High Point. The warrant charges Her rin with misappropriating funds amount ing to $7,500, the property of Mrs. May Sullivan. In their communication to the au thorities here, the High Point officials requested that Herrin be held in SIO,OOO bail if arraigned before a magistrate. negroes' are charged WITH KILLING MERCHANT John Dawkins and Ernest Key Charged With Killing Joseph 11. Vaughn. (By the Associated Press) Winston-Salem, April 22. —John Wes lew Dawkins, originally from Union, S. C., and Ernest Key, formerly of Lancas ter, S. C., negroes, are in ja*l here charg ed with the murder of Jos. H. Vaughn, a local merchant on Saturday night, Aug ust 2, 1024. At the time the crime was eommitteed both men lived in colored tenement flats on Wheeler street near the scene of the murder. Vaughn was shot and killed In his hack yard just after he had closed bis store about 10 o'clock. Despite the search by officers, the crime had been a mystery since committed. Deputy Sheriff Guy Scott is credited with working up the ease and making the arrest. The officer feels confident his in formation is sufficient to convict. Depu ty Scott slates he secured his first evi dence last February and has been working on the case since that time. The two de fendants are Expected to be given a pre liminary hearing in the next few days. $1,000,000 SUIT Is FILED AGAINST HENRY FORD Aaron Sapiro Suing Henry Ford and the Dcaborn Publishing Co. (By the Associated Press) Detroit, April 22.—Henry Ford and the Dearborn Publishing Co., of which he is owner, were named defendants in a sl,- 000.000 libel suit filed today in U. S. Dis trict Court by Aaron Sapiro, originator of a plan of co-operative marketing for farm ers. In the declaration filed by Wm. O. Gal jagher, Sapiro alleges that articles defa matory to his character have appeared in the Dearborn Independent. The articles the 'declaration alleges, charge Sapiro with being one of a “conspiracy of Jewish bankers who seek to control the free mar kets of the world.” WILL INVESTIGATE FIRE AT HOLLINS COLLEGE Had Been Believed That Science Build ing Wag Struck By Lightning. (By the Associated Press) Roanoke, Va., April 22.—An investi gation to determine the origin of the fire that destroyeed the three-story sci ence building at Hollins College a school for girls about six miles from here, was started today. Several theories have been advanced, the one most generally accepted being that the building was struck by lightning during a severe elec trical storm I 'about an hour before the blaze was discovered. Northern Methodists Favor Unification. Chicago, April 22 (By the Associated Press).—Twenty-seven conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church have voted 2,420 to 241 in favor of unification with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, from which the northern church has been separated for more than half a century, according to figures made available today by Dr. R. J. Wade, secretary of the General Conference of the northern church. Want Government To Take Over Highway (By the Associated Press) ) Houston, Texas April 22. —An or ganized effort, it was announced at the headquarters of the United States Good Roads Association here today, is already 1 underway to have the Federal govern : ment take over the Bankhead National iHighway as a military necessity. WIB Oppose Lease Richmond, Va., April 22.—The Virginia State Corporation Commission announced today It would oppose the leasing of the Virginia Railway by the Norfolk & West ern when the matter is brought before ‘ the Interstate Commerce Commission. * Selected As Minister To Romania. i Washington, April 22. —William 8. Gul ■ berton, of Kansas, vice-chairman of the • tariff commission has been selected for appointment as minister to Roumania. NEGRO ASSAUNT OF mniNNis i Posses Are Still Scouring Woods For Him But So Far He Has Managed To Escape Those Seeking Him NINE SUSPECTS 1 are t examined .Ire r I Young Woman Not Able To Identify Any Os Them— Fear Mob Violence Is Rap idly Subsiding (By the Associated Press) . Carthage. N. C., April 22.—Seareh was i continued here today for a negro alleged : to have attacked a young girl near here ■ Monday afternoon. Though there was considerable interest in the case, the ex i citement which prevailed yesterday af ternoon when it was believed the negro i was surrounded in a patch of woods tmt ■ side the city limits, had for the'most part subsided. Mob violence was' tio longer feared, it was stated, in the event of the negro's capture. Nine negroes were taken before the ' girl this morning after they had been ar rested as suspects. She was unable to identify any of them. Among the men who were subsequently released, wns Dock Roberts, who wns believed to have been the man wanted. Posses continued their search through the country today, it was stated in the office of Sheriff Fry. Carthage, April 21, —Despite the fact that armed passes have scoured the coun tryside in all direction last night and today, the unknown negro who attempted criminal assault upon the 16-year-old white school girl yesterday evening in broad daylight and in a short distance from a number of houses is still at large tonight. Excitement is still at white heat and the same precautions to prevent the escape of the assailant will be taken tonight. Rumors of a strange negro bearing the description of the fugitive have come in from many sections of the county but the only one that apparently tended to give any traee of the fleeing negro is from Parkwood. this county. It seems to be a eerfuu fy that a young yellow “negro about 18 or 26 years old. of heavy built, which corresponds with the description given by the girl of her as sailant, spent the night last night at the home of Ira Marly, a colored man. This man and his wife were very reticent about giving information to the officers and both were taken into custody and lodged in jail. Later the woman and several other suspects who had been arrested but prov ed to be not the man wanted were re leased. Marly is still in custody and was given an examination by Solicitor Don Phillips, of Rockingham, who arrived on the scene this evening to direct the man hunt. Gordon Smith, assistant adjutant general, also is here assisting in the mat ter. The crime Is one of the boldest ever attempted in this section, according to the authorities. The young girl was on her way to her home, which is about a mile from town, from school. Her home is some distance from the highway and aft er she had left the roadway going along t path leading to her home a negro sprang out of a small building as she passed, threw a strap around her neck, choking her so she could not cry out, and drag ged her into a nearby woods. However, she put a terrific fight and the noise made attracted' the attention of two colored women nearby and they started to the scene, which caused the man to flee before he accomplished his purpose, leaving his cap in his hurry. The women on being questioned claim ed not to have seen him. They carried the young girl to her home, she being well nigh unconscious, her clothing nearly torn off and her neck showing evidence of her terrible ordeal. She is resting comfortbly today and the physician called in states that she ap parently will suffer no permanent ill ef fect. Bloodhounds from Raeford were sent for and put upon the trail about 6 o’clock yesterday but they were unable to track the hunted man. Officers of all nearby towns and coun ties have been furnished with a descrip tion of the wanted man and instructed to take all strange negroes answering the description into custody and notify sheriff R. G. Fry, who will bring them in for identification. The arrest of the right man is expected hourly. Raleigh, April 21 • —According to a re port received here late tonight from Carthage, the negro assilant of a young school girl was still at large with a continuing search of the surrounding coun-| try for him but fear’ of mob violence in j the event of his capture has been dimin ished. ’ National guard companies at Asheboro, Raeford and Raleigh stood in readiness ■ to proceed bn, immediate notice to Moore ■ county should the situation demand their I presence. Governor McLean and Adjutant ’ General J. Van B. Metts were in constant - communications with Carthage, the county 1 seat, through the afternoon and evening, while Solicitor Donald Phillips, of Rock ingham, and Assistant Adjutant General Gordon Smith were on the 'scene as re* i presentatives of the governor. I > Awards Contract. Salisbury, April 21.—The council of St. ? John’s Lutheran congregation tonight awarded John P. Little A Sons, of Char lotte, the contract for building their new church, for $119,315.)' This does not In - dude excavation, brick, windows, heat, »i light and other items which will run the r total coat to $176,000. Work of eree* tion is to begin at once. May Bar Her From Flying fl Wk IB ■ K! a—— lK B M ws m Brl ■ W-ifr '...1P I M:. J 1 l£L —iß • tH ■Bpi jfl Pretty Mite. Holland, Franco's only professional aviatrix; may be barred from flying by a tew proposed by the International Aeronautic Associa tion which permits only. njascuUne professional Sbe fcaa appealed . to tbe. French goyi&amtuH for A rcvWoa-Off tbe. tewr FRONT-VVHEEL DRIVE CAR FOR CHARLOTTE RACES I Not Kntown However, Who Will Pilot the Car on May 11th. Charlotte. April 22.—A H’ont-wbccl drive car—the same vehicle that the late - Jimmy Murphy expected would re- - volutionize automobile racing—will be ; entered 'in the Charlotte Memorial Day i races here on May 11. Ths announcement is contained in ,p message to Osmond L. Barringer, gen- ; eral manager of the Charlotte Speed- \ way, from Fred Wagner, the vereran ] stnrter. It' is not announced, however, , who wilt drive the ear, although it is , known that Tommy Milton is anxious lo | give it Its baptism of speed. The car has been tested out thorough- ’ ly on the speedway at Culver City, j Calif., and is said to be a marvelous creation. It is a Miller special, and is , equipped with a supercharger. It is cor- ; tain to prove one of the intensely in teresting features of the racing classic i here May 11. It will probably become the “dark horse” of the big event. The Speedwhy management now do- 1 finitely announces that Earl Cooper. Tommy Milton. Benny Hill nnd Harry Hartz, four of the sensational drivers in the October races—and four of the World's best—are entered in rue second Charlotte classic. This quartet alone as sures racing fans in this neck of the woods a performance that will be worth a journey of many miles to see. Added to these is Cliff Durant, one of the veterans of the game. Also, Pete De- Paolo who gave everybody a thrill with his superb driving and uncanny hurts of speed last. October, wft again be among those present. From this it looks as though some real racing is going to be handed out to the fans. Says Peace Has Come To Herrin. (By the Associated Press.) Herrin, 111., April 23.—Peace has come to stay in Herrin, storm center of Wil liamson county’s factional disturbances, in the opinion of Marshall D. McCormick, chosen mayor in the hottest city elec tion in years. Running on the citizens ticket. McCormick defeated Thos. Welty, Ku Klux Klan candidate on the conser vative ballot, by a majority of 197. Dutch Cblony to Be Oil Base. (By the Associated Press) The Hague. April 22.—'The budget es timates ofthe Dutch colony of Curacao for 1925 are aciompnnied with an offi cial memorial of projects designed to make Willemstad an important world port. It is proposed to erect a mam moth oil refinery on the Caribbean is land and to make the port one of the largest fuel oil bases in the world. B>U WOULD SUCCEED | :ady when the opportunity presents itself. ; j rnities to buy a home, or to go into business ' I juire ready capital, you should be building carrying stock in this great home building ociation. JEW SERIES NOW OPEN IN CITIZENS BANK BUILDING I 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE COTTON MARKET Opening Advances of » to 17 Points Re ccrded-sluly SoM lip to 24.88. (By the Associated Press) New York, April 23.—Failure of early weather news to confirm yesterday’s pri vate reports of rain in the southwest anil relatively firm Liverpool cables were re flected in opening advanve of 9 to 17 points in cotton m .rket today. July sold up to 24,89 and October to 24:75 on covering and further trade buy ing of early crop deliveries. Demand was not active, however, and prices turned easier before the end of the just hour, on favorable interpretation of weather bureau report, and hopes that rains might ; yet materialize in Texas. July sold off , to 24 :89 and October to 24 :62, or with in 8 to 9 points of yesterdays closing. Cotton futures opened firm : May 24.65; July 24.93; October 24.70; December 24.83; January 24.53. CLAIM CONFESSIONS OF MURDER ARE AVAILABLE Officials Say. They Have Facts About the Assassination of Gen. Sir Lee Stack. (By the Associated Press) i Cairo. Egypt, April 22.—The judicial authorities have published what they state to be the confessions of some of the men accused of participation in the assassina tion last September of Sirdar of Egypt, Gen. Sir Lee Stack. Abdul Fattah Ana.vat. one of the ac cused. is quoted as declaring in the course of his statement that following the fail ure of conversations between Egypt and British Premiers in Jamdon on the Su danese and other questions, he met with Dr. Shafix Mansur and Mahmud Ismaii at Dr. Shafik’s house when it was decid ed to commit a series of political mur ders, with the Sirdar as the first victim. Merge Virginian and N. St TV. Road. Norfolk, Va., April 21.—Directors of the Norfolk and Western railway have reached an agreement with directors of the Virginian railway for 1.-ase of the latter line, subject to approval of stock holders of both roads and the inter state commerce commission. Terms, in brief, provide for the pay ment of operating expenses, taxes, in terest on funded debts and a net pay ment of six per cent in outstanding stock of the Virginian, or about $3,500,- 000 a year. . ' . i J. W. Denny, who has charge of the Y. M. C. A .circus, asks that all persons who are taking part in the program be present this afternoon for the rehearsal of their parts. The circus is to be held Thursday afternoon and night, starting with a parade at 4 o’clock. 5* TODAY’S** » TODAY NO. 95 TWO DAY RECESS IM . WHEELER CJPtILL vSr^.tnrODAY Recess Asked For And Secur ed By Defense For Pur pose Os Allowing Four Witnesses to Testify SENATORWALSH CONTINES FIGHT Caled The New Witnesses In Effort To Break Down Testimany Given By Geo. P. Hays, Star Witness Great Falls, Mont., April 22 (By the Associated Press). —Four more witnesses who are to testify in behalf of Senator Burton K. Wheeler remained on the de fense's schedule in the trial of the Sena tor's case here today and after they are heard court is expected to adjourn two days while westbound trains bring four others to his rescue. Decision to call additional witnesses in an effort to break down the testimony of Geo. P. Hayes, the government’s star witness, was announced yesterday by Sen ator Tiros. ,T. Walsh, head of the accus ed Senator's legal forces. Senator Wheeler, charged with illegal ly appearing before the Department of 4he Interior in behalf of Gordon Campbell, Montana oil promoter, was accused by the government’s chief witness of attempt ing to employ him ns a substitute, under promise that a large retainer fee would be the reward. Wheeler’s Former Secretary Testifies. Great Falls, Mont., April 22 (By the Associated Press). —Richard Hasty, for mer secretary to Senator Burton K. Wheeler, testified today nt the Montana senator’s trial here that he did not believe a telegram with Wheeler's name attached sent to Gordon Campbell on March 14, 1923, was sent by his employer. The senator is charged with irregular appear ance before the Interior Department to proseeute Gordon Campbell's oil prospect ing permits. The telegram read: "Have already dis cussed permit with solicitor.” (Edward S. Booth, of Interior Department). Hasty igaid he took up the matter which had to do with a permit originally grant ed to 1., A. Lincoln, with Booth himself on the same day. The Lincoln permit'is one of those involved in the indictment . under which Wheeler is being tried. LANDING FORCES ARE WITHDRAWN FROM CEIBA Men Landed in Honduran City to Pro tect Foreigners There (By the Associated Press) Washington. April 22. —The landing de tachment of 155 officers and men from the light cruiser Denver, has been withdrawn from Ceiba, Honduras. Withdrawal was effected yesterday, and was made possible by the arrival of Honduran troops to reinforce the unit at the point. The Denver will remain offshore ready to offer protection to Americans and other foreigners in the event they are again placed in danger by revolutionary activi ties. 600 NEWSPAPER MEN MEET IN NEW YORK Present For Meeting of American News paper Publishers’ Association. (By the Associated Press) New York, April 22.—Fully 600 pub lishers from all parts of the country were registered here for 39th annual conven tion of American Newspaper Publishers Association opening here today. The program of the initial session call ed for reports of 11 major committees on various employment, legislative and eco nomic problems of the American newspa per owner. Vice President WiU Visit Birmingham. (By the Associated Press) Washington, April 22.—Vice President Dawes announced today that he had ac cepted an invitation to deliver an address at Birmingham, Ala., on May 27th, be fore the Associated Industries of Ala bama. He will continue his campaign to change the Senate rules. Senator Underwood of Alabama, will also speak at the Birmingham meeting. Her Hot President of Chamber of Depu ties. Paris, April 22 (By the Associated Press). —Former Permier Edouard Her riot was elected President of the Cham i her of Deputies this afternoon. He re | ceived 270 votes, with but a single vote i against him, the opposition abstaining i from voting. | Fist Fight in Chamber of Deputies. Paris, April 22 (By the Associated 1 Press). —Fist fights occurred on the pres- I ident’s rostrum of the Chamber of Depu i ties this afternoon during the second bal | ioting for the presidency of that body. I WHAT SAT’S BEAR SAYS | | 1 fIMW j| * * I |I W I

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